Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jolly January!

December 2011 250
Oh yes, here in New York we are enjoying wonderful weather.  Last year at this time we were buried in snow, so I am loving this!  Got the outdoor decorations down without even having to wear a coat!
vtine cakes_thumb[2]
Our friend, Laurie, at Bargain Hunting with Laurie is hosting her annual Valentine's Party.  I know some of us are swimming in bins of Christmas decos to be put away, but Feb. 10th will arrive quickly!  There will be a give away too!
Speaking of give aways, my fellow Long Islander , sweet Stephanie, at La Dolce Vita, is celebrating her anniversary with a great give away.  Stephanie is a wonderful photographer and amazing baker, so stop over and get to know her.  You could be the winner, and you get to select your prize!  Go now, it ends Tuesday, winner announced Wednesday.
December 2011 249
I made some fresh apple donuts this morning from a recipe on the net.  They were good, but not as good as the recipe I previously posted.
December 2011 246
Let's face it, a baked donut is not going to have that evil goodness of a fried yeast donut!
December 2011 248
So the next time, it is going to be the really baaaad kind, but I will wait till February!
I am joining CJ for R and R weekend, and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thanks for visiting!


  1. It has been in the 40's and 50's here, Kathleen, and I am loving it! it smells like spring. I hope it lasts awhile longer!

    The donuts look wonderful! I do agree that fried would be better, you have to have a little fat!!

    Thanks for the link...I will pop in a wish her congratulations!

    Happy Weekend, Kathleen!


  2. And here I sit watching the snow fall and it is a balmy 30 degrees! We did flirt with 70 degrees the other day but I was stuck inside working. Agreed, give me a yeasty fried donut any day! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  3. Kathleen, you are just so smart! Fresh apple doughnuts; those pictures are making my mouth water!! I have to tell you that I LOVE your pretty red and white toile napkins. I have a serious obsession with toile. :)

    I'm glad your weather was so nice today; we've had the same here today, too. Have a great week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  4. Kathleen, those donuts looks pretty tempting.
    Almost spring like here. I think the temps almost hit 70. Everyone was out and about in jogging clothes.
    Looking forward to Laurie's party. Always fun! ~ sarah

  5. Amazing weather. Great to be able to get a lot done. Your donuts look magnificent. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Oh how I love donuts you are right about the deep fried ones. Great weather for Jan. We to have had pretty good weather.

  7. It was freezing the other day and today I had the windows open! The donuts look great, I like baked. And fried :)

  8. It was 63 here in souteast Pa. today and I am LOVING it!!! I won't be here in Feb. but will TRY to participate in the party! The donuts look GOOD. I haven't had a donut in YEARS!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  9. SSShhhh....:) Don't tell us they weren't as good, because they LOOK wonderful! And your setting makes it all look quite inviting! Love your new header. You now have me thinking ahead for blogging purposes :). Over from Tablescaper! ~Zuni

  10. Yes, we are going to Fl. but not for fun. We are going to clean out my hubby's Dad's home. He died last March. I promise, I will have a donut:):):) XO

  11. Your donuts look delightfully delicious. I love the heart table in your header. I am so enjoying the mild winter so far. I am glad those couple of frigid days passed quickly. xo

  12. It may not be as good as fried donut, but it still looks yummy! I am a new follower visiting from The Tablescaper. Vicky from Mess For Less

  13. We've hit 50 degrees which is amazing for Wisconsin in January!
    Your donuts look yummy and of course I will have to join Laurie for her party!

  14. I like your new header picture, looks so pretty

  15. Love your placemats and napkins K! Yep, truly amazing weather-we'll take it! Have a great Sunday:@)

  16. Oh your donuts look so tempting...fried or not :) We had weather like yours yesterday and another one lined up for today~ the trees are starting to bud & bulbs are pushing up!

  17. We are experiencing the same wonderful weather Kathleen. J tells me there will be a weather change this week.:-( Oh well...some trees are beginning to bud in their confusion. Better get back to normal!

    The donuts look so good.

  18. They may not be as tasty as you were hoping, but they sure do look good!
    We are enjoying the mild weather, too...wonder what is in store for us in a month or two, though.

  19. We've been having spring like weather also. I'm enjoying it but hoping the bad isn't coming still. Love your new header :) hugs, Linda

  20. Even though they're not the baaaad kind, they sure look good to me! We've been having unusually mild temps for January this past week too - more to come this week it appears. I'll take it!

  21. Oh could make a cow chip look yummy, with your gorgeous presentations! Loved seeing the last few tablescapes, though it was hard for me to type & comment. I'm playing catch-up.

    I'm glad you're over the crud & feeling better, too.

    You asked if the red polka-dot jar was old...I found 3 of them at a discount shop, so they may be, not sure.
    I've got 2 of my 4 sisters coming today for lunch so I have lots of red & white on the table. Thanks for reminding me about Laurie's party, too. It is always so much fun!

    Hugs & Stay well,

  22. I'm hoping for a snowless winter! We've enjoyed this great weather.

  23. Your donuts look great! I'm still searching for the perfect recipe...I haven't found it yet. Maybe I need to try the one you previously made! I LOVE your red & white dishes...swoon!!!

  24. Some things just shouldn't be re-invented into healthy! They really do photograph well, though...
    Things are ramping up around here so it will be interesting to see how my party posting will go this Spring.
    You've been in my prayers.

  25. Oh yum..I can smell them all the way down here in N.C.!..Still dismantling the decorations. Your photography is wonderful!..Love the red and white!

  26. LOVE your darling new header Kathleen. I was wondering what program you use to do your headers? They are always beautiful but this one really captured my eye.

    I think your donuts look absolutely delicious. And your photo is gorgeous. Love your blog. Its always so fun to come to.


  27. Kathleen...sometimes I'm just dumber than a box of rocks. But when I DO learn something then I know it. I am still just learning how to do things on blogger. I don't know how to put on a gadget. And I don't know how to change the header to put lines around it like you do. I've gone to some tutorials and they all say I have to use picassa or publish or something like that. I am absolutely in a quandry. AND I don't know what you mean that there is no return place? You mean my email address?


  28. Looking forward to Laurie's party! Give me a fried donut or no donut all :-) Visiting from Seasonal Sunday.

  29. These are baked? wow they look the same. Gosh I'd love to make them but I know I'd eat the whole batch. You know all that walking.....I'd have to walk to LI to work them

    Gorgeous colors of Valen"times"


  30. They sure do LOOK good. Thank you so much for posting about the V'tine party. Time is just flying by! I've just finished putting away all of the Christmas. laurie

  31. Maybe I could try baked apple donuts. I am still no good at anything involving the dreaded yeast! And doggone it...I gave my deep fryer away to my son & his girlfriend when I was on a "no fried food" kick that lasted all of one measly week. I've been thinking ahead to Valentine's Day already, but I have got to get all this Christmas stuff put away first. I am being VERY bad about getting that done in a timely manner! :-( I'll mark my calendar for the party at Laurie's though.

  32. Hi Kathleen...its me again. What template do you use? That may make a difference if I can put a photo in. Many Thanks.


    PS I hope I fixed the other problem. I've been trying to figure this out for several hours now. Oh the woes of being a brand new blogger! (smile)

  33. No matter how the doughnuts taste, the photos make them look absolutely delish. You've outdone yourself with the camera!
    I've been in Maine for a couple of weeks and temps here have been surprisingly moderate and no snow which is a disappointment. Weatherwise, who knows what to expect these days?

  34. You are making January Jolly; thank you Kathleen.
    I has been very dready around here, not our usual winter weather.
    Those apple donuts look superbly GOOD!

  35. We have been having absolutely beautiful spring weather here too, and I have been taking advantage of it too,Kathleen. Those doughnuts looks pretty good to me,lets forget about the frying If they taste as good as these look! My! would I like to have one about now! YUMmy.Thank you for sharing.
    Enjoyed your tablescape on your last post, so beautiful!

  36. We're enjoying wonderful spring-like weather here in Georgia. I'm loving it! Your little donut snack looks delicious. Love that pedestal that they're on.

  37. We are enjoying a warm and sunny few days here in Illinois too-I love it! I just keep pretending that winter isn't going to show up this year!

  38. Kathleen,

    I could practically smell those donuts! Great photographs of the transferware table and toile tablecloth. Thanks for joining my R & R party. Sorry it turned out so small. I lost computer connection this weekend, and couldn't send out invites. I hope you'll join again, as I try to get it off the ground. I'll plan my Valentine table for your friends party! Happy week! ~CJ

  39. Oh yummy! I have such a huge weakness for donuts. I'll be looking for that baaaad kind!

  40. I love donuts...even baked will do. :))

    Forgot all about the annual Valentine's party at Laurie's. Thanks for the reminder.

  41. Yum, doughnuts are among my favorite foods - and milkshakes! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. Hi Kathleen!
    Oh hasn't it been "great" so far! I put great in quotes, as I am comparing this to my son's temperatures in Austin, TX :o)
    For New York ~ it's amazing we've had such a break this winter! You had soooo much snow last year! We had a lot too, but I remember how snowed in my father-in-law was in S. Jamesport!
    I don't think we'll get away with this all winter, but it's sure spoiling us!
    I love your pretty Valentine's banner photo!
    Happy New Year to you, Kathleen!

  43. Hi Kathleen! The above comment was left by me, Maria... I forgot to check and see if my husband was still signed in!
    Ooops :o)

  44. Isn't this weather fabulous! I told hubby to get the lights down quickly before the snow comes!

    I agree, the baked just don't taste quite as good but they sure are beautiful!

  45. You are too sweet my friend! Thank you!


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