Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sailing into August and Sale ing!

  July flew by!  Last weekend I chaired a dinner dance for the beach community where I live.

I found these sailboats on clearance at Christmas Tree Shops.  And metamorphed them into centerpieces.

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I filled them with oasis and stuffed hydrangeas from my garden in them.

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I got 8 of them, just what I needed for the tables.

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Set on a mirror with shells scattered, they were perfect.  I used washable marker for the table number, so I can use them again.

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A scallop shell held sea blue kisses for the guests.

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The cost of the centerpieces? .70 cents!  I think that qualifies for Thrifty!

These are some of the other items I got for 90 % off the other day at CTS.

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The polka dot casseroles were .59, the larger blue was .99. They were all in perfect condition.

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The white ribbed rectangular were .20, the apple casseroles were .29 and .39.

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Glass compotes were NINE cents.  I had 4 so added 2 more.

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Orange glasses .22, candle holders .39, covered ramekins .16. The large aqua hurricane was 1.29!

Last night a group of us had an anniversary party for dear friends.  I was assigned desserts.

The wedding cake...

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I did half with chocolate filling, half cherry and iced with whipped cream.

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Chocolate cake, filled with chocolate and iced in chocolate.  A votive serves as a vase for the flowers.

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I made a Lemon Pound cake in the Heritage Pan, and served it with blueberry sauce. Forgot to take a pic, but I will be making it again soon.

And a simple plum cake for those who like something lighter.

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Dh is enjoying some of the leftovers tonight!

Thanks for stopping by!

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Gollum for Foodie Friday. Diann for Thrifty Tablescape, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday and Yvonne at Stone Gable for On the menu Monday.

I am also joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday.

My thanks to all the hostesses!


  1. Bravo on the bargains, Kathleen. Job well done. The cakes look delicious, I would have a hard time choosing just one. xo,

  2. Those cute sailboats are just great for the centerpieces! The cakes looks so yummy!

    You have been a very busy lady!


  3. The sail boat centerpeices were amazing! I was there. I got to see them first hand. And they would have been amazing at full price, let alone Kathleen's rock bottom price.

    We're to be off in search of treasures together tomorrorw. I wonder if I'll be as lucky.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Oh I love the sailboats! My little boys' room has photographs of sail boats and a painting my dad did when he was in high school. Those are so cute and what a fun idea! I SO wish there was a CTS in San Antonio!

  5. Congrats on all those lovely bargains.. Love your boats with the hydrangeas.. a perfect centerpiece! very cute. xo marlis

  6. Between being very thrifty, very creative, and very culinary, you have been on busy lady! I love those boat centerpieces, and your cakes look wonderful.

  7. Great bargains. The food for the anniversary are my hero!...Pure and simple. The hydrangeas in the sailboats were perfect for your community dance. Cherry Kay

  8. Kathleen, You are so clever! I should have thought to get a few more sailboats! I love them on your table filled with hydrangeas! I also got the polka dot casseroles... a couple months ago and NOT on sale! I'll be heading back to CTS to see what else they have!

  9. I want a CTS in E. Tennessee! I love those polka dot casseroles! Fabulous bargains you found, Kathleen. Great table and desserts, too!

  10. Oh man you qualify as thrifty for sure! Love the little sailboats! Yummy looking food as usual!!

  11. Wow, you are quite the talented baker! Beautiful cakes and decor. I love the sailboats with the hydrangeas...perfect for table centerpieces. You really found some great bargains!


  12. Bravo Kathleen, everything looks so wonderful!
    And the deals you find at the CTS store....I want one of those sooo bad!
    Summer always goes so fast and winter goes so slow.

  13. Lovin' the fun polka dot and little white casseroles K! Great prices, I really need a CTS closer to home. The centerpieces are cute and cakes look great, I'm sure you all had a fun time:@)

  14. I wish there was a Christmas Tree shop nearby. I always see the most wonderful things from there! I love those sailboats.

    The cake looks good too!

  15. Your energy and creativity are really inspiring..Good for you:) The boats are so cute!

  16. Oh Kathleen, what a score! I wish we had one of those shops nearby. I am so in love with the sailboats! They are an excellent centerpiece as far as I am concerned. I love how you numbered them too. Gorgeous settings!

  17. Amazing, girl friend... amazing! Every aspect is lovely!

  18. Ok, where do I start? I love what you did to those sailboats. They made gorgeous centerpieces.

    The dessert look so delicious I could cry.

    I'm amazed by your CTS score!
    I was just there on Monday & those polka dotted bakers weren't even on sale, let alone 90% off! Could it be that they don't clearance the same merchandise in all their stores? Weird.

  19. Loved all your dishes. Can someone tell me what a CTS store is? I've never heard of one. I'm in North Central Arkansas.

  20. OMG! You got a steal on everything, Kathleen. That's better than a yard sale! I love your sailboats. So creatively placed as centerpieces. Just gorgeous! The cakes look so delicious!.....Christine

  21. Kathleen, your centerpieces are wonderful and what a bargain. The compotes are beautiful too. 9c? It must have cost more to manufacture them! You are my idol :)

  22. OMGoodness, you found some GREAT bargains!!!! Wow! The tables looked great, love the sailboats! I bet it was a BIG hit! XO, Pinky

  23. Wow...I love those bargains and those polka dot dishes are adorable. Love the variety of cakes you made for your friends anniversary too. Delicious! I would have to have a slice of each for sure.

  24. Love those sailboats and all your wonderful finds at the CTS. You must have the best CTS in all of New York because in Westchester the CTS is not that great. I am never lucky when I shop there. YOur finds are truly finds. How did you do the icing on the white cake? It looks to good to eat! Great job and thanks for sharing.

  25. Oh, my! What bargains! I just lvoe your sailboats. I think I must have a little bit of each dessert. YUM!

  26. You are the most savvy shopper I know! The sailboat centerpieces are perfect for your function! My hydrangea are starting to fade, but I always think of you when I see one.

  27. Delightful table settings.

    Thank you for sharing

    Karin Şen Cankan

  28. Kathleen--just me checking for a minute! I can't believe it's already time for the dinner dance again (and that they get you to do it every year :) They are lucky to get you. Those centerpieces are perfect! You have got to tell me how you iced with the whipped cream! It's gorgeous, and the cakes all sound delicious! We are about to melt down here---too hot to cook or set the table :)

  29. Wow...what wonderful bargains!! Don't have any great stores like this in our little upstate city. But the best thing about this post is your GORGEOUS desserts!!! They look wonderful!

  30. Love those little boats..just precious. All the sale things are wonderful. I am beginning to get depressed every time I come over and see all your cute things that are mere pennies. :(
    Wish CTS would come to Lubbock.
    xoxo bj

  31. With your skill for tablescapes you will be a hard act for the next chairperson to follow. I need to find a Christmas Tree shop. Many of you seem to find great bargains there. Oh, your centerpiece would look great on the boat and dress up our humble fare!

  32. I think I pout everytime you mention Christmas Tree Shop, lol!! Kathleen -- such gorgeous tables and I love the boats w/hydrangeas :)

    Happy Weekend Wishes!


  33. I am salivating over the cakes, I am salivating over the boats too! What a find and I love them with the hydrangeas. What a gorgeous centerpiece. I need one of those shops around here (but where would I put anything, I have run out of room!)

  34. Kathleen, I'm impressed you made so many cakes for the party. I really love the beauty of the wedding cake! Your boats are beautiful and you got many great bargains.
    Blessings, Beth

  35. Those are amazing bargains! Love your sail boats with the hydrangeas. Those cakes look out of this worls delicious!

  36. What special & so very appropriate little centerpieces for a beachy dinner party! LOVED the idea of washable marker on the sails.

    I'm sooooo jealous of all your wonderful bargains you found, Kathleen, I think I need to go to confession! The polka-dot items are darling & such incredible prices, too! *Shock*
    I recently emailed CTS & begged them to open a store in our area. I swear, someday I'm going to drive the 4 hours south to Dayton, just to go visit one of their stores.

    Your chocolate cake, filled with chocolate and iced in chocolate has my ♥ going pitter-patter & not because of the caffeine. I can almost taste it!! Tell me more about the filling between the layers, please?


  37. ooops, I forgot to say how PRETTY the white cake looked, with those big swirls all over. Please tell me how you did that, too???? I wanna be YOU when I grow up!!!! *wink*

  38. Great finds, Kathleen! You are so clever with your sail boat centerpieces! Your cake looks yummy! My daughter is shopping for school supplies and I am checking my supply of coffee so I can sit on the patio and listen to the bus roll through the neighborhood on the first day of school! Ahhhh! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  39. I'm sure it was a fabulous dinner dance, the tables look wonderful! And a very happy anniversary party, I'd have gained ten pounds on your desserts alone.

  40. have been one busy lady!!! I LOVE those sailboats!!! I think they are absolutely the cat's pajamas!!! I can think of so many uses for them. You really scored! And you made them look so elegant for the dinner dance. Wonderful!!!

  41. Oh, my! I don't know where to begin! Love, love, love those sailboat centerpieces! I can see the versatility in them and can't wait to see how you transform them next time! What a beautiful table and the centerpieces were so perfect! I'm going to have to check out that CTS! Nice finds! And those desserts look heavenly. I'm drooling a little now . . .

  42. Y'all have the best bargains! Those sailboat centerpieces are fantastic! I love the new header picture too. My summer has been nothing but work so when I get the time to look at blogs I'm trying to live vicariously through what my blogger friends are doing!!!

  43. I will have to make you my daughter's wedding planner, Kathleen! If you can make centerpieces look this good for such little $ we need your services! :) I never am lucky enough to find these bargains at the CTS when I go there ..I'm sure it's all about being there at the right time when they do deep discounts on seasonal items.

    Your desserts look heavenly!

  44. Love the sailboats. They make lovely centerpieces with your hydrangeas. Great finds and your desserts look delicious! Make my mouth water! Have a delightful week!

  45. Kathleen, you have been so clever! Finding great deals on your shopping, making lovely centerpieces, and lucious-looking cakes. I would definitely have chosen the polka-dot casseroles, and your sail boats with hydrangeas are wonderful. In my book, you can never go wrong with hydrangeas. And the cakes are just beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for taking time to leave a comment. I'm glad you loved the Mitford books; so do I. The word from the grapevine is that she's going to write one more. I sure hope so :) Have a great week.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  46. The sailboat centerpieces are perfect! You are so clever. I'm amazed at the prices at CTS. Wish they would open one in this area. ;-)
    Your cakes are making me hungry. I may have to make a trip to the bakery.

  47. You are so talented on so many level; so happy I can come admire your creations.Love it here!

  48. You are incredible! Great centerpieces and great cakes. That white one is a work of art.

  49. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my dilemma! I just posted my roos (hasn't showed up on your side bar yet!) Will you have another tablescape Thursday? Always look forward to yours!


  50. Hi! For some reason I was unable to leave any comments on other blogs for almost two months. But, now I can! YEAH!!!

    I've been reading your blog though. SO many beautiful things as always.

    I do not know if I'm more jealous of the wonderful items you find or the good food you make! I think both :)

  51. Visiting from "A Stroll Thru Life".....what wonderful finds and oh the prices. Love the sailboat adorable! You have an adorable blog, I am now a follower.

    Tami @ A Girls Gotta Nest

  52. Such lovely tablescapes and all the chocolate cakes have my mouth watering.

  53. Kathleen, I love, love the sailboat centerpieces. So creative and fresh with the hydrangeas.
    The desserts look fabulous. I'll be looking forward to your pound cake recipe.The plum cake looks really good, too.

  54. Such a great table that you have set and the cakes look so delicious. Love the white decorating job. You absolutely make me green with envy on the CTS bargains you find -- compotes for nine cents --- get out of town! Have a great week! Joni

  55. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your cute sailboats for your centerpieces so sweet, and your cakes looks soooooooooooo Yummy..

  56. The sailboats are just a great centerpiece idea. Love it. All the tables are gorgeous and the cakes look soooooooo good. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  57. That wedding is beautiful! I love the sailboats on the tables! Beautiful!
    I've got a wedding coming up... I can use some great ideas like these!

  58. The centerpieces are're so talented! It my boggles my mind on the sales you get..have never seen prices like that!
    The cakes look so really know how to ruin my night - LOL

  59. Kathleen, the sail boats with hydrangeas look so pretty, and what a deal you got on those. You are so smart. Love all of the polka dots. I've about decided it's a good thing I don't have a CTS close to me, because I have no more storage, and at those prices, I'd be bringing home way too much stuff. Those cakes are beautiful, and they look so yummy! I'm surprised there were any leftovers. laurie

  60. Just came by to say be sure and stop over at Happier than a Pig..Lynn has the cutest pic. up of EARL, running for President. So cute.
    That Lynn is so much fun, we all want to live next door to her. :))
    I have already put Earl on my sidebar. Hahahhha

  61. Excellent buys, Kathleen. Love those desserts, that got my attention, for sure.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  62. Wow, your really scored at CTS! I have been wanting those polka dot casserole dishes forever! LOL I keep waiting for them to be clearanced. I love all your awersome finda and your cakes look amazing!! thanks for joining TT. I hope your are having a wonderful weekend!

  63. One thing is for sure, you are the queen of finding a good deal! I really love those boat centerpieces, and the hydrangeas are perfect in them. I have a friend who caters a lot of large functions and one of her tricks is to cover those long banquet tables with yardage right off the bolt, so good thinking on you.


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