Sunday, January 2, 2011

Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgot?

I just looked up Auld Lang Syne and it seems old Robbie Burns got the poem from an old man, and tweaked it a little! 

Sort of like recipes, LOL.  All of a sudden someone invented such and such a recipe!  You all know I had the first recipe for Rye bread!  :)

As we start  the new year, we look back and reflect.

Back to all the friends we knew, time we spent  together with our families, and think of loved ones no longer with us.

I always remember my dad preparing the Fresh Ham for dinner on New Year's Day, a tradition in our house.

He died when he was 50 and was buried on Christmas Eve when I was a teen, so the holidays always bring back some bittersweet memories.

But I picture him with the dish towel over his shoulder, getting the ham ready to roast. I think that is the only part of the meal he prepared!

Mom did the rest, and the sisters, did the clean up under the scrutiny of my mom's very fussy eye!

And we look forward to the new year.  The mystery of what it will bring, the hope for good health for those we love, and the blessings I hope you all will enjoy!

I take some liberties with the old man's poem...

I hope we'll share many cups of kindness, for old times, and new times sake.

table 3273

Best wishes for a very happy, and healthy 2011!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Happy New Year to you - may you have a GREAT one! sabdue

  2. sabdue? Whose that? I meant Sandie!

  3. Happy New Year to you!
    Your header is stunning!

  4. A happy and healthy new year to you too, Kathleen! I hope 2011 brings you much joy! And I'm sorry about your dad - it is still hard no matter how many years go by, isn't it? But it's wonderful that you keep his memory in your heart.

  5. That was a really sweet post. Happy New Year to you and yours too and those popovers (is that what they are?) are huge.

  6. Kathleen:

    I'm so glad that you're feeling better and are up to putting together a post. What a special post, in honor of your Dad. We all need to hold onto those memories.

    Happy New Year.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. The hard part is wondering who won't be with us next year...

  8. J lost his dad, on New Years Eve, 1969. He was young, at 51. I don't believe his mother ever recovered. Christmas was always difficult for her.

    Wishing you all the best, in 2011, Kathleen.

    Just about the time I thought I would be a more efficient blogger, in 2011, something came along and plans are changed already. I decided to relax, at least for awhile, until I got caught in the whirlwind. May have already done. Just published my second post of the two day old new year!;-)

  9. I thought that was you Rye bread recipe!

    Sweet post, very bittersweet!
    A very happy and a healthy New Year to you and your beautiful family, Kathleen!

  10. I don't think I knew your father died so young! What a wonderful memory you shared of him, Kathleen.

    Yes, I'm certainly looking forward to continued friendship and food :) Bring on that rye bread recipe!

  11. How dear to share these New Year wishes with you, Kathleen! A joy getting to know you this year (I actually think it has been longer than a year) :)

  12. How sad...your post hit home...holidays will always be bittersweet, I think.

    I look forward to this year...I can make it what I want to some extent, so I will deinitely take advantage of that. Wishing you all the best, Kathleen.


  13. May you have a wonderful 2011! Love the Irish tea photo but the popovers are making me crave them :) Great photo!

  14. Happy New Year to you....Love, love your blog

  15. What a nice post honoring your dad...mine only cooked two dishes, NE clam chowder and spaghetti! A very Happy New Year to you and Mike.

  16. Rye Bread - oh no you dinnit!! :)

    Best Wishes for you, Mike and the kids for the New Year. No broken bones with the gkids and no more pneumonia for you!! Are you listening?? It's crazy that I feel so much connection to an Irish Lass I have yet to meet IRL.
    Loved your post....

  17. I buried both maternal grandparents around Christmas time, bittersweet memories for sure. I loved your heartfelt post. So perfect for this time of the year. happy new year to you and many blessings in the year to come.

  18. Hi Kathleen,
    The holidays always bring back fond memories of my dad too. I loved this post.

  19. Kathleen, that is so sad that you lost your father at Christmas time, and he was so young! Thos muffins in that photo are making my mouth water. Wishing you a wonderful 2011! laurie

  20. I agree Kathleen that holidays can be sbittersweet when you lose someone close to one. We buried my dad the day after Easter ...sigh... He was also young and I was a teen. One never gets over that loss.

    On a happier note I hope 2011 bring good health and happiness to you and your family!


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