Sunday, May 8, 2011

This One Is For You!

Wishing all of you  mom's, aunt's and  big sister's a wonderful Mother's Day!

It is a gorgeous Spring Day here, I bought myself a geranium for the porch.

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So what are your plans for today?

Take a walk and enjoy the sun?  I did.  You can see our neighborhood  marina is starting to fill up with boats, a sure sign summer is on the way.

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Go out for a boat ride?

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Maybe a quiet day enjoying your yard?

We are just starting to get blooms here, you can see the trees haven't fully leafed yet.

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Bargains 279The Lily of the Valley are bloomed, their fragrance is wonderful!

I baked something for you.

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I made them in this cute Nordic pan, it makes 4 little cakes.

I made chocolate ricotta cream with a chocolate glaze.

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It's very good, and not overly sweet.  I will post the recipe for next week's Foodie Friday.

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Have a wonderful day, what ever your plans.  God Bless all our moms!

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.


  1. Happy Mother's Day Kathleen! Have a wonderful day. xo,

  2. Everything looks wonderful. We have a beautiful day in NYC too and looking forward to a long walk this afternoon. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Sunny and 74 in Philly to K! I'm looking forward the recipe and love your pretty paisley placemats! Have a great Mother's Day-enjoy:@)

  4. After terrible storms here yesterday it seems to be looking up here today. Happy Mother's day to you too. I am anxiously awaiting warmer weather so I get get some flowers outside too. You live in a lovely neighborhood.

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you! Such cute little cakes! hugs, Linda

  6. I can almost smell the Lily of the Valley...hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day!

  7. Yummy cakes! Thanks Kathleen and a very Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

  8. Happy Mother's Day, Kathleen! I hope you are being treated like a Queen today! Geraniums are a favorite and for over 40 years we have filled my mom's garden with Geraniums for Mother's Day, it's a tradition!

  9. Happy Mother's Day, Kathleen! The sun is out and it's a beautiful day here to and I'm cooking for the family. Life is good.

    Can't wait to get that recipe - the cakes look delicious. I love the molds!

  10. Buona festa della mamma anche dall'Italia!
    Torte magnifiche!

  11. Lovely looking cakes, very nice! The lily of the valley posy is so sweet, they always smell so good!

  12. The little cakes are so cute and look delicious! Love the flowering trees in your yard..lilies of the valley have not bloomed here yet and today we have a light rainy day.
    Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day!

  13. Everything look wonderful Kathleen! And those cakes are adorable and yummy looking. I love that pan! Happy Mother's Day.

  14. So sweet!

    Happy Mother's Day!
    Best wishes!


  15. I'm so glad Spring has made its way to Kathleen's house. You are ahead of me with your lily of the valley. Mine is not quite blooming yet. Those cakes are beautiful. Love that little pan. The heart one is just precious. Happy Mother's Day my friend!

  16. I love Lilies of the Valley and those little cakes look delightful. Hope you are having a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day!

  17. Hi Kathleen,

    What a great post for Mother's Day. I love Lilies of the Valley are one of my very favorite -- they look like tiny bells, and their fragrance is wonderful. Your food always looks so good!! Thank you for becoming a follower on my blog and for the kind comments you left. Enjoy your day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. happy mother's nana day to you..the geraniums and the porch are so're ahead of us w/ the lily of the valley:)

    The cakes..look great!

  19. Happy Mother's Day!

    I'm enjoying sunny 70 degree day while doing laundry. Have a fabulous day! La

  20. The lilly of the valley is so sweet, and those cakes are making me hungry. I may have to go get some chocolate for a treat today! Happy Mother's Day to you, Kathleen. ~ Sarah

  21. Sounds like a perfect day! It's so wonderful to see all of the signs of Spring. A very happy Mother's Day to you.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. It is a beautiful day here too. I only wish I had a water view, but I have both my kids home and we are going to relax, cook dinner on the grill and make s'mores over the firepit. I couldn't ask for more:) I hope your day is wonderful!

  23. The geranium on the wicker stand at the corner of the front porch is just the perfect summer accessory! No water view like that here...unless you count the fountain down in the pond out back. LOL

    I did take a walk around the house this morning & saw teeny-tiny buds on the Lily of the Valley pips....soon, my friend, soon I'll have that lovely fragrance here in my house.

    ♥♥♥ your cute little baking pan! Looks yummy, too. What is the filling in the middle & did you put it in between the layers before baking or inject it afterwards, like a donut? Inquiring minds want to be able to copy everything you do, ya' know. ;-p

    Happy Mothers Day, Honey!! and may you share many, many more!!!

  24. Hi Kathleen!

    Lily of the valley is my daughter's favorite flower!

    I love the way you cake looks and look forward to the recipe. The cake pan is so cute!

    Happy Mother's Day!

    ♥ Pat

  25. Oh goodness! I love the beautiful blooms and the mouth is watering.
    I'm being taken to Hotel Hershey for Mother's Day tonight and your post has got me hungry already!

  26. Kathleen -- you live in such a beautiful, lush, green area. Your cakes looks so yummy; I am a sucker for all the Nordic Ware pans. Growing up, we had two huge areas where Lilies of the Valley grew. I always picked them for my mother and put them in a vinegar cruet. Sadly, they don't grow well where I am. I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day. Joni

  27. Happy Mother's Day to you Kathleen. We sat at a table for 4 to celebrate and the napkins I won on your giveaway were on the table! :0)

  28. It's always nice to see your beach, and know that fun summer times are ahead! Happy Mother's Day to you Kathleen.

  29. Happy Mother's Day, Kathleen.

    I love the geranium in the wicker plant stand. Beautiful!

    We made some additions to the north side garden yesterday. Went out very early this morning and shot photos.

    Had a wonderful Mother's Day.:-)

  30. Everything looks so lovely, and delicious! Enjoy your geranium. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  31. Dear Kathleen: Hope you had a wonderful Mom's Day and that you were specially loved and appreciated today! Thank you for the cakes, I love that Nordik pan, so very different!

  32. Look at how that heart cake fits so perfectly on the heart plate! Looks delicious! Hope you had a happy mother's day!

  33. Happy Mothers Day! The cupcakes look delicious -- love the pan! I love geraniums and water ... I'd list them as favorite things (along with chocolate)!

  34. The little cakes are adorable and look delicious. I will be watching for your recipe post.
    I think my Lily of the Valley are blooming now, too! I think I will go cut some tomorrow to bring into the house. Thanks for reminding me about them!

  35. Happy Mother's Day wishes to you to, Kathleen!

    Can't wait for the recipe :)

  36. Beautiful photos Kathleen. I'm loving that placemat, and the pretty cake on it doesn't look bad either. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thank you for linking up. laurie

  37. Oooh love the photos of your neighborhood and the beautiful plants!
    You are ahead of us but we should be catching up soon if our warmer weather lasts!
    Nummy cake but how come I still feel hungry? LOL!

  38. I will be waiting for that recipe. It looks delicious, and I happen to have some mini cake pans to boot.

    Our Mother's Day was much like any Sunday since we always spend it with Mom. She just didn't need to cook a thing this time.

  39. I enjoyed catching up on your blog just now. I decided that I had to stop reading it late at night because it always made me hungry. Can't wait for your recipe for those little chocolate cakes. They look scrumptious.

  40. Belated Happy Mother's Day. Your photos are lovely. You are just getting all the blooms, as we've already turned on the heat (insert frown). That cake looks lovely. I love lily of the valley. You've got a darling bundle of them.

  41. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day, Kathleen. Your neighborhood is beautiful and those cakes look so delicious. I hope you will come and sign up for my giveaway..Christine

  42. Lilies of the valley are my very favorite. I miss them now that I live in Florida!
    So pleased to see spring is finally coming to all of's been a long winter for you.
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Kathleen!

  43. O, what cute little cakes. I will have to get one of those pans. So cute.
    Love your red flowers in the wicker...:)
    Received my book today. Thanks so much.
    I know I will enjoy the read.
    xo bj

  44. Geraniums are perfect for summer aren'they? So cheerful looking. Your cakes look delicious, I should use my decorative pans more often, so much nicer thana plain old cale.

  45. Lily Of The Valley makes me swoon! And so does your wonderful chocolate dessert. I am looking so forward to this recipe! YUMMY!
    Kathleen, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  46. Hi lovely lady. I also hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day sweet lady. I love the chocolate cakes so yummy. I also love your photos of the lake !!! This look like Southampton. I love this
    part of L.I. I hope you have a Great Day sweet lady. xxoo


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