Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please Help on July 7th

Will you help the Association for Children with Downs Syndrome win a car for one of their group homes?

Just vote for them and they may be one of five charities that Toyota will donate a car to. .  You have to have a Facebook account to vote.

Thanks!  It's a great cause.

Just click HERE.

Today is the big day!!! We need your help and your vote!! It doesn't cost a thing except a few minutes of your time.

ACDS has a one in five chance to win a new Toyota Sienna for use in one of our group homes. This new mini-van will be a great help to us, and to the residents of our group homes. The contest is being run by Toyota "100 Cars for Good", where they give 100 cars away over 100 days to deserving non-profits such as ACDS in a Facebook driven contest.

We need YOU and your friends and family to vote!!

Even if you are not a member of Facebook, you can help by spreading the word by forwarding this email and encouraging everyone you know to vote - and asking them to have their friends & families vote as well.

Again, our voting date is TODAY, July 7th. Voting begins at 6 am EST and ends at midnight.

Whichever organization gets the most votes that day, WINS the vehicle!!

Please vote by clicking on this link: 100 Cars for Good Contest (Must have a Facebook account in order to vote)

Simply choose ACDS (Association for Children with Down Syndrome), accept the rules and click OK. You may only vote once.  And please, once you vote, make sure you share the voting link on your Facebook wall so that all your friends can vote as well ( Or join us on our Facebook page and share the link from there.

Here is a great little piece about ACDS and our quest for the car from



  1. Of course I went to vote Kathleen. I am in Canada; hope it works. I have a nephew who is Downs Syndrome. Hard to believe, but we just celebrated his 50th birthday.
    Good luck!

  2. Hi Kathleen, hoping all is well with you, and yes, I absolutely voted. xo,

  3. It's on my wall! Hope they win!

  4. I voted Kathleen And they are at 42% of the votes!

  5. Hi lovely lady. I did voted sweet lady. I hope they win !!!!
    I also hope you are having a Great Day sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  6. Hi Kathleen, I voted!! I guess facebook has its uses! I'm glad I'm signed up even though I rarely use it! Don't forget to visit my anniversary giveaway! Linda

  7. I've voted also Kathleen. Keeping my fingers crossed that this group will win.

  8. Kathleen, I will vote, of course! I have a niece with Downs. I got my flatware at Home Goods a few months ago. XO, Pinky

  9. It's looking good for you, Kathleen. I've got my fingers crossed. Got my vote in just in time.

  10. I'm not on FB so I couldn't help you but I sent your request on to several younger members of the family who ARE on it...constantly! :/ I hope it helps.

  11. Well I missed the July 7th vote, but I voted on another worthy cause today :-) Thanks for sharing Kathleen.


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