Friday, June 11, 2010


Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie does a meme every Saturday.  You just show a favorite thing.  Can we ever run out of those?  :)

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Do you  have these?  Hypericum or St. John’s Wort.  They spread like crazy, so I just pull them up and plant them all over.  My neighbor is a doc and told me they are used to treat depression.  Maybe we should roll around in them?  No need, they make me happy just seeing them bloom every year.

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Some Baby’s Breath and Dianthus…and some silly iris I bought that never bloom.  They have to go!

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Some to welcome the mailperson!

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Clematis on the arbor, and…

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Lilies scenting the air…

Flowers are definitely among my favorite things~

 Summer Sundays_thumb

How about a boat ride on a Summer Sunday?

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Here’s one coming in to pick us up!  Grab your life jacket!  This is the little yacht club for my community.

See the name of the boat on the left?  The owner has a car dealership.  Hence the name, :).  Pat Mille Favoriti…see where it is from??

I am joining The Tablescaper for her Summer Sunday meme.  Please go visit these 2 special bloggers and see what they have for you!

Hope you are all having a wonderful June weekend!

Monday is Flag Day…the emblem of the home of the free because of the brave.

Show your colors…long may she wave :)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Flowers, flowers...
    Can we ever get enough of them? NEVER!!!!!!
    Yours are lovely.
    Have a sweet weekend my friend,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Your yellow flowers are so pretty. I have some iris like that - only one has put out blooms the last few years - Don't know what is going on. My neighbor has a large group of them that has not bloomed the last few years. :(
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Kathleen:

    Thanks so much for coming to the "Summer Sundays" party. I love the flowers AND the boating!!! Summer Sundays are so much fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Dig 'em up! Mine won't bloom either :)Love the ST. John's wort!

  5. Hi Kathleen
    I can see the boat came all the way from Brooklyn :-)

    I never saw St. John's Wort before ...pretty fowers!

    I went to the Brooklyn Botanic garden today to take photos of all the roses ..future blog post!
    ♥ Pat

  6. Kathleen, I just got your question about the marshmallow fondant. It tastes like a marshmallowey candy, although I do add almond. I think you would like it and it is soooo easy and soooo cheap to try. Thanks for visiting. I loved the tic tac toe on the table. We will try that. Love your big shell bowl too. My niece thinks I have too many dishes (not the niece that has a food blog - she understands). I showed her your picture of the trunk, hiding from the dish police. I have to say mine has looked like that and I have conveyed dishes home for a friend that looked like that. We took a photo too. What a fun thing to collect.

  7. Kathleen, all your summer blooms are so cheerful. Love the clematis climbing on the arbor. What did you pick for the nosegay?
    Have a great weekend! ~ Sarah

  8. Wow, I love the flowers!! And a boat ride is a must. Love your photos.

  9. I love all of your gorgeous flowers Kathleen! I so love June. I wish I could repeat it over and over about half of the year.
    Happy Weekend,

  10. Oh, I am SO with you! Flowers and water- it doesn't get any better! My clematis did beautifully this year and I've been so thrilled. Have a great weekend!!
    xoxo Pattie

  11. Pretty flowers, especially the clematis...the hypericum is really nice, too...oh, but to live near the water in the summertime, is even better!

  12. Everything looks beautiful Kathleen! I think I just want to come over and spend a weekend! LOL

  13., love, love the flowers! Yours are especially beautiful! What a clever boat name, lol!

    Have a wonderful summer weekend, my friend!


  14. They use hypericum a lot in commercial plantings because it fills in so well.
    The clematis is stunning.

  15. Kathleen, your flowers are so pretty. That clematis is absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to go on a boat ride, and that looks like such a pretty place to go on one. Thanks so much for linking to Fav. Things and for always being such a fabulous supporter of my little weekly event. laurie

  16. Beautiful flowers, they are all gorgeous.
    I'd love to join you on the boat, it's a perfect day for it, shall I bring a picnic?

  17. Your flowers are beautiful. And if I close my eyes I can take inthe wonderful scent of the lilacs. They just won't grow down here. But I can remember as a kid always keeping a fresh vase full of them on the table.

  18. love these. What means summer more to a Long Islander than the water?
    Have a great weekend!

  19. Love the St. John's Wort and the fact that it spreads is even better! Your clematis is gorgeous - wish mine were looking like that!
    Will have to check out the other meme, Summer Sundays - don;t think I have heard of that one.

  20. I like those yellow flowers if they grown everywhere. I wonder if they can thrive here, it's so hot. All your flowers are so prety Kathleen....Christine

  21. Your flowers are just gorgeous....I can look at them over and over.....Have a wonderful Sunday

  22. Kathleen, glad you are enjoying a beautiful day. I envy your beach side living. Happy Summer Sunday! ~ Sarah

  23. Such pretty yellow flowers shouldn't leave anyone feeling very depressed!

  24. I have zillions of those yellow flowers, and they are so cheery! I just dug up some for a friend yesterday. Just call me, and I'll be right down for a boat ride. Your clematis are looking great!

  25. I haven't seen St. John's Wort before but I agree there pretty yellow blossoms are enough to make me happy too. I'll have to check them out.

    How fun to have a sunday afternoon boat ride as well - hope you had a great day!

  26. What a fun post! I love weekend boat rides, a wonderful way to relax.

  27. I love the clematis on the arbor!!

    and the boating scene is wonderful

  28. I love the clematis and the St. Johns Wort as both are so colorful and make me SMILE. Isn't June the best? Now a boat would be a great addition to any home on the water. Remind me to bring my Jackie O sunglasses and a cute scarf when we go sailing on your boat! It was 101* here today and we could have enjoyed a boat ride. Only shade for me today until the hives are completely gone.

  29. Hi K!

    OK, school is almost over so i can get back to my blog and visiting! Your plants look incredible! I think next Sunday I may pop out to Meschutt for breakfast!

  30. Love the boats, similar view here now that the weather is warm! All so pretty but I absolutely love dianthus!

  31. I have the Hypericum/St. John’s Wort. My Mom gave it to does take over so I dig some out each year but I am so glad to learn what it is! The clematis is pretty too!


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