Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apples, Apples who has the Apples?

I do! 

I know Cindy at Applestone Cottage has them growing in her yard.  She told me they are good to cook with, but not good to eat out of hand.  I hope she makes tons and tons of apple baked goods and freezes them to enjoy all winter!

Last Sunday was warm, summery for apple picking.  Most of the people were dressed in shorts and sweating.  Not that it is hard to pick the apples, they are low bush and it takes 10 minutes to fill your bag.

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Yes, 32.00 a bag!  So learn how to pack that bag!

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I picked all Mutzu, as I like them for baking, and eating!

Big, fat juicy ones!

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Peel one, and you have almost a lb of apples!

The kids picked all different kinds.

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It helps to kick the little one out of the stroller and put the bag in so those plastic handles don't cut off the circulation to your fingers!

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And then get the 3 year old to push it!  :)

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It is very close to the ocean, so you do get a cool breeze.

How do you like these prices?

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You can also get your pumpkins and gourds there.

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My youngest gson said he didn't want one with WARTS!

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I should have bought this one to make into a witch!

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The kids got one little pumpkin each.  It is still warm, and the squirrels will eat them if they are put out on the steps.

After tasting their donuts, I decided I liked these much better.  I have posted it before.  They are called Dirt Bombs, a cross between a donut and a muffin.  I have seen many versions of them in blogland.

The recipe I use is from Sol
I added apples, and believe me, they didn't cost $5.25 for 6!  And they are not fried, but very good!

BlogLabor307 Dirt Bombs

The recipe is here.

One last apple!

A one pounder dipped in chocolate for the kids to share.

And one for Nana and Grandpa too!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and Yvonne at Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday.

Thanks for visiting!

Blog Labor witches

See you soon!


  1. I went to farm stands both in LI (Fri) and NJ (Sat). I love to do that this time of year, it is the best. Those unfried donuts would be so good with a cup of tea right about now. xo,

  2. I can't help but admire your beautiful grandchildren.. They are so well-groomed! How nice to have a Sunday with them.

    Yikes! The prices! It's not always cheaper to get produce at a farm, is it. But what a nice day.

  3. Wow, your boys have grown so much. I have never had a Mutsu...I would have picked some of the Honey Crisps, they are so good to eat out of hand. Instead I had to settle for grocery store Macs!
    I love the Cottage Street Bakery Dirt Bombs from the Cape Cod Table...great cookbook by Lora Brody.

  4. Hi Kathleen! Oh, this would be so much fun!! Cute boys!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh how fun, Kathleen. But why is everything so expensive? Hey, I'm in on the Monkey Biz thing. Are you going to host it? I am not good in marketing so I think you better host. Probably Sheila will join too. I know she likes monkeys...Christine

  6. The kids have gotten so big! So are those apples! I've been to the Milk Pail but we were late and got pumpkins, years ago, too bad I didn't know you back then, I could have gotten that gift in the trunk, LOL!

  7. Forgot to say, Sol's Dirt Bombs are really good!

  8. What a wonderful day Kathleen! I know those g'kids had fun and so did the g'parents. Enjoyed the photos.
    J and I had jaw dropping moments reading the prices!;-)

  9. Great pics Kathleen! Reminds me of a Ralph Lauren ad! Still can't believe those prices!! $5 a bushel by us...get a plane ticket! hehe.
    Hey, we found a tree in our yard that has good eating apples right off the tree!

  10. I'd say that farm is "making hay" with the prices! Looks like the kids had a great time and I'm sure the apples are wonderful! I was tickled by the warty pumpkins at my local nursery yesterday, hopefully I'll feel a little inspiration to do something with one soon. Happy Sunday K:@)

  11. What a wonderful day Kathleen -- those were city folk prices, lol. I always loved taking the kids apple picking and to the pumpkin farm each year -- a fall ritual.

    Those dirt bombs remind me of my pumpkin doughnut muffins and will be making an appearance here in the days ahead :)


  12. Your 3 yr old reminds me of ours! So much:)

    I can't believe your prices..

    maybe that's why you have Christmas Tree Shops and WS outlet and etc and etc..

    Our apples are so much more reasonable..Noah's mom has been 3 times.. they were all supposed to go again yesterday.. but too cold and damp and rainy..

    Cute pics..Love seeing the kids.

  13. You have some fine looking gsons...and it looks as if they enjoyed the apple pickin'.
    Gosh O Mighty..the prices are out the kazoo.
    Mr. Sweet and son went to the Dallas Cowboy game last weekend (Mon) and he said hot dogs were eleven bucks...

  14. Such outings are so much fun. We don't have so much to pick when I'm in Houston so I totally enjoy the opportunities for harvest here. I, too, am like a kid!

  15. What fun! When I lived in New Mexico, i picked apples every year ... had a picnic ... drank cider ... thanks for the memories and enjoy your apples!

  16. Looks like a fun outing. Here in France there are apples scattered on the lawns at almost every home. Difficult to keep up with cooking and eating all of them. ;-)

  17. Hi lovely lady.
    Looks like you and the kids had a great time picking apples!!!

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my fall tablescape. I hope you are having a great weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  18. Kathleen:

    It looks like a perfect day - even if you did have to wear shorts. There is something about getting to pick them right off the trees.

    The dirt bomb recipe sounds great. While I was checking it out, I was also led back to Mike's Rugelach. I've heard you speak of them and they look amazing.

    As always, great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. What a fun and yummy day. I'm wanting some of those doughnuts and some chocolate covered apples now!

  20. Oh my...things have gotten expensive out in the orchards! I'm glad you knew how to load those bags. Loved the humor in this post and that there apple you shared looked gooey good!

  21. What a delightful post! I love apples, and my favorites are the Honeycrisp Apples!!! :D

  22. Such great post Kathleen having a beautiful day buying pumpkins and gourds with the g'kids! lucky, wish I had my g'girls close by, they live three hours away. Things like this here are so inexpensive, but your apples look yummy! I enjoyed your post. Hugs,

  23. Awww, how cute the little guys look! Such great memories in the making.

    Sticker Shock at those prices!!!!!!!
    We have not yet been to our favorite apple orchard. Guess I'd better take out a loan before we go, huh?

    Thanks for the link to the Dirt Bombs. I must have missed that somewhere along the line but DH will love you forever once I make these for him. His silly daily doughnuts are up to 69¢ APIECE, now!!! I told him he may have to give up that habit.
    He said "as soon as you give up buying fabric". Ain't gonna happen! LOL


  24. I have been checking those prices! My parents were visiting for a family dinner this week and saw that I had paid almost 6.00 for a challah. They couldn't believe it...I had to explain that there are areas of NJ and NY that everything is much more expensive. The apple pies at the local farm stand were 24.99...we baked our own!

  25. Kathleen, This sounds like a very fun day! I love to see your family! What darlings! I have never heard of Dirt Bombs but the way you describe them makes them sound so yummy! I can't seem to find the link when I clicked on Sol. Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY and sharing this sweet post!

  26. What a wonderful way to spend time with the family and bring home something fab to eat.
    I can't believe the size of those apples! Or the price!
    Last week a neighbour popped round with a bag of apples from her orchard next door.
    So far I've only made apple sauce to go with a roast pork dinner, but plan on making a pear & apple pandowdy tonight. Homegrown pears, naturellement!

  27. What a great trip to Appleland with the children. I LOVED IT! Your bakedgoods are worth a fortune compared to those prices Kathleen,

  28. I really enjoyed your post, it was a great tour and your apple is so pretty. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  29. What a big difference in price - The joys of living on the east end, eh? We paid $12 a bag upstate, and my dad said the same place was $8 last year! We got some amazing apples though - yum! And the most amazing pies were $12 up there. How nice to see a glimpse of the grand kids - what cuties!

  30. Those gourds are awesome! And I've never picked apples before, clearly I need to remedy that!

  31. It has been AGES since I went apple picking, and I should be ashamed of myself with so many wonderful orchards within a stone's throw of our home! Same with pumpkin picking. I'm so lazy! Maybe that's something I can add to our "Things To Do That Are Free or Relatively Inexpensive" list! I may try the dirt bomb recipe, but I have to find out what the heck cardamom is first. I've seen it at the store, but I don't know for sure that I've ever tasted it. That's not the one that tastes like'll figure it out. Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves!!! Have a happy day!

  32. What a fun time for you, and the kiddos!

    Love the banner!


  33. I don't like the ones with the warts either! Glad you made the dirt bombs instead of paying those prices. Joe has requested the dirt bombs this week since I am on vacation :-) Thanks for sharing your day at the orchard with your grandchildren.

  34. I don't like the ones with the warts either! Glad you made the dirt bombs instead of paying those prices. Joe has requested the dirt bombs this week since I am on vacation :-) Thanks for sharing your day at the orchard with your grandchildren.

  35. Note to self: now that im living back north get out of the house and pick some apples from a farm. Richard from Amish Stories.

  36. Wow, $32.00 for a bag of apples seems like a lot but then all the prices look high! Just wondering what that works out to be per pound for the apples when your bag is packed full?

    I can't wait to see your black gourd witch :) and that chocolate-covered apple looks wonderful! I have to give Sol's Dirt Bombs a try. I've heard about them forever but have never tried them.

  37. I was trying to look at the prices on that board but got sidetracked by the thought of MAPLE POPCORN. That sounds so yummy to me.

    It all looked fun and festive from where I sit. I giggled about the warts. I mentioned to the husband yesterday that fall is the only time of the year that I decorate with things like look like warty frogs.

    And I love the witch hat looking gourd.

  38. I've never heard of a Mutzu~ A 1 lb apple dipped in chocolate is my kind of an apple-a-day!

    Warty pumpkins are my favorite :)

  39. Fantastic post; anything with markets and I'm in! everything was calling me; thanks for sharing this.

  40. I love to go apple picking but it has become an expensive day out, hasn't it? We usually go upstate NY...I love the ride.

    I never hear of those donuts --they look yummy!

  41. I love to go apple picking but it has become an expensive day out, hasn't it? We usually go upstate NY...I love the ride.

    I never hear of those donuts --they look yummy!

  42. It looks like a fun place to visit, but wow those prices are up there! Love the apple donuts! Joni

  43. I was happy to see you posted pics of your apple picking trip with the kids! They are all adorable. (I like your comment about taking the littest one out of his stroller, then making HIM push it! LOL!) And, Kathleen, those prices are CRAZY. Double what it should be! I saw even WATER was two bucks! Well, it's what you have to deal with in your neck of the woods, it's a nice area. And I'd love to try your little donut recipe, they look scrumptious!


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