Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ice Cream and Ricotta Cupcakes with Blueberry Sauce


Summer is    flying!          I know    some    of    you Southerners  are    tired        of    it,   the heat    starts     so    much   earlier   for    you.    School  here     ends    the    end    of June,   so     it is    still    new for    us!     

My friend Suzy at Kitchen     Bouquets  is    hosting     her annual   ice cream    party.          Also,     La    is hosting    an    ice cream      party!

Last year     I   made   the    oreo   cake  and    filled it     with   vanilla ice cream.

Picture 327

The year    before that,   Cherry    Vanilla.   

Picture 296

Picture 293

 cookie pop

A chocolate    chip    cookie pop   goes     with a     bowl   of ice    cream  too!

I   did    make   something    new today.     Ricotta   cupcakes   with    blueberry   sauce.

Bargains 670

Bargains 669

Here they    are  without    the   sauce.

The sauce    is delicious   !          Recipe    HERE.

We   haven't    had    the    cake      yet,    so    I will    let    you    know    next   post.

In the    mean    time,    stay   cool!


table 2720

My    keyboard   is   acting    up      so   my   visits    consist    of    one   word   comments!          Forgive  me!

I   am joining The    Tablescaper     for    Seasonal Sunday,    Suzy   at Kitchen    Bouquet, and La  for    their     Ice    Cream   Parties!

Also, Yvonne at Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday!


  1. Oh what a special treat to look at these! Yum, yum, yum! Have a great week!

  2. Kathleen, they all look delicious, and I love ricotta and will definitely be trying that recipe. Sorry to hear about your keyboard problems.

  3. Hard to pick a favorite, but I am leaning to the chocolate oreo cake. Keep cool!

  4. Everything looks great K! Lovin' the little ricotta cupcakes! Have a fun week:@)

  5. Kathleen -- all of them look good and I would love to have a bite of the ricotta cupcakes! Joni

  6. those look really yummy Kathleen! But that water looks amazingly good!
    We had a heat index of 110 degrees today...way hotter than we are used to around here.

  7. Sorry to hear about your keyboard. I was starting to get nervous ;) These look delicious, love ricotta and blueberries, yum. xo,

  8. Kathleen, Every cool treat looks luscious! I can't wait for those Ricotta cupcakes! I LOVE a ricotta cheese cake. These little gems look so very delicious.
    Thanks for joining me for ON THE MENU MONDAY! These treats are sure to be a big hit and inspiration to all who read your yummy post!
    xo Yvonne

  9. I don't know which to choose. They all look delicious...but currently The Muffin Man's muffins are in the lead in my household poll.

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. The cupcakes look great, with or without the sauce! Hope your keyboard issues get resolved.

  11. How pretty these are. I know they taste even better.
    xo bj

  12. Oh God those ricotta cupcakes me drool!! I want them right now, Kathleen...thanks for the recipe, sweetie, I'm always amezed by're such great cook, Kathleen! Thanks for sharing. Lots of hugs, FABBY

  13. That oreo cake is worthy of lots of repeats! And the cookie bar I had forgotten about. Such a cute idea. I"m glad you were able to link up. I know you've been extra busy and having computer trouble. We will do it all again next year so mark the calendar :-)

  14. The blueberry sauce looks yummy! Remember the Oreo cake very fondly...LOL
    Hope you get the keyboard issue worked out..if not take it to the beach and bury it!

  15. EVERYTHING looks great!! I love that oreo cake and how much fun the cookie Popsicle would be with ice cream! I'm excited to try the ricotta treat with blueberry sauce. This weekend we finally had 2days under 95degrees! I sat outside the whole weekend.

  16. That ice cream cake looks delish! I have been wanting to make an ice cream cake but wondered how difficult it might be. We are still enjoying summer here despite the heat. I love the summer but it never seems to last long enough. Our stores are already filled with back to school now and it's only the middle of July! I guess they have to since we go back to school in August now too. All of your treats look soooo good!

  17. Kathlene you are an artist in the kitchen! That oreo cookie cake would be a big hit in this house, and the cookie bar..who thinks of that is brilliant. This year is also a blueberries and it just looks deilcious!

  18. Dear Kathleen,

    This post is amazing! Each photo looks so, so, delicious! WOW!

  19. This blog is getting seriously dangerous to my diet! Everything looks amazing!

  20. Hope you get those keyboard issues resolved!

    Those cupcakes look amazing! I'm off to check out the recipe.

  21. These alll looks spectacular and the perfect summer treat Kathleen. I would have a hard time to chose which one I prefer.

  22. Soooo refreshing looking & I ♥♥♥ those reticulated plates & cake stand! You have some of the prettiest pretties. :D

    Oh, & the food looks good, too. LOL


  23. Hi Kathleen!

    Thank you so much for joining in on the fun for National Ice Cream Day. I'll take a taste of each, please. I'll email you my address...wait, it's ice cream...never mind.

    I love, love, love the place setting on your banner. GORGEOUS!

  24. The oreo cake is so much fun to make ...and eat! :) I bought a Heritage Bundt pan after seeing your last was full price but free shipping at WS online this week.

  25. Love ricotta, and that blueberry sauce sounds wonderful! I'm going to use the sauce on cheesecake!

  26. You make the best treats - the cookie pops are a wonderful idea. I remember that perfect oreo cake and the blueberry cupcakes sound wonderful. I hope your keyboard problems are solved soon.

  27. School doesn't end until the end of June there??!?!??!!! Oh, my goodness!!! I think they already are putting ads for "Back to School" sales in the papers here by then! :-) Homemade ice cream sounds divine! I haven't had it in so long. My husband is threatening to leave me for you over that Oreo cake! :-) It all looks delicious! I may have to go steal a spoonful of boring ol' Breyers out of the freezer before I go to bed tonight!

  28. These all look so refereshing and so good, Kathleen. How do you make them look so perfect?...Christine

  29. Hi Kathleen!
    I will have to check out that ricotta recipe ~ sounds perfect for my "italian side" :o)
    Thank you for the cool breezes too with that beautiful ocean wave to enjoy!
    Chris and I were in your neck of the woods last weekend for a July birthday ~ family reunion... we stopped in for a "petite picnic" at my father in law's and then off to a vineyard for an incredible bash. I can't remember the name of the vineyard, but they had cattle, llamas, beautiful fields of wildflowers and a huge party tent for celebrations.
    We truly enjoyed ourselves!

    Well, now here comes the HEAT WAVE!
    Stay cool!

  30. Wow, this is one yummy post! Those ricotta cupcakes look so good! I am glad you finally got your little surprise box! I am so bad at shipping things fast.

  31. What a lovely post. Everything looks beautiful. I love the sauce you've used for the cupcakes. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  32. I am drooling as I sit here eating a rice cake:-)

  33. Those little ricotta cupcakes look delicious with that beautiful sauce. Looking forward to that recipe, Kathleen. Beautiful shot of the ocean.

  34. oh my yum, everything looks so pretty, I have to have one of each!

  35. Each one looks like a special treat to me. ~ Sarah

  36. Kathleen, TY for your sweet note. I am so sorry about the tragedies in your family. May God hold you closely. I am lifting a prayer for all of you.

    Thank you for sharing.


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