Sunday, September 12, 2010

Got Milk?

Back to School!  Here the first day is tomorrow.

My gkids went back Tues.  But since they don’t live close, I am sending them some virtual milk and cookies!


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I had a big chocolate Easter Bunny in the frig.  It was excellent chocolate and I didn’t want it to go to “waist”, :) so I smashed it up and made some chocolate cookies.


With hugs and kisses for the kids!

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My friend, The Tablescaper was supposed to come out last night, for the weekend, but the weather forecast for today was not beachy, so they stayed home. The sun just made it out now!

I was going to bring the cookies over for her kids.  :(

It was a real simple recipe, that I am sure many of you have used.  I had never tried it before.

I used a Duncan Heinz Devils Food that was going to expire soon.  I always keep some on hand for emergencies.

I used the chopped up bunny instead of chips.

They may not be as good as made from scratch, but darn close!  And they smell like chocolate heaven!

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Cute little lunch box on sale in AC Moore for .99.

I bought it to make Lily a sewing kit.  I should have bought more, as they are a great container to put cookies in to  give away!  I wonder if they have any left?

I also bought a few of these clear paint cans for .99, marked down from 4.99.

I have a few ideas, but maybe some of you very crafty ladies would share some of yours?

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Cookies and milk, always a favorite thing on a Sunday or any day!

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Summer Sundays.  Next weekend will be the last of the summer season according to the calendar . Enjoy the last days of this glorious season!


  1. I was just craving something sweet and you just had to go and post some incredible looking chocolate cookies!!!

    Have a great week.

  2. I think we may be having dinner guests and one little girl. If I can keep my big guys away from them I should make some for tonight. I always have cake mix on hand but rarely make them.

  3. I'm craving milk just by looking at your pictures! Yum!

  4. Cookies and milk are always a special treat but especially when they come from a sweet grandma's heart! Virtual or real I know your gkids appreciate your kind thoughts as they head back to school!

  5. Looks great, your plate is cute! Just a little teaser rain, and overcast all day here.

  6. Aren't you the sweetest grandmother---torturing them with cookies they can't eat :) They DO look good! I cannot believe kids there are just starting. I think my daughter is about ready to send out a report card. Sorry I have no ideas on the cute buckets--I never would have thought of using the bunny for choc. chips :)

  7. Those cookies look great! Now I wish I had made cookies instead of bread:>)

  8. Oooh, Kathleen, those are some great buys!!! And I thought I was the only one who still had Easter chocolate around- I'll bet if I look hard enough I may find some from last Halloween!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. The cookies look delish...very virtual to me as well. I'll remember your tip about the chocolate bunny. When all the Easter and Halloween chocolate goes on sale, I buy it and freeze it. Now I can actually use it in a recipe. Duh!

    I love the lunchbox and the paint can. Why, mix up your own personal colors in it!


  10. Your cookies look fabulous. I would love a couple. Great recipe, I will have to try it. Your little lunch box is a fabulous find. Love the clear paint bucket. I havn't seen those. Now even that would be a fabulous cloche. I can't wait to see yours at the party on Friday. You always do special things. Hugs, Marty

  11. Those are the cutest cookies...can't wait to make some for grands. They'll love them.
    I've not seen the clear paint 'em....

    Omgosh..cloche party coming up...fill that cute bucket with some of your awesome cookies, tie a bow on and .....there ya are. Now, I don't own a cloche and probably never will, but I am playing along with other glass containers...

  12. OOO, I THOUGHT I took my blog roll off but it was on there this not sure what happened. I never think to use it anymore..don't know if your name was on it before or not but I put it on there. I still can't see that I need both a blog roll AND my follower thingy.

    My family just left...we had Chicken & Dumplins,
    roasted veggies, tossed green salad, hot rolls, fruit plate, cheesecake with cherries and strawberries and a pudding cake. GOOD GRIEF...I am fixing to have a nice long nap...ummmm...ain't life grand!!

  13. I like that bucket...I'm not sure what I would use it for, but I like it. I don't think I've ever made cookies using a cake mix, but I see more and more recipes that call for one. Anything chocolate is fine by me.

  14. Oh Kathleen,
    Those cookies and milk look yummy! And of course you have them displayed so charmingly!
    My heart loves red gingham!
    Have a great week,

  15. I think I am older than you but can you be my grandma too, Kathleen? LOL! Those cookies look so good and you made them look even better. Great pics!...Christine

  16. Kathleen, I so wish I had one of those chocolate goodies sitting here beside my computer. They look delicious and so cute in the red check. You are the best gmom!
    Enjoy the week ahead. ~ Sarah

  17. I had forgotten all about those cake cookies. I used to make them all the time. They are so easy and so good. I like to add walnuts to mine :) YUM!


  18. Kathleen, I am so craving something sweet now. Those look delish!

  19. Hi Kathleen! Oh, cookies and milk - can't get better! Yours look so good! What a sweet grandma you are.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  20. Love the virtual cookies and milk!! Can't believe the kids there are just starting school. The kids here have been in school about a month!

  21. Ohhhh...if my kids only knew aht they missed! Sorry a visit didn't work out. Your teats look delcious!!!

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Slowly getting back to reading blogs - the cookies look great!!
    Love the clear paint cans .... ribbon, anything you want to see without opening a box!!
    Very curious how the TScaper knows your "teats" are delicious!!! LMAO

  23. Too bad the visit didn't work out! Your back-to-school cookies look wonderful, Kathleen. I think you should fill up the paint buckets with cookies :)

  24. Cookies look delicious! I like those clear paint cans too..I'm sure you will come up with something creative for them!

  25. Yum Yum!! Nothing like a big glass of cold milk and cookies!!!

    bee blessed

  26. Kathleen, I know what visits to your virtual food can do to a person. When your grands see these virtual cookies, they are going to HAVE to go eat something chocolate. (At least that's what I'm going to have to do) Cute lunch box and plastic tub. Loving all of the red gingham-looks so cheerful. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  27. Hi Kathleen, I was thinking of you during Earl, but luckily it was just heat and humidity! Although, we are desperate for rain here in CT. I have never tried this recipe but it looks so easy! Our last big foil covered chocolate easter bunny was devoured by the dog who left her big claw marks in the den coffee table. And I always see those clear paint cans at the Container Store and am tempted to buy several, but I don't know what to do with them. Are they food safe? I can't wait to see what you do--be sure to let us know! Linda

  28. Cookies and milk are mandatory for the beginning of school. I hope your gkids liked their virtual cookies.

  29. How wonderful to send them to the grandkids - lol. They look great! sandie

  30. I've been craving sweets since I came back from vacation and put myself on a I wish I could taste one of these delicious looking ones as I never tried using cake mix before. I bet they were nice and soft and chewy..just the way I like them!

    Happy "back to school" for your grands ...hope they have a happy year!

    The lunchbox and paint container look like wonderful small item storage or food mailers. I'd use the paint can for my cookie cutter collection.
    ♥ Pat

  31. If I knew you were having chocolate cookies, I'd have stopped by! Great way to use up the bunnies! So smart! We went to an indoor BBQ yesterday, rained all day!

  32. How "sweet"! I love the idea of using the cute lunch box for cookies.

  33. I can almost smell those cookies baking! Delicious :-)

  34. But my question is...."Did you use the eyes??"

  35. Love chocolate cookies, I'd have been there, rain or shine!
    The paint buckets would make a great cookie jar, too...

  36. Hi Kathleen,
    Those containers are darling...can't wait to see them filled with cookies (or whatever your imagination comes up with). Speaking of cookies those look wonderful, fav.
    Sad and happy for Fall to come, it has been a glorious summer. Enjoy your day.

  37. Kathleen I just read your comment on my ORANGE post. You do better than me I don't even use it for Halloween, it truly just un-nerves me!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment it was very nice to see you there, I really appreciate the time you took to give feed-back.
    Love the clear paint pail, what a fun idea and Oh My I want some of those delish looking cookies, Have a good week,KATHYSUE

  38. Did someone mention Chocolate?
    My #1 Passion...
    Your cookies look so good they're making my mouth water!
    Great price and terrific idea for the little lunch/sewing box for Lily.
    I can see that and the Paint Container having so many possibilities.

  39. Oh so now you want to copy Sue and become a Sandra Lee with cake mix? I would eat them anyway and I love the idea of the lunch box for cookies. Still no A/C here at our house for over a week. Waiting for the crane to move the new unit onto the roof hopefully today. It may say that Summer ends next week but you would not believe it here with 90* temps. Like the wicked witch said "I'm melting".

  40. Those cookies look great. I keep my bunny too. Until the next Easter. Then I throw it out and start over. Probably should try and use it instead lol. Great containers you found. I'm always trying to find something for a buck or less for my Christmas good plates. Those lunch boxes would be cute dressed up in red and green!

  41. Kathleen, I have made cookies from Duncan Hines cake mixes before and love how they turned out. So soft and chewy... yum... I do like how you put the hugs and kisses on them- so clever, my friend.
    I've never seen clear paint cans before! Amazing, I think you should go back to the store, buy them all out, and then sell them to us out here in blogland. Love them!! Cloche lady Sue would have fun filling them with goodies!
    Hope all is well with you. Took Mr. S out on a flea mkt/antique show shopping excursion yesterday- had a great time. We found exactly what we were looking for. I took no pics but I'll have to post my finds when I get some time. I should be doing other things besides reading blog posts, but I am SO behind....
    Take care, my friend. And get out the fall stuff- it's time!
    Hugs, Sue


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