Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seasonal Sunday~ Harvest Cake Pan

Fall back, Spring ahead.  I don’t like it getting dark so early, I can’t wait for Spring! 

I think I showed you this pan I got a month ago at Christmas Tree Shop.  It is Nordicware, and was 4.99.

Pat at Mille Favoriti,  ( I know that  is not the full name!  In her next blog life I hope she picks “Brooklyn Pat who takes wonderful pics of interesting places”)

told me her friend paid 14.99, that they (CTS) said 4.99 must have been a mistake  I went 2 different times, and that’s what I paid.

Picture 427

I had bananas to use, so I made banana with choc chip bread.  I always use the same recipe, just vary with nuts, or chips, but my friend Carol at Always Thyme to Cook tries new banana recipes all the time!  I have had this one for over 30 yrs, we like it so I stick with it.  I have posted the recipe before.

Picture 839

I hear CT is going to get snow, and I am just across the LI Sound from CT, so I added a little snow!  The frost is definitely on the pumpkin.

Picture 840

Do you have one of these?

Picture 842

You keep powdered  sugar in it, and it has a strainer on top.  Great to have for a quick shake of powdered sugar without the mess.  I just slip a baggie over the top to store it.

So on this November Sunday, have you started this yet?  I hear those moans . :) 

Picture 841

Have a restful Sunday!  I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Cute cake pan! I've had plenty of frost, no flurries yet. Have a great Sunday:@)

  2. You're way ahead of me! Wish I could have a nice slice of that cake.

  3. Gosh, You are waaay ahead! I always take my Christmas card pics the day of the Ohio St. and Michigan game, and that's a week later this year, so I won't even start until November 27th!!!

  4. Cute pan - makes a nice presentation. Banana with chocolate chips - sounds good! I think Marsha made some of this and I was able to get a real taste!
    You are way ahead of me on Christmas cards - I think you will be putting alot of us to shame!! LOL

  5. Love this pan. Nordic ware makes the best baking pans. I have the Christmas trees and plan to use it this year finally!!!

  6. I wish I had one of those pans. Your bread is beautiful.

    I have two of those shakers, one here at home and one at the lake!

  7. The bread iS lovely..and the envelopes:)I don't have one of those sifters..great idea..CTS?

  8. I purchased the little mimi acorn cake pan last year on sale at WS. I pulled it out last night to start using it.
    Can't believe you've already started on your Christmas cards. I did buy some, but haven't started. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  9. Kathleen thanks again for telling me about the great deals at the Christmas Tree Shop, I plan on visiting the nearest one with my mother soon! I am also your newest follower:) Oh and that cake looks yummy!

  10. Moaning Mona here! I really must start because most of my Christmas card people don't know we've moved back to Washington this year. You got another bargain and the cake looks great!

  11. The banana bread looks great, never thought to use a pretty pan, I always used the loaf. Next time! No chips in mine, we're nuts :) Have to go look for your recipe, I'll try it! I have two shakers, love them!

  12. Great pan - and how lucky you got it at the better price.

  13. Cake looks scrumptious. I usually wait till Thanksgivings weekend to write my cards, but you know now is a good time to start!

  14. Your so funny Kathleen!
    I wish it was spring. hehe.
    I don't like how early it will get dark tonight but I am looking forward to Christmas this year.
    But not quite yet,

  15. Will be starting soon with the cards. Like to have them done by the 1st! Lovely cake! Cathy

  16. I think that pan is gorgeous! Since we don't eat much cake I've never thought to invest in one but banana bread is a wonderful idea to make in it. Frost on the pumpkins is a cute idea too.

    It looks like you are having a productive day addressing those envelopes already :)

  17. So funny, I do not have a powdered sugar thing, that looks really useful. And I have started my christmas cards, not addressing them, but I have the photos ready for them, I try to have them ready for the mail the day after Thanksgiving. LOVE your cake it looks wonderful.

  18. Cute cake pan...I use an old metal salt shaker for my powdered sugar. I haven't even thought of doing my cards, yet...maybe the middle of December I will sit and rush through them! It snowed a couple weeks ago in Vermont, just a flurry and then it was over...I do not look forward to winter.

  19. The pan is gorgeous! I might get to CTS on Saturday, but I don't need another cake pan ;o)

  20. Thanks for the Christmas card nudge. I needed that.
    That is such a pretty mold. Let it snow, let it snow, let it long as it is only the powdered sugar variety.

  21. You are better than I.....I have all these mold pans, use them once and that's it, but I keep buying them. Christmas cards already....NOOOOOO!

  22. Snow, no not yet! Thank you again for getting me one of those pans. Now I've just got to find a free moment to use it. It was great having you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  23. I wish I could be the consummate bargain finder that you are and I also wish I could be as organized as you!

    What a great powdered sugar sifter! I've never seen one like it before.

  24. You are addressing Christmas cards??? I've done a lot of shopping and have finished with some of the gifts, but not the cards!

    This Southerner met her New Yawk hubby at work! We both worked for NASA at Kennedy Space Center!


  25. OMG, is it coming that soon? I am not ready for Christmas yet. Your banana cake looks so delicious. It's so pretty too....Christine

  26. Here in Utah we are having a wonderfully warm fall after the first snowfall. I adore that pan. It is beautiful and sounds yummy!

    No, I haven't started on cards yet. I am trying to think of a picture. Maybe this year pictures of each family as we are getting so large! Have a wonderful week.

  27. Glad you got your profile link fixed, Kathleen!
    How neat to meet someone from Oberlin at the Deli...small world, indeed.

    This pan is lovely & your bargains just make me sooooo green with envy! I baked cherry nut bread on Sunday with eggnog as one of the ingredients. Its good but not as tasty as my old standby that I make at Christmas. Will have to share that recipe soon.

    Have a great week, Honey!

  28. You were right -- Connecticut did get snow! A lot covered the ground too. The snowploy even went down the road. And boy, do I wish I had your banana choc. chip cake with a cup of coffee right now! YUM, it looks fantastic, especially in the pretty form. And oh Lord, I LOVE the Christmas Tree Shop. I could go there every day. That's where I got my Halloween decorations that I showed on my post last weekend! Don't you just love a bargain? LOL!

  29. Snowploy? What's a snowploy, for pete's sake?? Sorry! I meant snowPLOW. :)

  30. We got that snow here.
    Great pan....I could go for a slice of that bread right now with a nice cup of tea.
    As much as I like your Sugar shaker, I've been using my mother's which must be over 50 yrs old..hard to give it up.

    Christmas Cards...Yikes!
    Thanks for the 'gentle reminder'.

  31. Kathleen you crack me up! Perhaps the Staten Island Christmas Tree Shop is more expensive than the Riverhead, Long Island one? Us Brooklynites even have to pay $10 for the privilege of driving over the bridge to shop in Staten Island...grrr!

    My friend and I bought the WS cornucopia pan at full price this season, but they reduced it recently and gave us a price adjustment, so we made out on that. I'm sure it will be in the outlet soon.
    Did you see the new cute Nordic Ware gingerbread house pan in the WS catalog?

    I take photos of my grandson at his birthday in December and have them made into photo Christmas cards, so I can't send them out until mid December. I don't even put my tree up till then as get a real tree! It makes the last two weeks prior to Christmas very hectic, but I'm used to it.

  32. Hi Kathleen! Good deal on that pan - you always score the best bargains and you always know just what to create with your purchases - looks yummy! I love how a dusting of icing sugar makes desserts look fancy without a lot of fuss - great shaker you have! Good for you getting on those cards early!


  33. That cake looks amazing!! Love the icing sugar dusted on. Everything looks great!

  34. Hi Kathleen, I was in CTS a few days ago and that pan was not 4.99 here either! We had a little bit of snow in CT today--really more sleet and hail, but enough to coat the hedges and the deck. I did my post on letter writing today. I am so glad to see someone else send real mail too, even if it is Christmas. (Although you are making me nervous now--I haven't got past Thanksgiving planning yet and I know I'm having the whole gang here for both holidays!) Linda

  35. What the heck is CTS ? They seem to have the BESTest things..:)

    I am loving that cake pan and I know the cake was delicious. Think I might make that (in a plain, ole, every day pan) for Thanksgiving. Will it freeze well. I want to start baking a few things to go in my freezer for T. and Christmas.

    Our pecan tree is loaded again this year. Very unusual because they generally skip a year and we had a huge crop last year. HOWEVER, they won't be ripe and ready for another, I am buying pecans. I think I gave away too many bags to friends last year and we ran out a few months ago. :))

    I have my cards all ready to add a photo..need to get more printed. Thanks for reminding me.

    I have most of my gifts wrapped or in gift bags and stuck in a closet...:))

  36. The cake looks almost too pretty to eat - I did say almost, because you did say bananas and chocolate, right? Two of my favs! I'm going to have to search your blog for this recipe. I don't have one of those nifty powdered sugar sprinklers. If you think it would make my food look like yours, I'll start looking for one now. laurie

  37. I just love those little white pumpkin bowls and am so sorry I missed that fantastic price on them. You're the shopping queen, Kathleen, no questions about it.

  38. I've never seen a powedered sugar shaker like that one, very handy. The cake pan really made for a beautiful cake, you got such a deal on that!

  39. Beautiful color combination's on your gorgeous table! Great bargain finds too :) So much to see in this lovely post!

  40. I had missed this pan Kathleen! So glad you told me about it! What a steal!!!


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