Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pink...For the Cure

So many bloggers have done pink posts to commemorate Pink Ribbon Month.  Before the month ends, I wanted to do a pink post in honor of all those fighting this terrible disease.

Picture 436

A perfectly pink tractor for the fair ladies to ride...

Picture 813

A beautiful pink rose...

Picture 1584

A yummy pink cupcake...

Picture 1374

Picture 1845

Picture 1843

Bargains 336

And some  pretty in pink tablescapes from the past.

I hope they have raised a lot of money this month for the cure.

My niece, a young mother of 4, was diagnosed in August and underwent a double mastectomy.  She is having chemo treatments.  Her youngest child is severely disabled, and right now is in ICU , very sick.  If you could spare a prayer for them, I would really appreciate it. 

Let us hope they find a cure, and soon.

Foodie Friday

The farmers markets are loaded with heads of cauliflower, and cabbage.

I tried a recipe I saw on the Food Channel , a Polish dish called Haluski  Very easy!  I must ask my Polish friend Janice Jedrzejewski, if she ever had this.  She introduced me to a lot of Polish treats in college, as did my friend Maryann Pasinski.  All very exotic to this Irish American gal!  :)

Bargains 079

Here's the you tube showing you how.  There are many different versions, this is the one I tried.

Mary Kay, I haven't heard from you.  Please go to my last post and pick your prize so I can get them mailed out.

Thanks for visiting.  See you this Sunday, I have a few bargains to show you from my last trip to CTS.

Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday and

Gollum for Foodie Friday.


  1. As always Kathleen...a beautiful heartfelt creative post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. A great pink post for breast cancer awareness - I have to finish up things I am working on to get them out. I saw a haluski recipe but yours looks so good. I am sending prayers to your niece and her child. So sad that both are dealing with serious illness. xo

  3. Love all that pink! So nice of you to do a tribute to the Breast Cancer crusade.

    Just beautiful!


  4. I can remember to pray for your niece and I will. I am currently praying two others through their treatments. One is a mother of a fellow blogger.

    I love your tribute to pink. I wouldn't even begin to know how to pick a favorite table since pink is my all time favorite color.

  5. I love this post. You have a beautiful collection of napkins! One of my closest friends, whose son is 6 weeks older than Adrian was diagnosed last year. She's put up quite a fight. I have done a couple Zumba-thons this year for Breast Cancer Research. I will keep your niece in my prayers.

  6. Kathleen,
    I am tickled pink to see all the pretty tributes in pink for breast cancer awareness!
    I just prayed for your niece and her little one! I'll ask my Bible Study girls to pray for them as well.

    I have Halluski on my menu this week. I just love it... after all I am hungarian!
    xo Yvonne

  7. Praying for your niece right now and her young one. That's a lot to bear.
    I think I'll need to try Halluski soon!

  8. Kathleen:

    I continue to have your niece in my prayers. She is way too young for this.

    Gotta say, I love that pink tractor.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Pink these days is a reminder of many friends who deserve to be remembered. Tell me, did you do the beautiful cupcake? If so, you just went up another notch....I'm lousy at cake decorating.

  10. What a wonderful post, Kathleen! I loved every picture and every word.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  11. I am sorry to hear about your niece and her problems with cancer. You can be assured that I will pray for her and the little child who is also ill in ICU. We can never let up in our efforts to bring awareness to breast cancer. Thanks for doing your part and allowing us to see lovely things in pink. Your tablescapes are gorgeous, too.

  12. Nice tribute, prayers go out to your niece and family.
    I know you will not believe me, but that pink paisley tablecloth is one of my favorites...there is something about it that warms me every time I see it!

  13. Beautiful post! Keeping your family in my prayers..

    Great video,something so simple..loved the way she measured the garlic salt, my kind of cooking! Was there a particular kind of curly noodle?

  14. So sorry about your friend, Kathleen. It is so sad especially because she is so young with small kids. I will say a prayer for them. Your tables are really pretty...Christine

  15. Kathleen, this is a beautiful tribute. Your pinks are fabulous. ~ Sarah

  16. The Haluski looks great K! I've only tried it once and it didn't call for the garlic salt or bacon, I'll be making it this weekend! Your pink cupcakes are beautiful:@)

  17. Immediate *knee-mails* being sent for both your niece & her precious child! I'm so glad God has never tested me with such trials, as I know I'd fail miserably.

    Your pink tribute table is pure cotton candy confection! Such pretty soft colors & lovely accessories...just the epitome of feminine grace & charm.

    You've gotten me craving Haluski now. I've made it a couple of times for DH & look forward to trying the version you posted. Thanks! Our meals are so much more interesting since I found your blog, Kathleen. You enrich so many, you'll never know how much.


  18. I love your tablescape. Beautiful!

  19. Beautiful pinks! The Haluski looks so good.

  20. Beautiful tribute for Breat Cancer Awareness month. It seems we are all iving this with our families and friends.

  21. This post brings tears to my eyes! I am planning on a post for Sunday because I am so proud of all the work my sorority has done for the cure.

    Ricki Jill

  22. Love your pink post! I hope this month has helped many with breast cancer. I will keep your niece and her family in my prayers. hugs, Linda

  23. I will lift up your niece, her doctors, her child and those doctors. Prayers for healing, strength and wisdom.

    Must try the Haluski.. cabbage, noodles and bacon.. yum!

    So glad you shared the pink tables.. darling! love the pink tractor, too. xo marlis

  24. Kathleen -- loving all the pink! Sorry to hear your neice and her family are facing such tough trials -- please know that they are in my prayers!


    P.S. I LOVE both cabbage and cauliflower :)

  25. This is a very simple but important post....thanks, xoxoxoxoxo, Flavia

  26. It's wonderful that the month of October pushes the fight against breast cancer to the forefront, but all of us who are affected, we know the struggles are daily. Love your tribute to the cause, and I am so sorry about your niece. Until they find a cure, we just have to believe in miracles. Sending healing energy her way!

  27. A pink tractor....only you! :-) I LOVE IT!!! Of course, I do...I'm a Midwesterner! :-) Beautiful, Kathleen. I may get up the nerve to try the German dish shown there, but I don't know...I JUST got into the sauerkraut thing a few weeks ago! It was really good the way I prepared it, but it is an acquired taste, I think.

  28. Kathleen, of course I will add my prayers for your sweet niece and her family.

    What a wonderful post. Almost everyone has some loved one who has been affected by breast cancer. May they continue to improve treatments and find cures.

    I loved all the pinks.

  29. This is such a beautiful table and a wonderful tribute to women (and men) who are battling this disease. Hope your niece finishes her treatments with flying colors and that her son gets well very soon!!!! Again, a truly lovely table!

  30. I am very sorry to hear about your neice and her little one. I will certainly pray for them! Your pink tables are all beautiful! XO, pinky

  31. I don't know your niece's name but I will add her to my LIST FOR PRAYERS on my sidebar, under your blog name.
    A reminder to pray for all these people couldn't hurt.....

    I love all your pinks...:)

  32. So sorry to read about your niece, Kathleen. I'm sending prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery for her and her child. I love your pink tablescapes. You have the gift of combining different elements into a stunning table.

  33. Sendin' healin' hugs your way sweetie!!!

    I thought I'd seen everything there was to see on a farm but girl I've never laid eyes on a 'Pink' Farmall tractor!!! Love it!!!!

    Your pretty little pinks for the past are absolutely charmin and oooooh that dish look amazin'!!!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend! :o)

  34. What a wonderful cause, Kathleen, and any awareness for the cause is great. I am still keeping your niece and her son in my thoughts and prayers. I remember what it was like going through chemo and breast cancer when my two girls were young. I can't even imagine having a disabled child as well.

    I remember seeing that haluski video not too long ago. I saved the recipe but haven't tried it yet. It sounds delicious to me!

  35. I'm so sorry, because your niece is sick. Everywhere are full suffering people. I pray for her.

    I'm from Poland
    :-) and I am pleased that you cook Polish food :-)

    I live in the north and i don't know this recipe. I never eaten this dish :-)

    Your table decor is beautiful and sensitive!

    PS. I now, my English is not good.
    I'm still learning :-)

  36. I am so sorry to hear about your niece. Thank you for your tribute to the importance of the cause. Lovely photos.

  37. Your Polish friend from college loves haluski. Get mine from The Pierogi Palace in Rahway, NJ. Young Polish gals make everything from scratch. Yummy! I'll be placing my order for Christmas at the beginning of December.

  38. Are you going to have snow, Kathleen? Stay safe and warm...Christine

  39. Hey, little one...just stopping in again to say hi. I am showing a nurse in the clinic your site!

  40. Beautiful pink tribute, Kathleen. Your niece and her family ahve not left my thoughts and prayers sinc eyou first told me about them

    The pink rose cupcake is perfection! You need to open a bakery!

    Hope you weathered today's storm well. We did not get any accumulation even though it heavily snowed all day!

  41. A beautiful tablescape for such a great cause, Kathleen, I will be praying for your niece and her family. We need a cure for this disease and soon!!

    That cupcake looks as though it wants to jump out of the computer and into my hands, you not only get to make such tasty morsels but you get to eat them. I admire gifted hands!!
    Thanks for visiting and for taking the time to leave such a sweet note, always so encouraging.

  42. Great pinks for a great cause, Kathleen! Your dish looks yummy as always! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  43. A wonderful pink post for breast cancer awareness. Never heard of haluski but yours looks so good. I am continuing my prayers for Maura and Tommy.

  44. You had me with all the pretty pinks! Love them. Sending prayers up for your sweet niece and child. May God bless them and comfort them during their illness and restore their health and joy.

  45. Hope all is well there, K.
    You haven't posted in a looong time.:)

    I can't remember which site you get your Christmas countdown from..I always use it, too, but have lost the bookmark...

  46. Hope all is well there, K.
    You haven't posted in a looong time.:)

    I can't remember which site you get your Christmas countdown from..I always use it, too, but have lost the bookmark...

  47. Hope all is well there, K.
    You haven't posted in a looong time.:)

    I can't remember which site you get your Christmas countdown from..I always use it, too, but have lost the bookmark...

  48. I love the pink post. We can never think too much about those fighting the disease (prayers for your niece and family)and to remind women to get those mammograms! That cupcake is perfect!

  49. Oh such beautiful pink tablescapes Kathleen! I was drooling over each one of them. Love the way you put the little floral garland around the plate in that pink and gray scape, and that "box" snowman is so cute in the snowman scape. Pretty pink post. I'm so sorry about your niece and her child. I will add them to my prayer list. laurie

  50. Oh, and I really meant to say something about that cupcake that I thought was a real rose when I first looked at it! You should sell those things. laurie

  51. Catching up on your blog, Kathleen. First of all, I will pray for your niece and her child. May the good Lord bless them. Second, your tablescapes are lovely, especially the last two were my favorites. Third, from this Irish-German-Polish girl, my mother used to make "Cabbage and Noodles" -- Lord, I haven't made it myself in so long. I couldn't see your recipe, it wouldn't show on my screen for some reason, but it looks like yours had bacon, which looked yummy to add (my mother just used the cabbage and noodles). You brought back good memories of my Mom.


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