Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unseasonably Cold Sundays are not a Favorite Thing!

Last night as we were on our way home, the car thermometer read 8 degrees!  It was a little after 8 PM.

I know many of you have those temps during the winter, but it is not that often it gets so cold here on Long Island.  The ocean is supposed to moderate the temps. 

Picture 1556


Picture 1557

This is the beautiful Peconic Bay near me.  I couldn't stand out in that wind for more than a few minutes!

I will wait patiently for in 4 months it will provide us with beautiful bay breezes on a sunny day at the Beach.

But before I ventured out, dh fixed us a good breakfast.

Picture 1548

French toast with fresh blueberries and Canadian Bacon.

And for the game, an antipasto platter.

Picture 1276

Picture 1277

You can just pick out the healthy things, or take a little plate with some crusty bread and enjoy it all!

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things, and Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper's.


  1. Burrrrrrr ~ looks like a few us are posting icy cold scenes for today's Seasonal Sunday. I like the idea of that French toast! Yummy!
    ~ Sarah

  2. Though I know the wind off the Sound is miserable, the photos are lovely. Yummy eating out your way today!

  3. Oh yes, that would be a favorite of mine too!!! The antipasto... not the cold:@)

  4. mmmmm I am loving and craving the antipasto!

  5. The bay is so beautiful and it's such a beautiful day. Funny but I'm wearing my fleece today and can't feel the wind from here!!

    That antipasto platter is making me hungry and I just ate a huge slice of PIE!

  6. Oh, that does look sooooooooo cold. Love the breakfast and the salad. Both are wonderful. Hope your day is too. Hugs, Marty

  7. I agree with you on the cold! I feel bad for the children at the bus stop in the morning! brrr! Stay warm my friend!

  8. Kathleen, I just found your blog through my friend Kathy in FL and I think it is wonderful! I have the same sheep dishes in yesterday's post from CTS! They photographed so well and your food looked delish!

  9. Baby it's cold out there!! I talked with my son who lives in Minnesota yesterday. He told me that one day last week they had a HIGH temperature of -27°F. Makes me feel bad for complaining about our single-digit temps :)

    Stay warm...spring has to be on it's way!


  10. Oh my this food does look wonderful!! The salad looks yummy! Stay warm!!! Cathy

  11. Oh that is cold but it sure makes for beautiful scenery! The good is pretty, too. Love that breakfast and the antipasto platter is calling my name!

  12. My feet have yet to warm up from all the snow shoveling I did the other day. This has been one cold winter! I love the french toast breakfast and antipasto dinner tray.

    Are you rooting for the JETS? Of course you are! GO JETS!! Wouldn't it be fun to watch them in the Super Bowl if they win tonight? They aren't doing all that great now so we need to cheer them on!

    ♥ Pat

  13. Those are some beautiful pics Kathleen!
    I would love to visit there, in the summer of course!
    come by and see my thermometer and you won't feel so bad.
    Yah Packer, super bowl bound!

  14. It's beautiful, even if it is bitter cold :)
    Not a good start to the game for us! But that platter would definitely make me feel a little better! So does that breakfast! Looks so good!

  15. Hi Kathleen, I'm watching the game but it is TOO painful!!!! Sanchez just got hurt, then another one...but I do like the looks of the antipasta! Now back to the game! Linda

  16. Your pictures are beautiful in spite of the cold...we are a little warmer at 19 degrees. Your breakfast looks delicious and so does your football antipasto. I love to snack and this is great, as you said, you can pick out the healthy stuff.


  17. You will be rewarded in four months so hang in there! We're doing antipasto for the Super Bowl. Stay warm my friend!

  18. Kathleen, your antipasto looks amazing! Yummy. Keep warm my friend, I hear there's more to come mid-week!

  19. You have the most gorgeous photos and your header is so beautiful.....always in awe of your blog

  20. is cold. And we're sure not used to this kind of cold.

    What wonderful treats at your house: an amazing breakfast and such wonderful treats for the game (even if they didn't win).

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. My hubby would have liked to sample your antipasti plate. So would I for that matter. I'm heading north for a few days in February so I can sympathize with you who are freezing to death.

  22. I haven't had any good antipasto since 1970. That looked so good. Stay safe and warm.

  23. Oh Kathleen, that breakfast and that antipasto looked so delicious. I KNOW if I lived with you two, I'd weigh 500 lbs., but I think it would be worth it to taste all of the wonderful that comes out of your kitchen. Brrrr, 8 degrees IS cold! Yikes! Bundle up and stay warm. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  24. Oh I agree it's so Cold...but your food
    'Warms The Soul' !! That antipasto looks so good!
    I agree, that it's unusual for the temps to be so cold near the ocean.
    Lou's brother lives down near the Jersey Shore...and they've not been happy this winter with bitter temps and heavy snow...

  25. Oh my, what I wouldn't do for some French toast w/blue berries~ yummers....
    It is so cold everywhere. I want spring to come soon, but I know it is a LONG way off. It is snowing again today, but it is actually a balmy 14º. LOL I don't think I could ever handle living where there are negative numbers for the temperature. I am a WUS! I think it's the humidity that gets me and chills my bones. We didn't have that in New Mexico. When there was 15% humidity- that was considered high~
    Stay warm, my friend. ♥♥ Sue

  26. Goodness, I don't remember seeing your beautiful beach icy before. It certainly does look cold and there.

    The french toast looks wonderful! Blueberries were on sale this week and I have been enjoying them every day as well.

  27. I felt sorry for those football players yesterday too. I think the cold temps were stretched across the entire Midwest and Northeast. You pictures do look cold! What a great treat for the game. My hubby made breakfast for me yesterday too ;)

  28. The photo looking out over the water made me shiver. It's too cold for anybody to be outside. Staying inside enjoying a good breakfast is the best way to handle the cold.

  29. 8 degrees??? Good golly that's not right. But your pictures are absolutely beautiful! What an amazing view of the Bay! And your breakfast looks pretty delicious also!

  30. I am glad it never gets that cold here cause I wouldn't be able to stand it, Kathleen. But I love your food and your hubby's a good cook too. Oh I wish my John could cook too. Believe it or not, I have not taken down my Valentine box from the attic and it is staying there. I only used whatever I had out and bought new....Christine

  31. If I had to choose between Mr. Sweet and French Toast...I sure would have to think about it.*shhh
    but, I DO LOVE French toast and his looks delicious.
    My daughter and her hubby got home last night from NYC and they absolutely had a ball. Did and saw so many things we've heard about all our lives but have never seen. Jent (son in law) and his friends went to Wall Street..even got on the floor. They loved it! :))

  32. Well this made me hungry! It has been so cold here too. This morning (before the temps started going down again) it was 34 degrees and it almost felt balmy outside. I opened the patio door and just took a deep breath!

  33. Kathleen - I just read your comment on my breakfast post, and I have to tell you that I have noticed that we have similar tasts! LOL That is probably why I am so drawn to your blog!! Keep warm out there - I hear there's more to come.

  34. Hi Kathleen! Oh, that is beautiful but does look so cold. Man, that's some good looking tasty food your hubby cooked for y'all!
    My daughter and her family have moved to upper New York and they are amazed at the snow they have!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. The food looks wonderful Kathleen.

    We are about to get out of our deep freeze for a little while this week. J said 40's, then it's back in the freezer, after a day or two!

    Loved the winter photos.

  36. The water looks so cold... any polar bear clubs in the area!! LOL
    The antipasto looks great and can fix me breakfast anytime!!


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