Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunny Sunday, Skipping Ahead...

I know many of you are arm deep in turkey preps, but I am not having Turkey Day here.  I have my 4 dishes I have been assigned, but still I don't have all the other preps that go along with having 20 for dinner.  :)

So I am thinking ahead a bit.  I don't have one decoration out, so don't  worry.  I know some people have their trees up, but I will wait.  Never before Thanksgiving here.

Picture 830

Until a few years ago we had a wonderful little Noritake Outlet about 45 min from here.  I  visited frequently, and would head to the huge stacks of clearance in the back.  Oh, the bargains I found!  This is one of them.  It is called Holiday Rhythm, and this is a cake plate.  I waited and waited for them to be marked down, and finally, Joe, who I got to know from visiting so often, asked if I wanted them for a dollar!

Very cooly, I replied, "Oh, ok."  So I took 20 of them!  They are so handy for appetizer or cake plates  And they blend very nicely with my formal Christmas China, Lenox Eternal Christmas. (discontinued) These were way more than a dollar, lol, no Bargain on these!  And now that they are discontinued, wow, I saw I set on ebay for a lot.  DH says, SELL!  But I won't, I love them, and hope my dil will someday enjoy them.

table 356


04ea_1This morning, something sweet for you!

Picture 910  An apple pastry made by dh.

Picture 912

Bargains are a Favorite Thing for me, ( go see Laurie!) and apple pastry on a sunny Fall Sunday is perfect for Seasonal Sundays with The Tablescaper!

Picture 914

Happy Thanksgiving, America!

PSST, don't forget the $55 give away from CSN on the 15th for the White Christmas Party.  See details on the top of my sidebar.  :)


  1. Your Christmas dishes are just gorgeous. I love them. Your cake plates are stunning and such a bargain. Good for you. Hugs, marty

  2. One dollar each????? That is fantastic and they are beautiful!!

  3. How beautiful and a fantastic deal! Love the place setting!


  4. Kathleen:

    These are beautiful and to have 20!

    I think most of us in blog land have thoughts about the upcoming month.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Those Christmas dishes are beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful week, and a very Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be mailing your package tomorrow!

  6. Kathleen.....beautiful and a terrific bargain too. Isn't it fun when the folks *know* you at your thrifty haunts :)


  7. Beautiful dishes and a beautiful apple pastry. Perfectly seasonal.

  8. The dishes are so pretty no matter the cost! and they do go perfectly with the Lenox! Wish my DH could bake! hey, I wish I could bake, LOL! That apple pastry looks awesome!

  9. Did you start jumping up and down as soon as Joe turned his back...I would have at that price! Very pretty pattern, by the way.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family..... hugs

  11. Oh I'm lovin' your dishes! Sounds like a great give-away for your party too-Happy Sunday:@)

  12. You have the best deals Kathleen!
    I think every cool outlet is out by you.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well.

  13. Kathleen, all of your Christmas china is beautiful. We never bought Christmas china, but typically use our wedding china. Like you, no Christmas decor here till after Thanksgiving. But I'm looking forward to your White Christmas Party on the 15th.
    Thanks to your DH for the apple pastry!
    ~ sarah

  14. You truly did luck out on those pretty plates! What a sweet deal you got.

  15. No Christmas tree here either until after Thanksgiving. We do have all the outdoor lights finished but they won't be lit under the first weekend in December either.

    I love your plates! I have Lenox 'Holiday' which can be found everywhere but I still like it very much.

    Sure wish my hubby baked but he does vacuum at least ;)

  16. DH made a beautiful pastry~ DDIL will one day love those.. in 100 yrs:) How sweet of you to think that..:)Happy Thanksgiving Kathleen.

  17. Great bargain as always, Kathleen! They do mix in perfectly with your other set. Put the kettle on, I'll be right over for one of those pastries - M. can serve us! After that, I best get busy Christmas decorating, I'm late this year and I don't even have TG as an excuse here!


  18. Very nice Christmas dishes and I love your 'bargain'(wow-$1) dishes too, they go very well together. The apple pastry looks absolutely delicious!

  19. Kathleen, these dishes are beautiful, and what a bargan! I'm with you - no Christmas decor until after Thanksgiving! I try not to rush the seasons - they are so short lived. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments on my post. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  20. Oh, Kathleen! Those are LOVELY! I love looking at all of your pretty things. I can't believe you got those Mikasa plates for $1.00 a piece. That is the steal of the century! And I love your Lenox as well.

    Here's wishing you a very, very Happy Thanksgiving! I'm also hoping you are feeling much better...


    Sheila :-)

  21. Yikes! I mean Noritake plates! :-) I got so excited I forgot! LOL!

  22. Very nice! I am always amazed at the bargains you find!
    I am stressing over having Turkey Day here....I must figure out the centerpiece (the most dreaded activity) tomorrow or my week will be less than fun.

  23. What a lovely delicate pattern on those dishes. I can't believe what you paid for them.
    Good 'Old Joe'!

    DH's apple pastry looks soo good.
    He's a keeper.

    Stay well, and
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family.

  24. Seeeeee, I just KNEW we were twins, separated at birth!!! I have that very same Eternal Christmas pattern, but in just a few pieces. I could kick myself for not buying more when I had the chance!! Grrrrr! Foolish Youth!
    I ♥ ♥ ♥ your Noritake plates & I bow to the QUEEN of Bargain Shopping!

    Hope you have a wonderfully happy & healthy Thanksgiving holiday with all your family around you.

    Mega Hugs,

  25. My wedding china is Noritake and it is so pretty. I love the cake plate. One of my wants and needs is to have Christmas china. I have never had the opportunity to buy some but I think that time is near. I love your blog, such beautiful dishes and tablescapes. Do drop by for a give-away. Deb=^..^=x5

  26. Wow! Those are gorgeous, Kathleen, and what a bargain. And I think they are big enough to use as plate chargers too...Christine

  27. I love your Lenox Christmas pattern! What a joy to bring that out every December.

    I hope you and your family enjoy a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving.

  28. I see you love dishes as much as I do!~ Lovely!
    Happy Thanksgiving! ~Heidi

  29. You have to be the BARGAIN QUEEN. Such lovely dishes.
    The sweet looks delicious...
    but my REAL reason for coming here is that I just this minute saw a comment you made that you had never had CORNBREAD DRESSING. I nearly fell out of my chair. I didn't know there was any other kind. GOOD GRIEF!! What DO ya'll have with turkey on holidays??

  30. I would love an apple pastry to go along with my coffee right now :-) Your Lenox pattern is beautiful, and I hope your DIL will someday enjoy it as much as you do. Wishing you and your family a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

  31. No Christmas decorating here either until after Thanksgiving. I just don't have it in me to work that far in advance even if I wanted to. But I will get right to it next weekend. And Christmas will be neatly packed away again by January 1st.

    Your dishes are beautiful and what a bargain! You will get years of enjoyment from them!

    Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you, sweet Kathleen!

  32. Hi Kathleen! I love love love your pretty Christmas dishes!! Now I hope your hubby made enough of those delicious looking goodies that I could just have one! :)
    Happy Thanksgiving, Dear One,
    Shelia ;)

  33. Hi do find the best bargains!!
    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family...and can I borrow DH to come bake for me...the Boss doesn't even know how to make toast!

  34. I love your Lenoz dishes Kathleen ..and the bargain ones!

    I hope you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  35. Your Christmas China is beautiful as is the cake plates. Very elegant looking.

    I wish my dh would bake me treats, just be thankful you have one that knows how to cook & bake.

  36. Beautiful china! That apple pastry is too! LOL! Did he make that himself?


  37. I guess when that place closed and you didn't have Joe around, you had to go cuddle up with Bill! What a wonderful deal you got on those plates. They do look beautiful with your Lenox. My gosh! You and your husband both cook the best lookin' food! I still want to move in with you! laurie

  38. My bins are still in the attic and I still want those plates, Kathleen! We just got back fromm a cruise late last night and I am still unpacking. I would rather be decorating! I am SOOOOO far behind...Christine


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