Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July says goodbye…

It is hard to believe next week is August.  I think every year it goes faster and faster.

School  doesn’t start  here till September, so we have plenty of summer left!

My hydrangea are out of control this year!

Picture 331

I cut them back last year, but man, they are over 6 ft tall, and the ones by the garage are covering the windows!

I know you have to cut them after they bloom, or you will lose next years blooms.

A year without hydrangea?  Oh that would make me BLUE!

Picture 356

Tonight’s inspiration…blue hydrangea, yellow and soft greens.

I started with a soft green cloth with a muted stripe.

Picture 354

Then I layered on all the colors in the napkin.

Blue mat, smaller yellow one from my friend Susan at Savoring Time in the Kitchen, White charger…

Picture 341

Buttery yellow plate, Pottery Barn, light blue salad, Pfaltzgraff, clearance center….26 cents.

Picture 345

Green swirl flatware, Christmas Tree Shop, 5.00 for 12 pcs.

Picture 351

Blue tumblers, CTS, Darker blue stems, CTS, clearance, 1.00

Picture 346

These are also by Waverly, CTS. Cute plaid on the bottom! ($1.99)Picture 342

Hydrangea from the garden, little yellow ramekins, Tarjay, green butter dishes, Pfaltzgraff, and little blue glass flower pot votives, Walmart, years ago, .25 cents.

I think that’s it!  Thanks for visiting!

Please stop in at Susan’s Between Naps on the Porch for more tablescapes. 


  1. What a pretty color scheme!!! I like this. Thank you for your visit. And the relish is "resting" 'til tomorrow! Cathy

  2. So I guess the Waverly runner is a tease??? Can't wait to see it in a future tablescape! This is beautiful, so glad you're having a great year with the hydrangea-enjoy!

  3. Beautiful table setting! I love hydrangea.Hugs,Fatima-Scrapart.

  4. Your hydrangeas are beautiful, inside and out!! I saw a few beautiful pots in the background of your garden. Another successful thing you manage to juggle!!

    Your table is just beautiful Love all of the layering!


  5. Six foot hydrangea's? Holy Moly! I have the kind that you don't cut back. But they don't grow that tall. Mine are about 4" tall and although we watered daily, some of the bloom tips have a little brown on them.

    Another gorgeous table! :)

  6. Hi Kathleen,
    I love hydrangeas...they do so well in your neck of the woods.
    I couldn't stop taking pictures of them when I was there.
    Believe it or not my old green thumb can grow them here, not as pretty though. Your table is so fresh and pretty...Ilove anything blue and yellow.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Kathleen, how beautiful! My husband inadvertantly pruned at the wrong time last year and we only had a couple of blooms this year. Your table is so very pretty and I just love the color combo!
    xoxo Pattie

  8. I like how you pulled all the colors from the napkins, not missing any...very pretty...like sunshine shining from a blue sky onto the green grass.
    Your hydrangeas are GORGEOUS!

  9. I really like this tablescape, those Waverly napkins are gorgeous and you picked wonderful things to highlight the colors.

    It took me a while to get to the tablescape, I was staring in envy at your beautiful hydrangeas - all our pink, green or white here no matter what color they are supposed to be :)

  10. Your hydrangea's are just fantastic. Wow, I sure wish we could grow them here. Love your fabulous tablescape. The blue and yellow is just unreal. So pretty. Hugs, Marty

  11. I love your beautiful color scheme - and the use of your hydrangeas. Six feet tall??


  12. I was just bemoaning the fact that August was going to be here on Sunday!

    If I could only grow those beautiful blue hydrangeas, I'd be such a happy gal. Just bought an Incrediball hydrangea today to replace the ones in my garden that never bloom here because our winters are too cold. Lots of foliage - no flowers.

    Beautiful blue and yellow table, Kathleen! I love those cheery yellow chargers ;)

  13. Gorgeous hydrangeas! Love the blue and yellow 'scape too, very fresh and summery looking! Can't believe it is almost August either! The years do go by faster and faster don't they?


  14. They are so pretty - you know I love hydrangeas!

  15. Another lovely table... and what a bargain shopper you are! The hydrangea are beautiful. I just may get to a CTS when visiting back east in August! woo-hoo!


  16. How lovely. Such fresh colors. I'm having a pretty good hydrangea year, also, but have no blue ones - only a dark pink. Yours are yummy

  17. Kathleen, your tables never fail to inspire me. This one is simply beautiful. I love how you combined all the colors and you have some beautiful flowers in your yard. I envy your green thumb.

  18. Oh Kathleen! I LOVE hydrangas - and I never cut mine, so I best get out there and start cutting!!!

    I love this table - blue and yellow. Does it get any better??? And of course those towels from CTS make it! Now that I see that flatware on your table, I'm wondering why I didn't get it???

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Hydrangeas are pretty no matter how they are used, and I love the way they inspired the combinations on your tablescape.

  20. Hydrangeas are pretty no matter how they are used, and I love the way they inspired the combinations on your tablescape.

  21. A 6 foot hydrangea bush covered with beautiful blooms ~ now I'm totally jealous! LOL Didn't know about cutting the blooms so it will bloom again the following year. Of course that wouldn't be a problem for me. I'd fill the house with those gorgeous blooms, have them in every room.
    Great table! Love the green swirled flatware too! ~ Sarah

  22. Love the blue and yellow together. You always put together the best tablescapes.


  23. This is such a pretty table and those bargains!! Where do you find them? The color scheme is beautiful and very summery!

    Great post, as usual :-)

  24. Kathleen, what a lovely table! Love all the pretty colors in this one. And those hydrangeas! I wish I could grow them like that.

    You really scored with the deals on this, too! Bravo!


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. I can't bellieve how time is flying, either!

  25. very pretty table! love blues and yellows!

    The hydrangea's are gorgeous. DO you use them dried? I love the dried hydrangea's, too!

  26. Fabulous hydrangeas!! The tablescape is really pretty with all those colors from the napkins, love it! Waverly fabric is the best! What a bargain on the flatware! Great job (as usual!!)


  27. I LOVE that tablecloth and color combination! Your hydrangeas are beautiful! Ours are just about gone here. After Labor Day is when school SHOULD start. My daughter goes back next week :(. Beautiful as alway (and thrifty as always too :)!!

  28. I wish I had your problem, Kathleen...having out of control hydrangeas! They are simply gorgeous and so is your tablescape....Christine

  29. I wish I had your problem, Kathleen...having out of control hydrangeas! They are simply gorgeous and so is your tablescape....Christine

  30. Hi Kathleen, love your hydrangea tablescape. The blue and yellow are so pretty and I really adore your table linen! Joni

  31. Beautiful inspiration- love the hydrangeas!

  32. Hi Kathleen,

    Blue and yellow always work beautifully together! You've combined everything perfectly -- and what great bargains you've found! You must have a blue thumb when it comes to nurturing hydrangeas -- and the kind of environment they prefer. The ones here are looking rather sad. :-(

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving the fun, thoughtful comment. I started with a Quaker Lace cloth this week, because it was on my mind from our recent (e-mail) conversation. I hope to see your mom's on your table soon (with or without the clear plastic protective covering!). ;)

    Bye for now,

  33. I think that this had to have been a long, leisurely meal because no one would have wanted to get up and leave the table. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  34. Such a pretty table! Your hydrangeas are beautiful, and I love that green swirl flatware!

  35. Your hydrangeas are outstanding Kathleen! And your table is gorgeous and full of great deals!
    I love the soft yellows and greens and the pretty glow of this stunning table!
    You probably have the best climate there by the ocean for hydrangeas to just thrive! Love it!

  36. Hi Kathleen, Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Some of mine are doing fine but the deer keep eating the buds off the white ones! I always love blue and yellow--did some myself this week with my hydrangea in a yellow pot. That green swirl flatware is very interesting! Linda

  37. Beautiful! Love your color combination and your wonderful hydrangeas! Wonderful flatwear too.

  38. LOVE blue and yellow and LOVE Waverly....You've combined everything so masterfully. Thanks for sharing. -Sharon

  39. Oh, I am so jealous of your hydrangeas! They are so pretty. This blue and yellow combination is so pretty together. I love the layers of dishes, each looking wonderful with the others.

  40. Hey Kathleen! I'm feeling so much better, not quite fully recovered but getting closer every day!

    Your hydrangea are so gorgeous! Love the blue color..just so pretty!

    As always a gorgeous table. Nobody and I mean NOBODY sets a table as well as you do!

  41. I had no idea you had to cut them back. I better tell that to my daughter as she has tons of them growing at her new house. I notice the sun is starting to go down sooner and it is now dark at 8:45 on the island. I wish summer would last forever with long nights and lots and lots of cherries,ice cream, fruit cobblers and corn on the cob dripping with butter:-) No wonder why my shorts don't zip:-)

  42. Such a pretty color scheme. I love blue and yellow together! Your hydrangeas are beautiful!

  43. Kathleen, We must have been thinking on the same wavelength for TT! I also used blue hydrangeas, and had many thrifty finds on my table too!

    Your colors are so beautiful together. Blue, yellow and green are one of my most favorite combination! You masterfully mixed different colors of your scheme to make a very appealing and interesting stack! And your napkins... they are perfection.

    I love your flatware! It is so fun!!!!

    This table is a real treat!
    And a note about the peach dumplings, I keep the skin on if the peaches are very ripe. I find they get too soggy if I peel them.

  44. Your tables are amazing! I don't know where you are shopping, but you got some great deals too!

  45. This is SO beautiful! I need you to come to my house and HELP ME! :)

    ~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~

  46. I pruned my hydrangeas too vigerously last year and sadly I got very few blooms this summer:( I hope they make up for it next year!

    This is a very pretty table setting as blue and yellow go so well together..I love that Waverly print!

    I saw a preview of Williams Sonoma new fall line on facebook ...I'm drooling!

  47. Love your table. layering placemats is a wonderful idea. your hydrangeas are beautiful, I wish we could grow them where I live. simply beautiful!

  48. Hi, K...
    I worried when I didn't see you at Gollum's this morning but I see you are fine.

    Your table is just beautiful, as always. Love the 2 placemat trick.

    Hydrangeas are so pretty and I so wish we could grow them in West Texas. Do they grow best in about 6 hrs of sun and they probably would need to be in a protected spot away from the winds we have out here. Your's are just breathtaking.

  49. Kathleen, there is no such thing as an out of control hydrangea! Yours are gorgeoushe! Loving the soft blues and yellows on your table. You have layered EVERYTHING - even the placemats, and it looks so pretty. laurie

  50. Love the layering placemats! I'm going to borrow that idea sometime! What a friendly table you set. And the $1.99 Waverly runner ... WHERE did you get that? I couldn't read the tag upside down no matter how much I tried to enlarge it. LOL.

  51. LOVE these beautiful colors! But .25?!? Not fair, lol!! Love it all! Thanks so much for stopping by:-)

  52. Greetings! I just discovered your blog. You have gorgeous things - and, for a lot of them you get GORGEOUS PRICES!! I love hydrangeas, I wish they would grow here for me... Anyway, I will look at your older posts. You blog looks so pretty.
    Best regards,

  53. Beautiful blues and yellows, Kathleen ...

    Hydrangeas out of control ... oh, to only have such a gorgeous problem. :)

  54. Your hydrangea bush is amazing! Love the table setting too. I love that you take time to prepare delicious meals along with stylish settings...fabulous!

  55. I have one hydrangea, and believe me, it is not out of control. It's brand new this year, so hopefully next year it will be a little more showy. Love the beautiful blues and yellows!

  56. I am seriously in love with those napkins!!! What fabulous bargains you find, Kathleen & what fabulous flowers you've grown! I'm jealous of both. ;-p

    The color scheme is classic & your take on all the layers & shadings really bring it to life. BRAVO!!

  57. Your hydrangeas look amazing!! and I love this blue and yellow table. It would look nice at my house.

  58. I thought I commented here but I guess I read it in Google Reader..I wish they would come up with an easy way to comment from there :-) Your hydrangeas are so beautiful. Mine are bigger this year too. I was thinking it might be all our rain we had. You had a wet spring too so maybe? Love the napkins. Yellow and blue together is a favorite of mine. Hey did you see my new blue plates..the gingham ones with the rooster in the middle? Yayy me!


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