Saturday, March 31, 2012

Getting on My Plaid a tude!

April 1 st is National Tartan today, no fooling! I am joining Sarah and Babs for their Tartan Parade. My tartan's are packed away till next winter, but the gals said plaid would suffice!  (please excuse the darkness, it is raining!)Let's Dish 144

I used a pastel plaid cotton throw that I keep on the porch rocker Spring and Summer.  Today is cold and raw, but they say we will be near 60 mid week!

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The only thing new on this table is the covered bowl and the napkins.  I got the bowls  in CTS for 1.60.  They will be perfect for our soup, or even baked oatmeal Easter morning.  I have seen them for waaaay more in other places, but I thought these were worth the price.

The napkins started as this...

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one panel of tier curtains, 2 in a pkg marked down to .67!

I knew as soon as I saw it I would use it in a scape.  I have enough for 8 napkins, or 4 and a topper.  I don't think you can get cheaper than that!

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The flatware is by Cambridge, CTS, the little potted egg place marker, the blue goblet, and the napkin rings, all CTS.  Napkin rings were .25, Park Smith.

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The centerpiece is from Villeroy and Boch.  There are holes, (frog) in the top for the pink tulips.

I have the large one too! I got it in the clearance section long after Easter and I think it was around 12.00. It is very large!

The egg candles were from a long gone pre cursor to 99 cent stores, and they were 2/1 with the ceramic egg holder included.

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The pink stem is by Gorham via Lenox Outlet.

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Bunny salt and p's from CTS...

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as is the low cake pedestal filled with petit fours.

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White porcelain charger, mint dinner, $ Tree, baby blue salad from Pfaltzgraff clearance years ago.  I think they were .50  I used a pink tulip doily under the covered soup dish.

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Just to throw some real Tartan into the Parade, I dug out my Tartan Bunny from Pottery Barn, and took some pics down in the basement!  Excuse the darkness!

Let's Dish 132 I sat him in a wicker chair, used a tartan mat, black bowl and cup.  The napkin ring is a pique rattle from PB, and I folded a matching plaid stocking to look like a napkin.

Now I don't want to start trouble, but do you think the National Tartan Day Committee could change the date?  April just doesn't scream dark plaids to me!  :)

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I mean, we are all thinking Bunnies! :)

Let's Dish 138Please come back Wednesday night at 7 PM for Let's Dish.

Meeting # 3 ...sharing our collections of table related accoutrements  stuff, and table settings too!  All invited as long as you don't have word ID on your blog!

Monthly Challenge, The Good Earth on April 18th!

The early birds catch the worms! 

I'll have something more grown up for you, as well as a very easy affordable centerpiece idea.  Y'All be there...oh wait, I live in NY, so, I hope "youse guys" can come!  :)

I am joining Sarah and Babs for Tartan Parade, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, Bev for Pink Saturday , Marty for Tabletop Tuesday

Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes Party
Thanks for visiting!

PSST, Gina is having a great give away! Go read about it here!
Please tell her I sent you! I need the brownie points, :)!


  1. The table setting and the teddy are adorable. I need to be on the lookout for some tartan.

  2. Pretty do pinks and greens so well, Kathleen! You are getting the rain we had last week...sun is on it's way, it was 87° here today! Too hot, too early...

  3. Oh, Kathleen!

    What a FUN table!

    I love your whimsical and well-thought-out tablescape!

    Absolutely darling!!!

  4. Cute table K! Lovin' your great cupcake bowls and the egg candles are cute! I only found one plaid plate myself, lots of Christmas tablecloths though! Rainy here too, good day to just hang out:@)

  5. Now this is a plaid I could live with - the pink one! What a pretty take on an Easter table and mixin' the plaid in too. Your centerpiece is really fun. Love those kinds of finds. Your little tartan guy with the bunny ears made me laugh! You are sooooo much fun!

  6. Hey Kathleen, I absolutely agree with you, how can you think tartan in the spring? Makes no sense to me, JMHO! I do have tartan placemats and napkins but they would only work with Christmas dishes and not happening here now :) Sorry to be such a party pooper. Your table is gorge as always. Love the different view in your header. xo

  7. I love all things plaid! That little bear is so cute, but the pastel tartan tablescape makes me swoon!

    Hope you have a great (and warm) week!

  8. Wonderful post. Happy Pink Saturday and Tartans. Love the Tartan bear in bunny ears and those egg/frogs are great. Kind fond of the smaller one for some reason. Is that because I saw that one first? Was the precursor to .99 stores a Benjamen Franklin? Woolworth's? Or Sprouse-Reitz? Loved thinking about those. You have some great finds and they just went together so very well. Neat. Neat.

    1. No, it was a store called Mace's Closeouts. Just a few of them here on Long Island. Sometimes you could find really good brands, cheap! When people would ask where I got something, I would say Mace's. They thought I said Macy's , and I let them think that! :)

  9. Kathleen~ Love your pastel plaid and I love your clever use of the curtain as napkins! I'm looking forward to dishing with you this Wednesday~ Enjoy your Sunday :)

  10. LOVE it all! BUT again I am EYEING those cupcakes! ARE THOSE from Christmas Tree Shop too??? and I LOVE LOVE LOVE those little bunny salts! UGH! I am going to HAVE TO GO THERE one of these days! I went to the grocery store today and an Elderly Gent passed in front of my car WEARING THE ""BEST"" TARTAN HAT I've ever seen! I thought of GRABBING IT and running with it!hehe.........Hmmmm, maybe he would have SOLD IT TO ME! "I bet he wouldn't have!

    1. Yes, they are! But when I was there yesterday, they were all gone. They had something similar though. Get in your car and go!
      Sign up and they email you a 10 dollar off 50 coupon. Easy to spend, as they have nice jams and food products as well as health and beauty items. No, I don't work for them! :)

  11. I giggled out loud when I saw the tartan bear in his bunny ears. You crack me up!!!
    Love the plaidatude here, Kathleen. Great job! I have to agree, tartan seems a bit more winter, but Tartan Day is in April. ;-) Thanks for joining the parade. Mr. Linky will be up at 1 AM Sunday morning.
    The scotties are gathering here! ~ Sarah

  12. Oh gee, I didn't know any plaid would qualify! I will get busy tomorrow and do a table!!! Love the bunny ears on your bear, too funny! Love the covered soups too. Everything is wonderful. XO, Pinky

    1. I don't know that is has to be a table Pinky, just plaid! :)

  13. Lovely table setting, Kathleen!

  14. What a cute table. I don't have Tartan plaid but should! I do have some other plaid maybe I can find that? Love the napkins you made! Cute!

  15. I love pastel plaids! They make me happy!

  16. Love this! It's so soft. When did you get those mint plates??? I never saw those. And, I had eyed those egg centerpieces at V&B but never saw them as low as you did, so I never got them (and now they're gone - boo hoo!). Great way to work in the plaid!

    - The Tablescaper

    1. I think those were one of my first Dollar Tree purchases, so probably 5 years ago!
      I probably got the egg at VB in the dead of winter when the population drops. They just wanted to free up the space, I guess, cause it is a big box!

  17. I love the tulip holder vase in your centerpiece, kathleen..very unique!

    The "National Tartan Day" event sounds like fun. I wore a green tartan uniformskirt with a gree weskit and white blouse all through High School...I should dig out a

    Wish I could join in your blog eventbut I'm not too "dishy" --- I'll certainly visit! :)

    1. Well you could show us what the bride picked for her wedding china! :)

  18. This is so sweet! I love the cupcake covered bowls.

    Mr. Tartan Bear wearing his bunny ears just cracks me up!

    1. Great give away on your blog! Thanks for the heads up!

  19. Hi Kathleen! I am constantly amazed at the deals you find and your clever ways of using incredible bargains like that curtain panel! I'm using some "plaid" in my post too, but I checked the National Tartan Day site and I think they are interchangeable, at least according to some! Linda

  20. Wow, I didn't even know that there was a National Tartan Day. I love the pink and green. You have so many beautiful treasures. I love the table. You are really clever when it comes to thinking up these tables. I just posted my third tablescape as my Easter table. I think it turned out very cute. You are such an inspiration to me.

  21. Kathleen,
    Hi! Love your table. Your plaid is very pretty.

  22. The little tartan bear who rabbitly became a bunny...I chuckled.. love
    your humor.. Those covered bowls are to be put in the will for moi..wish
    we had a CTS in our State. You find the most darling items, Kathleen. I
    have a Daughter in Westhampton Beach and will tell her to follow behind
    you and pick up whatever you do along the way....otherwise, I will just
    continue to drool over your great blog and ideas. A Blessed Easter to
    you and yours.

  23. WHat an inviting table! Love the plaid, love the tulips. The bear is adroable. Happy APril :)

  24. That is just the cutest of the cute for tables Kathleen!
    You have every cute Easter thing around plus you got it at a great price!
    I have been planning to link up, hope I can this week.
    Thanks for your note, you always cheer me up!
    Hugs friend,

  25. You got plaiditude with attitude! I LOVE IT! what a gorgeous table, Kathleen. I will have to pop around and see the other entries, too! xo Diana

  26. You definitely got your plaid-i-tude going! Fun Easter table. Happy Spring!

  27. what a pretty table! no one sets a table like you!

  28. Love your pastel plaids Kathleen, you have the best ideas, this table is perfect for Easter.
    Love also hearing about the bargains you seem able to unearth whenever and wherever you are!
    Enjoy the Tartan Parade, we've got front row seats and a picnic!

  29. I love the colors you chose in your table-scape!

  30. This is so great!

    Your bunny ears on the plaid bear cracked me up!
    Your Easter plaid tablescape is awesome.

    Thanks so much for joining the Tartan Parade
    through Sarah's blog!

    So thrilled you did.

  31. What a deal! Love your sweet napkins and all else you'll do with the left overs. Your table is just darling. Love the little cupcakes, oh, just everything!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  32. You are SO funny!!!! That poor bear is probably embarrassed to tears!!! I was with you...I went totally Spring with my plaid. I love tartans, but I just don't have a lot of it decor-wise. Next house, maybe! :-) You did a great job with this table, but I am still going to have to beat you up over so many references to CTS! We just don't have anything here in this area that even comes close to those kinds of bargain deals!!!!!

  33. Love your creativity. The topper and napkins are perfect tartans for the season. I laughed out loud when I saw your cute bear with his bunny ears! See you Wednesday ;)

  34. Your tartan bear,,uh, bunny is a hoot!...and your tablescape is so 'pretty in plaid'. Just perfect for this time of year. Love your green flatware, too. CUTE post, and thanks for joining the Tartan Parade.

  35. Your tartan bear with the bunny ears made me smile! I love your pastel plaid and Easter decor to go along with it. Mine reminds me of Christmas;o)

  36. What a pretty table.. It's absolutely fabulous with the topper napkins and the plaid throw.. The dishes are perfect! Love it all. The tartan bear is a wonderful piece.. he should be out more often! xo marlis

  37. I love your Easter tartan table! Thanks for joining the Tartan Parade! ~Delores

  38. I can never resist a pun so your title pulled me right in for this delightful post!
    xo Cathy

  39. Oh Kathleen, you alway set the most whimsy tables, along with such pretty dishes. I love the colors of the layers ofplates. I love tartan, but have none, will make a point to get something. Hope you had a blessed Palm Sunday.

  40. Pretty table! It is a funny time to think tartan, but I love your plaids :)

  41. Very Pretty Tablescape!..It's interesting to see how other people uses the same items you have, for example, I was lucky enoughto get the same cupcake bowls ( I have a cupcake collection addiction) but I have them just sitting there on my kitchen's window brought them up to a whole different level! love it! Happy Easter!

  42. You make napkins the same way I do. i also make my own pillow cases--so much cheaper than buying them. And fabric shower curtains also are cheaper for curtains than buying fabric by the yard.

    Anyway, I always enjoy your tablescapes when I visit!

  43. Kathleen, you are the queen of shopping at CTS! I love how you used the throw as a table covering and how you sewed the napkins from that amazing bargain purchase of a curtain. The table looks so fresh and spring-y. But then there's that silly bear wearing bunny ears! LOL

  44. I love your pretty table...and it reminded me that I have a pink plaid that I can do a tablescape on for Tartan Day, April 6th. On a Friday so I can also join Pink Saturday. woo hoo...
    AND, I am doing a Texas BlueBonnet Tartan table...on the same post.
    What a busy girl I am. My only problem is finding something cute for a centerpiece....without flowers or candles or sameo gets hard to find something out of the box....but, I'm lookin'....:))
    I am hoping to do something for your party....not sure what.

  45. Kathleen,
    I love your pastel plaid tablescape and your tulip holders. I have never seen any like them. And the bunny ears on your bear was hilarious!

  46. How stinkin' cute are all these DARLING Easter accoutrements??!! I'm going to stop coming here, because it just depresses me to read how many bargains you can find in your area. Phooey! (JK)

    The egg candles in their little shells are precious & the little potted egg place markers go great with them. I ♥♥♥ the pink stems by Gorham...I miss my Lenox Outlet. Boo-Hoo-Waaaaa!

    And 'no', I haven't done any baking yet & I thank you for reminding me that I need to at least make some of the Easter Bread with the sweet topping! Duh? How could I forget? Nobody is coming here...we're eating at DH's DD home for this holiday. *sigh* Mixed families are hard sometimes.


    p.s. I BOUGHT (gasp!) a nut roll Kolachi today. Horrors!!!! I just didn't feel up to making a ton of them to just give away. I'm in a slump, I think....maybe Spring Fever???

  47. What a pretty plaid table, Kathleen! And I love all the details about your bargains...I.WANT.A.CTS!!! :) Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter. ~Zuni

  48. Oh my dear Kathleen you did an amzing plaid table! You've inspired me to go and get something in plaid, even if I have to make it myself!! Everything is great, such bargains you found, wow. I'm loving the tulip holders, so unique. Thank you for hosting your great and new party, can't wait to link up Wednesday night! HAPPY EASTER to you and yours. Hugs,

  49. You're the best bargain shopper, Kathleen! I love the pastel plaid with all your pretties!! Loved the bear, too! See you tomorrow at your party. xoxo

  50. The pastel plaid cloth is much more seasonal anyway unless you're having a picnic. Too chilly for that here! Love your cute tartan bear wearing bunny ears :D

  51. What a great post! Your table is gorgeous!

  52. Those bunny ears on that plaid bear just cracked me up! Love the title for your post. Your table is so pretty, and to think that your napkins started out as curtains! I agree with you - Tartan Day should be in the winter! laurie

  53. So cute, Kathleen! Love the chickie cupcakes! And your bear with rabbit ears...funny! I love your header but will have to admire it from afar! My staff would soon make a mess! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  54. Your table is so cute Kathleen. I adore the little cupcakes and all the pastel colors. The egg centerpiece with the tulips is quite unsual, which I love. Always nice seeing new to me things! It never ceases to amaze me how many wonderful tablescapes you put together at bargain prices. Thanks for sharing at my party this week.

  55. The shaft plaid is perfect for your table. I am constantly amazed by the incredible deals that you regularly find at stores in your area. I want a CTS! The chicks and bunnies look like they're ready to party! And the bear looks like he's already been celebrating for a while. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Happy Easter! Cherry Kay


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