Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Kid You Not!

Yesterday was a big outing for me.  I hadn't been out except to the doc for a few weeks, and I decided it was time.

My friend, A, The Tablescaper was the driver and we made the most of her day out here in Southampton.

We crammed visits to  many stores into our time.

First, we stopped off for a Tattoo. I just had my hand and arm done, but A was a lot more daring!

Picture 1742

I AM kidding on this one!  This was a tattoo sleeve from my gson's bday party.  Bet you couldn't believe it! :)

Anyway, we started at TJMaxx, then to Target, Lenox, WS and PB Outlets and finally Home Goods.  We worked in a great lunch in between.  45 min drive each way, so it was a full fun day!

When we were in WS Outlet, I showed A the purchase I had made last month.

I wasn't crazy about it, but I bought 4 dinner, 4 salads and a pitcher.

Picture 1925

I showed it to her and told her what I paid, same store a month earlier.

Picture 1926

Here is the sales slip!

I kid you not! I paid 10.88 and yesterday they were 128.00!  Who would pay that, seriously???

Picture 1927


The dinner plate was marked 30.00, and the salad was 24.00. I paid 3 and 2.40 then another 15% off that!

Shopping and finding a bargain is a favorite thing!


I am not kidding, I rarely make breakfast, dh does the honors.  But there was a half of loaf of Italian bread going stale, perfect for French Toast...

Picture 1913

Add bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and oranges, a few sausage and dh was a happy man.  Perfect for a Seasonal Sunday!

Picture 1918

I made lunch and dinner that day too.    He was in a food daze.  I'll save dinner for my next post.

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.


March is almost here!  Every post up to the blog party on the 15th will have a give away, and the big giveaway will be on the 15th.    ♣ ♣  Stop in and try your luck!  ♣♣♣


  1. What a deal. Wow! I will be at your party! Thanks for hosting it.

  2. Hi Kathleen! Wow! What a bargain! That just goes to show how much they mark stuff up! And your breakfast looks yummy! Sounds like you gals had a fun shopping trip! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Oh I know exactly how you feel! A couple of months ago I was on the lookout for dinnerware and stopped in to see what HG had. Would you believe Mikasa French Countryside by the piece...$5 for dinnerplates,$3 for salad plates and rimmed soup bowls! Needless to say I spent a great deal of time going over each piece to make sure it was OK, my basket was full and I was (am) soooooooo happy.

  4. That is the all-time winner of bargain finds!!! WOW!

    And I think your breakfast is another winner. Simplicity at its finest. I think I just might be duplicating it this week :)

  5. Ahh yes I do believe you are the bargain queen for sure! That is one mighty fine looking breakfast you created with stale bread! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day!

  6. Oh how I'd love a trip to the WS outlet, that would be heaven! Breakfast looks great and I'm thinking about a tattoo too... when pigs fly:@)

  7. You get the best deals:)I love shopping in the USA:)

  8. Glad to hear you got out and had a fun day together. What a bargain on the plates. I need to get down to WS Outlet. When there at Christmas there wasn't much of interest.
    French toast is my favorite breakfast and this look fabulous. ~ Sarah

  9. I love French Toast made with french bread. Your's look delicious, such an appealing plate.

  10. What a fabulous purchase. I will be at the party. Hugs, Ginger
    Oh, Breakfast looks delish!

  11. Looks like you had a fun day out and you are one great bargain shopper. I need that tattoo sleeve to impress my always wonders where his wife went when ever I cook him a meal too.

  12. Kathleen, glad you are feeling better and got out shopping again! Your day with "A" sounds perfect! It must be wonderful to have a fellow blogger as a friend you can get together with to do the kind of shopping you BOTH love. Course, I'd love to shop with YOU too when you can scout all those fantastic bargains like the deal you got on the plates/pitcher! Your breakie looks delicious! I'm always happy with toast and coffee so the Mr. is on his own for his big breakfasts too.


  13. I love the tattoo sleeve. You had me going! It totally blows me away that you paid $10.80 and they were marked up to $128. I can't beleive some people pay that price considering how long you have to save to have a $128 to piddle away!~Ames

  14. Love the sleeve, all you need now is a Harley :) With a very big trailer to haul dishes! Marsha will show you! Glad you had a great day out! You were due, happy you are feeling better!
    That is one mighty fine breakfast, K, I would even take the very long drive for a breakfast like that!

  15. Sounds like such a wonderful day out. I am so glad you got to go. Love your dishes and wow, what a savings. Great breakfast also. Hugs, Marty

  16. wonderful post and nothing like a bargain!!

  17. You did get a bargain didn't you. Oh, I love the tattoo sleeve!

  18. Glad to hear you were out and about - the weather has been conducive to leisurely shopping days at the outlets! I loved your breakfast, and those dishes HAD to be marked incorrectly! Glad you benefitted by it :-)
    xo, Barbara F. P.S. Looking forward to the 15th!

  19. I had a fantastic time!!!! You had me going with that tatoo. I sure knew I hadn't gotten a tatoo! Lucky me, as Kathleen had a coupon for 25% off your entire order AND one for her friend. I got to be the friend!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Sounds like a wonderful day...and a full day. You have to be ecstatic that you're feeling so much better...and a dear friend always makes the day even more precious. The French toast makes me hungry....oh, for a loaf of old French bread! I'm a happy follower, so it will be fun to keep up with you over the next few weeks...sounds like pretty cool 'goin's on'. Thank you for sharing your wonderful day. Cherry Kay

  21. Love the tattoos! lol! We got them one year for my son's halloween costume! Some great bargains, Kathleen!

  22. How in the world did you find such bargains? That's amazing!

  23. Wow! I must go shopping with you! If there were only those kinds of outlets here! Well, our Home Goods opened was a total zoo. I will go back when you can actually move down the aisle....
    When I cook like that....the hubby always says,"I love when you are feeding the blog!"

  24. You...a tramp stamp?! Pretty dishes, great price, too.
    Great looking breakfast, with the exception of the bananas...just give me extra blueberries.

  25. What a great fun time you had, Kathleen! You certainly deserve it after being sick. I am glad you are better. I could not believe the mark up on those dishes. Does anybody really buy them at that price?...Christine

  26. That is nuts! Who would pay that? I have learned from you. Anyone can pay full price!! I am a savvy shopper now :-)

  27. Kathleen, I now pronounce you queen of the bargain hunters! Good bargain.

  28. My gosh, do come up with the most awesome buys. Where do u get all u'r off coupons?
    I know ya'll had a blast together. Do ya'll talk about us?? :)))

  29. I'm SO glad you got out and had some fun! Love the tatoo arm. My grands have had those too. It's amazing how realistic they are. Only you would put that on your blog and tell us you had your arm tatooed! I cannot believe the deal you got on that china!! I'm tellin' ya, I just KNOW you and Bill have something going on to make him give you such great deals! And OMG, it is bedtime, and I am drooling over your breakfast! You always make it look pretty as well as delicious. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  30. I love it when you show us the deals you get! Sounds like a fun day. Joni

  31. What a an outstanding putchase you made at WS, looks to me as if someone made a mistake with the zero's!
    Wish we had WS here in France I might even pay full price if we did.

  32. Well, you had me going! What a rascal you are! And a great bargain shopper. SCORE! I would have loved to join you.

  33. Hi there Ms. Kathleen!!
    I am hopeful that you are feeling a lot better!
    I thought fondly of you on Friday when I redid my DR centerpiece and added my ONLY two Beleek pieces....a small vase and a small creamer with shamrocks! Every year when I bring them out, I smile about all of the beautiful posts that you share with us.
    Thank you!

  34. The french toast looks delicious and the tattoo sleeve looks real :)

  35. IF you were going to get a TAT I know it wouldn't be on your hand or arm!!! :)
    Looks like store switched the decimal point...great bargain for you..anxious to see them in a tablescape.
    French toast looks great, waiting to see what you do for tomorrow..National Pancake Day!!

  36. What a deal at WS! I wish we had a Lenox Outlet here...PB Outlet too. I miss the dish outlets!!

  37. Kathleen,

    You get the most wonderful deals. Glad you are feeling better and I will be at the party!


  38. Wow! What a great bargain! Sounds like you had a wonderful time overall. Pretty dishes too!

  39. What a hoot! My grandsons love those tiny tattoos for kids that you put on their skin with water and then they wash off in a week. They would LOVE this tattoo sleeve. You really had me on that one! :)

    And I LOVED your St Patricks Day green shamrock plates in the earlier post. SOOOO cute, as are the green decorations in your holiday tablescape at the top!

    I'm already looking forward to your fun St Patricks Day party blog post. I enjoyed the Valentine Party blog post round up at so much I'm doing it again for St. Pattys Day and will be adding yours to the list, along with the cute plates in your February post. Have a GREAT March. :)

  40. I haven't been to the WS outlet in a while. The last time I went, I purchased a marble mortar and pestle. I have always wanted one. Haven't used it yet :) Love all the photos. I am coming over for dinner just so I can sit at one of your tablescapes!

  41. YES! I got so very scared to think you would do that awful tatoo, I hate them, I don't see the beauty in using the body that God gave you painting on it!!! So glad it wasn't true.
    Thank you for your lovely and sweet comment. I like your new dishes and I can't believe how they went down the price so much from one day to the next! So glad for you, though. You had a great shopping day my friend. Thank you for the recipes, I love them as cooking is one of my fav things in life.



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