Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Waterside Tour

Put on your life vest, we are going for a little cruise around the neighborhood.

Here comes our ride!

table 4779 table 4780

This is a little summer cottage .

table 4795

This one is quite a bit larger!

table 4799

This a very modern looking one with walls of glass.  I am glad I don’t have to clean them!

table 4783

This was my friend’s house.  She sold it to a fellow who sold a home he owned  here already.  He knocked hers down, and this is almost finished.  Those of you who follow Ina would know him, as he is on her show often.  She did a show from his old house.  Maybe she will again!

table 4805

One of these homes belongs to someone who is the host  on NBC in the morning.  I went over to welcome him with a cake.  No, I didn’t, but maybe!

table 4794

The osprey don’t care about the celebs!

But my college friend ,Janice, always wants to know who I have seen out here.  :) When Joe Biden is visiting his friends out here he goes to my church for Mass. Secret service all over, and they don’t put anything in the collection basket!  :)

My gkids can’t wait to dump Nana off at the dock so they can speed off to catch fish.

table 4793

But they didn’t catch anything!table 4776

So it was peanut butter and jelly fish for dinner!

Hope you enjoyed your tour of the neighborhood. 

I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!


  1. Oh my, it is gorgeous. What a dream to live on the water. All of the homes look fabulous. Thanks for the tour. Hugs, Marty

  2. Ooooo, I want to know who the friend of Ina's is! Beautiful pics just lovely-enjoy:@)

  3. Kathleen-I loved the tour! There are some gorgeous houses. I do think you should take Matt something good to eat and while you're at it--check to make sure no one is taking anything OUT of the basket :) Glad you did not have any damage from the storm!

  4. and what about Miss Sammi YUM-MO? Have you seen her flitting around yet?

  5. I sure did enjoy the tour of the neighborhood ~ I haven't been on a boat for a long time!

  6. Fun tour Kathleen!
    Very pretty and I can see why celebs want homes there. Is that Matt Lauer's home?
    Take care my friend,

  7. I totally enjoyed that, Kathleen! I wish I could see inside the homes too. What an awesome neighborhood! Thanks for the tour...Christine

  8. Gorgeous pictures and homes...Thanks for sharing

  9. Kathleen, I LOVE when you post your neighborhood- I'm so jealous! (in a good way)
    xoxo Pattie

  10. Love the tour! I think I just may go back and read it again! Have a wonderful week!

  11. Thanks for the tour, now I know where to find TR!

  12. Ummm. What a delightful tour. I enjoyed that very much and your photos are great.
    Awww, and sorry the little people didn't catch fish. Maybe next time.
    I smiled...I don't think of you as NANA. :))
    I don't believe I've ever heard what they call you. Good to hear a little personal thing about my friend.:) SOMEday...MAYbe...in the far future...I just MIGHT get to see your smiling face..then I could put a face with the name..Sweet Kathleen.

  13. So pretty...I would love to live on the water. My parent's home is on a little island and there are often celeb sightings there as well. It always makes for fun conversation.

  14. That was a wonderful tour Kathleen. What a fun neighborhood with such varied architecture! Today it is grey and rainy here. Not a day for a cruise! :0)

  15. Hi Kathleen,
    Thank you for taking us along. You don't have a little guest cottage I could rent next summer, do you???

    I'll bet Matt(?) would love one of your cakes! The always look wonderful.

    I almost forgot to answer your question about down vs. foam in chair cushions. I guess I don't have a really strong opinion. Down-filled cushions do tend to go a little flat, but they can be fluffed. Foam makes the pieces look neat and clean-lined, but when the foam breaks down over time, it's going to have to be replaced.

    Hope the rest of your week goes well.


  16. A beautiful area but that modern home is completely out of place there. It should be on a rock cliff side overlooking the ocean not on a gentle bank.

  17. What a beautiful neighbourhood! Thanks for the tour!

  18. Wow, I love your neighborhood! Thanks for taking us on a little tour.

  19. THanks for the boat ride! Those homes are gorgeous...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  20. That was so much fun and I still can't believe that I was just a few minutes from your house but didn't know it!!! I'm still laughing at your comment about SS not making some kind of gift at Mass!!

    Glad Earl passed through without too much damage and I hope the rest of September gives you plenty beautiful outdoor days.

  21. What a great neighborhood! Thanks for the tour:0)

  22. Kathleen, I missed this one earlier. Must have been during my "no internet connection" days. I loved seeing these photos of your neighborhood, the one I almost got to enjoy. LOL I'm still hopeful next year might work out.
    Thanks for taking us along on the boat. ~ Sarah

  23. Kathleen, what a neighborhood!

    I like Ina's friend's house.

    and what about Miss Sammi YUM-MO?

    RR too?


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