Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Beautiful Weekend

My friend at Foley’s Follies, in Iowa,  had 3 inches of snow this morning.  We had a sunny day in the 60’s.  Just sayin’, Barb!  :)  I know, it will come!

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things, and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.  Better late than never!

The commercial aspect of Christmas is coming at us full force.  I love Christmas, but to go from Halloween to Christmas is just too fast!  It makes me anxious, that I don’t have enough done, or won’t get everything done.

I am enjoying these beautiful Fall days.  Comfort foods like macaroni and cheese. 

table 1239

Apple crisp with whipped cream…table 1309

Baking cookies …

table 1315

Chicken Pot Pies…table 3062

But as soon as Thanksgiving is over, watch out! 

table 1293

Kidding, that’s from last year.  This year I am not doing that much shopping…except tomorrow. :)

  I am meeting The Tablescaper at one of my favorite haunts to use our 20% off your whole order coupon.  I hope the place hasn’t been picked clean!

Thanks for visiting!  Come back to see if I found any bargains!


  1. Ha-beat ya to it!!! I did leave you a few things though:@) We had a great time, I'm sure you will too! Your mac and cheese sounds mighty good right about now and the cookies are pretty!

  2. A beautiful fall table and good looking mac 'n cheese, cookies, chicken pot pie and apple crisp. And look at you on the shopping treadmill just burning up calories!! Way to go!

  3. I am jealous Kathleen! I would so love to hit up a Christmas Tree shop.
    And you sure a good cook! The pics are always so amazing!
    The Twin Cities which is 120 miles nw of us got a foot of snow this weekend. We only got rain.
    But it was yucky and cold rain.
    Have fun tomorrow you lucky ducky!

  4. I don't have one here in Canada. Whimper.
    Have fun and think of me when you grab all that good stuff. Think "Boy would Lori ever love this" and then buy for yourself so you can show me.

  5. Hi Kathleen, Your food looks so good--I'm just waiting for the pizza to arrive because I'm too beat to cook today! Have fun shopping with the Tablescaper. I'm sure the two of you will find the best things! Linda

  6. I wondered if Susan had snow too..

    Happy shopping K...

  7. "Oh Kathleen" You DO know your made me HAVE to leave your post and "Go get a snack"!!! It was NOTHING side of your YUMMIES here though... Hmmm, I need recipes!!!
    Wonderful Post!!!
    Hugs to you,

  8. If all looks sooo scrumptious!!! Good for you! Cathy

  9. No snow here ;) But cold and windy!

    I share those same anxious moments, Kathleen. I'm trying to rid myself of them but they are instilled by my mother, I'm afraid.

    Last Friday, I drove almost 2 hours to try to find bargains. I did get a pair of boots, at least ;)

    CTS, can you hear least Northern Illinois!!!! Please?

  10. Rub it In !! LOL It is slowly melting Thank God!
    Love those little acorn and leaf cookies you make...and I was just thinking about the pot pies today.
    Have fun shopping - and I'm sure you'll find something since most people aren't as creative as you are and can make something gorgeous out of something that by itself is just so-so! (Privately that irks the hell out of me..but I still love ya!)

  11. Look how pretty everything looks on those pretty dishes! Yum! Are those sugar cookies dipped in chocolate? Very nice!

  12. We're having spring for a few days, but look out, Barb will send us that snow. You'll see! Hey. be careful with all those shopping bags, you don't want to squish my poor gift that been stuck in the trunk for so long! Maybe you should take a ride here to visit before the snow. We have good sales on this part of the Guyland, too, you know :)

  13. I so wish we had a Christmas Tree Shop's a shame!! I get so envious!

    I love looking at your baking creations, I get so inspired {and hungry, ready to blow diet...etc.}. My shopping and baking will come soon!


  14. I'm with you Kathleen...still enjoying the warm temps here too and lots of that yummy comfort food. That mac & cheese 'Speaks to Me'!!
    I've noticed that the Christmas Rush was being pushed on us way too early this year. I guess with the economy..they want to get Every Dime from us ASAP!
    Enjoy your shopping day tomorrow at CTS.
    Mondays are always tricky with their stock after the weekend..I guess it depends on who's minding the store and gets those shelves replenished quickly - before YOU get there!!
    Look forward to seeing what you buy.

  15. Yipee!!! Can't wait to go and to see you. I really don't need a thing, but can't wait to go and see what they have -particularly with our 20% off coupons.

    Thanks so much for linking to Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  16. Kathleen, your food looks so delicious, as always. Even mac and cheese looks pretty at your house. I want one of those cookies! I'm so jealous of your shopping adventure. I know y'all will have a blast. Can't wait to see what you buy! If you come back empty handed, I'll know the store was completely emptied out before you arrived. Thanks for linking up. laurie

  17. You girls get to have way too much fun shopping. I hope we get a full report. I'm just a tad jealous that you'll be bringing home something wonderful for your table. Have fun! ~ Sarah

  18. Oh Christmas Tree shop! I wish there were one here in Atlanta. So enjoy and shop til you drop!

  19. I beat you to the shopping...found tons of stuff today...dishes, glasses, linens, candles/candlesticks, a few more pieces of silver, think they are the same as the soup spoons in my last there will be slim pickins for you and A! Have fun...

    P.S. I am betting your cart looks like that EVERY time you go shopping!

  20. I just posted on the last blog I read that I was feeling pushed already for Christmas when I used to not think about it until after Thanksgiving. It sort of takes the fun out of it don't you think?

  21. You had a beautiful weekend!!!...well...I know you are going to have a wonderful Monday too!! Enjoy !!!! ....where do I find these vvery yummie comfort food recipes??Thanks ....grazie ciao xoxoxoxo

  22. Oh, that is not good to look at first thing in the morning. My mouth is watering! Can't wait to hear what you found at CTS.

  23. Oh my word, does your food look yummy! I don't do much Christmas shopping. My daughters are grown. We forgo presents. I usually give my daughter money for the grandkids. She waits to see what all they get from the other grandparents. Then typically takes my money and puts it into their college fund. They're only 1 and 6, but time flies!

  24. Hello Kathleen. Thanks for the stop by. Yum you look like a wonderful cook from your pics. I too hate the stores rush to Christmas although I start early and already have wrapped a few things but I don't like to see red & green when it is still Halloween. Hey, that rhymed. Have a great day!

  25. I haven't even bought the turkey yet. I like to start Christmas early, but for me that means December 1. Remember when that WAS early??

    Have a wonderful time at the CTS. I have resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to have to live vicariously through your purchases.

  26. It was a beautiful LI weekend, wasn't it? I walked around Old Westbury Gardens with my sister and got to go to the Holiday Showhouse that they did in the daughter's home. It was lovely.
    And I think I gained 5 lbs just reading your yummy post!

  27. Now where do you live and what time is dinner on? sandie

  28. After I got your e-mail, I hunted all over for a CTS coupon to no avail! Oh well.... I didn't really NEED anything. LOL It is supposed to be a little rainy here this week. Better that than snow, at least for a while. Wish I was close by to ya- I'd be stopping by for some of your home cookin', girlfriend! Those cookies look so cute. xo Sue

  29. OOO, there is NO doubt that you will come up with some fabulous treasures for mere pennies.
    I am almost envious but since I like you so much, it's ok for you to have all those bargains.
    Your food looks fabulous..and I am really hungry for homemade mac and cheese. I have the best recipe..may just make it tomorrow.

  30. Oh did I laughed at that shopping cart....looked like mine last month...infact my BF bought me those placemats that you have under the cart last year....she spoils me when I can't come up to shop for myself....I love your leaf cookies. they look so cute dipped in chocolate....the mac and cheese using shells...and pot pie is my downfall...Oh, I mentioned you in my latest post...Gee it's Thanksgiving time I bet you can't guess what it was about?

  31. Good morning!
    Your oak leaf and acorn cookies are so cute!
    Comfort food is the best!
    I almost ordered Chicken pot pie at a restaurant in MA this Sunday...but didn't... I just had a feeling it would not look like the one you have pictured here... which is a classic and BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS! The pot pie at the Ox Head Tavern looked okay... it was made with puff pastry floating atop the veggies and chicken.

    Oh my goodness, you and Tablescaper shopping together... now that will be a fun day for you two! I can't wait to see what you find!
    Do share, please :o)
    Blessings always,

  32. Oh I am so jealous, Kathleen! I want to go shopping with you. Your food looks so attractive. I want to eat it all but I might gain 100 lbs, lol...Christine

  33. Delish! All my favorite things! Love your shop till you drop cart from last year!

  34. Hi Kathleen,
    Your food is comforting me from afar. I am with you...seeing all of this Christmas stuff out makes me anxious too. I just never realized it, time to slow down and enjoy Thanksgiving first. Enjoy your day.

  35. I like that you are savoring the season. I love fall! I'll take a chicken pot pie please!

  36. I can't wait to see what bargains you find Kathleen! You always find the prettiest things and have the imagination to know what to do with them!

  37. Oh my, I want to eat everything pictured here. Good thing we don't live close, I would be raiding your fridge for sure!lol. Have fun shopping, I'm trying to get it all done before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the CHristmas season without crowds.


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