Thursday, February 10, 2011

I ♥ Pink for ♥ Day

A few more days till Valentines' Day.  Next TTH it will be  already over ..  Moving along to the next big day.

Washington's Bday you say?  NO, St. Patrick's Day!

I hope you will join me for my  3rd annual party on Mar 15th.

table 3401

Put on your marching shoes!  It will be a lot of fun, and a give away too.

Back to         ♥♥♥♥

Picture 1837


These pretty pink napkins by Crocill were a gift from my friend,Kay ,at the Holidays Forum.  I used a silver swan napkin ring, as Swans mate for life and that it pretty romantic, or miraculous!  :)  I got them on ebay for 99 cents for 4 plus 4.00 shipping.

Picture 1846

The centerpiece is the top of a topiary I made a few years ago.

Picture 1849 I set it in a cut glass bowl and added a pretty bisque heart my cousin sent me in memory of my mom.


Picture 225

The tablecloth is a Quaker cotton lace from the 70's over a pale pink cloth.

Picture 1840

Picture 1843

Silver charger from Mikassa, white china by Gofortun, Israel, and little hearts from Michael's last year.  I think I paid .25 for them the day before Valentines Day. A ring of pink pip berries surround the plate.

Flatware by Dansk is my everyday flatware.

Picture 1845

Pink glasses by Lenox, and clear by Dansk.  Name holders are pots of roses from a family wedding last summer.

Silver candlesticks from Savers, a real deal!

Picture 1836

Heart shape tidbit dish I have had a long time.

Picture 1838

Picture 1637

These cupcakes go well with the setting!  :)

Picture 1813

Dinner is panko  baked pork chops, broccoli and asparagus, and sweet slices.

Sweet slices are sweet potatoes partially cooked, peeled and sliced.

Toss in cinnamon sugar, and brown in a pan in a bit of butter till crisp.

Picture 1812

For dessert, a small apple crumb pie made in a fluted dish. Big, fat buttery crumbs that you snatch off as you go by!

Picture 1825

Picture 1828

Thanks for coming! 

Please come back for Laurie's ♥ Party Saturday and Seasonal Sunday.  All ♥'s !  :)

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday

Beverly for Pink Saturday

Valentine Tables at Little Round Table.

I keep adding the links and they keep disappearing!


  1. Beautiful tablescape. ♥ the topiary and all of the heart plates. I will be here for your wonderful St. Patties day party! :)

  2. Holy cow...this is all just BEAUTIFUL and lovely and sweet and sooo romantic. I just love it all, K.
    I can't wait to try the sweet potatoes. They look luscious.

  3. Kathleen, your tablesetting and your dinner are delightful. I love all the roses, pink glassware and the swan napkin rings. Very romantic. And you really did an excellent job of frosting those cupcakes to look like roses. I sent my sister (rose lover and cake baker) the link to those, because I know she will want to make some.

    Thanks for joining us over at The Colours of Love this week.


  4. I just love it. My favorite part of the whole thing is the ring of berries around the place setting. That's just plain perfect.

    I also think those rose bouquets for place cards are lovely. A great table!

  5. Your tablescape is so pretty and I so want a piece of that pie!
    I wish I could join for the St. Patty's party, but I have NOTHING!! I will see if I find anything before then!

  6. It may be pink, but I love it...the swan napkin rings are really cute. Your centerpiece is gorgeous...if you hadn't said you made them a few years ago, I would never have guessed they weren't fresh flowers.

  7. Everything looks so beautiful and your meal, fabulous. I have to make those sweet potatoes and apple dessert.

  8. Your pie is beautiful:)

    You have accumulated lovely things Kathleen~

    The table looks so special~

  9. I love all your table settings - and you are one savvy shopper! As usual the food looks scrumptious. Maybe one time for a "raffle" you can raffle off a lunch at your house. Winner provides their own transportation, of course. I would definitely enter more than once! :) xo
    Barbara F.

  10. Kathleen, this is the sweetest pink table I've seen. The topiary you made is gorgeous. Clever to take the top and repurpose it. Love the sweet pink berry ring around the plates. And that apple crumb pie looks so delicious. It's beautiful! ~ sarah

  11. Your table is cozy, pretty and romantic!! And your apple pie looks scrumptious but I am definitely going to try the sweet potato recipe...oh my!!


  12. I'm not a big fan of pink but it certainly looks beautiful the way you have combined all of the pieces, Kathleen! Your pie looks so delicious! What a great meal.

  13. Hi kathleen, beautiful table,your dinner are delightful.

  14. Very pretty table, Kathleen! The pinks look so pretty! Love those little pies! Extra crumb topping on mine please!

  15. Great table K! Lovin' the napkin rings and pretty pink heart bowls! The cupcakes look yummy and I keep wondering if I should get one of those cool fluted pie plates myself:@)

  16. As always your posts just make me plain hungry!!
    Beautiful images of pretty things.

    I've been wearing my GREEN thinking cap lately, trying to come up with a winner for your upcoming blog crawl!

    Thanks so much for joining my first linky party on The Little Round Table and I hope that you will be able to visit again soon.


  17. Oh my - what a pretty table. LOVE the place card holders with the pink roses! You did an amazing job - it all looks so sweet...and the food looks amazing! My husband and I love sweet potatoes, so, I may have to try that!

  18. That table is so elegant and pretty Kathleen!
    You always have such pretty tables!
    I love your taste!

  19. Love the pink-especially the pip berries around the plate. I'm getting my stuff together to join you for St. Pat's!

  20. What sweet Mikasa holiday tableware - it's all very lovely, I just have a special place in my heart for Mikasa as I got some at my wedding many many MANY years ago (oyyy - this baby boomer is feeling a bit old right this second!) :) Such sweet family memories and during the perfect week for it. Thanks for such great Valentine fun. I've added your party to my Thursday news post about all the fun Valentine parties for the Sandwich Generation to be able to enjoy at home. :)

  21. The table setting is gorgeous Kathleen! I love the pink glasses and all the roses and lace. I have a couple Quaker lace tablecloths, I'll have to look for solid color cloths to go underneath, I like the look so much:>)

  22. Kathleen, I'm waiting to go to dinner and your post is making me sooo hungry! I LOVE sweet potatoes and I am definitely making these. Easy is just my way! Those place card holders are so pretty--the wedding tables must have been beautiful. I used swans too on my table and was expecting to see many more, since they are symbols of fidelity. Your napkin rings are perfect. Linda

  23. Your table is a great deal f fun. Love the swans, w beautiful tribute. Thanks for dropping in with your kind comments.

  24. Love the sweet slices!!! What a great way to fix sweet potatoes. Thanks for sharing your technique...
    Jane (artfully graced)

    ps The WHOLE meal looks and sounds delicious!

  25. Hi Kathleen,
    Love all that pink and those hearts. Love those napkins too...lucky!
    Your cupcakes are so darling, they look like little roses and your food and cake Yummy!!!!
    I will be there with the little man for you party. Can't wait.

  26. Love your blog! I'll be back. I'm your newest follower.
    Ladybug Creek

  27. Very beautiful tablescape, Kathleen, and you food looks delicious.

  28. Loving the pinks and the cupcake is perfect!
    Dinner looks perfectly delicious!

  29. Love the pinks in your table. The berries are a great touch. Your tables always end so well with the good food you offer up, too. I'm going to have to try frosting a cupcake like that...
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  30. Just a beautiful table. I have those same little pink hearts from Michaels! Now to put them on the table...I am as usual late for the party!

  31. A beautiful Valentine's Day Pink Tablescape! I really like the pink berry garland around the plates!

    Your food always looks so delicious!

    I posted very late (a few after yours! LOL!)


    P.S. - No, I don't know the Barbara blogger you asked about!

  32. I love all your pretty pinkness! Very festive!

  33. Kathleen, I love your tablescape as always, and the beautiful flowers in the centerpiece! You are becoming a pro at making those lovely rose cupcakes. Dinner looked delicious...and that crumb cake looks divine! Your husband must be a happy guy as we all know that when it comes down to it food is the way to a man's heart! I hope he gets you something extra special for Valentine's Day as you deserve it!
    PS: I just put my Valentine's post up...a walk down memory for me :)

  34. Your table and your food are scrumptious as always. I am sorry that thing on my blog is such a pain. As soon as I get the book back to the publisher next week, I am going to look into fixing it. I also have to put on PayPal so people can buy the book, and I hope that doesn't turn out to be a headache. Wish me luck!

  35. You know I love I really love this post :-) My favorite is the pink ruffled tidbit dish. The topiary is really pretty too!Hard to believe its almost Valentine's Day! Time is marching on.

  36. Great table Kathleen! Only you would find those swan napkin rings on Ebay for .99 plus shipping. Cute comment about the swans ;o)

  37. I see you've got the Frosting Rose cupcake thing down pat.
    Those napkin rings are very sharp. I like them a lot.
    I have put you on the "My Blog List" in my sidebar.
    I will be joining you St. Pat's Party. Are there rules?

  38. Oh, your table is gorgeous! I love it all - the lace tablecloth, your dishes and accessories and the centerpiece. Gorgeous.
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. Gorgeous, gorgeous napkin rings! So graceful!!! I have never seen anything like them. VERY pretty! And those Lexnox wee!!! Your meal looks wonderful, too. I am going to try those sweet potatoes cooked that way. Sounds delicious!

  40. This looks DELICIOUS! That pie looks like a little bit of heaven. I learned something new here with regard to the sweet potato slices. love that idea.

  41. Hi Kathleen!
    What a lovely tablescape. The little pink heart dishes really "take the cake" and at .25 amazing!
    I must tell you, I bought the Wilton decorating tip to make those rose cupcakes. It was so much fun...and so easy.
    Yours look beautiful!
    The sweet potatoes look delicious. I'll have to try them that way. Sweet Potatoes are my son's favorite...

    Sending you warm wishes*
    It's 0 degrees here tonight... my house is making crackly noises LOL !

  42. Kathleen:

    This is so beautiful and soft and romantic! Love those swan napkin rings. I remember when you told me you were browsing napkin rings on ebay. The swans and little pip berries (is that what they're called?) add the perfect touch. Just beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper

  43. Such a perfect, pretty in pink presentation! Happy Valentine's Day, my friend!

  44. Hey there, Ms. Kathleen! You were so far down the Tablescape Thursday linky list that I almost missed you! That would have been a shame, cause this one is (ok, as yours always are) a real treat for the eyes. Naturally, your cuisine looks and sounds amazing too! Does your Valentine know how lucky he is???

    Have a great weekend and a very happy Valentine's!

  45. Kathleen...your pork chops look heavenly -- love panko! Your table is gorgeous as usual. I am planning my crawl table now :)


  46. Oh, how pretty!! My favorites are the napkin, the pink heart bowl, and the pink berry garland -- it looks so lovely and soft. And those sweet slices look pretty tasty too!

  47. I can't choose which is my fave! As a matter of fact, I LOVE ÉM ALL...

    Thank you for the ideas you shared today that I might bring back home in Sweden.

    Happy TS,

  48. Your table setting to so pretty, and dinner looks yummy. Now I am starved! :D
    Enjoy your weekend.

  49. Hi lovely lady. Your Tablescapes are Beautiful sweet lady !!! I will be right over for your dinner !!! The pie looks yummy also. I have a Tablescape also so for Valentine's Day I hope you can come see I miss your sweet comments!!!
    I hope you have a Great evening with the one you love for Valentine's Day.

  50. So beautiful!! I am so wanting to try your sweet slices!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and great recipe!

  51. Thank you Katleen for your lovely comments and for taking the time to look them up, that is so nice, I appreciate it, hon.
    I also forgot to mention that I love your heart shape lace like dishes, I have a complete set for 12 with this kind of style and I just love it, but the hearts are so special! Happy Valentine's again.

  52. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Love this bisque heart and the rose cupcake!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  53. With your lovely pinks, I can see you are definitely ready for spring! Like your area, Maine is white but for the 10 days I am here it is wonderful.

  54. Oh I love LOVE! Particularly when it is pink.

    Happy hearts day to you and yours.

  55. Sweet presentation and looks delicious!!

  56. OMGoodness,I ma drooling: over your food and table!!!!!!! It is all so pretty and romantic! XO, Pinky


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