Wednesday, July 21, 2010

100 Tablescapes~ Where did the time go?

Susan, our lovely host from Between Naps on the Porch is celebrating 100 Tablescape Thursdays.  Congratulations, Susan!

  Has anyone done all 100?  They should get a perfect attendance award!   The golden dish award!

She suggested we do an outdoor table.  Sounds good to me.  I have these pretty floor length cloths I like to use for garden party themes, so I was set to go.

I used them once for this, pre blogging.

table 973 table 981

Last year my friend Susan from Savoring Time in the Kitchen had a Garden Party meme, and I used them again.  Same cloth, but everything else is different.

 table 2693

My friend told me white chairs would look better than my dark green ones, so I lugged the white chairs out, and I went with lavender rather than blue.

table 2688

Snail rings, white fan shaped salads, etc.

So today, the sun is blazing and it is hot, but I dig out those cloths.  I got them on ebay a few years ago.

table 034

I got 3 as I have 3 tables on the deck.

And just as I was setting up, sweating bullets, thunder!  And the skies opened up.

I grabbed all my accoutrements, ( you thought Bill was the only one with accoutrements? :)  ) and ran for cover!table 2706


Picture 332

We will have to have our garden party another day!

We can still eat though!

I made some Baked linguine with ricotta and mozzarella with chicken .  A nice light wine sauce over the top, and snow peas.

Picture 321

Freshly grated parmesan reggiano on top.

Picture 324

And of course, dessert.

Fresh baked cherry pie to celebrate Susan’s 100 Tablescapes.  Here’s to a 100 more!

Picture 317

Here’s a piece for you, with a scoop of homemade cherry vanilla ice cream. It can’t hurt! :)

Picture 336

Thanks for visiting!

I am also joining Foodie Friday at by Designs by Gollum.


  1. Bummer we didn't get to see your table, but dinner looks great and dessert well, that's just beautiful!!!
    I made chocolate ice cream today with my new machine-yummy:@)

  2. Very pretty garden set up! Yummy looking pie as well!!

  3. Sorry it rained on your party. It all looked lovely. Glad you got a photo before the storm. Love the snails and the fan plates. You are still teasing us all with those cherry pies. Do you ship? LOL
    Hope the rain brought some cooler temps. ~ Sarah

  4. Kathleen, Happy 100th week of TT to you! Your tables from years gone by are lovely as I know a "new" one would have been! I was fortunate to get my table set up and pics taken before I heard thunder rumbling in the distance! That sure is a terrific outdoor entertaining area you have with room for all those tables & chairs (I like the white chairs better too!) Would LOVE some of that cherry pie and "matching" ice cream!


  5. Oh Kathleen, I just LOVE your yard! We so hope to be able to find a place with a decent yard
    Such a pretty setting and I really would love to be at your place for dinner :)
    xoxo Pattie

  6. I remember that table, Kathleen! 100 tablescapes is quite an accomplishment - wow!

    Your baked pasta dish and pie look scrumptious and are making me VERY hungry right now!

  7. That is great Kathleen! And your right, I thought Bill was the only one with the accrou thingies! lol.
    Well my dear, things look fabulous as usual at your place. And the food is awesome, cherry pie, my fave!

  8. Kathleen, it looks great! I love the summery feel and the little blossoms tucked into the napkins. rain might be ruining my plans for this evening very soon too :(

  9. Kathleen, what a serene and beautiful tablescape! The flowers on your table are gorgeous and look at those scrumptious looking treats, wow! Sorry it rained, please have us over again and soon!


  10. Isn't funny how in our gardens we hate snails but yet we find snails on our tablescapes so cute! I love those napkin rings! The added touch of the flowers is darling.


  11. It's beautiful Kathleen!!

    I didn't do an outdoor table, but it's pretty close.:-). I haven't participated since winter... wanted to for the 100th.

  12. Such gorgeous tablecoths, Kathleen! They are PERFECT for a garden party!
    Those little fan shaped salad dishes are too stinkin' cute for words.

    Your Baked linguine looks delicious & so does that pie. I know my husband would love to have YOU for his wife! Well, except for that boyfriend Bill of yours. He wouldn't care for all the money you spend on him. LOL

  13. I think those are my favorites! They are gorgeous and I love the full length! Sorry it rained on your parade, we didn't get any.

    Dinner looks great, so does the pie!

    Happy 100 to Between Naps on the Porch!

  14. The floral tablecloths are beautiful and the table you set is too! Sorry about the rain :-( The food looks wonderful, especially that pie!!


  15. First time at your site! Will bookmark this for sure...I am obsessed with table settings. I have an obsession with table cloths and napkins! Gorgeous photos!

  16. beautiful table, the lavendar just pops out at you!

  17. kathleen, I think your garden setting is amazing.. what a wonderul place to relax and feast..


  18. Hi Kathleen, Your garden party setup was gorgeous!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those tablecloths and I would have wanted them all too. It's so hard to get HUGE round(so I usually buy square or rectangle}. The print has a definite "MONET" feel, and how fantastic is that for a garden party!!! It's SO wonderful to meet another fellow Connolly also(how fantastic is THIS???) Tomorrow morning I'll be here on your blog to "check out everything", and I'll email you... So happy you found me, I'm up here on the Connecticut side of Long Island Sound, if you squint you can see me waving my hanky at you(HELLLLO)... Talk to you tomorrow, Donna Connolly

  19. Oh, I can relate to the rain shower! We had to wait out a shower too. (But since we were on a farm... and they need rain... it made us all the happier.)

    Loved the table you did set. The florals and colors are beautiful.

    I would definitely enjoy a garden party thrown by you.

  20. Oh and your "lunch looked incredible"... Wow, Would you share your cherry pie recipe with me..."PLEASE"??? Donna

  21. Sorry you got rained out and had to run everything back inside. I like the table with the lavender, looks really summery.

  22. Those snails are fabulous. A little rain never hurt anyone...ask me... I live in British Columbia.

  23. What a great post! You've overcome one of those moments when real life rears its ugly head. I think that we are birds of a feather...I always try to buy three of every tablecloth for our outdoor tables, too. I love the vibrant colors of your tablescape. Thank you for sharing your designs. Cherry Kay

  24. 3 tables? I'll have a ball tablescaping each and everyone of them. You set a real nice garden table, Kathleen, so colorful and festive. But the food, OMG! Can I come over?...Christine

  25. Kathleen,
    what a shame, you prepered such a nice table and then you got rained out and had to bring all the things back inside. But the table was really great and so look the food. So I think, you and your guests will have enjoyed the party although. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tablescape.
    Greetings, Johanna

  26. Your cherry pie leaves my mouth watering. Rained here off and on for three days...No party outside here either. Wishing you well! Cathy

  27. VERY ,VERY , VERY BEAUTIFUL !The napkin ring is special in your table, I loved it. Hugs,Fatima-Scrapart.

  28. Everything looked beautiful, K.
    Love the sweet snails and your cloth is so pretty.
    Especally am loving the cherry pie. I am making one this weekend for our fellowship group.
    Oh, and your yard is so pretty.

  29. Oh your tables look fabulous, and I would welcome the rain. So hot and humid and no rain in sight. Dinner looks fabulous. I really would love a piece of that pie and ice cream. Your yard is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  30. What a pretty table! I love those napkin rings. Your cloths are just beautiful. That food looks amazing. If you tire of the rain, send some my way. It would make my garden (and me!) very happy.

  31. A little rain never hurts anyting...right? Your yard is beautiful, Kathleen and what a nice deck you have. Everything looks so lush. It must be that ocean air.

    Despite the weather dinner looks fantastic. I would like to start with a slice of pie, thank you.

  32. Beautiful! and your delicious meals always entice!

  33. Great post. Too bad about the rain. But the tablescape you did show is so pretty.

  34. Kathleen my kitchen window air conditioner is not able to cool down the room in this heat so I haven't been cooking. When can I come over to your house for dinner? lol!

    Your outdoor tablescape was so pretty! Sorry it rained!

  35. Kathleen my kitchen window air conditioner is not able to cool down the room in this heat so I haven't been cooking. When can I come over to your house for dinner? lol!

    Your outdoor tablescape was so pretty! Sorry it rained!

  36. Cute post, Kathleen! Those are great tablecloths -- and how wonderful that you have THREE outdoor tables. The two tablescapes you WERE able to show were very pretty! My table this week was prompted by your encouragement to try an all-white one, and I would be honored if you stopped by!

  37. Hi Kathleen! Your yard is beautiful, and so are the tables. We were rained on too, so I used pictures i took earlier this spring. And your pie looks absolutely delicious! Linda

  38. Kathleen, you lucky girl! How did you just happen to find 3 beautiful cloths that fit your 3 tables so perfectly on Ebay? Love that hydrangea candle ring. Are the flowers in one of those containers that goes around the pole of an umbrella? Your snail napkin rings are so pretty, and what are those beautiful chargers under your place settings? Dinner looks delicious, as it always does at your house. laurie

  39. What a shame you had to undo your pretty table. Your food looks incredible! I'd be happy eating it even in the rain!

  40. What a pretty table. You made it look cool and comfortable. The pie and and pasta is awesome looking!

  41. Yummy! Thanks for sharing your previous beautiful tablescapes with that lovely tablecloth, three of them to boot. Now that's for entertaining. Can't wait to see what you do with that tablecloth next.

    All the Best,


  42. Sorry it had to 'Rain On Your Parade'...
    So disappointing.
    It WAS a pretty table setting.
    I agree, using the White Chairs, adds to the lovely Garden Setting.

    Your menu is devine...any leftovers?

  43. I am back by here, Kathleen, to ogle that food! And it looks just as good this time around, and I want to come over right now and fix myself a plate. Delicious!

    I shouldn't read FF posts this late at night because I invariably start eating. ;-)

    Happy FF to you!


    Sheila :-)

  44. it was so pretty, I love the table cloths.. beautiful florals. and dinner looked wonderful..

  45. Homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream! Love it, wish I had a recipe for that one....hint,hint ;)
    Love your snails too.

  46. Now that I know, 'it can't hurt', I'd love to have a slice of that delicious looking cherry pie with cherry vanilla ice-cream :)

    Your deck and yard is still beautiful even without all the accoutrements!

  47. What a pretty garden tablecloth! How rude of the weather not to cooperate! Your dinner looks wonderful indoors or out!

  48. What a pretty garden tablecloth! How rude of the weather not to cooperate! Your dinner looks wonderful indoors or out!

  49. Mother Nature foils the best of our plans. At least you had pictures of previous tables set with those cloths. The food looks delicious...especially the cherry pie with matching ice cream...yummm!

  50. Your garden party looked so inviting...sorry about the rain though, although we could use of that here. I enjoyed this post so much that I kept reading all your other posts as well...delightful...everything looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  51. Kathleen, cut me a big, big piece of that pie, please! I love your outdoor ''s elegant and just perfect for a summer day. Beautiful's hard to find those floor length type. Everything was so lovely...sorry about those rain showers. Thanks for playing along these last 100 weeks! :)

  52. Well, sometimes it's a good thing to be busy! Company is still here (having a good time, but just no time for blogging!) but I'm stealing a moment.
    I love those cloths and how beautiful they look on your porch. And I think changing the chairs to white and adding the lavender (and the cutey snail) is the perfect touch!

    - The Tablescaper

  53. I will always remember that table and beautiful cloth! 100 weeks of tablescapes, where has the time gone?

    I must make a pie, that does look wonderful!

  54. Inside or out, I'm sure the meal was just delish. You always create pretty and fun settings.
    It's supposed to cool down here this week. Hope it rains, but that would probably mean more humidity. ICK
    Stay cool and enjoy that gorgeous backyard of yours!
    hugs, Sue


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