Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Can You Get for 7 Stinkin' Cents? Don't You Just Love A Bargain?

On a recent trip to the TREE, The Tablescaper and I were engrossed in scoping out the goodies.  Just like the old blue light specials at KMart, an announcement was made about a cart of amazing bargains up front. 

The older of the 2, hustled from all the way in the back of the store to  the shoving and pushing crowd in the front.

What?  Seven stinkin' cents?  I think  a stick of gum costs more now.

I wriggled my not so svelte self into the mayhem and grabbed away.

Reminded me of those big sales of wedding dresses at Filene's .

You can't be too polite, and you have to be willing to get a little bruised!


Nah, it wasn't that bad!  So enough  blah, blah, what did I get?

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They were a little bruised themselves, but with an emory board and some red enamel...

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they were patched up!  (The reversible placement beneath them was .84 from an trip last year.)

And won't they look pretty with these from the Tree?

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The plates were $1.99 each.  They remind me of my friend Susan at Savoring Time in the Kitchen.  She loves red!

Susan is a wonderful photographer.

The Tablescaper declined, but I am sorry I didn't take the blue roses too!

Moving on, another basket of 7 stinkin' cents stuff held Waverly beaded napkin rings.

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Gawgeous, as we say in NY!

TT says Fall, and yes, they could be.  But I bought them to use with my Lenox Eternal Christmas.

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And I think it will work.  Anyway, most of  my friends eyes are old, and they won't notice.  :)

I took A LOT of them, and so did TT, ( I babysat her cart in the back while she made her way to the front, I was applying ice to my bruises. :)  )  so come Fall we will be doing some give aways with them. 

A few more bargains...

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I know you gals do great at Thrift Shops, but we don't have that many out here, and their prices are way too high.  Even at Savers, almost an hour from me, they had those plastic chargers you can buy new cheaper than what they had them priced.

But for 12.00 at SAVERS I got a whole basket of new  SPODE mugs and plates, 10 of each, plus the basket.  :)

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Then I bought 6 dinner plates that matched.  All by Spode.  I figured I could mix solid black in with the dotted ones.

I just looked them up, and they want 38 dollars for 4!!!

I thought of our friend BJ  at Sweet Nothings when I saw them!  She loves her dots!

I also got these for .99 at SAVERS ...Johnson Bros.  They look new.

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I don't want to bore you, so that's all I'll show for now. Stay  tuned for the next chapter!

If all this bargain browsing has made you hungry, I made some chili.  Dig in!

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I am joining Diann at for Thrifty Friday, Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things, and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.  Kim at Savy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday . Have a great weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

Congratulations to Yvonne on winning the generous give away of copper pots from Designs by Gollum.
ML's new book, Gone with a Handsomer Man will be released April 12th. ML is the proprietor of Foodie Fridays and is amazingly generous with her give aways.


  1. Not fair, not fair at all!!! Love those little votive holders, but I want the Mikasa plates and the Johnson Brothers plates at my house!! Great finds!

  2. I LOVE all of your goodies! I wish we had a Christmas Tree Shop near us...I know you hear that a lot, but it really has some incredible deals. Take care of those bruises!!


  3. Well done!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Cathy

  4. I am soooo jealous! I just love the pretties you and TT find at the Christmas Tree Shop and wish I had one nearby. The little votives are so sweet. I think the beaded napkin rings look beautiful with your Lenox Christmas plates. By far my favorite is the box of black with white polka dot mugs and dishes. Love, love, love those.

  5. J-Bro at CTS??? Too cool! Lovin' your pretty red votive holders and who doesn't like polka dots! Looks like a great trip K, can't wait to see Part II:@)

  6. I cannot believe how great you do every time you set foot in a store!! I am totally in love with the red votive holders and the Spode. Goodness but you are lucky!

  7. What a nice haul! How many of the square rattan chargers did you and A buy? I'll see if my CTS has them to go with the millions of white square plates I bought from Oneida.

  8. Blogger does drop followers on you because there are quite a few places that I know I was a follower of someone and then I see I'm gone. I have to refollow. I know because they are in my google reader. So please don''t assume someone canceled on you. Now back to the fun stuff. I loved all the great stuff you were able to find and the fun way you told us about it.

  9. OMG!!!! I am in awe of your bargain hunting skills, and in love with your goodies. I am afraid I am a little too polite about these things... that must be the Brit in me. Think its time to roll up those sleeves now, what do you say Kathleen?

  10. You are Queen of bargains, found some great things...7¢ for those beaded napkin! I really like those Johnson Bros. plates, even if they do have a lot of pink in them...

  11. You made a haul! The beaded napkins rings look like they were made to go with your china. Very nice. You did good, thanks for sharing. :) I have dropped a few I was following because of annoying music....yanno...Course you don't have any of that. :)


  12. OMG! girl! Some great finds and bargains! Looks like they weren't stincky, nor your seven cents!...and yeah, they're gawgeous!...from one newyorker from Queens, to another!

  13. Wow, what incredible finds! Spode, Mikasa, & Johnson Brothers ~ lovin each of these. Gotta love CTS. Just wish we had one too. ;-)
    Thanks for the chili ~ yummy! ~ Sarah

  14. Waaaaaa...I'm feeling so left out & depressed, its not funny! I NEED some retail therapy badly, ya' know & with those prices....Gee-wizzakers!!!

    Totally jealous of you two & your shopping adventures together. I may have to consider moving just so I can be closer to a CTS.

    Your Green with Jealously Friend,

  15. hehehehe....sure did. One blog that I enjoyed reading had this auto play music that I did not like in the least. Then she put a special song on her daily post, so when you opened her page, both songs played at once!!! It was nuts! I left a comment that it was very annoying to have one song playing on top of the other and that totally took away from her blog. She sent me an email and suggested I scroll alllllll da way to da bottom of her page and turn the regular music OFF. I replied no, thank you, I would just stop following and that will take care of the problem And I DID. :P :P :P

  16. I think a bronze or goldplated shopping cart would be a good idea for the "Savvy Shopper" award that you would win hands down! I grabbed 6 ea Pfaltzgraff dinner/salads in the Basket Weave pattern the other day at my CTS. $1.69 each dinner and $1/salad - closeout. I thought of you while I was there :-)

  17. I don't know what a Savers is, but I want one here! I'd be buying those dotted Spode dishes all day long. So many amazing gets! I'll be looking forward to seeing the tablescapes to come. Cherry Kay

  18. Wow!Your stop at Saver's on your way home from CTS looks like the real bargain. Spode and Johnson Bros.???? I love the chintz and have seen it recently in HGs. What wonderful bargains.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Oh my word, I should have been shopping with you two. What fun and what fabulous treasures. I love the chili too. Hugs, Marty

  20. I was just at our CTS on Thurs. and didn't see ANY of these things!!!!!!!!!!! How lucky for you both that you found such GREAT things!!!! I am jealous! Please stop by to see what I did today:):) XO, Pinky

  21. win the prize this week for finding the best prizes for the lowest price!

  22. Girlfriend, turn those polka dot dishes over and I am pretty sure you will see bj on the bottom. Those are MINE...!
    I just got home for ALL DAY LONG at the soft ball field..from 10:30 this morning until 11:45 tonight. Deeds played 3 ballgames today and has 3 tomorrow. We are MORE than tired.
    Good night..:))

  23. I cannot believe you can still buy something for 7 cents. And of course it has to be lucky you, lol. The votive holders are really pretty. I have them in turquoise. The plates are pretty too and what a deal on the cups and saucers too!...Christine

  24. You are a gal after my own heart! I have trouble finding good deals at local thrift stores too. I would have loved your day of bargain hunting for sure, expecially the major scores with the plates.

  25. I cannot beleive there are such bargains anywhere-certainly not in my area.Lucky You. The Johnson Brothers plates are yummy.

  26. Kathleen, I think no matter where YOU go, you find unbelievable bargains and not just on "junk" but on gorgeous items! I love those little red votive holders and the black/white dishes are my fave! I hope your "bruises" are healing nicely....I think YOU'D risk getting a broken leg, in order to scope out those deals...and it'd so be worth it!


  27. Seriously? 7 cents? I do love the red :) What great bargains you found - as always! I think the black/white dots are very pretty too. What fun it would be to shop with you two!

    Hope the bruises are fading :)

  28. Wow, that's some BARGAINS! I love all the treasures you've found. Can't wait to see how you use them!

  29. Nice haul, glad you didn't hurt anyone, LOL! You are the reason I hated shopping as a kid, getting knocked over by those crazy "salers!"

  30. I just went to the CTS last night myself!! I did NOT get the deals you got, however! My shop does NOT do 7 cent items! Unless it's done during the day when I'm not there... But I was happy with my purchases. Maybe I should do a post on them -- you've given me an idea!! I got Waverly tablecloths, made of cloth, but they say "Indoor/outdoor" -- I got a round one for the table w/umbrella and an oblong one for a big folding table I have when company comes over and I set out food. And you know what? I can't even remember what else I got!! Isn't that sad? I will have to look in the bags. I put them on the side to look at again before I put them away. Isn't the CTS fun? Oh, and it's the same here in Conn. We don't have good flea markets or yard sales. Everything is an "antique" shop and it's always loads of money. Those nearer to the city or in Jersey have it better for sales, that's for sure. Well, I have gone on to long! I enjoyed seeing all of your great finds!

  31. Love this great post; your photos are perfection; and I am kind of jealous. You surely know where and how to find super bargains. I am never very good at this.

  32. Oh my gosh... it's like a shopping frenzy! You hit the jackpot! I didn't even know K Mart had blue light specials. I haven't been there in years... and what is Savers? Gotta check to see if one is near me. I can't believe Johnson Brothers for .99. Thanks for sharing all your finds. Way to shop!

  33. Love the votives. I love Johnson Brothers anything. Great finds!

  34. Oh Kathleen, you made out like a bandit! I wish we had Christmas Tree Shops, Savers and Home Goods in my area. Love the Spode plates and mugs, the tassel napkin rings and the Rose Chintz pattern Johnson Brothers china; also the red Mikasa plates. You got some GREAT bargains!
    Blessings, Beth

  35. Bored??? I could never be bored looking at the Christmas Tree Shoppe treasures and for seven cents! I am definitely overdue for a trip. My gift bag collection is running very low, and I get nervous without a good backup supply. I am especially taken with the Spode. You gave me a chuckle...I lost a follower and can't figure out who that might be. Hope I didn't offend anyone either. Spring seems to be closer and closer to us. Loved the bright sun today.

  36. Oh wow! Polka dots and Spode? Two of my favorite things :) I love following your adventures! Thanks so much!

  37. Wow Kathleen,what great finds! I love them all! Wish I had a Christmas Tree Shop in my area and the other two stores would be most welcome too!

  38. Hey, how would you like to do some shopping for me? You do find some very cool things. I either don't have the patience or the eye to find treasures when I am overwhelmed by crowds and stuff. Hope your bruises are worth the effort.

  39. Oh Kathleen! You did AMAZING!! LOVE everything!! Those candle holders are so cute and the tassel napkin rings are wonderful. And then the dishes. Oh yes, I am a bit envious! (Okay, a lot envious but, that would be rude to admit huh?). Thank you for joining my first TTF party!

  40. Can I just say that I get excited about your bargains too. I live in an area with only one thrift shop and nothing close to a TT! I would love to see your in action! Joni

  41. Confirmation are the Queen of finding a bargain! Wonderful buys at great prices...

  42. You go, Girl! All of that wiggling and squeezing netted you some great finds! The red flower candle holders are PERFECT with the plates! Gawgeous (gee, that was fun to say!)

    How come I always smile when I am visiting with you? Guess it is your fun posts!

    I loose followers here and there. Probably cause I am so bad at leaving comments. The past few days have been so busy and my Google reader says 278... sheesh!

    That's why stopping by places like yours is so nice :)

  43. Kathleen i LOVE when the CTS does "clear the bin" sales like that! The last time I visited the CTS on Staten Island they had a 10 cent sale and I picked up some cute fall themed items.

    I ended up at Home Goods and was surprised there was hardly anything available for Easter. I found a beautiful ceramic tangine, however, at a good price, and I bought that. I found a couple of good cookbooks on clearance at Williams Sonoma.

    I think if someone deletes their blog they also delete the people they follow. Could that be the case?

  44. Oh Shoot Kathleen! You've made me jealous again! All of your finds are just downright incredible! I am swooning over those J.B. plates, and I also love the polka dots. Those square red plates are so great, and I love those pretty votive holders to go with them. You'd just better be glad I wasn't there to shove you out of the way at the Tree! I'm so glad to see that I have a New Yawker saying "howevah"! I think the two of us may break the language barrier with "gawgeous". I say it that way too. And those napkin rings ARE gawgeous! Thanks so much for linking your fab finds to Fav Things! laurie

  45. I am always shocked at how cheep you find such great things! I mean really! Here in CA they would rather give things to Goodwill then mark it that low. Then GW marks it up and so nothing is that cheep.

    You found some beautiful things. WOW!

    I love the cakes with the yolk inside. Very cute and clever!

    I also adore that pot your mom made. I wish I had something my mom made. She was never crafty and I don't know if she ever made anything in her life LOL

    I've been so busy lately between Girl Scout stuff and I'm doing consulting work for a cupcake shop. Coming up with different recipes and getting the shop in order for them. Not much to blog or stop in to visit my friends.

    However, sometimes I do sneak in and read but don't leave messages :)

  46. You did VERY well, Ms. Kathleen! I love that a classy dame ... er, lady ... like yourself can dive into a cart and dig and shove and elbow away! And come home with beautiful bargains for us all to envy ... I mean ... to admire!

    Christmas Tree Shops and Savers sound like my kind of stores. I need to do some research to see if they have any mid-south locations.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


  47. Believe me Kathleen, your not boring us!
    In fact I am salivating over your amazing bargains!
    Seven cents? They might as well said free! hehe.
    And the polka dot plates and the Johnson Bros., you lucky, lucky ducky you!
    Hugs to you,

  48. You are the bargain shopper to beat them all! I hate it when I lose a follower too! I always wonder why...

  49. I can just picture you, rolling up your sleeves and digging in with elbows out!!! All great finds, but I love the Spode!! Can't wait to see what you do with them..

  50. You made me laugh and laugh!

    One of these days I will have to do a post on all of the horrible things at our Savers! We just don't have people getting rid of polka dotted Spode around here!!! Great finds.

  51. That's some super cute polka dots!!!

  52. Kathleen, Finding bargains under a dime is simply unheard of anywhere in my neighborhood! wowie, girl... I haven't been to CTS for a while so apparently, I've been missing some big bargains! Now, tell me what a Savers is- you made a fantastic buy of JB and Spode! Just got back from market this morning- my feet are swollen from all the walking we did. Saw lots of cool things. Now I need lots of sleep. LOL
    ~ Sue

  53. wow...I wish we had a Christmas Tree Shop down here!! Those JB plates are so cute!!!and what a steal!

  54. Oh my, you did do well! Love you new treasures! I didn't know Yvonne cool for her!

  55. Oops...typo, your new treasures!

  56. You really got some great bargains there! I can't never find deals like that in LA! Oh well, maybe I should look harder!

    Sorry about your lost on that follower! I lost 2 follower myself just a few weeks ago (all in 1 day)!!! LOL, I was thinking the exact same things as you did! Anyhow, I moved on. :) I'm sure you'll gain many more loyal readers as you have such a lovely blog.


  57. I haven't been to the Tree in quite a while. Great finds. What is SAVERS?

  58. Lucky you! Your post made me laugh, I've been at sales like that! Great deals, and I especially love the polka dots and the rose chintz--I have a few pieces of it that I bought at TJ Maxx last year on sale. Glad you had such good luck!!


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