Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Going Ape over Green and Bloggy Thoughts

For those of you who use Blogger they have instituted a new spam filter.

When you go to your comments  you will see a SPAM box.  If you look at your  dashboard, there is a notice about the new SPAM filter.

So you might want to give it a try and turn off that identification word thingee that takes forever to do!

My friend Carol  at There’s always Thyme to Cook was big on those id words no matter how I begged her to turn it off.  She has, and reports no wonky messages!

Just a thought…:)

(now if I can only get my volume  control icon back so I don’t have to listen to music , I will be sooo happy!)

See these?

table 4636

I borrowed them from The Tablescaper .  Last time we went shopping we stopped at the Dollar Tree.  She bought 12 of them, I resisted.  So she lent me 4 so I could do a table with them.  What a gal!

Remember these Monkey place card holders?  Wm Sonoma Outlet.  The leaf placemats too.

table 4631

Last time I used those little monkeys I got several emails from brides to be asking where to get them to use for their weddings!  Really.  Well, they had them again this year.

table 4652

I used to Lily stems as the looked like the leaf on the plates, as well as some green hydrangea  as the centerpiece.  I stuck it in a black leafy metal bowl from HG.

table 4638

I used that green swirly flatware again, CTS 4.99 for 12 pcs by Gibson.

I was going to use those green glass banana/chili pepper bowls, but I used them Tues here, so enough!


table 4659

I added the green Bee glass at the end, but it was bloody hot out there, and there were real bees hovering around!

table 4641

The square white bowls are by Pfaltzgraff, and the black stemmed glasses are from there too.

table 4660

table 4640 Way too hot in the sun,

I am headed over to sit on the shaded part of the porch!

table 4664 Coming soon…

I know sweet  Sue at Sullivan and Murphy is Falling into Fall, but it is still summer on LI, and will be for a few more weeks.

So I am working on this table, using white eyelet with a blue satin ribbon. It is in the shade so the pic is dark.

table 4663

Don’t forget Jane at Blondie’s Journal is having a Target gift card give away!  Hope over and join in! I can’t wait to win it!  :)

And of course, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch has tons more tables for you to look at!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. How lucky to be able to borrow from The Tablescaper! I really love black, white, and green together, and you've combined those colors beautifully here. I think it's hilarious that so many brides wanted the monkeys for their wedding tables! Love your green glasses!

  2. "LOVE your tropical look" Those little monkeys are just as cute as can be and look SO great in the scene you created...
    Hugs, Donna

  3. It doesn't have to cost a fortune to make a heck of a gorgeous table!

    It is beautiful!


  4. I love the green and white. I was just at Dollar Tree and mine never has cute dishes like that!

  5. I love outdoor tablescapes. This is really cool and tropical. Love it {and those place card holders!!!}.

    Hope you are having a good week in spite of blogger. Hey~I didn't know you could get to comments from the dashboard.


  6. I love the table. I also love how you admit it was hot out there. I keep seeing all the wonderful outdoor tablescapes and not only have we not eaten outside this summer...I haven't been able to stand the thought of being outside to do a tablescape. Today...I'm on the deck as I write this. Finally, a breeze and a nice couple of days. Fall feels a long way off here too.

    That tablecloth you are working on is gorgeous...all that poofyness is so pretty!

  7. How nice that you set a place for Alma since she was so kind to lend you those plates! They're perfect for an outdoor table.

    So what is the long, eyelet table going to be used for?

  8. I like your ape-y table! It looks cool even if it wasn't outside!
    I'm really curious about the frilly white table you're working on...

  9. Wow, very pretty. Love the place mats, the glasses, the plates, the flatware. Really nice table! That ruffled tablecloth has me interested too.:)

  10. Your porch looks so cool and cozy..
    I thought I was gonna win Blondie's giveaway lol.. Those plates are so pretty and what a great friend you have to let you borrow them..


  11. Kathleen, you lucky "monkey", getting to borrow from the Tablescaper! Do you get to go check out all her pretties we saw on "Where Do You Keep it all"? Course, you must be bordering on a collection that rivals hers! This green & white "ape 'scape" is wonderful and the pics are so pretty when taken outside! I really like those leaf placemats! Thanks for braving your hot temps to share this with us!


  12. Love the table - so much fun! Right down to those little monkeys!!!
    I'm so happy I could lend the plates to you. We both know that by the time I get around to using them, I'll have concocted (SP?) something completely different in my head. That's the fun of doing this together, we can have the same stuff, but come up with something completely different.

    I love that you did this table outside, despite the heat and I can't wait to see what you do with the table you are working on.

    I can't believe this summer is coming to an end, my dear friend. It has been fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  13. I love to be able to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner outdoors! You set such a lovely table. I don't think shade would help me at all, it is 109 today!

  14. How beautiful & serene your table settings, Kathleen.

    Have a lovely summer day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  15. Beautiful table, Kathleen, looks like it was a great day!
    That spam thing has been great. I did take off the word verification, and it has gotten the Chinese porn site from being published. If it catches the spam, it tells you with a number next to the spam tab. I also have email notification. Love this addition! Makes it much easier!

    By the way, you made me fall in love with Hydrangea's and Carmelo just delivered a pink one for me, by my kitchen window. He'll plant it tomorrow :)

  16. I love all the green Kathleen! That's such a happy table and looks so summery! I am not ready for fall yet either. We went from hot to tonight lows in the 40's! Can you believe it! But on the weekend we will be getting into the mid to upper 80's.
    Oh and by the way, that ruffled tablecloth looks amazing can't wait to see that table!

  17. My dollar store never had many of those plates...and they are so great for your looks like the tropics. What wonderful placemats too! Joni

  18. Think your table is neat. The black and green look wonderful together.

    Very nice and creative job you've done. Sure like your table!!!

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  19. Now I wish I had picked up those plates myself. They look wonderful with all your beautiful things that work beautifully into the tablscape. Simply stunning.

  20. How pretty your table is -- I love your greens with the black. What adorable monkeys!

  21. Neat setting. I like that you thought outside the box!

    Some news: We're staring a Giveaway Friday! link-up party this Fri. 8/27 plus we are giving away custom backsplash! Hope you'll join us.


  22. Love your table ... and thanks for visiting Slice of Pie! Yes, the old man worried about my Sunday sewing was Irish ... half ... and the other half Scottish! What a combination, huh?

  23. Wonderful colors, the placemats is perfect, everything perfect!!! Hugs.Fatima-Scrapart.

  24. This is one of my favorite Kathleen tables. You know how much I ♥ green...on the black tablecloth it is stunning. Love the flatware, sure wish there was a CTS here on the prairie! What a sweetie Alma is to let you use the plates for a TT.

  25. I started getting annoyed with that word verification thing too and thought if I'm annoyed then everyone else must be too so I got rid of mine awhile ago.

  26. The best part about having a friend for a fellow tablescaper is the "cooperative shopping" you can do! Love how you tied all the elements for a jungle theme together for this table, right on down to the monkey placecards.

    For weddings? I never would have guessed!

  27. Kathleen,

    What a gorgeous tropical table! I love the big leaves you used as placemats and the color combo is so great! Of course I love the lime green hydrangea! Those plates are awesome especially since they were from the Dollar Tree! What a bargain....and such a fun table with the monkey place card holders. So pretty! Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

    Miss Bloomers

  28. This table is beautiful!! I love the's so soothing and summery.

    Enjoy the rest of your LI summer...we are already heading for fall up here in the foothills of the Adirondacks!

  29. Hi Kathleen! How convenient and lucky for you to be close to the Tablescaper so you can borrow plates. I love your table especially the green bee stems and the swirly green flatware. Very pretty!...Christine

  30. your table setting! You can't beat that Dollar Store...cute, cute plates! Those monkey placecard holders are perfect with the plates...too funny about brides wanting them...who da thunk it? LOL
    Love your floral's absolutely beautiful!
    Happy TT!

  31. Now really-I am just wondering what theme a bride could be using to need the place card holders--wish I'd been invited to those weddings :) I wish I had a partner in crime to shop with and borrow from! I guess Fedex is out of the question :) I love the black and green together. Just bring mine on over to the white wicker please. Can't wait to see what is going on with the white table!

  32. So beautiful! Love those placemats! I want that flatware, I needed it for the green tablescape I did today!


  33. I love that you are partners in crime with 'The Tablescaper.' I am known as 'the enabler' by Sharing this passion with a friend more than doubles the joy, doesn't it. I'm kicking myself for passing on those great green leaf placemats. They are stunning...great tablescape. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  34. Oh Kathleen you are preachin' to the choir here. I hate word verification and I hate the music. I have had about 4 different spam comments in a year. If you delete them right away they don't bother coming back.
    I really like the look of your table. Summer? Fall? Who knows. We always have the most lovely weather in September. Lots of hot sunny days and cool, cool nights. Fabulous.

  35. Kathleen,

    Absolutely beautiful table. The monkeys are wonderful.

    I very often am up very early visiting blogs and all of a sudden the music will blast and scare me (and wake up my husband).


  36. beautiful combination of colors, black just tends to go with anything

  37. Très FABuLOUS table!!! J'adore your rooster napkin in your blog header too!

  38. Laughing about the brides wanting the monkeys. Love this color combination. It just feels so cool and relaxing but summery too. Lovely. I can't wait for some color temperatures!

  39. Kathleen, even though it was hot when you were setting up this pretty table, you sure made it look cool with all of the pretty greens. I'm still coveting that swirly flatware. It is so unique! Of course, I also LOVE the price. I'm going to be looking for some of that. I wish those brides would post some pictures somewhere of their "monkey" themed weddings!! laurie

  40. Oh! I forgot to tell you that that white tablecloth is gorgeous! I wish I had sewing talent. laurie

  41. Hi Kathleen! What a pretty summery! I am not ready for fall, either! Sooo...I take it you don't like my frenchy music? I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  42. Oh, what a wonderful table and how nice to have lending friends! :)
    Are those real leaves as placemats? I just love it all and those little monkey holders are adorable.
    Be a sweetie and I love that song - The Archies! :)
    Be a sweetie,

  43. Is a gorgeous setting, love the creative placemats!!!

  44. Kathleen, this is such a lovely and relaxing setting.
    All the greens and white with the touch of black gives the feel of being on a 'Tropical Island'!Looking at this makes it so much harder to see the Summer go.
    Love your dishes and accessories. I've never seen plates anywhere as nice as these, at my Dollar Tree.

  45. Oh, such a lovely table. I saw those plates and resisted, they are all gone now. The placecard holders are too cute. Are they Arther Court?

  46. Oh, such a lovely table. I saw those plates and resisted, they are all gone now. The placecard holders are too cute. Are they Arther Court?

  47. You have a very good friend there, ya' know! Very lush & tropical looking...perfect for the end of a really HOT summer!

    Love the fun placemats as well as that table with the long skirt. :D :D

    Thanks for your sweet words about my DD & Dad.


  48. Love this summery, tropical look especially with the green and black!

  49. love love love the green swirly long ago did you buy them at the CTS?....

  50. I'm really lovin' this, K.
    So so pretty. I love that Dollar Tree..need to go by and see what they have.
    You know, when I started playing in tablescapes, I knew I couldn't buy very much to play with...Social Security, you, I just keep my eyes out for thrifted items to play with..and it's been a lot of fun without spending money....:)) Poor me...I am soooo poor. :((
    But, blessed...oh, and I DO have pecans...and lots of them!!
    hugs, bj

  51. Can you go to your Control Panel, click on Volume Control and set your volume icon to appear in your tool bar?

  52. It may have been hot outside the day you set this table, but the setting has a cooling feel to it. Love all the tropical details. You know I'm a monkey person! ~ Sarah


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