Monday, December 13, 2010

May Your Days Be Merry and Bright

And may all your Christmases be WHITE!
Today is my White Christmas event, and in celebration of my 2 year blogaversary a $55 give away to CSN.
You can check out some of the adorable kids luggage, backpacks, even lunch kits . Perfect for grandparents or aunts to give as gifts, great children's luggage.
You can use your certificate  at any one of the many CSN sites.
Anyone who is a follower  or becomes one, and leaves a comment  and links back to this post will be entered.  Good luck!
Picture 1194
Picture 1198
I used a silver faux wreath as the base for the centerpiece, then a silver star shaped bowl filled with white mums, greens, silver pine cones and baby's breath, topped with a silver bow.
Picture 1200
Sterling silver candle sticks with white swirly candles flank the centerpiece. Sterling silver salt and peppers that were my mom's.
Picture 1206
Stems trimmed in silver, my wedding crystal.
Picture 1205
Silver chargers, Mikasa?, white on white china with a silver trim. 
Picture 1211
Star mirrors, PBarn outlet.
Picture 1189
White cloth with matching napkins.  Silver rings with a sprig of greens, baby's breath and a silver glittery pick.
The little star has the initial  and serves as a place marker.
Cut glass bowls were my mom's.
Picture 1197
Silver and glass angels hang from the greenery in the chandy.
Picture 1195
Picture 1203
Picture 1207
The white covered casseroles are from CTS.  They come in 3 sizes.
Picture 1201 
Thank all of you have taken part, and if you visited, that's good too!  I know this is a very busy time of year!
One of my friends from the Holidays forum has started a blog.  I hope you will stop in and visit Denise at
So Many Tables.  She is a very creative and has a great sense of humor!

This post went up early on auto post, so you have plenty of time to join in!
Thank you for visiting, and I hope our Christmas isn't too white!


  1. So lovely! Those little hanging angels are precious. :-)


  2. Oh everything is so pretty! I don't know how you do it but it seems each tablescape is better then the next.


  3. I just love it Kathleen! It's like the most perfect Christmas table. The soft whites, the greenery, the silver, it's like having dinner in a winter wonderland!
    I though your party started tomorrow night. i am still going to try to join!

  4. This a simply beautiful to me. I love that centerpiece.

  5. You make the most beautiful centerpieces Kathleen! The tablescape combination of white, green and silver is gorgeous. White poinsettias are my favorite, although I bought a couple of red ones for our dinner party this year. Congratulations on two years of blogging!

  6. You know me and how I love white! Your photos are beautiful! Pretty enough to be my computer backgroung :)

  7. Kathleen, thank you for hosting the party! I look forward to seeing everyone's entries. Your table is lovely -- fabulous centerpiece, and those little angels are just darling!

  8. Kathleen,

    Lovely! Everything is just perfect.


  9. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging!

    I love your tablescape, the centerpiece is gorgeous and the setting is so well thought out all the way down to the tiny star place marker.

    Your photos make the silver gleam - I chose silver & white too but haven't gotten my post ready yet. Hopefully by tonight.

  10. Congrats on two fun filled years of blogging! Looking forward to many more! It has been an adventure at times, and I don't mean the mad rush for a sale at the CTS :) I think you outdid yourself with this table, it's so elegant and stunning. I love the Angels!

    Always a great party with you, Kathleen!

  11. Beautiful white K.. And yes may all your Christmases be merry and bright~

  12. Your beautiful white table is so elegant and festive, Kathleen. Your wonderful photos show it off so nicely.

  13. I am delighted to be participating in your White party today. Your table is just exquisite. I am heading out shopping today and will be looking for stars. Love yours!

  14. Kathleen, your photos are terrific. I find it so hard to photograph whites.
    Love those little angels hanging from the chandi.

    Thank you so much for "featuring" my new blog. I am pleased and honored that you would mention me to all your loyal followers. This Blog Business is pretty time consuming. I have a new found respect for all those who have been doing this for some time now. - Which reminds me, "Happy Anniversary."

  15. Beautiful white and silver table, Kathleen! Your centerpiece is gorgeous and the star-shaped cut glass bowls from your mother are beautiful. Adorable angels too!

    Thanks for hosting the party, Kathleen, and great giveaway!

  16. I fogot to say congratulations on your two year blogging anniversary!

  17. Congratulations on two years!

    Your white table is beautiful, Kathleen.

    I was running around working on the kitchen this morning when I remembered I had not put a white table together. Thought a minute and voila! Tea with Santa!

    Thanks so much for hosting this event.

  18. Kathleen, your table is spectacular! I wish I had your talent. Happy 2 year anniversary, I just linked up to be a follower (why didn't I think to do that before?) I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas!

  19. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. I wasn't able to pull together a white Christmas to join in but I'm enjoying seeing yours and others!

  20. Your white tablescape is so elegant, Kathleen! I was hoping I'd see snow in Denver while I was there, so I could post some photos and join in today but it was unusually warm there -- in the high 60's during the day!
    We arrived home on the red eye flight yesterday morning and now I ahve a million holiday things to catch up on ... and I already miss my grandson so much! It's hard to live far away from the litle guy.

  21. PS Congrats on two years of blogging! You know I am a follower on your blog from the day I found it. I love your creativity and your sense of humor and all your wonderful food creations! I also wish I lived closer to you! :)

  22. Hi Kathleen,
    Your table is gorgeous!!! I adore all of your white! White makes everything looks elegant and so special.
    I hope you don't mind that I have a little bit of color in my post, the base color is white, though. If you tell me there is too much color I will remove it, no hard feelings, I promise.
    Hugs, Cindy

  23. Kathleen, Your table is simply exquisite. It's elegant and beautiful. Love your china and chargers and your centerpiece too. Thanks for hosting! I am a follower and would like to enter your giveaway too, Kathleen.
    Blessings, Beth

  24. Kathleen, I forget to say in my prior comment that I am a participant in your party and that my post links back to your Winter White party. thanks again for hosting. I had a lot of fun putting together my table, and now for the fun of viewing everyone else's!
    Hugs, Beth

  25. Such a beautiful table. I can't believe you made that centerpiece! You are amazing. Your table actually gave me a shiver, it's so silver and glistening.

    - The Tablescaper

  26. Oh how gorgeous! I wanted to play along, but it just didn't happen. The grandsons got snowed in at our house, so from Saturday morning until Monday evening...I didn't do anything that wasn't related to a 2 and almost 4! Your table is stunning...I love whites, the most elegant of all.

  27. Silver and white- a combination so elegant and beautiful! Love all the sterling that you have. And that stemware- oh Kathleen, it is calling to me! Everything glitters and shines like a twinkling star in the night. I should have sprayed some pinecones along with my magnolia leaves! Love it all, my friend!! ♥ Sue

  28. Beautiful...any dinner guest would feel so fortunate to be seated at your table. Love your mothers salt and pepper shakers.
    Mary Ann

  29. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L...... may your Xmas be merry and bright too...hugs, Flavia

  30. A fantastic centerpiece! Love your cute little angels!


  31. Has it been 2 years...congratulations, Kathleen!
    Your table is do white so well. You always have the most beautiful centerpieces. Those covered casseroles are a nice addition.
    May you and Mike have a wonderful Christmas season.

  32. Hi Kathleen, Your table is so beautiful! There is nothing prettier than white and silver mixed together. I love the centerpiece with the wreath and mums..very elegant. Congrats on your two year anniversary and thank you for offering this giveaway! I am following.
    Happy Holidays,

  33. Oh Kathleen, Everything is JUST PURE GORGEOUS!!! Love it all, every single detail. I LOVE the color of white mums(they are that wonderful creamy color)...and My very favorite thing is those little silver angels, I LOVE them!!!
    Thank you for the fun party!
    Hugs to you, Donna

  34. Just love it all, Kathleen. Your table is very festive & elegant.

    Christmas hugs & joys ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  35. Hi Kathleen, this is a very nice tablescape. I love all the glitters and all the bling and sparkles. Your centerpiece is gorgeous and I love all your table accessories. Thanks so much for hosting....Christine

  36. Oh I forgot. Of course, I am a follower!...Christine

  37. Shoot. I forgot about this. I did post a tablescape today, but it is red, white and blue. Anyway, your table is so luscious! It looks straight out of a magazine!

  38. Hi Kathleen,
    This was a fun party to join in on. Your table looks so lovely as usual. The centerpiece greenery is so pretty and I love the gold accent on the crystal. Thanks for hosting the party and I hope you and your family have a blessed holiday.

  39. Hi Kathleen! I'm linking back to this page in celebration of your two year anniversary. And what abeautiful table to mark the occassion! I love how you have pieces from your Mom and your wedding crystal - adding history and meaning to an already beautiful tablescape. Congratulations!

  40. Hi Kathleen! What a beautiful tablescape! I love your centerpiece...gorgeous! Those chargers are fabulous! Congrats on your two years...hugs...Debbie

  41. Love all the details of your beautiful tablescape! Love the white and silver! Mine is white and gold!

    Thanks for hosting this fun party!

    Yes, I'm a Follower!


  42. Kathleen -- Congratulations on 2 years! Your table is lovely and what a wonderful party! I had such FUN putting my table together and I went with silver and white too :)

    Of course I follow and linked back to this post :)

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  43. What a beautiful table Kathleen, so sparkley and pretty! Hope you like my silly post, you know I follow! Have a great night:@)

  44. Beautiful Kathleen! I love those angels hanging from your chandy, and those candle tapers are soooo pretty. I used similar elements in my tablescape, but yours looks so much prettier. Those chargers are gorgeous! Thank you for hosting this party (although doing a white tablescape kind of had me stressed out!). laurie

  45. White at its best here! Your table is elegant with its shimmer of sliver details and your beautiful layers of white on white. You've out done yourself!
    Thanks for hosting the Winter Wonderland Party! ~ Sarah

  46. Hi Kathleen,
    I finally got my table set! Not as pretty as your's but it was fun!
    Thanks for hostessing too!

  47. Your tablescape is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I'm your new follower

  48. By looking at all your Mom's beautiful treasures, its confirmed my suspicions...ITS GENETIC!!! LOL You've inherited the tablescaping gene!! LOL

    As I s-l-o-w-l-y scanned down each photo, I kept thinking "ice & snow, ice & snow" as that is what this reminds me of. It is just GORGEOUS! Love the china & stemware & your centerpiece is AWESOME, too. I must remember to get fresh flowers to tuck into mine.

    Thanks for hosting this party. I've been looking forward to it all week. I may link up my SNOW pictures too, because they surely qualify as "White Christmas"!

  49. Just found your blog from Applestone Cottage, such beautiful tablescapes!!! I'd love to learn how to set one but I'll have to start looking for glassware, chargers and silverware...I just don't have enough to start:) Thanks for all the beautiful entries I'm enjoying then all!
    I'm now a follower and love CSN! I'll be adding you to my bloglist also, don't care for dashboard:)

  50. I'm a new follower and I love white!

  51. Such a beautiful post Kathleen! I wish I had more white :-)

  52. Hi Kathleen, Your centerpiece is beautiful, as is the entire white table. The swirly candles look so elegant. How can you stand to burn them? I am in love with white poinsettias this year, for the first time ever! I must be influenced by all the white on the blogs! I joined up with your party even though it is a little late. Now I'll be off to see all the others. Thank you for hosting this fun event! Linda

  53. Kathleen, what a stunning table!
    Gorgeous, from candles to silver.
    I have very little time for reading and commenting (or posting!) this week, but your White Christmas party caught my eye ... and I'm glad I peeked!

  54. Kathleen, usual. I have come to the party late, but I shall be back to fully enjoy all of these wonderful tables.

  55. Hello Kathleen,
    thank you for hosting this wonderful White Christmas Party, which is actually also your blog party. What a wonderful white and silver table you made, so festive and elegant. I love it.
    Greetings, Johanna

  56. I just realized from all the lovely people that stopped over - I THOUGHT I was entering your contest, and then instead, I linked up to the party! oops! Sorry about that, and thank you to all the lovely people who stopped by - I will be visiting you all soon! (And YES, of COURSE I am a follower! I love it here.)

  57. Goodness this is breathtakingly beautiful! I grow fonder of silver and white, even with little touches of color, every time I see it. It's so elegant. Your centerpiece is gorgeous!


  58. Kathleen, your table is gorgeous! I adore that centerpiece and your china is sooo pretty! This feels perfect for winter dining...and sooo elegant!

  59. Love your TS so festive. Thanks for hosting this event. I am going to sit down tonight and eat a few Christmas cookies and enjoy looking at all the participants decorations. Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year. Oh and keep the snow up there please:-)

  60. Hi Kathleen...

    First of all, many heartfelt congratulations on your 2 year Blogaversary, my friend! What an awesome milestone! Continued best wishes for another successful year of blogging and much blogging bliss, my friend!

    Kathleen, your white Christmas table is FABULOUS!!! really is breathtaking! Love, love, LOVE your's gorgeous! What a creative and talented lady you are! I have taken notes and hope to use your centerpiece idea in the future! Your place settings are equally as your china...very exquisite! I would love to find some silver chargers like yours, they really are beautiful! Well my friend, your table is sooo very beautiful...what a delight! I have sooo enjoyed my visit!

    I just realized that you were doing this White Christmas party. Sheeesh, it always seems that I'm running late. I added the link to my White Christmas buffet...I hope that will be okay. Thank you so much for hosting this fabulous party...I will enjoy looking through all the participants!

    Warmest Christmas wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  61. Your table is absolutely breathtaking!!! It just makes me smile to see your Mom's and my little dishes....I think of you everytime I get any of mine out to use.
    Hugs to you,

  62. Simply stunning!!!

    Merry Christmas!


    ps- here from Susan's linky party #150!

  63. Kathleen - it is everything I imagined! Simply gorgeous from the centerpiece to the oh so cute chandy angels!!
    Congrats on your 2 years of bloggin - amazing how fast it went..looking forward to many more!!

  64. Everything looks wonderful here! Love the centerpiece (especially the silver wreath anchoring it) and love the way you decorated the napkin holders with the greens, etc. It looks so adorable.
    P.S. Too bad I missed your giveaway! :(

  65. I've enjoyed all the Winter white tablescapes this week -- and I see that you started it all. They're so pretty and perfect all Winter long -- Thanks for stopping by my (not white) table this week -- Hope you have a most wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

  66. I love your Mikasa china, I have a similar one but Noritake. I bought 72 pieces for $15. I need to work on centerpieces, I,m never satisfied, but I love yours.

  67. Stumbled on this post just now, it's sublime! Those plates....the gorgeous centerpiece! The chandelier! Gorgeous!


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