Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just an Apple Pickin’ Minute!

With apologies to my Southern friends who have cotton pickin’ minutes!

We have been going to the same farm to pick apples for 20 years.  It is down by the ocean hidden in a residential neighborhood.  I guess at one time it was mostly farm land.

Picture 434

This is a Mutzu, very similar to a Granny Smith.  There are about 10 different varieties you can pick there. 

This one weighs a whopping 1 lb and 7/8 oz!

Picture 535

Lily picked this one.  She left it here by mistake and called to remind her Nana not to turn it into pie!

It doesn’t take long to fill the bag.  Here’s my youngest gson selecting the perfect apple. They are low so even the littlest can pick!

Picture 403

But I did turn some into this…

Picture 524

Picture 529

Dipped in chocolate, slathered with caramel, and dusted with toasted walnuts.


It’s a big apple, so when we have company I make  a few and slice them to serve with the other desserts.

Picture 536

Last year, after Tgiving these pans were marked way down at the WSonoma Outlet. (My friend Carol from There’s Always Thyme to Cook told me I was talking about CTS so much WS was going to be mad at me! )

She has a wonderful apple recipe posted there!

Picture 517

Picture 518

I made some, using a pumpkin, nut, recipe.  Cream cheese icing in the middle.  Some are dipped in chocolate, others dipped in glaze and sprinkled with sugar.

Picture 498Picture 519

Picture 503

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  Very warm here on L.I., beach weather.

Picture 532Thanks for visiting !

I am linking to

Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday


  1. have the greatest pans...I LOVE the acorns!! Your apple-picking cappers look like a great time had by all and that dipped apple is too much :)


  2. Well...YUM YUM YUM...I am starving for something APPLE...
    Ahhh, and your cloche is perfect...the little acron cakes..precious. You do have a way of making your food look so delicious.
    I STILL want a post of yours showing us where you keep all these wonderful pans, dishes, etc...:)

  3. Oh man, they look good!!! I could take a bite right now. I love how you have several different toppings.

    And those apples! Great idea to slice them. They are so big.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. YUM! I would take one of your caramel apples over an apple pie any day!

    I love that pan. I was at WS at a cooking class and afterwards you get 10% off your shopping. I saw that pan and almost bought it. Now that I see how cute the cake comes out I wish I did.


  5. Love seeing the little cutie picking apples and speaking of cuties... that acorn pan is adorable!
    Bummer at CTS today, just came home with a few essentials, nothing really fun. Maybe next time:@)

  6. Oh my Kathleen!
    Things look so good you have such a flair!
    Those acorns are absolutely fantastic! I just love them!
    And a wonderful little package came in the mail yesterday. Thank-you so much!
    I love, love my cute little rooster napkin rings!
    And since it's been a hard few days here it really brightened my day!
    Thanks again,

  7. Everything looks yummy. I will have one of the acorn shaped cakes please!:-D
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  8. Kathleen, those apples look so delicious and what a nice touch putting a bow on them...but I'm sure that cute gson of yours, is the "apple" of your eye! The acorn mini-cakes are so unique and a wonderful dessert for this time of year!


  9. I am always amazed at what you come up with....these look so good....

  10. Those acorn cakes are the cutest. That apple is huge, almost enough to make a pie or at least 2 mini ones!

  11. OH MY GOSH! Now THAT is my kind of apple. That is amazing!

  12. Kathleen-I love the way you change your header for the seasons! That is such a good idea to slice the apple for dessert. The little acorn pans are so cute. I may have to look this year. BUT the cutest thing is the back of the little blonde head and those chubby little hands picking apples!!! Sounds like Lily knows her grandmother well :)

  13. What a fun activity to do with the grands. Those kids are so blessed to have you close by. Wish I had a bite of that caramel apple right now. Yum!
    Your photo reminded me that I purchased one of those acorn pans last year and I've yet to bake in it. Need to get it out and heat up the kitchen. ;-)
    Have a beautiful Sunday! ~ Sarah

  14. Hi Kathleen,
    Those choc/caramel apples look like they are to die for!! I have been thinking about making some myself, but know if I will ever get passed the thinking stage actually!! lol
    Thanks for coming by today, good to hear from you,
    and don't you dare try to iron those wrinkles out of your face, lol I bet you really don't have any anyway!!
    Some napkins I don't have to iron either, I like them veryyyyyyyy much!! lol

    Have a very sweet Sunday,
    Blessings, Nellie

  15. Oh Kathleen, what a precious little boy picking apples! Oh the memories you are making with them. (Your g'daughter knows you - don't turn my apple into apple pie! - So Cute!) I love those acorn treats! They are so pretty, and they sound delicious. You are always experimenting with recipes. I'd love to be your taste-tester! I'm glad to know you and Bill are still such great friends. Thank you for linking this to Favorite Things Sat.

  16. 'Move Over Mrs. Prindable' !!
    Yours looks sooo delicious..and at this late hour, between those apples and the little acorn
    cakes...I'm having MAJOR cravings.
    Cute pic of your little Gdson.. I laughed over
    Lily calling to 'protect' her apple from the
    'Baking Queen' !

  17. Those little scarecrow napkin rings are so cute Kathleen..Love the little one:)

    Gotta get my cakelet pan ready..Thanksgiving is at my daughter's this yr~

  18. lovely post! I spent yesterday at Linvilla Farms in Media PA in an apple orchard for my grand daughter's bday...your site is very inspirational!
    Jennifer aka Gigi

  19. As always, my dear friend, thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. I love a big gooey caramel apple when the apple is crisp and tart. You've got an adorable little helper in the orchard, Kathleen. I bet he loves grandma's special treats.

  21. Kathleen, that is a one apple pie! I haven't made a caramel apple in years. I must admit yours looks wonderful and has me thinking that it is time to make some!

    Your pan and "acorn bites" look wonderful!

  22. Love, love, love your post! Week after next I am doing a post on carmel apples. YOurs look so great. I'll link back to this post!
    I've had my eye on those acorn pans. They are now 20 percent off. I may need to make a trip to my WS to get them!
    You are such an inspiration!!!!!

  23. That apple looks so yummy! Love my first visit to your Blog! I am a new follower! What gorgeous food & photos! Love the acorn cakelet pan how cute is that!

  24. Just looking at the apple makes my mouth water but those little acorns are adorable!!!

  25. I would truly love to be visiting your house about now! What good-looking food you've got there.

  26. Oh man, Kathleen, that caramel apple, could you bring me one when you come to visit? And bring those gifts, too, it's been what, two years, they're getting dusty, LOL!

    I've seen the Mutsu's, HUGE! Cute, Lily knows her grandma very well!

  27. Okay, when are those little acorn bites being put in overnight mail to me?! They are precious and look so good, as does that amazing candied apple!!!
    I cannot say I have ever seen an apple weigh so much! I love Granny Smith apples but have not heard of the Mutzu before. I am not from the south but say, "cotton pickin' minute." Maybe it's because New Mexico is so darn close to Texas that I have adopted so many of the same things? LOL Like asking for a coke and having the waitress say, "what kind?" To us, any type of soda pop is "Coke."

  28. What a great acron pan. Very cute. That apple looks so yummy (the one with chocolate, nuts and caramel of course). I never think to make those myself, but maybe I'll try it out this weekend.

  29. Your grandson looked so cute picking apples, Kathleen! Your chocolate caramel apples look so yummy. A friend of mine made them one year for us foe Thanksgiving and they were our favorite dessert that year!

    I have that acorn pan! Love it! I just bought the new cornucopia shaped pan. I couldn't resist it!

  30. These are just so deliciously beautiful, Kathleen. If I gain any more weight, it will be your fault. Everytime I see your pictures, I feel like going to the kitchen, lol...Christine

  31. I loved your apple pickin' minute! The family that picks apples together stays together, right? Or is it the family that eats apples together? Whatever! Enjoyed your post, Kathleen and you reminded me I need to make caramel apples again soon. Yours looks delicious along with those adorable acorn bites.

  32. Hi Kathleen. I LOVE the pan you sent to my Mom. My son lit up when he saw it. (Oreos are his all time favorite cookie!) I can't wait to make it. (We stole it yesterday from my Mom.) What an awesome pan!!! Thanks!

  33. Postres espectaculares! Deliciosos!

  34. The acorns turned out so cute and I'm sure they are delicious too. We have an orchard about 20 miles from us. We don't pick our own but they are still yummy!

  35. You always have the best ideas Kathleen! I am wishing it was Autumn over here instead of Spring after reading this delicious post!

    Best wishes,

  36. Hi! The apple looks just like those gourmet apples purchased for $$$$ each! And the little acorn pan is so cute! Looks like you are ready for fall despite the warm weather there. Karen

  37. Hi Kathleen!

    I have to find one of those acorn pans!!! Awesome
    as always!

  38. oooh the apple...I would give a lot for one of those...maybe a small child even ;) and the acorns are so cute - love the treatment they got!

  39. That chocolate-carmel apple looks delicious. I bought that acorn cakelet pan from WS a year or so ago and I let the season pass without using it. I really like how you decorated your acorns and have a thing for acorns, so I absolutely must bake in my acorn cakelet pan this season. Blogland is so inspiring. Thanks for inspiration.

    All the Best,


  40. That chocolate-carmel apple could be my breakfast right about now :-) Then I'll move on to the acorn cakelets!!

  41. My favorite orchard has been flooded this year in southern Minnesota... don't know if they have been able to get to any of the trees yet or not. But the entire parking lot is under water!
    Love the little acorn cakelets...would love some in a gingerbread!

  42. Oh, yum! I want one of those candy apples!!

    That acorn pan is great, bet they were delicious, they look pretty too!


  43. Oh my gosh! What an adorable acorn pan!


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