Monday, February 14, 2011

Love it or Leave It?

Lynn is having a Gadget Party!  So let's open those drawers clogged with goodies!  :)

I don't think I am a gadget person.  I have kitchen tools, don't know they are considered gadgets though!

Griddler, crock pot, mixers, food processor, those are appliances, right?  So I will try to stick to gadgets.

Some things aren't worth the drawer space!  But just when you throw it out, you find you need it.  :)

A good peeler is a must.  I love the OXO.  I think I learned how to peel potatoes when I was 5, and we would always fight for the sharper of the cheapie metal peelers.

Picture 1874

I like the silicone brushes.  So much easier to clean.

My rubber mallet is used frequently to pound out cutlets, or pork loins so they can be stuffed.

I found the yeast spoon for about 50 cents at WS outlet.  We buy the larger bags of yeast, not the packets, and this measures 1 packet perfectly.

Picture 1876

Microplanes, big and small, and one good for spices as it catches it and it comes with a cover.

Do you have a lemon birdie?  Squeezes out the juice and keeps the seeds inside.  I like a reamer too.

Picture 1875

I have shown this before, it makes a lattice top for pies.

Picture 935

Picture 923

Of course sil pats, such a help when baking cookies, etc.

This one is for the LEAVE them list.

Picture 1873

I thought it would be good for the gkids sandwiches.

From one of those Home Parties, you can read the name.

I tried it with 3 diff kinds of bread, and it failed each time.

It is supposed to cut and seal at one time.  Forget it!

Picture 1872

Hard to get the sandwich out, and doesn't seal even with just one piece of cheese.  A dud!

I am joining Lynn at in Happier Than a Pig Mud for her Gadgets Party.  Please stop over and see what the other gals like!

Thanks, Lynn, I found a little tool I have  looking for while putting this together!!


  1. I bet you've got more gadgets than that! I try not to buy new gadgets, as I fee I have enough gadgets already.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Hey K, thanks for playing along! Absolutely lovin' the yeast spoon, never saw that before and I buy the bottles of yeast! Your lattice pie tool is so fun and makes beautiful pies:@)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. I have never seen a yeast spoon either - I bet it is a neat tool, I will have to look for one. I studied the lemon bird and can't quite figure out how it works yet :)

    Great assortment of kitchen gadgets.

  4. Great gadgets! Love your lemon bird and yeast spoon -- I used to have a great coffee scoop from some shop that was exactly the 2-1/4 tsp of a yeast packet. I wore it out or more accurately, it got caught in the drawer, one too many times, lol.


  5. I have never seen a yeast spoon. That would come in handy. I had tried a plastic sandwich cutter but that didn't work either. Liked looking at all those gadgets.

  6. Now I'll remember that a yeast spoon is 2 1/4 teaspoons so I don't have to buy that gadget ;o) I've never heard of the lemon birdie until now. Your lattice pie looks wonderful!

  7. A lemon birdie? A lemon birdie?? Never heard of that one. How does it work exactly?

    I use my mallet a lot too. Mine's wooden.

    Nice post. I love to hear about other people's goodies.

  8. Count me in on never knowing about a yeast spoon...I'm still scratchin my head!

    Love all your 'gadgets'

  9. I would REALLY Love a DEMO of the Lemon Birdie??? Never heard of it and I can't figure it out just looking at it???
    Happy Valentine's Day to you, My Other Connolly!
    It was ALMOST 60 today!!! Still no sign of the ground YET though...
    Hugs, Donna

  10. I think I need more gadgets. Love the yeast measure.

  11. hahaaaahaha...I knew you would have all kinds of great gadgets, appliances, kitchen toys, whatever.
    I've never even heard of most of them. I lead such a sheltered Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Christmas Tree Shoppe....I live in the land of Walmart, Dollar Tree and McDonalds. bwaaaaaaaaa

  12. I have a few things I can't cook without, but my post isn't due until Wednesday.

  13. I love the birdie lemon juicer and have the same cut n' seal from the home party place. It worked well the night of my party years ago but I never used it since Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

    Barbara F.

  14. I love gadgets, appliances and tools ;) Never saw that bird for lemons, cute! Nice collection, Kathleen! My kids loved PB & J with that sandwich thing!

  15. Cool gadgets! I love that pie crust lattice cutter, Kathleen! The lemon bird and yeast spoon too!

    I still use the old fasioned EKCO potato peeler and can opener -- I'll be so sad if they ever stop selling them! :)

    ♥ Happy Valentine's Day!♥

  16. What a great thing a yeast spoon is; I always buy the big package of yeast too. Love your little birdie for lemons! So cute and so funcional. Joni

  17. I've never seen a lemon birdie! I have a green juicer thingy (technical kitcher term).

    Thanks for all the kind words concerning the in-laws. It has been a rough time, some of it very unnecessary really. We are hanging in there...and so are they. Thanks again.

  18. Oh do I have gadgets. Big ones small ones. Useful ones.....and some...not so much.
    If I only could get around to photographing them.

  19. Hi Kathleen, I have that peeler too and I'll never go back to the little silver ones. I can see that I need a microplaner because everyone is raving about them. And I have always seen those little birdies but never knew how they worked. I thought they were just a gimmick! They are cute though. Linda

  20. You have so many neat gadgets, Kathleen. My favorite is the yeast measuring spoon. You are so funny about the sandwich cutter, lol...Christine

  21. Wow- you have a lot of gadgets and some that are just fun to have laying around.
    I've seen demonstrations of those sandwich pocket makers. Even then they did not go smoothly.

  22. You have a couple of things I've never heard of before...the lemon birdie and the yeast spoon! I've used the cut & seal gadget for making Kringle pockets for Christmas and it worked great. Maybe it works better with pastry dough than bread?

  23. I have lots of gadgets; maybe too many. But I really love the look of that pie; will have to look for that one.

  24. OK, now I have to go find a lemon birdie! What a neat gadget. I THINK I have some of these same gadgets, but finding them when I need them is a chore in itself, but then I don't cook as much or as beautifully as you. Do you think if I fill my drawers with these gadgets, I'll be able to cook like you? laurie

  25. Just found out that the size of your font has something to do with the size of your email subscription button. I changed the size of mine and it did make my button smaller.
    However, I am thinking my font is TOO small for the style font I am it hard to read? I'm going over to choose another font or else just let my email button be big. All this stuff is driving me mad...going to bed and watch a movie. :)))

  26. Girl you are too funny..I have that sandwich cutter and I think I gave it to one of my daughters ha ha!! pay back and all that..Your pie looks yummy!! I try not to spend alot of time in the kitchen any more..Hey I was married at 15 and did my fair share of cooking and am just too tired now ha ha!! I have the tools, my late Husband loved the kitchen store..girl I have things to even make heart shaped eggs..just how cute could he be..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  27. A yeast spoon is a new one on me, but now I must have one. What a great idea. I think I'd really prefer buying a jar of yeast over those little packets.

  28. I love that charming table Kathleen! That tablecloth is so wonderful and the plates too!


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