Saturday, February 4, 2012

How Cheap Can You Get?

Diann hosts a Thrifty Table the first Sat of each month.  All my tables are pretty thrifty, as I love the thrill of the hunt! :)
But this is one inspired by a recent shopping trip with Alma to the Christmas Tree Shop.
January 2012 188
The placemats with embroidered cupcake were .10 and the runner was .50!   (clearance area)
The napkins are large dish towels that I cut, so they each came to .50.
The plates and cups are part of the Gibson set, so they came to less than a dollar.
Heart bowl, .25 in Michael's last year.
Little cow pitchers 2/1 at Christmas Tree.
January 2012 169
The centerpiece is a frappucino bottle I saved, tied with a pink ribbon and some faux blooms..
The Bee juice glasses were clearanced in CTS for .99, the pink ♥ cookie cutter, .25
January 2012 171
The pink flatware is from Bealls, on sale and money back from
Stay for breakfast?
We'll have some fresh fruit and waffles...table 3964
Or maybe a currant scone. This is a pic from last year,  I used the recipe from Martha Stewart's Everyday Food. Recipe here
table 3101
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  My great aunt is a Mara, so there is family loyalty  to the Giants here. 
And speaking of bargain hunting...
I stopped at a new 99 c store to get some ♥day cards.
I had to check out the glass and dish aisle.  I spied these pretty glasses.
January 2012 183
When I flipped them over I saw this...
January 2012 182
You never know what you will find for .99!
And of course I bought some  Green .  They only had 4 in yellow, so I took them.  Look for them in scape soon!  :)
I am joining Diann for Thrifty Table
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes.
Thanks for visiting, and have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Wow, your table looks so nice and I would never thought they are so affordable! Love your great finds.

  2. Cute table K! Love the cupcake placemats and the heart scones look great! Go Giants:@)

  3. Oh I love, love, love your tablescape. The dishes and accessories are all fantastic. Such great buys. You did really good. Hugs, marty

  4. Oh girl! You are my hero!! I always am amazed at your great bargains. Sheesh an Anthropologie anything for under a dollar is amazing!

  5. Shut the front door!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe these prices! The Queen of All Bargains is still reigning supreme! I LOVE this table. It looks like a million bucks. xo

  6. Oops, let's not forget, go BIG BLUE!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  7. Amazing! Looks great and those prices can't be beat :)


  8. You did well and the table is adorable. I'm a Giant fan too!

  9. You are truly amazing! Your tables are lovely, as always. (I love the green glasses!)

  10. I want your store! Love those all!!

  11. Cupcakes are all the rage right now...
    Your table is adorable...I especially love pink for Valentine's tables.

  12. Oh my, what a fabulous tablescape! I'd like to shop with you, you sure did find some amazing finds!!

  13. This is so beautiful, Kathleen. The colors are so sweet and romantic and to think that they are all thrifty. I need to go shopping with you!...Christine

  14. Well, just when I think I have every dish made, I realize I don't have many heart dishes! Love your table and reading all about it.

  15. OMgosh, I never see any dishes and table things that inexpensive! Your pretty and pink tablescape is so sweet. Love the little green glasses, too. Can you imagine Anthropologie? in the .99 store?
    Love the heart shaped scones from last year's post. Thanks for the inspiration and have a great Sunday,

  16. I just love the thrifty tables!! Those adorable placemats and table runner are so cute and soooo thrifty! I love the pink and white dishes. You are so lucky to live near a CTS! I'll be checking my dollar stores for those awesome glasses! Really cute tablescape! Hugs, Linda

  17. Your table is fantastic! I've enjoyed visiting so many blogs about tablescapes and I thought I just couldn't start getting involved in it because it would be way too expensive. Well, now I believe there is hope! Thanks!

  18. Oh Goody! I was looking forward to seeing what you and The Tablescaper came home with and you certainly did not disappoint. I am just amazed at those prices! I love the cute place mats and those adorable heart dishes you got from Michael's last year. This is one beautiful thrifty tablescape!

  19. Kathleen- That table setting is magazine worthy! I love it! What a fun, fun table setting and what great deals you got~xo Diana

  20. Oh goodness, such cheapies!! Yeah, how lucky, "how cheap can you get", alright! Wow, you did terrific, almost like receiving a present and your tablescape is fabulous, just gorgeous Kathleen...and of course the food from last year too, lol. Happy Valentine's.

  21. Hi lovely lady.
    what a fabulous tablescape! I also love your placemats and table runner so much color makes the hold table pop. I wish I had more heart dishes like you do. You always know just how to put your tablescape all together sweet lady.
    Have a great weekend. xxoo Diane

  22. What a pretty pink Valentine's Day table! You certainly know how to find the bargains and how to put them all together for a super tablescape.

  23. Very pretty Kathleen as always, and the food looks so delicious. But you forgot something! ME!!! the next time please take me with you when you go shopping,~smiling~ I do enjoy a deal!
    Enjoy your weekend, Hugs,

  24. Hi, Kathleen. Your table is so fresh and pretty! I have SCOURED and I DO mean SCOURED every store I can think of around here, and I cannot find a pink or red heart dish to save my neck!! So...I'm yearning for a CTS around here!! I love the bargains you get! And those glasses from Anthro???!! Wow!! I love beautiful things for little $$$$--that's part of the fun for me too! Thanks for sharing! ~Zuni

  25. Love your table. Pretty in pink and of course I had a wonderful time shopping!!!

    I still can't believe that you got those glasses.

    - The Tablescaper

  26. PS - I don't know what made me check to make sure I was following you, but I wasn't!! How can that be?! I am now!! I get the email notice, but not officially following! :)

  27. Your table looks like a million $$$, what an amazing choice of stores you have for a spot of thrifty retail therapy.
    If I had such a choice here in Normandy I could get into serious trouble very quickly.
    Love everything on your table and the Anthropologie glasses have to be the steal of the week!

  28. Kathleen,
    What an amazing tablescape!! And what amazing deals you were able to sag!!
    I love the Christmas Tree Shop, don't you? Ours isn't too close to where we live but I guess that is a good thing as I would be there daily!! LOL!!


  29. You are amazing with your finds. I guess I just don't have the patience for the hunt and often when I give it a try, I'm disappointed not to find anything I want. Of course, I like your bottle centerpiece. Bottles are something I do have lots of.

  30. Love the pink table Kathy... and which $$ store did you find those cute glasses? I'm on my way!

  31. Oh my, Kathleen, I love bargains & you found some great ones. Besides all that, your table is so cheerful & perfect for Valentine's Day! xoxo

  32. Great bargains! I think Anthropologie may still have those full price. Or something similar.

  33. Awesome find, Kathleen! Love the glasses and your beautiful table that's perfect for Valentine's Day or springtime. :)

  34. You do find the most amazing deals -- always can't wait to see what you do next.

    Happy Valley!

  35. What a super economical tablescape! You must be the queen of deals! ;0) Have a wonderful week!

  36. I was just thinking to myself that those look exactly like the glasses I bought my sister 3 years ago at Anthro and there you go! wow! I need to go shopping with you Kathleen - you are amazing!!

  37. "The Bee juice glasses were clearanced in CTS for .99"???? WHAT??? Do you know what I paid for mine to finish out the set that I won???? ~~faint~~

    You get the crown, Kathleen, for the best thrifting in blogland. (well, you & Ms. Tablescaper, too of course)

    A new dollar store near you? *sigh* I'm depressed.

    Your table is simply pretty in all those shades of pink.

  38. You are the bargain Queen, hats off to you!

  39. really scored on some beautiful things for a bargain!...especially those Anthropologie glasses!
    Beautiful table!

  40. This is the third table tonight I have seen with these fabulous ruffled heart bowls. I wish I had a set. This is so pretty in pink and even better that it is thrifty! It is such a thrill when you find a sale.

  41. Oh how pretty in pink your Valentine's table is! I'm doing a pink Valentine's table this year as well. I shopped my house and didn't spend a dime! Gotta love it when that happens. I'm enjoying our snowless (so far) winter too!

  42. HOLY COW! You seriously reached "Your Thrifty Highness" status with this adorable tablescape! Even I am bowing down! LOL (and I don't do that much..of course, it hurts to get back up half the time!) And now the big question, what is the name of the dollar store where those oh so cute glasses came from? You know I am going to be searching for them now! This really is a perfect thrifty tablescape Kathleen! It is exactly what I wanted to show folks can be done without spending a lot of money. Thank you for sharing with us!

  43. Once again Kathleen, your table is beautiful. I am so jealous that you got such great buys. Sometimes I find them and some times not. But you sure hit the jackpot this time. Love it just love it.


  44. A person would be so lucky and loved to have someone set such a pretty breakfast table for them. Just goes to prove that it doesn't take a lot of money to create something beautiful.

  45. Lovely and sweet table - and the waffles look so delish. You mentioned in your comment to me that MacKenzie-Childs is opening near you - good luck trying to find a clearance section! I have only seen this in the main store and it is no larger than a small bookcase - - I think they send all things back to Aurora for the barn sale !!! But, you never know, keep checking!

  46. I am going to lobby Congress to get a CTS here in the Kansas City area!!! We need to be able to get in on all those great deals, too!!! I am really blown away by the price on those super cute cupcake placemats! Score!!!

  47. I love your pink table. Very pretty. Pat

  48. Those are some great bargains! Love the pink. I'm in awe over your Anthropologie find at the 99 cent store. That's incredible. Another place for me to add to the list of places to bargain hunt.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  49. p.s.

    I'm your newest follower. Looking foward to getting your posts in my inbox. :)

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  50. Love those winning Giants. Went to Mass every Sunday with the Wellington Mara clan. You scored big on those drinking glasses. Love the cupcake place mats. Sue and I went thrifting last week and had a ball! Wish you lived closer to play with us:-)

  51. I thought I had commented on this, but don't see it! Love the pink! You find the greatest bargains! I want to come shopping with you!


  52. I'm crazy about the pink and I can't believe that you found such great bargains. You're amazing because you not only have the eye for the bargain but the eye for exactly what goes together and how to use it.

    I want to shop with you some day!

  53. Wow, you even have pink flatware! What a deal you got on those Anthropologie glasses. We have three of the .99 stores, but I've never gone. Love the pink table Kathleen!

  54. Nobody shops like you do, Kathleen. I'm trying to picture in my mind how much room it takes to store all your finds. Have you built on an extra room?

  55. All this pink is too, too cute! Love the placemats and your killer deals. Thanks for sharing.

  56. That is so interesting that your great aunt is a Mara! We just saw The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo last weekend with friends and Rooney Mara was fantastic in her part. Not a movie for the squeamish, that's for sure!

    Love your table and especially those Anthro glasses - what a great deal! Sounds like a great new dollar store for you.

  57. Take me shopping with you! I'm amazed at the deals you get, and the fact you can find full sets of anything. If I find something that cheap at a store here, it's usually because it's broken or there is an odd number of something.

    I always love seeing your tables, and this one is very lovely because I love pink!

    Thank you for sharing at my party this week!

  58. Pottery Barn at the 99 c store- who would have guessed!! What an amazing tablescape and for so little $-=-just the kind I love!!

  59. This is a very pretty table! You find the besy bargains and those 99 cent glasses are adorable!

    If I could find 40 of those white S&P birds for under three dollars I'd buy them all as bridal shower favors, Kathleen. They are so cute! I do have an idea for a favor after searching many web sites...a "Slice of Love" pizza cutter. It's cute and useful. Thanks for all your suggestions and help!

  60. I am always envious when I see what you have found at the CTS, Kathleen! We don't have them here! Your tablescape is so it! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  61. You are a rock star! I cannot BELIEVE these bargains. It grieves me tremendously that we don't have any Christmas Tree Shops around here. Love this table and everything on it.

  62. Kathleen -- what a pretty table and I LOVE ALL the deals -- you are killing me with your deals. You are just my kind of gal! Joni

  63. I can't wait to get one of those heart bowls too bad that you found them last year, maybe with some luck I'll find them

  64. Love this pink table. 10 cents is bordering on ridiculous! I didn't think such a bargain still existed. I wish we would get a CTS here!


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