Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th! Summer Sunday & A Favorite Thing

Hope everyone is enjoying this long holiday weekend!  We have had sunny skies, and tonight there will be fireworks down at our beach.

My computer had another virus, how do these things happen with all the programs we use to prevent it?  So I spent a few hours sharing my holiday with my friendly Dell technicians!  :(  I was unable to visit anyone, but I’ll be by soon!

A few favorite things on a Summer Sunday…

Dinner at the ocean…after 5 the lifeguards leave and “the chair” becomes my 2 y o  gson’s dare devil activity!

table 4275

table 4279

Yesterday our annual Beach Party at the Bay…

table 4280

We had perfect weather for swimming and boating.

July 4th Breakfast ~ some warm fresh peach crumb cake.

table 4273

table 4287

Happy Fourth everyone!  Enjoy the holiday tomorrow too!  God Bless America!

table 4288

table 892

A special thanks to all those serving our country who can’t celebrate with their families today!

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Summer Sundays


  1. Your home looks great, enjoy the fireworks! Sorry to hear about the computer problems, those virus makers need to use their powers for good instead of evil!

  2. Hi Kathleen! Your home is so pretty all dressed up for the 4th! The crumb cake looks yummy! but the best pic is your grandson on the lifeguard chair! cute! Happy 4th!...hugs...Debbie

  3. You really have a gorgeous home Kathleen! I love everything about it! And the beach and water and your cute little grandson, how perfect!

  4. Hey can you see our fireworks from there??? I can see yours!

    Glad to hear your having such a great weekend with the family....sorry about the computer glitch though!

  5. Your house looks so nice with all the red, white and blue! D looks so cute up there on the lifeguard's chair. We got rained out, bet there are more than a few disappointed kids...the peach crumb cake looks yummy.

  6. Kathleen, your home looks picutre perfect with the bunting on the porch. Love the shot of your grandson on the life guard stand. He is a brave one! Bet he keeps everyone on their toes!
    I've been worried about you. Sorry you've had computer issues. That's never fun.
    Enjoy your holiday weekend with the family. Sarah

  7. Lovely, Lovely, LOVELY!!

    That little stinker up on the lifeguards chair has a wonderful outlook on life...doesn't let anything scare him! Go for the thrill!

    Beautiful bunting across the porch. I seriously considered doing around the gazebo but nixed the idea after I realized how high I would have to climb on the ladder. Maybe I'll hang some from the INSIDE next year. LOL

    loved seeing your celebrations!

    p.s.POOP on the computer virus...doncha just hate that??? Grrrr!

  8. Kathleen, my dream would be to live where you do. Looks like you had a wonderful 4th- it poured here in Florida :( My 2 year old g'son would be right up there with yours!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. I love that porch, Kathleen. And being so close to the beach - lucky, lucky you. Yikes, you've got quite the little climber there!!! Happy 4th.

  10. First - love the new color of your background !

    I'll take a piece of that peach crumb cake..can't wait for fresh peaches to come around here.

    The pic of your g-son on the lifegurd chair is so cute - one to show him in about ten years to remind him of a little stinker!

    Sounds like you had a busy but enjoyable holiday to relax!

  11. Kathleen, I LOVE that bunting on your porch. Your house is so inviting and so charming. Looks like a fun day at the beach. That looks a little scary to see that tiny 4 yr old up there on the life guard stand, but he does look like he's very proud of himself! I'm so glad you had a computer virus and not a human virus! Hope everything is fixed now. laurie

  12. Glad you got good weather. Everything looks so perfect for the 4th! Blessings...

  13. Looks like a great time at the beach! hey, did you see Adam? I sent him by to pick things from your trunk, LOL! You must have been at the beach!

    Sorry about your virus! PITA!

  14. me again...forgot to answer your question. My finger is healed completely, but I have a cute little dimple along side the nail where I took off a chunk. I always wanted a dimple!!! ~~insert rolled eyes~~

  15. Those viruses are such a pain, but so happy to hear you had a great weekend. There is nothing like the beach and the water for SUMMER.

    Thanks so much for being a party of "Summer Sundays".

    - The Tablescaper

  16. Your house is awesome! And I'd sure love to get my hands on some of that crumb cake.

  17. Glad you're back, I've missed you! That peach crumb cake looks so yummy! Your house is beautiful!


  18. It looks like yoU had a wonderful 4th of July, Kathleen! Being in the water was definitely a good way to spend the holiday with all the heat we've been having.

    Your peach crumble looks so good and your house looked very ferstive for the hoiliday.

    ♥ Pat

  19. Sorry you are having computer issues. I sure know what that is like after my fiasco a few weeks ago for cing me to buy a new computer. I just saw that Cherry pitter on another blog today and asked where she purchased it. I was just in WS yesterday and I did not see it. I will order one on line tonight as you both said it is a wonderful one that is easy and does not mutilate the cherry. I used (THANK YOU) all your goodies for the 4th but forgot to take a photo. Remembered after we cleaned up. So many people here that my head was spinning in the kitchen and at the table:-) Now the 2 yr old on the life guard chair would make me nervous but I bet he had fun. Your house looks lovely all decked out for the 4th and thanks for remembering our soldiers!

  20. I love your patriotic floral arrangement. And your festive home. Looks like you had a wonderful Fourth, and the water looks very inviting with the heat wave we've been having. Thanks for remembering our soldiers.

  21. okay where do I get the recipe for the peach crumb cake....we are in peach heaven down here...not from Georgia...but from SC....they are wonderful and I need something to do with them...

  22. Looks like it was a lovely weekend there, Kathleen! Beautiful photos of the Bay. There's nothing like a hot day to make going in that water actually feel good!

    Soon, a certain grandson of mine will be doing those stunts too ;)


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