Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Party Poem, Very MOOving!

The Barnyard was a buzz with noise,

They heard about the big  party,

They wondered who the guests would be

Mimi, Pat, Sue and Marty?

table 3674

What to wear, who to bring?

They oinked, and mooed and squawked!

Susan coming? BJ or Carol?

They wondered while they talked.

table 2614

Now Donkey who’s the dumbest one,

He’s sometimes called Jack Ass,

Brought up a burning question

He hoped it wasn’t crass.

table 1997

“So Chicken, Pig and Bessie Cow,

I hope this is not rude

Though I may not be as smart or cute,

I won’t be Party FOOD!”

table 056


table 2289

Oh, do not worry, I only jest

No meat we will partake,

The invite clearly stated,

Please come for tea and cake!

table 196


table 3836

  Please go join Lynn at Happier Than a Pig in Mud, she’s serving…

table 1341

Thanks, for visiting!  Grab a rib on your way out!  :)

I am also joining Gollum at Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday, and Suzy at Kitchen Bouquets for Flashback Friday.

Thank you , Ladies!


  1. Kathleen, this is so cute! You'ze a poet and dinnit know it! While I love ribs, I'm most interested in the desserts (imagine that!). Please tell what that amazing looking pie is and don't spare the details! Thanks so much for joining the Bash:@)

  2. I want a barnyard full of your sweet little sheep and chicks!

    Very creative post.

  3. Those ribs made my mouth water, and I just finished supper! Sandi

  4. VERY cute post!! Happy Foodie Friday :)

  5. You have me howling! Really --I do believe there should be a new literary genre especially for your poetry!

  6. You are the poet laureate of bloggers, Kathleen!

  7. Hi Mz Farmerette Kathleen! You are so clever and this is precious and pretty yummy looking? Can I come over? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Kathleen I like every fabulous meal and dessert that you make! Delicious!

  9. Oh you clever girl - - - the poem, the pictures, everything was just perfect and gave me a chuckle!!

  10. Great pictures of yummy food and you are a poet and don't know it..

  11. Oh cute and clever...great pics!!! Cleo

  12. Kathleen, you always crack me up!

  13. I may even leave another comment since I don't have to type those silly words :)

  14. You are a poet and you know it! Very cute Kathleen.

  15. Adorable!!!! Your posts ALWAYS make me smile!
    xoxo Pattie

  16. Cute post...Love all your barnyard critters...and the ribs and chocolate cake...!!!

  17. Wow does the food look good! I forgot you were the cherry ames (and nancy drew?) reader. So ... I think nine may be a bit young. I think I probably read them in jr high? More like 12?

  18. How cute this all is, K.
    I love it all. I knew you would use some of your beautiful foods...and you used them in such cute ways. :)
    So fun!!

  19. Cute those little lambs. Mr. Tom Turkey needs to find some better camouflage or he may end up on your Thanksgiving table!

  20. you really are too cute! have a great weekend!

  21. No boys allowed? Moo ...
    I mean boo ... hoo!

    The cake looks delicious. It ALL looks delicious! Your poetry is always wickedly funny.
    Have a great weekend!

    P.S. Loved the whimsy of your late summer tablescape this week!

  22. I was very Moooved by your cute poem! Great pics too!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  23. Kathleen, this is darling! I'm ready for lunch so I'll definitely take a rib or two. And I think a slice of that chocolate cake too. Cute post! I love the little farm animals and your clever poetry. ~ Sarah

  24. Kudo! Bravo! Love the photos and the poetry. Your post has made my day.


  25. Kathleen: Thanks for the heads up on the I.D. avoidance. I did go to the dashboard but haven't quite figured out how to avail myself of it. I'm working on it.


  26. Cute! Oh boy does this look good! What time is dinner? :)

  27. Our resident Poet Laureate! Cute little rhyme :-) Thanks for playing along for Flashback Friday this week. That chocolate cake looks so cute. I've been craving cake lately.

  28. Love your poem and photos. Very clever and fun. A great party and I want some of that cake. Smile.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  29. Kathleen, you are so witty! I am just smiling my way through this post. Too, too cute! I'm also drooling my way through the photos of food. Great post! laurie

  30. It is a party with prose at your place! How fun and delightfully delicious... thanks for having all of us over, especially Lynn's piggie!


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