Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cherries and a Nosegay

Yesterday was my dear granddaughter  Lily's dance recital.  She is sweet 10 year old , a joy to her Nana and Grandpa.  I always make her a little nosegay as my mom made us for our recitals.

Bargains 503Everything is late this year, so just a few roses and some barely opened hydrangeas.  Last year the lilies and hydrangea were in bloom.

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  Not splashy like all the store bought bouquets they all get,  her parents gave that, but made with love and I hope it will be a fond memory for her. 

My friend The Tablescaper's 2 sweet daughters were in the recital too.  It was LONG!

3 hours and 15 minutes.  Lily's 3 little brothers, 7, 5 and 3 made it through thanks to the magic of DSi's.

Grandpa was near comatose by the end.  He is tall and his knees were pressed up against the seat in front!  Dear son revived him with a lovely dinner out to celebrate his birthday.

His 4 grandkids singing Happy Birthday to him brought the color back to his cheeks.  A pint of Smithwick's helped too!

As the cherries were 1.99 on sale, I bought a slew of them.  Seemed like a good idea at the time, but pitting them all was ,well, the pits!

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I used my handy pitter, which collects the pits neatly in the bottom.


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I made a Cherry, Cheese Crumb Cake in these cute little red ramekins.  I can think of a lot of uses  and holidays for them.  I have white ones that are very similar, so with some blue I am all set for July 4th.

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It was good!

And that's it for this Seasonal Sunday!  Have a great week!

Thank you to The Tablescaper for hosting Seasonal Sundays!


  1. Congratulations to your little granddaughter. Your nosegay is lovely. The cherries look wonderful. HB to your DH! xo,

  2. The little nose gays are as sweet as can be. I am sure that Lily was happy with them. I love cherries and they are so good this season. I need to find a cherry pitter. Adding my birthday wishes to your husband.

  3. What darling elegant bouquets. Congrats to your granddaughter. Ours had her recital last night.

    May I com eover for dessert? That looks absolutely deelish!

    Happy birthday hubby.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

  4. Your nose gays are cute! Lovin' that snazzy cherry pitter! I WISH I could find some for $1.99, the cheapest has been $3.49 so far, and they are usually $5! I'd like to make some cherry jam this year. Overcast but nice and cool in Philly this weekend:@)

  5. I think the sweet little nosegay is so much nicer then the store bought bouquets...just so special from you to her. Yum to the cherries!

  6. I L*O*V*E the little red ramekins. The cherry crumb cakes look delicious, too! Adorable post :D

  7. I think your nosegays are much nicer than any store-bought bouquet and I am sure that Lily will remember them for always! I remember well how long those recitals were, but wouldn't have missed them for anything.
    Those cherries look amazing, Kathleen!

  8. I remember well the days of three hour recitals! How sweet those memories are now. Your crumb cakes make me drool Kathleen - but then again your cooking always does!

  9. very pretty nosegay..What a happy birthday your husband had:) Nothing better..
    Your cherry pitter ..I've never seen one like that before!!

  10. Lily is a lucky girl to receive such a fun handmade nosegay from grandma!

    I love cherries and they are still $4.99/lb here - love the cherry red ramekins too.

  11. Wish I'd had your "pitter" when I was growing up! My dad always seemed to get the slice of pie that had the only pit in it! ;) Have a wonderful week! Cathy

  12. Oh to be the recipient of the beautiful nosegay you created. It's lovely and I know your granddaughter will cherish the memory and the tradition.

    I can't believe you pitted all those cherries!!!

  13. Cherries here are still about $6 a pound, but that is $2 less than they were. I treat myself to a pound every now and then just to snack on.
    I think the nosegays that you make Lily will definitely be a fond memory for her. I bet no one else gets this kind of special gift. ~ sarah

  14. I love your nosegays are so sweet, I hevn't seen them in years! What a lovely gift for your darling girl, something she will always remember! Give you credit for the pitting,wow, what a job!! Happy hubby b'day too! Lots of hugs. FABBY

  15. What a lucky little girl to receive such a sweet and lovely nosegay.

  16. Kathleen, I cannot imagine that a professionally made nosegay would be any prettier than the one you made~you are creating such wonderful memories for her. I have some of those little ramekins, but never have used them. I'm going to have to try some little crumb cakes. Yours look so good. Mine won't be cherry though, because I don't have one of those neat pitters. laurie

  17. Lily will remember those special nosegays from her grandmother - a gift of love. Whew, that was a long recital!

    Happy Birthday to Mr. Cuisine!

  18. Happy birthday to your husband, and thank you for your good wishes on my, and my husband's, birthday!

    My daughter danced and I remember how long the recitals could be! They all looked so cute doing their tap, jazz and ballet numbers, though, and I'm sure Lily did too! I loved re-purposing the dance costumes for Halloween!

    What store had cherries so cheap? I love the ramikins and cherry cheese coffee cake!

  19. Kathleen your nosegay is so pretty...Lucky Lily!
    Our Granddaughter had hers last night too..and it was a LONG one also.
    Happy Birthday to Hubby..
    Your little cherry cheese cakes look so delicious. Cherries here are way more than what you paid.
    I'm still waiting for a sale.

  20. Your nosegay is so pretty and just perfect for the little dancer! Oh my, 3 hours is too long!
    Your little cakes look amazing!
    I'm having a little giveaway on my blog, so be sure to stop by.

  21. Oh how adorable is that little bouquet!
    I love cherry anything and they look extra yummy nummy!

  22. Your little nosegay is so sweet, Kathleen. I know Lily must have been thrilled to receive it from her grandma. Your cherry cheese crumb cake looks fantastic. I love cherries and they are weeks away from being ripe here.

  23. Oh hallelujah! I'm glad grandpa was revived properly over food and drink!
    Your nosegay really is sweet. I love the garden variety sprays the best!
    I'm not even looking at what came out of that ramekin...It's crunch time here in the west.

  24. Pretty little nosegay, so sweet of you to give that!

    The cherry crumb cake looks delicious!


  25. It was great to see you, even if it was for just a few minutes. And yes, those recitals are way too LONG. Thank you for my muffins. They were a great surprise and delish. And do you suppose you could share the recipe for that cherry cheese cake with your readers????? Not to mention the muffins. You used to be a teacher. You need to teach us to make these delicious creations.

    - The Tablescaper

  26. I also was helping my neice this past weekend with her wedding shower, I prepared the fruit trays(come see).But I have to tell you I didn't have one of those nifty pit thingy's, so I just washed the cherry's real good and gave everyone a before hand warning, BE CAREFUL FOR THE PITS,tehehe.

    The crumb cake looks so good is that creme cheese in the center,yum!!

    Hey I'm having my first giveaway June 15th!
    Sure hope you can join us(HappierThanAPigInMud),we are having a cookalong with the Pillsbury Doughboy and I'm giving away a Pillsbury cookbook and a doughboy.

  27. Hi lovely lady.The pretty little nosegay is so sweet !!! I need to get one sweet lady. love your Cherry Crumb cake looks so good.
    I hope you have a Great Week.
    XXOO Diane

  28. Maybe Lily will carry on the nosegay tradition ;-) Your little nosegay is so sweet. Cherry cheese crumb cake sounds wonderful. I just got a bargain on cherries last week, so I made fruit salad.

  29. While I'm oooing and awwing the delicious treats at the end of your post-my brain is still stuck back at a 3 hour plus recital-ugh. I was a bad mommy, I really only cared about seeing my daughter dance or sing or play the piano. I stayed for the rest, but I didn't really care about it. Three hours would have done me in!!

    I love how you are carrying on a tradition with the flowers-so sweet!

  30. Ballet recitals... ah yes, I remember them well! We used to give a bouquet of flowers, but your nosegays are much prettier.

    I laughed at granddad being nearly comatose after three plus hours.

    I remember THAT well, too.

    I always enjoy this blog.

  31. The idea of a nosegay for a granddaughter's special event is great, one I shall surely remember, along with many of your others.

  32. the nosegay looks beautiful and the cherry cheese crumb cake looks adorable in the red ramekins. I need to get my cherry pitter out to bake with my cherries, but we eat them too fast.

  33. This looks amazing, as usual. What a cook you are.
    I love the nosegays...two of my grandgirls had their recital a week ago. I didn't make anything...just presented them with a rose..we do it every year. NEXT year, however, I will be asking you for instructions and I'll make each one.


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