Sunday, June 6, 2010


I am late but it still Sunday, and I want to join in the The Tablescaper’s event, Summer Sunday.

Today we celebrated a very happy event, my oldest sister’s 50th wedding anniversary.  It was a lovely party, 150 people, some I hadn’t seen in decades.  Lots of fun and lots of Irish dancing!

A few things I look forward to in summer..

table 2645

Homemade fresh peach ice cream…..

table 2721

Watching the gkids enjoy our beautiful beach…

table 2913

Family clamming adventures!  Here come the makings of some Long Island Clam Chowder!

table 2931

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Kathleen-Love these pictures. I would love to visit here. I know you had a fun time. We celebrated 33 on Friday!

  2. Peach ice cream. Droooollll. Congrats to your sister her husband. That is a big anniversary.
    I'll pass on the shellfish but love the beach shots. How cold is that water?

  3. Kathleen:

    Thanks so much for joining the party, particularly after such a very special weekend.

    Summer does mean family and fun. And clams and water!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Summer fun has officially arrived! Doesn't get any better than peach ice cream and the gkids at the beach. AND an outdoor shower to rinse them off in :) You do live in Paradise come summertime!

  5. Kathleen, we spent the weekend painting the kitchen! I'm so jealous! We are both SO missing the beach
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Looks like fun, love clam chowder and peach ice cream!

  7. Yum, peach ice cream is my favorite. And fresh lucky you are to have the beach so close by. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Seeing old friends and lots of Irish dancing has got to equal a very good time.

  8. Sweetie - your tables are always worth the wait. Homemade peach ice cream? I SWOON! A very Happy Anniversary to your sister, and best wishes for the next 50!
    And keep those Hamptons beach photos coming - we love them!

  9. Hi Kathleen,
    Love the fam pics on the beach. I have never gone clamming and it looks like great fun. I do remember my fam when I was a kid bringing home buckets of clams, tossing them on a newspaper clad table and going to town. Good memories....
    I just booked my flight to visit fam in your neck of the woods, and I havent been back there in about 20 years. You will have to give me a list of things I shouldn't miss.
    Enjoy your day.

  10. I'm so glad you had good weather for the celebration! I would have loved to see the Irish dancing :) Love the beach photos and you're right, it is a beautiful beach.

  11. Happy Anniversary to your sister and hubby on 50 years!
    The ice cream looks good, but not as good as those clams...♥♥♥ freshly made clam chowder.

  12. Please extend my congratulations as well. I hope they have been healthy and happy years.
    It looks like a wonderful time and really delicious food.

  13. I want to go to that beach Kathleen!
    Happy Anniversary to your sis!
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. OMG but that ice cream looks luscious. Glad you had a fab day w/family on the beach. The water and waves look so pretty and refreshing.
    We had cooler weather here today- mid seventies. I opened all the windows to let in the breeze. Now if those D*@^ crows would stop making all that racket, I'd be enjoying the night air! LOL
    xo Sue

  15. I've never been clamming...would love that!

  16. Kathleen, I know your weekend event was beautiful. My brief visit to NYC was fun and the Friday night cruise magical. It's was magical to see the city all lit up as the boat cruised by, but seeing Lady Liberty was totally breath taking. I hadn't seen her up close like that since I was in high school. :-)
    Look forward to seeing your TT. Will we see the party pics? ~ Sarah

  17. Sounds like a wonderful time...I have been away and missed my blog buddies

  18. Kathleen the beach is beautiful, and even more special when your grandchildren are enjoying it. Peach ice cream sounds wonderful!

  19. How fun to have a family clamming adventure - I can only imagine! The fun times you all must have living so close to the beach!

    Happy Anniversary to your sis and husband!

  20. Kathleen, I came over and visited your blog Sun, and left a comment, but when I hit the "publish" button, I got a message that "Blogger is not available". It happened on several more blogs, so I went to Blogger forum, and a lot of people were having that same problem. Mine was down for at least 2 days. I was out of town Sat., so not sure about Sat. Then I got a stomach virus. Starting to feel like I might live again though. (I've missed 2 days of work, and I never miss work, because what I go back to is horrible). These photos made me want to go to the beach so badly. They are beautiful shots, and it sounds like y'all had a great time. I wish I had a bowl of that peach ice cream right now (yep! I think I'm well!) laurie

  21. Hi Kathleen!
    I thought you might have been on vacation :-) Congratulations to your sister and husband on their milestone anniversary!

    I love peach ice cream and clam chowder --summer bring so many good things to our table! I hope the oil spill in the gulf does not reach the LI shores as predicted by August. It is so depressing!

    My friend and I arev going out to the CTS tomorrow, weather permitting! Hope we find some good bargains!

    xxoo Pat

  22. Hi Kathleen! Oh, congrats to your sister and her hubby on their anniversary! Love your great beachy photos!!
    Thanks so much for popping in to see my little Carter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Happy 50th Anniversary to your sister!! I wish I had been there to see all the Irish dancing! :-)

  24. Your sister must have felt like a queen with all the food you prepared and the pretty tablescapes. Looks like everyone had so much fun. The peach ice cream looks so good!...Christine

  25. Fresh peach icecream is a favorite of mine. It reminds me of being a kid and going to my favorite aunts house in the summer. She had big peach trees and we would pick them and make icecream. YUM!

    I have not thought about those great memories in a long time. Thanks for the smile.


  26. Okay, that does it! I'm calling my sister an telling her she better get to claming and make my Dad's baked clam recipe while I'm there. Kathleen, every post you do is a walk down memory lane for me, I love it!


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