Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little Pink on a Snowy Day~Tea or Lunch?

I know, most of us are in the same boat, a snow boat that is!

Picture 1626

We can't sit under the gazebo, check out  the snowdelier!

Picture 1627

So come inside for a hot cup of tea, and  a pretty pink cupcake!

Picture 1631

The teapot is  Rosanna  by Villeroy and Boch.  I got it on sale when we had the outlet here in town.

Picture 1586

There's plenty more cupcakes, I had to work on that technique Gail showed us here.

Picture 1632

Picture 1636

Maybe you would prefer some lunch?

Picture 1647

We had a baked ham the other night, and there is plenty left, so Panini was on the menu.

Picture 1649

Ham and Swiss and some creamy cole slaw on the side.  Excuse the fork, dh started to eat before the pic, and we all know that's a big no no!

Hubby made the bread...being snowbound does that to you!

Picture 1675

It was delicious, good crumb and chewy crust.

Picture 1685

I hope you aren't too full, cause now we are going outside to shovel off the roof!  :)

I am joining Beverly for Pink Saturday, Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.

Enjoy your weekend!  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh I love paninis. Your's looks delicious. Have you a Paradise Bakery. They have an artichoke chicken panini...oh, I am telling you, it is divine!!

  2. Hi Kathleen! Oh the snow you've had. We've had some, but not like where you are. My daughter lives 2 hrs south of us ... She's a teacher. They've used all their snowdays.{lots of 2 hour delays too}
    My father in law told us that they don't mind being snowed in... they're getting help with the driveway.
    But wow...
    Your commentary, Kathleen, always makes me smile.
    I love your rosette cupcakes and am heading over to Faithfulness Farm to check out the directions! They're just beautiful!
    I made pink cupcakes yesterday too!
    Have a warm and wonderful weekend!

  3. Very pretty, Kathleen...I really like those you have them in all colors? I have seen, yellow, green and now the pink. Love the square plate your panini is on, too.

  4. Kathleen, that panini looks delicious and perfect for a cold, snowy day! I think you mastered the technique on the cup cakes. They look pretty.
    Stay warm! ~ Sarah
    It was in the 70s here today.

  5. Yummy yummy all looks so delicious. What a great cook you are. The cupcakes are so delightful.
    Now, I have to tell you that I don't have a panini press (or whatever it's called) so I make the sandwiches and use my waffle iron. I know, I strange!! But...once, when my little boy was little, we were staying a few days in a motel with no kitchen. He was so hungry for a grilled cheese sandwich.. (I had cheese and lunch meat in a cooler) so I cleaned the iron I brought with us really good and.....
    made him a grilled cheese sandwich. :))
    If you don't have it...make do with something else. :)

  6. Meant to say that my link at Pink Saturday isn't showing up, either. There's several numbers missing and ours are part of them. :(

  7. Hi Kathleen,
    Love those rosy cupcakes, I'll have to check out the link, thanks!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Beautiful photos, Kathleen. Wow! You still have so much snow. Love your cupcakes and all the other foods too. We had such a beautiful day today, 66 degrees and very sunny. I swept some leaves but I really should have worked outside more but instead, I started blogging....Christine



  10. Everything looks so delicious! And those cupcakes with rose tops are so pretty! Vanna

  11. We are finally having warm weather this weekend!! I hope some warmth blows up your way Obviously you have perfected the cupcakes and that break looks like it is waiting for friends to join you...let us break bread together!!! I hope I get up your way this summer.

  12. I love all the pretty pinkness of your tea setting. Unfortunately, once I got to that panini, that's ALL I can think of. Didn't that look delicious???

    Yes, it did.

  13. After the snow your pictures keep getting prettier and prettier. Gorgeous food photos. Your pink cupcakes look lovely.

  14. Great post, Kathleen. You mastered Gail's piping technique and your cupcakes are pretty as a picture. Your lunch looks scrumptious. Wish I lived next door.

  15. Hi Kathleen,
    Lovely post. Your paninis look great, and your cupcakes beautiful but your header pic with all that Red is glorious. What a stunning pic and table. Love love love it!!
    Blessings for a Wonderful Weekend, my dear,

  16. That panini looks delicious!!! My mouth is watering!

  17. Kathleen:

    Everything looks so delicious. Those cupcakes are amazing - both pink and white. I definately have to give those a try. Love the touch of the pink floral ribbon around the candle. And although I well know where you got the cream colored plate and server, with the little cut outs, I so love them. They look so delicate and sweet, something from another era.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Your snow pictures are beautiful {imagine that I can still say that given where I am at!}. Perfect day for a hot sandwich and you reminded me that I have the ingredients for cole slaw! Yay! It all looks good with a cupcake for dessert! They are SO pretty!

    Hope you have a great weekend, Kathleen!


  19. That bread does not look homemade! Hubby did a great job! And I think we have more snow on the ground than you - a first! It is crazy here. Your lunch and your cupcakes look delicious, as always. Happy Birthday to your grandson. One day when you are out this way, and there isn't 4 feet of snow on the ground, we should try to get together. Have a great weekend!

  20. What a fun time! I'll take a cupcake and some lunch. I need my energy for clearing the snow. Thanks for the invitation.

  21. Mmmmmm....and your husband made the bread? Wow!
    Everything looks delicious...except the snow!!! (Why do you think I live in FL!)
    Jane (artfully graced)

  22. Everything looks so pretty! Good job on the cupcakes, loved the video. The panini looked perfect, lucky Mike likes to cook and baking bread makes him a real keeper!!

  23. I know you don't love it, but the snow is so pretty out your way. Not so much here. It's all in piles! Great looking sandwich! Too cool that M made the bread! You make a great team!

    Stay warm, we've got more for Wednesday :( I'm praying for rain!

  24. Snowdalier - LOL!

    Your cupcakes are beautiful, Kathleen! I'm going to check the link. I could really go for that ham panini right about now too!

  25. Pretty cupcakes! I love the pink :-) That ham is what I'm craving now though. I love having leftover baked ham in the house. Its been a long while since I made one. Definitely for Easter!

  26. Everything looks great but your cupcakes are beautiful K! Tis the season for snow I guess... they keep talking about more on Wed~wimper~. Have a great weekend:@)

  27. Kathleen, please pass me one of your gorgeous cupcakes. I had not previously seen this post by Gail, so I'm glad you linked to it. I would love to learn to make these. Thanks for the chuckle I got when I read your comment about the fork! Sometimes our husbands forget, don't they!

  28. Oh be careful shoveling off the roof! I love Villeroy and Bach - my wedding China is one of their patterns. I found it at an outlet in Hilton Head and then they discontinued it in the US right after the wedding - so I quick went to Replacements llc and spent all my birthday and Christmas money trying to get as many pieces as I could before they were too hard to find!!! My mother has one of their wonderful flower patterns she bought in the 1980's when she was in Germany for Dad's military duty. The ladies used to drive to the factory and buy the seconds- at 3 DM to the dollar! She got great deals.

  29. Oh Yummmmm! I love that bread! And what lovely pink flower tableware - perfect for the month of Valentines! Happy Pink Saturday.

  30. Hi glad I left the tri-state area before the snow hit the fan...daughter sent pictures of her picture had just the head of her dog sticking out of the snow...granted it's a small dog but they got a ton of snow....I am also impressed that DH bakes his own bread....looks like the no-knead variety...very crusty...does he do the one with lemon zest and rosemary?....

  31. I love your pinks Kathleen!
    And you have such good looking food on here that I gain 5 lbs. everytime I come to visit!
    Love your snowy gazebo pics too!

  32. Those cupcakes are beautiful-good job. I am hungry just looking at all this wonderful food! The snow is beautiful, but then I don't have to shovel it!

  33. Yummy looking meal! Those cupcakes look so divine and make my mouth water. I love lots of icing on my cupcakes.

  34. Hi Kathleen! Everything looks so yummy! All I did was cook while we were snowed in. It's a good thing I don't live where you do or I would have a big problem! lol We will approach 70 today...ahhhh! Winter in the South! Sending you some sunshine...Debbie

  35. Oh Kathleen, I thought your cupcakes were beautiful the last time you made them, but you really did improve! Those are stunning! I've got to go check out the directions for making these (if mine turned out that pretty, I probably wouldn't let anybody eat them - I'd just put them under a cloche until they started molding! Your Panini looks delicious, and so does your husband's bread. (If my husband made bread that looked that good, I'd forgive him for using the fork before the photo was taken!) Love that pretty heart plate. Your snow photos are so pretty, but I know you are tired of seeing snow everywhere. Thank you for joining Favorite Things. Have a great week. laurie

  36. Hi Kathleen, loving the cupcake technique - I will have to try my hand at this one for Valentines day. not much of a Foodie, so don't expect much! LOL Take care and safe travels in all that snow!

  37. OOH, I want to come to your house to eat. I cook too but yours looks better. Snow or rain brings out the home-ing instincts. Thanks for sharing.

    Found you on Pink Saturday. Please visit me too.

  38. If I leave early and the snow doesn't stop me, I can be at your place early afternoon. Please save me a cupcake and have the tea brewing.

  39. How come your snow looks so pretty and ours is a grey mess? :D

    More fresh snow is coming this week..not sure where we are supposed to do with it all as we don't have room for what we have now!

    Your husband's bread looks so good and so do those beautful cupcakes! Is your icing buttercream?

  40. Hi Kathleen!
    what a pretty tea! The teapot is lovely as are the cupcakes!

  41. Kathleen, Your cupcakes are just beautiful! I want to take a cake decorating class so I can do some pretty cakes. Love your little heart-shaped plate and your teapot too. We are in for a blizzard they say. Not doing too much yet. I am ready for spring! :-)
    Blessings, Beth

  42. Oh Kathleen EVERYTHING looks SO YUMMY and I KNOW I can't swim across the sound to get any with "All this Snow" coming "AGAIN"!!! BOOHOO.. Oh those cupcakes are SO Beautiful! LOVE those and I'm taking a favorite pick out of your UNedibles and thats the lacy heart dish!
    Good Luck on Our New storm!!!
    Hugs to you,
    The Other Connolly

  43. You are truly gifted with the food. I am going to look at the link for how to do the cupcakes now.

  44. The panini looks fantastic! It is one of our after-ham-dinner meals too. And creamy coleslaw is the best! :)

  45. I post but my comments seem to disappear! Love the cupcakes and that bread looks very professional! You live in a really beautiful part of New York.

  46. Hand up here, I'll take some lunch and a cupcake! They are beautiful, by the way, I think you've mastered the decorating technique.

  47. Your hubby made the bread? OMG, can we trade??? I'll throw in my kids too! :) Great way to brighten up the snow days. My kids have been to school 4 times in January. It's not funny anymore!

    New to your site. Love it here already. Can't wait to poke around some more.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  48. Kathleen! This is absolutely gorgeous. Such lucious pinkness. Girl, I just want to move into your house. If I could eat like that, you might just find yourself a slave! :-)




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