Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting into Fall SHAPE!!

I love to play with my kitchen toys.  Cookie cutters make great shaped potatoes.

Blog Labor 246_thumb[5]potatoes

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Apple crisp baked in a pumpkin shaped dish.

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Nut molds used to make cookies. (King Arthur)

Marigene thinks these are a royal pain, but I didn't mind doing it, and they tasted good.  I used a shortbread recipe, and filled them with apricot or nutella.

I will do a post on them in November.

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You can cut your biscuits with cookie cutters and your butter pats too.

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Individual mac and cheese in little leaf casseroles.

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Or Super size it!

Blog Labor 310_thumb[5]mac cheese pumpkin

Letter shaped cookie cutters so you can label your food in case you forget what you made!  :)

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My friend Carol, There's Always Thyme to Cook, sent me these cutters from WSonoma a few years ago.  I have been using them to decorate pies ever since then!

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  So today instead of just decorating the pie, I covered the whole top with leaves.

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Peel and slice your apples, I used 5 and a half cups, and  used 5 different varieties of apples.  Fill the bottom crust.

Cut your shapes and start from the bottom going around slightly overlapping.  If you roll too thick, you will have gummy crust, too thin, and they fall apart.

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Time consuming, but not that bad!

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I brushed some of the leaves with egg wash so I would get shades.

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Ready to serve...

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I had some left over dough and apples, so I made some mini pies.

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I hope you have a wonderful Fall weekend.  The weather here has been beautiful, still warm and everything is green.  We haven't had a frost yet, and my oil bill is happy about that!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday

Yvonne for On the Menu Monday.

Sue at Sullivan and Murphy is having a great give away from Uprinting.  Hop over and enter.

Thanks for visiting!

Please remember to ditch the word id, and make sure you have a return  email addy in the comment section on your dashboard! 

The give away is now closed and the winner will be announced Sunday!


  1. You are so amazingly creative with your food. That pie covered with leaves blew me away! It's a work art.

  2. Goodness...that is one beautiful pie!! I have to get some of those cookie cutters!! What a hit that must have been. You are SUCH a creative cook! I am also looking forward to your recipe for the nut molds. Nutella is my downfall, well, one of them!!

    Have a wonderful fall weekend. I bet it is beautiful in your area!


  3. That is the prettiest pie crust EVER! Love it :)

  4. I am impressed with the pie and leaves! Have you tried the Chocolate peanut butter? I can't remember the brand, but found it with the pnt butters. I love your little nut cookies. (I'm a sucker for apricot anything!)
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  5. Everything looks good and your apple pie is awesome.

  6. You cook and bake like a dream! I can't decide what I like the best!! Enjoy the weekend. It is supposed to be "perfect October weather" according to Eyewitness News weather team. xo

  7. Kathleen, you have far too much time on your hands...go clean your car out! Actually, you are very creative and I am jealous...

  8. In my next life...sigh. The apple pie looks fit for royalty. Cherry Kay

  9. Gorgeous pie K, the leaves are very pretty! Still love the potatoes too. Doing any traveling in that nice weather... CTS maybe??? Happy Weekend:@)

  10. What an array of great products. Your pie is picture perfect and would win a prize. love fall weather and baking weather.

  11. Holly cow or I should say holly pie! A work of art. Now that is one pile of leaves I would not mind raking up with my fork...delicious. I have to use the cookie cutters on my Tatars too for the little boys. Great idea! Keep enjoying the good weather. It was so windy here this past week and gray that I now understand why they call it the windy city.

  12. I can not seem to spell today:-)

  13. I am sure people shop after they visit you:)

    Everything looks so nice.
    Great work K.

  14. Everything is lovely, K.
    I can't imagine how long it would take to cut and place those tiny leaves on your pie. So artful !!

    Be sure to come have Halloween coffee and have you got in on the enamel sign giveaway?

  15. You know, I don't like to cook. I love to present pretty or fun food for some reason though. I used to be a LOT more fun and creative with it when the girls were little.

    You have completely inspired me in this post. I love it and want to copycat you.

    That apple pie is my favorite part, but I love those potatoes too. I'm trying them tonight, I think.

    The husband will say, "Blogland, I presume?"

  16. That pie is the prettiest! You definitely must have a lot of patience, my friend! I'm with Marigene on the work :) but I would love to eat them, just not make them!

  17. Wonderful post as always Kathleen!

    I can't wait to cookie cut potatoes for the G'kids. They will love it!

  18. Kathleen, this is so fun all your playing around with food. Love it all and would love to be at your table! The pie is just so beautiful looking. I have done a leaf border, but have never covered a pie -- it looks wonderful. Love the letters too (just in case I forget what I am serving). Joni

  19. This is a beautiful post! I'm in awe! I love your creative ideas, the pie is amazing! Thanks for sharing your talent.

  20. What a wonderful way to start my day by seeing your blog this gorgeous Autumn Saturday. Everything is so beautiful and it inspires me! I love your gorgeous ideas!

  21. I have those same cutters from WS and love them. What a beautiful pie crust you made with them! Cute idea to make leaf potatoes. Wish I would have thought of that for the top of my scalloped potatoes.

  22. I love all your foodie ideas!! It's fun to play with food, isn't it? I bought those WS pie crust cutters this year & can't wait to try them out. Your pie looks gorgeous with all the cascading it!!

  23. Wow, you sure keep BUSY in the kitchen! That apple pie is making me want to drive over there RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks SO good and it is my favorite dessert! I always ask for one for my b-day, usually doesn't happen though. PLEASE tell me where you got the little mini witches hats in the 3rd picture!!! I have been SEARCHING for them! Thanks! XO, Pinky

  24. PS, would love it if you would follow me and put me on your blog list:)

  25. Hi lovely lady.
    I need to get me the pie crust cutters for my pies. This looks so good it just blows me away.
    I hope you have a great weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  26. That pie crust of leaves is over the top fabulous. I would love to serve that if only I could make an edible pie crust.
    I could do it with store bought I guess. Then everyone would really think I made it myself.

  27. You really should write a book! These ideas are great! I've never seen or at least I don't remember seeing a pie covered in leaves like that...just beautiful. I have several of those leaf shaped baking dishes. I love the mac and cheese idea! What a great post!

  28. I am soooo glad you captured a photo of that delicious looking is a work of art, honest!! Beautifully done!

    In fact, all your autumnal touches are just gorgeous. You sure have the knack for this, Kathleen. AND THE DISHES!!! Love those leaf & pumpkin shapes!

    I am back in business with the computer almost completely loaded. All except for the camera software. ??? Where the heck did I put that CD???? Sheesh! Of all things to lose!

  29. Indeed, a work of art!! So beautiful and festive :)

  30. I really envy the amount of time and effort you put into making beautiful food. I would like to do that, too, but I just can't get with the program. Please send me a teaspoon of your cooking mojo. Thank you! :-)

  31. Kathleen, love the idea of the shaped potatoes. I'm going to have the "chef" make some of these. I have the WS cutters. Love the idea of covering the top of the pie with individual leaves. It looks gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing the ideas. ~ Sarah

  32. The pie looks like a harvest masterpiece! I also like the potatoes cut into shapes before roasting them :)

    It's good to be home, Kathleen. We had a wonderful time in sunny California and saw so much! We felt two minor earthquakes in San Francisco, however, which made me realize I could not live there.

  33. I'm making an apple pie tomorrow, that is after I find some very cool cookie cutters to copy your idea. TJ Maxx, here I come!

  34. That apple pie looks so mouthwatering delicious, I can almost taste it.
    Sarah at HFTS gifted me the WS cutters last year, I think it's time I tried them out.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  35. O MY!! Everything looks so pretty and yummy too!! You are far more ambitious than I am with cooking!! Those pies are a work of art!!

    Thanks so much for visitng my Christmas blog!! I agree that we should have our Thanksgiving in October like Canada does. After all, Thanksgiving is to celebrate the Harvest. By the end of November, the harvest has long been harvested!! LOL!!


  36. "will you be dressing as FiFi LePew for Halloween?"

    NO WAY!!!!!! I hope I never SEE another skunk...or smell one, for that matter! LOL

  37. I'm going to try the cookie cutter shaped potatoes! What a great idea. And your pie is beautiful! Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comment!

  38. Your pies are too pretty to least until a photo is taken. GORGEOUS!

  39. Kathleen, You have the patience of a saint! How long did it take you to cut out all those little leaves? The pie is too gorgeous to eat, so I'll try the apple crumble, if you don't mind. LOL
    Gosh, everything looks delicious and so many cute ideas. Happy Sunday.

  40. Holy AMAZING! You have some great tips. Thanks!

  41. Kathleen! You are a kitchen artist! You always inspire me. Love all the great food in fall shapes!

  42. Your attention to detail is incredible! I love every little leaf.

    - The Tablescaper

  43. Leaf perfection on your delicious pie!! I have those cutters~ you've inspired me to pull them out, but I'm afraid they'll pale in comparison~

  44. Geez, you are making me want to get out cookie cutters and go to town in the kitchen! Everythihng turned out so pretty and yummy looking!

  45. Did your mother tell you to not play with your food?? LOL! What fun you have cooking! That is the prettiest pie I've ever seen, and probably the tastiest!


  46. I love, adore, can't get enough of a good apple pie...but hubby even said, that is too pretty to eat!! That is amazing!

  47. Martha will be so jealous- you have topped her with your leaf covered pie! Beautiful. I have about 500 cookie cutters- you have given me some great ideas for using them!

  48. Only you could make pretty potatoes! Everything looks delightful, but that pie looks like it was made by a pro! Well done, my friend!!

  49. That is a beautiful pie, very creative! Thank you for sharing and hope you will have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  50. Kathleen, I would never have thought to cut potatoes with cookie cutters. My grands are going to love this idea! You always come up with such clever food presentation, and I am doing well just to get food on the table in a pyrex dish! That apple pie is making my mouth water, but I'd almost hate to cut it with all those pretty leaves on top. laurie

  51. Jaw dropping beautiful! I love this leaf covered pie! Thanks for being so inspiring....

  52. Cutest food ever, Kathleen. These are just so much fun!



  53. I love potatoes and now I can make fancy shapes of them too! What do you do with the leftover potatoes that don't get cut?


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