Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Yolks on Me~ Thinking Easter

It is snowing as I write.  Not sticking, but it  dark and dreary.  I almost changed my table to black and white.

But, positive thinking is the way to go, right?

My mom made the bowl I used for the centerpiece.  She raised 4 girls.  One sister was in a wheelchair her whole life and needed A LOT of care.  My mom would never have been a blogger, or read blogs.  She was just too busy!  Cooking, cleaning, gardening, she did it all.  She was widowed at 49.  I am sure she would think I should be making better use of my time!  :)

Once I was married she bought a condo in Fla.  She started doing ceramics with the people she met there.  Didn't we all in the late 70's! Even the art classes in school had the little ones doing it.

So this bowl she made,though not a work of art,  is special to me.

Picture 2045

She LOVED yellow, so in her honor, a yellow and white table.

Picture 2053

Yellow and white bedspread, trimmed in eyelet for the tablecloth.  I have had it for years, always used it for a table.

Picture 2057

Flatware, yellow plate , paisley napkin, and Apilco Lion Head covered bowl  by WSonoma/PBarn .

Picture 2048

Little "Vase" of flowers at each place.  The vase is the glass a candle came in.  Once is was used up I popped it in the freezer and popped out the remaining wax.  I use them for a lot of things!

Picture 2045

The two  stems are by Dansk.

Picture 2051

Picture 2047

Little yellow bowls for a roll, are from Target.

Picture 2056

That's my Springy table for a very wintery day!

Now on to the yolks.  I make these every year for Easter.  They are made in a Wilton egg pan.  Use your favorite cake recipe, I make some chocolate, and some white.  Drop a teaspoon of cream cheese icing ( cream cheese, sugar, and some margarine mixed well, add a drop of yellow food coloring) in the middle and bake.

table 2155

table 2160

table 712

When they are cooled dip into melted chocolate icing.  I use melted choc chips and butter.  Place on rack to cool.

Pipe with cream cheese icing and add the jelly bean.  Don't add the jelly bean until ready to serve, or they will run.  I flatten out pastel cup cake papers to put them on.

For the next four weeks I'll share some of the foods we have each Easter.  Do you have anything special you make for this holiday or Passover?

I am joining Susan  at BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday and Gollum for Foodie Friday.

Thanks for visiting, say NO to Snow !  :)


  1. Beautiful table. The yellow just sings spring ( it can sing over the snow). How sweet to have something pretty your mom made.


  2. When you think "yellow" you think to your mom...when I think "yellow" I think to the SUN!!!! Hugs, Flavia

  3. Man I love that black-eyed-susan ceramic bowl!!! That is lovely.

    Yep - - - we're getting sleet/rain/snow/ice here too - - - I'd guess about 3 or 4 inches of it by now.

    Our spring has sprung a leak!!!

  4. Taralli are crispy.... not as bagel....try them ..they are very very good.... I don't know how you call Manitoba a strong Flour, gluten rich! xoxoxoxo, Flavia

  5. I loved your story "Although a bit sad for you, HUGS"...Your table is so CHEERFUL! Yes it sure is DREARY Outside! No Yellow here! I LOVE your Mom's bowl, and YES we all did ceramics back in the 70s. My Mother in Law would make gifts for EVERYONE and everything had a BLANK STARE(she would put in a little note to go visit "MOI" for the eyes! SO I was painting LOTS and LOTS of eyes back then, hehe! I love your bedspread tablecloth. that is PERFECT and "OH MY GOODNESS" like always you have the most tempting treats!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hugs to you,
    Stay Warm,

  6. I love your table, Kathleen. It is very cheerful and bright. I love yellow, very springy. The egg yolk cakes looks so pretty and so delicious. Your mom's bowl is a treasure!...Christine

  7. Lovely table and cute Easter cakes. Great idea. :)


  8. Did you happen to see Nate's show today? It was all white and yellow!! Yes, I also did ceramics! It was so popular.

  9. Yummy! I have always loved the color yellow. My bedroom was yellow when I was a little girl.Love everything!~Ames

  10. Hi Kathleen!

    Your table looks so pretty and springy. I especially like your special bowl. I may stop by Target here and see if they have any of those bowls. I've been searching for something similar.

    Oooh. Those egg cakes look very tempting. I love anything that has cream cheese as an ingredient.

  11. Great table K! Lovin' your moms bowl and yellow is such a happy color! The egg cakes are too cute! We don't have anything really traditional that we make, just deviled eggs:@)

  12. Snow!? Say it's not so. I'm glad you went with the lovely yellow table to cheer up your house. The bowl your mom made is very special. I'm going to have to try those yolk cakes. What a fun idea. We traditionally have lamb for Easter and the most traditional thing is our Russian Easter Bread that some people call paska but we call kulich. I also make a sweet cheese spread to go with the Kulich called seerney paska. It's molded and decorated with a cross and XB which X is the first letter for Christ in Russian and B is the first letter in Risen in Russian. Hope Spring comes to you soon!

  13. What cute eggs and bunnies! Great idea to fill them with a special surprise!

  14. My mom did ceramics in the 70s too. I tried once, but I was never very good. I love your vase made by your mom. The whole yellow table looks wonderful.

    And the yokes do too!

  15. The first cake egg picture looks like boobs? LOL, sorry back from the dentist, lingering sweet air?

    Really nice tribute to your mom, Kathleen, her ceramic vase is so nice, the table is lovely! I took ceramics in college :)

    We had rain all day, a little hail and now thunder. I've had enough of winter weather.

  16. Now this is a gorgeous table...and fun, too! I enjoy seeing your tablescapes. Thanks so much for sharing your special bowl with us. Your mom was a very special lady!

  17. More snow...maybe spring isn't going to visit the east coast this year...nice cheery table is a definite must for dark and dreary, and yours is very cheery!
    Your mother's hand-painted bowl is perfect as a vase.
    I haven't given Easter much thought at this point, but guess maybe I should seeing it is only a month away. The one thing that I always make are nice big fluffy they count? I have done buttercream eggs a few times, but they are pretty time consuming.
    Hope your snow is gone by morning!

  18. I LOVE your pretty yellow table. You have such pretty things and you know how to use them in such pretty ways.
    The bowl...a treasure. Mom and I did all kinds of ceramics back then and I don't have a single solitary one now. :(
    I am going to try really hard to make these little egg cakes. My grands, even the big ones, would love these. I remember you made some last year, too.
    Yep, the little pot holders are from the Tree,:)

  19. O, I am about to have a giveaway that you might like...not sure but I THINK you will. Fun fun...

  20. I see the greenery of the daffodils popping up in my yard, but definitely no yellow here! Even a dandelion would be welcome at this point! Your Mom's bowl is very cheery, and even I did ceramics back in the 70s :-) The eggs are looking good!

  21. Such a cheerful table. I cannot believe it is snowing at your house! I bought a cake pan like this and am going to try your recipe.

  22. Ooooh, Kathleen... what a pretty table and what a lovely story. I love all your yellows and it so cheers me up!! We've had miserable weather again, and I can't wait for spring... literally can't wait!!

    Say no to snow!!! Yayyy!!

  23. That is such a sweet post, Kathleen. My MIL did ceramics in Florida probably the same time as your mother! I have some of her pieces too - she was NOT an artist - LOL.

  24. What a sweet tribute to your Mom. Yellow is such a happy color - just the thing for this dreary, snowy day.

  25. NO TO SNOW! Love your table and the star is definitely the bowl your mom made. It is just gorgeous! I remember those ceramic classes. I know I took a few! LOL! Love the egg cakes too! I am going to have to check out those pans now! I just love gadgets! I bet you could use the cupcake corer to fill them too. I do braided bread with colored Easter eggs. I have a post coming up about them pretty soon!

  26. Love the idea of the cake eggs with yellow yoke! The bowl your mom made is really beautiful. such a wonderful treasure you have there. Love the yellow-ness of your table. It's just what we needed to see after such a harsh winter!

  27. Way to think positive my friend! Yellow is my sisters favorite color so it always reminds me of her. My mom did a little ceramics as well..and Randy's mom even more. I have a statue of two lovers she did that gave us when we were dating :-) She actually has some very pretty dishes that she made which I always admire when I go..soup tureen, platters that kind of stuff. Yours is a nice cheery reminder of your Mom :-) I'd like to try your egg cakes.

  28. Kathleen, I'm so sorry you are still having snow. Yikes! But it sure isn't dreary inside your house. Your table shouts "SPRING". Love that bowl your mother made. How wonderful that you have it~a perfect starting point for this table filled with sunshine. The little bowls for a roll are so cute, and I'd really like a bite of one of those chocolate eggs. laurie

  29. Oh no, more snow. All the more reason to splash yellow all around and eat chocolate eggs!

    Scribbler at

  30. Do your talents never cease??!??!! Those little cakes are so fun and SO cool! You apparently have your Mom's fortitude when it comes to baking! Wow!!! Snowing at your place? Ugh! It has been nice here, but very windy. I thought the trees would be uprooted yesterday! Although the temps are in the 70s, I still can't go outside to eat. Such a big tease, that Mother Nature! :-) Your table is beautiful, and I love it that you did it as a tribute to your Mom. That makes it all the more special. Have a wonderful, wonderful week!

  31. Love the yellow table setting. Your Mom's centre piece bowl is very special to you and it shows in your table scape design. Looks wonderful!

  32. NO to SNOW, but it sounds like more is coming tomorrow. I'm glad you fought your negative thoughts and produced such a wonderful sunshine yellow table for us in blogland to enjoy. Such special memories of your Mom.

    I'm looking forward to all of your Easter recipes.

    - The Tablescaper

  33. Very pretty yellow tablescape! Love your Mom's bowl as a centerpiece, it's always special to use something with meaning! Delicious looking Easter treats! I think everyone's had enough snow this year...even us!


  34. I wish it was cold and snowy here Kathleen! I would be happy for you to pack up all that snow and send it my way. I wish I could send some Aussie sunshine to you because I am so sick of Summer!

    I love your Easter tablescape. I can't believe it's just around the corner!

    Best wishes,

  35. Lovely table and your mom's bowl is perfect. The egg cupcakes are just wonderful. I live vicariously with everyone's desserts. Wouldn't you know I took that egg pan to GW last year.


  36. You are so creative and the table is one of my favorites. It would look perfect in my yellow home.
    The little egg cakes are too cute. I love coming over here to visit you.

  37. This is just so cheery and it brightens up my morning on this cold and dreary day, Kathleen! Really love that gingham checked flatware. You're lucky to have a reminder of your mom in that piece of pottery. I have to stay out of the goodies this Easter! LOL My diet is not working well because I can't shake my chocolate ( or any food, for that matter!) addiction. Love your table today! ♥ Sue

  38. Very cheery tablescape, Kathleen! Those little egg cakes look yummy. I also did ceramics in the late 70's with my mom - we were so hooked. Every week, there we were. xo,

  39. Your table looks wonderful Kathleen! The yellow is so "happy". The bowl your mom made is lovely! i think I saved this recipe for the eggs from last year so I could try the thi year. Thanks for the reminder!

  40. What lovely memories you have shared with us. Everything is just perfect for Easter. I love your talent and how you display it. Thank you! Yes I remember those ceramics; so much fun.

  41. I love your table and the sentiment behind it. The centerpiece is beautiful and such a treasure to have. I really love the egg cakes. I've never seen those done that way before. As to our "traditions" we just don't have them anymore. Last Easter I was at the rehab home with my parents eating Outback Steakhouse takeout, my husband and son were grilling steaks at home and my daughter had to work (a busy Disney day). This year it will be just the two of us, maybe my son. I grew up with the entire family, the grandparents etc. all together. After we were married we all went to mom's but when they moved to Florida and our kids got old enough to scatter...traditions just went out the door!

  42. I work with clay, and I love that you have your mom's bowl. The bedspread used for a tablecloth is right up my alley, too. I always look at bedding and think tablecloth. Thank you for sharing your lovely design and the recipe. I'm going to try to be daring enough to make them. Cherry Kay

  43. Beautiful and festive, Kathleen! I love the photos and your words--both are extraordinary. I'm so glad to see the linkz works--thanks for being the first to test the murky waters at Gollum.

  44. Lovely table and thanks for the great recipe. You make those eggs look so easy. We dropped from 74 yesterday to 46 for the high today. It's gloomy here too, so I hear you about wanting to put winter behind, WAY behind.

  45. Pretty table. Love your flower bowl that your Mother made. Love your chocolate eggs with the YOLKS:)

  46. I adore your yellow table Kathleen, it's so happy, sunny and bright! You have such lovely yellow things, I really don't have much in such bright colour...hmmm, it reminds me I should go and get something like this. Great bowl you mom made, wow, she's talented. The choc. eggs and yolks are yummy! You're such a chef! WOW!
    Thank you for stopping by and for the nice and generous comments!

  47. Snow here too Kathleen and your table is a real pick me up for those of us still waiting for spring. I love your mama's centerpiece bowl and the story too and yes I did ceramics in the 70's too. Thanks for sharing.

  48. Here in New zealand the summer is rapidly coming to an end. The weather has turned today and it is pouring. Your summer table is just what I needed to bring back a little bit of summer.


  49. Hi lovely lady.I love your Beautiful Tablecapes sweet lady. I also love Mama's Centerpiece bowl and the lovely story about your Mom. She also had a TREASURE you~~~ Her wonderful Daughter !!!
    I hope you have a nice Evening with your family.
    Thanks for coming over to see me. xxoo

  50. Your Mom's bowl is beautiful! I'm sure your treasure it, and memories of her.

    My Mom does not understand the computer at all (she is in her late 80's) and blogs are even more mystery to her. She actually still uses a rotary phone! One thing I've learned is to not let myself fall behind, if possible, in technology, as she has. It's not good not to try to keep up! Everyone moves forward and the non technology person stays behind. So blogs are good! Blogging keeps us thinking and engaged. Thye are not a waste of time. :)

    I have a perfect pan to make those "yolk" eggs, Kathleen ..they are really cute!

  51. Hi Kathleen!
    Everything here looks sunny yellow!
    Happy colors!
    Your Easter Eggs are Egg-cellent!
    Love the idea and they came out looking delicious too!
    I learn so much out here in blogland!
    What a blessing you all are to me.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Kathleen!

  52. Very beautiful table , the centerpiece is wonderful.I wish you a happy sring, and the su to shine sooner

  53. Soon it will be Easter - we have herring and eggs a lot! Yellow on the table makes it so sunny. MB

  54. Kathleen, these are pecious! I would love to make these delightful eggs. My family would think these are so much fun.
    I'll have to look for the pans.
    So festive!

  55. I love how you have your mom's bowl. What a treasure! It's so charming too and the perfect accompaniment to your lovely spring table. The egg cakes are adorable too. Love it all!
    (almost all the snow melted here - just a few patches left!)

  56. I love the bowl Kathleen.

    I was one of those in ceramic classes during the 70's. I was a Brownie Leader. All the girl scout leaders in our town enrolled our troops in ceramics one spring. That was 1976. I made a pitcher and bowl and called it my Bicentennial Project.:-)

    Your table is beautiful! It is a dreary day here at the lake and snow is predicted. I think I will set a sunny table, today.:-)
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  57. You just do the BEST things! Those eggs are so adorable!!! (and delicious looking too) And, of course, your table is so pretty -- LOVE that little yellow baby pitcher! And isn't it so true of our mothers... they'd never have had the time to be on a computer all day. Oh, and we had snow here too yesterday, covered everything, but thank God it wasn't cold so everything melted quickly during the day.
    Have a great weekend!

  58. Oh, I adore yellow and white.....used it in our wedding a longgggggggggggg time ago. Where do I begin......the table is so spring-like and fresh!! It is a vision most pleasing to my eyes! And, the lion soup bowls are the ultimate!

  59. Catching up reading blogs tonight and I love your eggs. I make the Easter bread with the colored hard boiled eggs woven into the bread every year and give them as gifts. They always look so pretty and my neighbors adore them. I am laughing at the "Donalds" comb over on your last post. He may be our President they say and I hope if he runs and wins he borrows old Abe Lincolns hat and covers his comb over while in the White House. I wonder if his new baby coming will be born with the comb over:-) I wonder how much he pays someone to style that mess? Geesh I hope I never run into his hair dresser when I move to the city. YIKEES!

  60. I love that you designed the table around your Moms yellow flowered bowl!
    And I like the ribcord bedspread used as a tablecloth. I always have trouble finding tablecloths the right shape for my table... perhaps I would have better luck in the bed linen department!!

  61. I know you are ready for some better weather, but you seem to be using you indoor time quite well. I love your story, and you are right about your mom probably not having time for blogs. So many other things required her energy I'm sure. How lucky you are to have a special treasure from her.

  62. How fun! Definitely do need all the sunshine we can get. I got caught in the hail on Wednesday night and am so glad it's just cold today. So looking forward to outdoor blossoms and bright sun. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  63. Your table is so sunny and cheerful and I love the bowl your mother made. What a treasure for you. Those are the cutest eggs with yolks. I can see why you are thinking's so late this year. Fun tablescape and recipe for the eggs.Have a great weekend.

  64. Nice that you have the vase your Mom made..I did ceramics also but gave all of them away as gifts, wish I had some of them back!
    Love the yellow table, and you know where Carols mind is..again!

  65. Your mother's bowl is lovely, Kathleen! And I see no reason not to do a happy, spring table. I mean, it's got to come soon, right?
    Such a sweet table in honor of your mom. I love that plate with the bunny on it!

  66. Snow, snow go away -- come again on Christmas day! I love your pretty yellow table. Those egg yolk cakes are wonderful!

  67. Kathleen, I've been away from the computer and missed this on Thursday. Love this table! Yellow is such a happy color. It's one of my favorites. I think the bowl your mom made is charming, not to mention how special it must be to have something like this that your mom made.
    It's cool here again today, but yesterday was in the high 80s.
    ~ Sarah


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