Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Sunday by the Bay

It really was Saturday, but I know you won’t mind!

A beautiful summer day!

table 4214

Perfect for company, lots of food and fun!

table 2930

Freshly dug clams from the Peconic Bay  here in Southampton.

Steamed in this pot that was my mom’s…

table 4577 Put some water in the bottom, lay some cheesecloth over the holes on the top, and steam the clams.

You can use drink the broth, or use it to make chowder.

table 4576

Some people enjoy them raw on the half shell with cocktail sauce.

table 247 (Small) I make the New England style, and Mike makes the Manhattan Clam Chowder.

table 1865

table 1861

Or baked…

Perfect day for a boat ride…

table 4280

As the day ends, you can wait for the sunset.

table 4296

Each night it is a little different.

Walk back to the house for dinner.

table 4579

Cantaloupe from the farm, wrapped in prosciutto  for an appy.

A big salad with juicy chicken chunks…

table 4590

I lined a large wicker basket with heavy duty aluminum foil to serve it.  Lots of room for everything, and easy to pass at the picnic table.

table 4589

And for dessert?

table 4582

Freshly baked blueberry pie.

Here’s a slice for you!

table 4602

Some Favorite Things on a Summer Sunday, or any day!

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie, and The Tablescaper for Summer Sundays.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I was wondering for a sec, we had rain off and on a whole day today! You had a gorgeous day yesterday, beautiful! Not as nice here in Nassau.

    Kathleen, it all looks fantastic, takes my breath away. Literally, LOL!

  2. So perfect Kathleen! I love clam chowdas!!! Your baked clams look fab too, and the pie is really pretty!

  3. I love NE clam chowder and Joe likes Manhattan :-) Your baked clams look wonderful! Love the pie and lattice. I need to start using mine more.

  4. Oh, nummy,nummy,nummy Kathleen!
    That food puts the food channel to shame!
    I wish you could host a blogger lunch and be the cook!
    And not fair! You and tablescaper live in the same place?
    And it's so GORGEOUS!
    When can I come visit?

  5. What a perfect weekend, Kathleen. The photos are just beautiful. The food is looking so scrumptious, except for the cantaloupe (I don't eat them)...Christine

  6. Kathleen, I just told Ray I now want to move to Southampton!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Beautiful food and scenery makes for such a special day. I would love those clams and the blueberry pie!

  8. Kathleen, looks like a fantastic day, and the food looks yummy. Your grandchildren are going to have such wonderful memories of their childhood summers. ~ Sarah

  9. You live in such a beautiful place, Kathleen. Being near the water must be wonderful. I prefer New England clam chowder and would love a serving of that beautiful salad.

  10. It all looks fantastic, as always!!

  11. This sounds and looks like something right out of a great movie or book--one I'd like to be in! I am NE chowder girl myself (when I have a choice). The baked ones look like oysters Rockefeller (which I love) Too hot go even go out here and no relief in sight :(

  12. ooomygosh Kathleen. Every bit of this looks so good!

  13. Oh my goodness. This looks fabulous. All of it, but the pie...takes my breath away!

  14. Kathleen, I know each and every scrumptious thing you serve, must be delicious, your photographs are awesome! Great Appy!


  15. What fun to visit you Kathleen! Gorgeous scenery and fabulous food served with such style!


  16. Absolutely gorgeous Kathleen. You are lucky to live at such a place. And your family and friends are so lucky to have you cooking for them!!!! The food looks amazing. Love the pot.

  17. Oh, what a wonderful day! The food looks fabulous!

  18. Me and the Boss will be right up....I love New England chowder and he's a Manhattan wouldn't have to feed us anything else...and we would even eat it out in our car....can you tell I love clam chowder....Oh, and that pie looked fabulous...

  19. Sounds like the perfect weekend....Beautiful pictures.

  20. We should have combined our meals this day since we were both in shellfish mode. And I started to make a blueberry pie, but decided to hold it until we weren't going to be so full of mussels, lobster, corn and potatoes. Isn't life wonderful!?!?

  21. Looking like a simply perfect time! I'd like New England Clam Chowder and that slice of Blueberry pie, thank you! yum.

  22. Kathleen:

    We were both in the same mind set, sharing scenes from our bays. I really didn't mind the Sunday rain as we've been blessed with such a glorious summer. I do so hate for it to end.

    That chicken salad looks sooo good!

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. I love that big pot! It certainly was handed down to the right person. I love joining your at the Bay, Kahtleen. It's gorgeous. Now pass a piece of that pie (please)!

  24. Mouth watering! Actually, I think I am drooling. I love that the pot belonged to your Mom. Long Island really is a beautiful place.

  25. Kathleen, your photos are gorgeous - of the ocean, the sunset, and the food! Made me wish I had been there Saturday! I'm always so impressed with your cooking AND your presentation of food. Beautiful! Thanks for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  26. Gorgeous setting, Kathleen ... you have the bluest, prettiest skies.

    Love your mother's pot ... I'm sure it conjures up lots of special memories.

    And the food all looks scrumptious especially the salad.

  27. It looks like it was a wonderful day for the beach and that salad looked like it could feed a crowd. I love your clam pot especially neat that it was your mom's but what I really would like on this post is a slice of that blueberry pie - my favorite baked variety!

  28. O, darlin'....would you believe that in my loooog life, I've never tasted a clam....or clam chowder...or most all of the SEA things. We've never lived by the water and I just never acquired a taste for sea foods. Hubby loves it all with a passion.
    What I DO love is a freshly baked BEAUTIFUL pie. ummmmm.....
    You are such a great cook and everything always looks so pretty.

    The beach photos...just wonderful. How great to "walk" home from the beach....I can't even begin to imagine how great that must be.
    Hope your day is going good...
    xo bj

  29. This all looks so beautiful and delicious!

  30. I have had some amazing LI clams this summer! Yummy!


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