Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You Oughta Be In Pictures! & Donuts

Mardi Gras is over, I did a MG table last week,  too early for St. Pat's for me, so what else is on the schedule?  Academy Awards!

I bought these "accoutrements" 2 years ago in the clearance bin at Cmas Tree Shops, I think they were 20 cents a package.Feb 2012 014
I started with a black cloth over a white longer one.  I used a package of stars to criss cross  the table.
Feb 2012 021
The food safe trays were .20 also.
Feb 2012 005
The centerpiece is fresh mums in a black glass with old film swirled through it and a mirror movie projector tucked in. There's a mirrored clapperboard leaning against it, hard to see.
Feb 2012 011
My kitchen nook is now...

Feb 2012 012
I know, it is only pretend!  :)
Feb 2012 015
My everyday Dansk flatware, I was thinking of red, maybe I should have?

 A black and white charger from Pier One sale years ago.
 The star plate is from Pottery Barn, and the little red Lionshead bowl for our condiments is from Sur la table on sale, I think they were .50.

I will write the name on the clapperboard with white marker, and a movie related question on the back.  Makes for good conversation!
 It will be an old movie, as I don't go to the movies anymore.  I wait for them to come to the library and borrow them for free.  :)

A chunky stem with a silky red napkin tucked in. (Pier One after Cmas, cheap!)

Feb 2012 022

I'll stick some of those skinny grissini bread sticks in the trophies.

Feb 2012 018

It may not be award winning, but it was fun!

My friend Rett from The Gazebo House is waiting for the doughnuts.  I had planned to make Pazcki, pronounced Punch key, but I switched to Alton Brown's recipe.

Here's a video on Pazcki   recipe, I will try them soon.

Alton Brown's recipe is here.  It is a yeast doughnut and is deep fried.  I got out the deep fryer I gave dh 10 years ago, he never used it!

I dipped some in chocolate,  filled some with jelly sprinkled with powdered sugar, and some dipped in butter and then sugar and cinnamon.

Feb 2012 032

Feb 2012 034
Feb 2012 032

Feb 2012 040

The verdict?  Ehhh, we didn't think they were that great.  As good as Dunkin Donuts, but we thought they would be better than that.

Next time I will try the Polish recipe for Pazcki.  My college friend's nana used to make great ones!

Thanks for visiting!

I am joining
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Gollum for Foodie  Friday
Diann for Thrifty Friday
A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden Party
Sherry at No Minimalist Here
Bunny Jeans Bunny Hop

  Thanks to all of you who have the St. Patrick's Day Blog  Crawl button on your sidebar.  Hope you will all join in on the 13th!


  1. We don't go to the movies so much any more either. Too much violence and gratuitous, I got tired of spending my money on a ticket that would go to some uneducated actor who thought that it was his job to preach to me about what political choices I should make. Geez, they can say what they want, but they lose my patronage in the process. I don't think that I even watched the Oscars last year. That said, your table is darling! Great job, and I love the film winding around. Cherry Kay

  2. What a wonderful setting you have provided. Great job!!

  3. So cute! This is fun! Those food trays are just adorable. You always find the neatest stuff and for the best prices too. OMG! I love everything about it and certainly would give you an award for this one. I had to laugh at how you started your post, though. Come on by my blog if you get the chance and check out my "late" but very first Mardi Gras tablescape. That was fun to do too. You are such a great inspiration! Thank you! :)))

  4. Your donuts look awesome!!!

    My husband and I used to make it a point to go and see all the movies nominated for the best picture Oscar each year, so that we would be vested in watching the awards ceremony, but we've been too busy lately. We still like to watch the awards, though.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving a lovely comment!

  5. Love the festive tablescape, Kathleen. I have actually seen 2 movies that are up for best picture. That's very good for me. I'll have 2 jelly doughnuts and 1 chocolate please.

  6. Everybody must be excited to come to your home knowing that you go "all out" to prepare a wonderful evening. I have actually seen one of the movies nominated...I wasn't impressed with it either. Guess I chose the wrong one to see!

  7. I love this table!! May have to work something up for Sunday also

  8. I better make sure my hubby doesn't see your table. He gave me some large movie reels to use as chargers last year, and I still haven't used them. This is such a fun table Kathleen! Visiting from the Bunny Hop :-)

  9. Kathleen, you deserve an award for best dressed tables. Your doughnuts look awesome. I usually buy paczki(sp?) but passed on them this year. Of course now I want one!! xo

  10. what a great theme! the table looks great as always but I'm impressed about how you managed to make every little detail to fit in the them of Hollywood, also the donuts look delicious with chocolate on top, classic

  11. Your table is spectacular...all you need is a few celebrities sitting around it {George Clooney, maybe?}. Love the centerpiece!

    The donuts sure look good! :)


  12. How cute! Where did you find old film? Such a clever table, Kathleen. Love the Hollywood sign!
    I'll have a plate of those doughnuts. ~ Sarah

  13. Kathleen, I think that IS an award winning tablescape! Love it! I bet if you would move here, they'd open a CTS here! I am so envious of the fab bargains you find there. My mouth is watering for one of those chocolate covered doghnuts. Looking forward to the Blog Crawl. laurie

  14. This is an adorable table setting for an Oscar party, Kathleen! I don't go to the movies often either--it is just too expensive and I'd rasther watch the video at home when it comes out to netFlix.

    Your dounuts sure looked yummy! I love cinnamom dounuts and then jelly filled..heck I like all dounuts, which is why I have to diet so hard all the

  15. Hi Kathleen!

    What a fun dinner party! I love the idea of sharing movie trivia.

    The black table topper makes it look formal but not too stuffy. I hope you mentioned that it is formal dress...

    Thanks for sharing at my Bunny Hop Party again this week!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  16. I really want to be at your place for that Oscar party. We don't go to the movies very often anymore; PVR them when they come on the tv.
    Love your Kitchen corner; so cute.

  17. Great table. Love the old film floating through the mums. And the theme is so fun!!!

    The donuts look like perfection Sorry to hear that after all of that hard work that they weren't that great. Although it's always neat to pull out something you haven't used in ages or never used! LOL!

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Wow! The table looks fabulously dramatic! This is so very unique! How very clever to use the old film in the floral arrangement! Love the colors and oh my! Those donuts look amazing! I love Alton Brown's recipes - I am sure they were quite delicious! Thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  19. I love it Kathleen! Clever and creative
    Oscar table!

  20. Such fun! My walking group is having an Oscar watching girls' night Sunday. Would you run down and do our table?

  21. Kathleen, the table is perfect for the awards and there are so many of them now that you could use it over and over. I just love all of your fun items you picked up at such bargains! What a fun idea to have movie trivia written on the back for conversation starters. We love the little Table Topic cards to use at dinner parties, but why not make up your own!

  22. win!! Totally cheap and AMAZING!! wow what a steal on this so cute! The centerpiece is fabulous! Come link up to Centerpiece have to show this one off!


  23. Great idea Kathleen! The table looks fabulously festive for the show. What gown will you be wearing?

  24. I am ready for a movie and the Oscar for the best tablescaper will be you! I love the movie trays and the black and white colors with the pop of red. I am also waiting for a donut and would be glad to attend your Oscar Party! Happy Tea Party! Pam

  25. Love your Oscar table. I'm going to go watch that Punch Key recipe after I'm done here. Katie and I are going to pretend we are movie stars since we are flying in and out of Burbank Airport this weekend. LOL... I was clueless till yesterday that the Academy awards are happening on Sunday OYE!

  26. Kathleen,
    Love your Oscar tablescape. Love a round table too the two table cloths look wonderful. Pat

  27. Doughnuts....oh, how I wish! I wish I could make them from scratch even if they did only reach Dunkin Donuts quality. I can't even do that much! Yeast breads just baffle the heck outta me! I know you said these didn't taste as good as you would have liked, but they sure do look pretty! :-) Your table is COOL!!! GREAT bargains from CTS (which I am STILL mad that we don't have that store here in KC!), and more great bargains from Pier 1! This is what a lot of creativity and a well-timed shopping trip can do! I don't go to the movies, either. I wait for them to come on cable and then watch on the big screen TV. My popcorn is better and I can pause that puppy whenever I need to. MUCH better situation! :-)

  28. YUM...they sure look good to me & I KNOW my DH wouldn't turn 'em down. He's never met a doughnut he didn't like. LOL

    Your table turned out great...loved how you found so many little items to carry out the theme so well.

    Last time we went to the movies, some women behind us coughed on our backs the entire time. I was afraid she had TB!! AND some little twerp next to us kept opening her cell phone to check messages, thus lighting up the whole row & it distracted & broke the mood each time. No more...we like our own chairs & our own bathrooms & our own food, so we watch at home now, too.


    I'll be happy to wait until you make the Pazcki! ;-p

  29. There's no business like show business, like no business I know. Everything . . .

    Oh, sorry. I got caught up in your great theme. Looks mighty good. I really like the colors. Anytime there's a reason to use red, I'm for it.

    A friend of mine just loves going to the movies. She'll even go alone if she can't find anyone to accompany her. I'm often her date. So at least I'll recognize a few of the nominees this year.

    I have been looking for old reel film for a couple of years now. I bet there's a big bin of those puppies somewhere WAY in the back of the storage room of an elementary school. If only I'd been smart enough to confiscate a few when video tape started to take over.

    Everything the traffic will allow! (I'll be singing this in my head all day today.)

  30. And the Oscar goes to....Cuisine Kathleen! Fabulous t'scape! So many fun details and you have terrific ideas on how to use them! I especially like the film reels in the flowers! I'm hoping the movie "The Help" wins something - not often I like the movie as much as the book but they did a good job.


  31. OMYGOODNESS....what a fun fun table. Love it, K.
    And, those donuts are AWARD WINNERS, for sure..I LOOOOOVE donuts. :))

  32. Well they not have been better then DD's but they look incredible. Love the table setting. You are so clever.
    I watched Mad Hungry today and they made pretzels. I may try those. Dying to see how they boil up!


  33. Kathleen...what a great idea for your table!..Christmas Tree Shop...gotta visit that one day...You always seems to get such great things there!...Your table deserves the Oscar!!

  34. You deserve the Oscar for this table! My daughter has been pestering me to do an Oscar tablescape. I'm hoping she will just enjoy yours instead! lol

  35. And the Oscar goes to.....YOU....for this fabulous table! You are so clever, love the film wound through the centerpiece, the projector and clapper! The trays are great. Thanks for sharing this. XO, Pinky

  36. Your table is wonderful!!! I love movies, but don't go that often...people are TOO RUDE during the movie!

    As far as the ex-husband is from Poland and we used to buy fabulous ones at a great bakery in Chicago. Cream filled with chocolate frosting!!!!

  37. I am always in awe of people who make donuts...yours look amazing! We also rarely go to the movies but I did go to see The Artist with my daughter was very good. Your table setting is Oscar are so talented!

  38. Hi Kathleen, what a fun table!! We love going to the movies, if we try to rent them or watch them at home, we always end up falling asleep!! Did I just admit that? Anyway, we go to the early shows and try to keep up to date on what's going on! This table is award-winning in every way, I love how you put it all together, the dishes are perfect. I am so impressed by the detail of it all, great job!!

  39. Very appropriate tablescape for this week and what great bargains you get! I miss my CTS in NJ! One year I saw all the movies nominated for best pic and it was more fun watching the Oscars. This year, not so much. I love your centerpiece!

    Robin Flies South

  40. Great! Looks so festive and fun ~ I'm sure your guests will love it. I think the donuts look delish!


  41. Oooh... I have that recipe pinned and planned to make it sometime. So sorry they weren't as good as you expected. They sure look good though. And you always have the best tablescapes!!


  42. is REALLY weird how much you and I think alot. Honestly. I still haven't put up my Mardi gras tablescape up. I've been sick all week and pushed just to put up a post last night. (Its all about Mardi Gras..just not the table.) But tomorrow is the day to get the photos edited and up.

    I thought earlier this week, well... Mardi Gras will be over so what is next. And guess what came into my mind....Academy Awards. In the short time I've been blogging I have found somany times you do tables and/or food that I also think of. So I know we are both on the same wave length.

    Hey, your table is so fun! Would love to come watch the awards at your house. What a party! We don't have a CTS anywhere within a 1000 miles from here so I'll never get to participate in their great sales. Darn it! That place must just be incredible!

    May the movie you want to For me its 'The Help.'


  43. What a darling theme for a party! Your table is so clever. I hope your favorite film wins!

  44. Well your donuts LOOK award winning~ sorry they were not! Love your Academy Awards table and your centerpiece with the film reel. The Oscar goes to you with all your CTS bargains! I wish we had one nearby :)

  45. Your Oscar table turned out great! I love all the "props" and the creative way you used them!

  46. What a festive little piece of Hollywood you've created there. Fun and fabulous!!!

    It's just beautiful sweetie.

    God bless ya and have yourself a fantastic weekend!!!

    Enjoy the Oscars :o)

  47. Kathleen, Your tablescape is definitely award winning. I am constantly amazed at your tables. You must keep CTS in business. :)
    I wish we had one here. I could really do some serious shopping. The donuts look heavenly.. oh yum!
    I'm looking forward to your St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl and added your button to my sidebar.
    Have a great weekend,

  48. What a fun Oscar party theme! Your donuts look so amazingly good...sorry they didn't live up to your expectations. I'll be interested to hear about the Pazcki when you make them.

  49. I'll take one of each thanks!

    This is the cutest table I have ever seen for the Oscars. I'll bet even the one that the participants get to sit down to after the show doesn't hold a candle.

    We mostly watch movies on TV -- PPV if it is something I want to see pretty quick. Ever since I heard that movie theatres are a prime place for spreading bedbugs, I am a little squeamish! My son (who is a filmmaker) has shattered all my illusions about Hollywood anyway... Sigh.

  50. They look really good to me. Glad that you didn't find them as great as you'd hoped, especially with a deep fat fryer in the house!


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