Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let's DISH! Wednesdays at 7 PM Announcing...

A new weekly meme is being hatched!

Let's Dish 003

I know, I know, there are more parties than grains of sand!

Let's DISH will arrive on WED. Mar. 21 at 7 PM., and the not so secret dish addicts club,will meet every Wednesday at 7 PM thereafter.

Come link up on the 21 st at 7 PM, NY time!

What will you share?  Table and dish related things!  Maybe a table for 2, or 22!   Or a new purchase  or find of napkin rings, or glasses, or what ever.  A great source or fabulous sale is good too!  If it goes on the table, it is in!

Have you received a dish related gift you would like to share, but are not ready to do a full scape with it? Show us! We love to see pretty things!

Not a vignette, or a mantel, but sit down at the table and eat type things! :)

Perhaps you have a craft that would be perfect for a table.

Good tips for entertaining are welcome too!

It could be a centerpiece crying out to be the center of attention for a table you have been thinking about.

It can be food related, but not JUST food. It should relate to a table this one with a strawberry theme. The centerpiece is strawberries, and the napkins carry out the theme.  And the bowl with the price sticker on it keeps it real, :)

 table 4615[3]

Or maybe EGGS!

December 2011 275_thumb[1]eggs

Have fun, a let your creativity flow!

There will be a once a month challenge or throw down,  to make it fun!  Your suggestions are welcome, I want this party to be interactive.

The first Challenge for April will be revealed WED, at 7 !

Are you up for it? 

Please be sure to remove your word ID, it inhibits people from commenting on your post!

My friend, Marigene ,at In the Middle of Nowhere made me promise I won't use that click to continue feature, and I won't! 

So mark your calendar, every Wednesday at 7, not before!

St. Patrick's Day is over, at tomorrow is St. Joseph's Day for my Italian friends.  In NY all the bakeries have special treats on March 19th.

So I made some Cannoli for you !

March 2012 107

Sorry about the green sprinkles, but I served them as one of the desserts for my St. Patrick's Day dinner party last night!

We don't care for the usual filling, too sweet, so I piped in fresh whipped cream .

March 2012 111

I also served Individual Death By Chocolate served in Cristar wine glasses I found at the 99 cent store.

Death by Chocolate is layers of kahlua soaked devil's food cake, chocolate pudding and whipped cream. I usually make it in a large trifle dish, but I thought the individual parfait size  would be fun.

Please come back Wednesday , March 21st, to crack open Spring and the hatching of Let's DISH.

The WINNERS of the giveaway celebrating my 3rd blogaversary and the 4th Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl will be announced then too! 

Thanks again to all those who entered and left a comment!

Thank you Foley, from Foley's Follies for the adorable chicken feet egg salt and peppers. Coming soon to a tablescape!

I am joining THE Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.

Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday
Marty for Table Top Tuesday
Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes Party


  1. What fun! I will see if I can come up with something for your party.

    The more Memes the merrier I say!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. Kathleen..sounds like great fun...Can't wait to hear what the first "party" will be about!!

  3. Oh, my very fav kind of party, I'll sure will be linking Kathleen! Thanks for the invite. Please share your cannoli recipe, I just love them from Little Italy NY., always went there for some. I have the utensils to make them, lol...Hope you come over. I'm sure you had a terrific St. Patty's and all the great food you must've served!

  4. Oh this sounds like fun! I hope to join in...
    Love all your ideas you showed us and of course the food!!

  5. Oh, I just did a tea party in honor of St. Pat's. Come over for some tea and sweets.

  6. This blog party should be fun and have lots of interesting entries. I'm looking forward to it, although I don't know that I'll have much to contribute to it. You know what a quiet, reserved person I am! :-) THANK YOU for omitting that stupid word identification thing!!! I know that it is supposed to cut back on SPAM, but it is SO annoying! I don't know that the alternatives are on Blogger, but there's GOT to be a better way!!! WordPress catches all my SPAM without any problems. I'm not sure how it does it, but I'm glad it does!

  7. Alycia, blogger is good at catching the spam too.
    I don't think that most of the people who have it realize they do! I emailed a few from the blog crawl, and they didn't realize it!
    As for not knowing what to contribute, that is funny! You have a gazillion things, and we love seeing your tables!

    Shirley, the first party is Wed, anything table related.

    The " throw down" parties will be once a month.

    If anyone has an idea for a theme, email me! At some point we can do an all white event like I've done in the past, people seemed to like that theme!

  8. Oh- What fun- I will come and visit and see what everyone is doing. I can't wait. Your header, by the way, is just gorgeous! I love coming here and am so glad I found you-xo Diana

  9. Hello My Dear Sister Lass Kathleen! I hope you are having a wonderful "St Patrick's Weekend"...The temps are SO WARM and Springlike! The greens are showing up everywhere!!!
    Big Hugs to you,

  10. I'll add it to the list of parties on my sidebar:@)

  11. Well, it makes perfect sense for you to be hosting a party like this! I'm not much of a tablescaper but I'll join in whenever I feel some inspiration. Can't wait to see that the challenge will be :)

  12. This sounds GREAT!!! Will you have a button we can post on our sidebar? I am really looking forward to this. XO, Pinky

  13. I'm challenged on tablescapes, but I hope this will give me some inspiration. Death by Chocolate sounds so good! Thanks for the blog crawl. I enjoyed doing the post and loved the visiting.

  14. I agree you are the perfect hostess for a "let's Dish" party! I look forward to joining in and the once a month challenge makes it especially fun. Hopefully by the end of this week I will have a kitchen and be able to cook but on Wednesday I'll still have a table for two with no food needed :)

  15. I can't wait to watch and see what comes up. By the way, I love the cute little wheelbarrow. Such great ideas.

  16. I love the idea of a new dish party. Some are getting too big and one would never get noticed. I hope this one remains manageable. Hugs,

  17. I think this is a fantastic idea!

    Thanks for the cannoli, I'll be wearing my red for St. Joseph's Day tomorrow! :D

  18. Sounds like fun Kathleen!

  19. Your parties are so fun, I wouldn't want to miss one! Great idea!


  20. Sounds like tons of fun...count me in! Love your strawberry table and the vegie table and wheelbarrow with the eggs as a centerpiece is adorable! Great tables!
    Miss Bloomers

  21. This party is my kind of fun for sure! You know I love my dishes and things related to tables...this will be a ball. I'm marking my calendar! See you (and Marigene) there! Hugs, Linda

  22. Those cannoli look good, never had them with whipped cream before. Looking forward to your new weekly meme, I will join in as often as I can. xo

  23. I'll be wearing my red for St. Joseph's day, and getting a cream puff from our favorite Italian pastry shop! It's been a tradition in our office for 15 years. A nice Italian gal in my office turned us onto the St. Joseph's cream puffs :-)

    I like the idea of a throwdown, and your new weekly meme will be fun.

    I'm making cannoli for Easter, and might try the whipped cream this time. They look wonderful and I'll decorate the tips with Easter sprinkles.

  24. This is so exciting, Kathleen. Another of my gripes beside the annoying click to continue reading is some hosts, not all, never bother to acknowledge I have joined their me that is nothing short of being rude to a guest...I took the time to join them, they should be able to take the time to acknowledge anyone that has joined their party!

  25. I'm so excited about your new party. I'm sure it will be a HUGE success. It will be great to be able to visit on Wednesday nights again!

    - The Tablescaper

  26. I don't think I can party right now...but I will soon. The cannolis look wonderful and thank you for not adding the continue reading here link...I hate that thing.

  27. Oh fun! Count me in!!!
    Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY!

  28. Sounds like a fun party!
    The cannoli's look great.

  29. Hello!
    Wow those cannoli's look amazing! I love your little wheelbarrow in the table~~adorable!

    Have a great rest of your week!
    Thank you for sharing,

    Kay Ellen

  30. Sounds like fun and definitely a party I'd like to join in on!


  31. Hi Kathleen!

    This sounds like a fun meme, and although I am "dish challenged" I will try to join in whenever I am able. I certainly enjoy looking at everyone's gorgeous tablescapes and centerpieces, etc. Your strawberry table is adporable!

    Your cannoli's look so enticing. I was in Colorado all week for my youngest grandson's first birthday corn beef and cabbage or St. Joseph pastries for me this year, but I got lots of hugs and kisses from my darling grandboys! I miss them so much when I have to go home...sigh.

  32. I just gained 3 pounds looking at the deserts!! They look sooooo scrumptious!!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  33. Kathleen, I always new you were a party girl! Thanks for the invite! I do have a few things i could share. Like you, I love a bargain. I missed the crawl. Life just got too busy -- next year! Joni

  34. OMG your desserts look so mouth-watering! The husband gave up sweets for lent so no goodies around here. boo hoo.... I have had a candy bar or two on my own, though, since I'd never have dessert in front of him. He is a much better Catholic than I am! I would be cheating.... LOL Better for me to try to just be a better an nicer person at all times. heck- that's a chore for this opinionated girl whose foot seems to make it to her mouth quite often!!
    We talked to someone at a party last week that told us that her parish priest had said one time a week it was acceptable to "cheat." Kinda sounds like he was making up his own rules, because I never hear THAT one!To me, if you're going to give something up- you do it for the entire time period of lent!
    Hoping to see lots of goodies at Wednesday's party. :-)

  35. Saint Kathleen, this is a wonderful idea! Anything with dishes, I'm there...especially if you do an all white one.

    Tell Sue above me that I gave up candy & Diet Coke for Lent & have not cheated one single bit. It has really been hard! I've lost 5# though. ~smile~

    I'm off to start setting the table so I'll be ready for Wed.

  36. Hi Kathleen -- I will be there, but I might be a little late (as usual!).

    Now to go put my thinking cap on. I use it so rarely that I hope it still fits....

    What a great idea!

  37. Hurray!! For challenges, for no "click to continue" and for something for dishaholics to do on Wednesday night!! Love your strawberry table, but can we make a rule that chocolate is banned from blogs? It is my greatest weakness and summer is coming! Happy St. Joseph's Day! Linda

  38. Sounds like fun, Kathleen!! I hope to join in. Your cannoli's look so yummy, btw!!

  39. ummm...the desserts look fabulous. I've never had a .....uh...cannoli. Don't even know for sure how to PRONOUNCE that. :))
    It is beautiful, tho.

  40. Those cannolis look so good. I headed to the bakery this morning and picked up St. Joseph cakes and a cannoli for me :)

  41. I am in!!!! woohoo. and you go Marigene.. I hate the click to continue and goodness turn off word verification especially if you are on blogger (their spam filter is awesome!)... thanks for visiting.. this is going to be a fun venue! xo marlis

  42. Sounds like fun and a perfect party for you to host! I have already added it to my Spring Tea post and let everyone know that it is a new party starting this week!

  43. Kathleen, sounds like fun! I'm visiting a friend Wednesday evening, but try to link up as soon as I can. I think I probably have something to dish about. LOL
    Great idea. Look forward to it.
    Also, start thinking about a post to join in the Tartan Parade starting on April 1st. Details are at the top of my blog. Take the button and spread the word if you will. ~ Sarah

  44. What fun! Dishing is one of my favorite things~ I'm looking forward to it :)

  45. What adorable Easter dishes! Just too darned cute! :)

  46. Well this sounds like fun! Now pack up those cannolis and send them to me!

  47. Oh how I long for a good NY Cannoli! I miss them so much.

    Good luck with the new linky party - I'm sure it will be a huge success.

  48. I'll try anything once!!! LOL

  49. Kathleen, this sounds like fun. Almost makes me wish I was still partipating in weekly memes. I want some of that death by chocolate - right now! laurie

  50. So sorry I missed the party! I was having family trauma and just used things I already had going. Not one speck of St. Patricks here this year, we didn't even both wearing green so you can tell how bad it was!

    I love the chocolate cannoli and the green sprinkles are perfect. I love that they are covered in chocolate - yum and the individual Death by Chocolate dishes are amazing!

    Love your new party theme. I will definitely be in!

  51. This looks like just the spurt of inspiration that I need. I'm anxious to see the challenge, too.

    What a great idea.

    Now, what in the WORLD can I dish up this week. I need to get crackin'!!

  52. Oh fun. I'm setting the table right now and looking forward to it!!!

  53. Sounds like fun! Those cannoli have my stomach growling - delish! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Looking forward to seeing you all tonight at 7. Fingers crossed the linky thing works!

  54. F in a l l y --- something I can participate in, too! My "tables" just aren't up to par.... but dishes and glassware? I have dishes and glassware! :-) Love thrift store shopping for them, especially to add to a collection. Yippee! Looking forward to this. And we don't have to "set a table," right?

    Thanks, Kathleen! Are there any cannoli left?

  55. How fun! I will probably watch from the sidelines. I am so not creative. I adore your strawberry table!

  56. I am so totally new with all of this but I can see I have been attempting "tablescapes" for parties for years. I found a beautiful set of Pfaltzgraff dishes for 4 in the Sandy Shore pattern at Beals (you Southern girls will know where that is). 2 dinner plates were broken and one salad plate missing. List price, $100-something, on sale for 70 on the company site. Mine? $20. Full set of bowls and coffee mugs!!!


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