Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tip Toe Through the Tulips Table

I had these pretty pink tulips from Easter.  I decided to do a pink tablescape! They are in a glass spooner I found at a thrift shop for 2.00

table 3677

Just a simple table, I used the pink plaid cloth I got at the fabric outlet for a dollar…cotton from Portugal..

table 3676A white charger..Noritake

Pink polka dot plate … CTS

table 3678

Pink and white check napkin, WSONOMA outlet

table 3688

Pink cabbage soup bowl from HG…

Flatware Dansk

Little white b and b dish WSONOMA.

White porcelain nest with PINK M and M’s Villeroy and Boch..

table 3692 Embossed candleholders are V and B..

table 3697


Since this is so PINK, I am linking, for the first time,  to Beverly’s  ( How Sweet the Sound) Pink Saturday….Thank you Beverly!

The Easter Bunny brought me this platter from WSonoma Outlet…

table 3653

The Easter Bunny is a good shopper..10 bucks!  “Bill” had a price tag of $34.00 on it, but marked them down a few days before Easter…I  , The Easter Bunny got the last one!

Perfect for a Red Velvet Easter Egg shaped cake for my little grand bunnies…

table 3654

It is iced in chocolate and piped with whipped cream.  In between the layers is choc icing and whipped cream.. It disappeared, quick like a bunny..:)

Now hop over to Susan’s Between Naps on the Porch for some more tables..please!

Hope all those who celebrated had a wonderful Easter!

So what’s next?  Earth Day??

Thanks for visiting! Gollum’s Foodie Friday and Laurie’s Favorite Things Saturday coming up!


  1. Very pretty. It all goes together so well, and lucky, lucky Easter Bunny! Good shopping. And what's next? Why Cinco de Mayo of course.

  2. love all the pinks and I adore the bunny platter. Isn't it great how the Easter Bunny knows exactly what to give you?

  3. The table is so pretty. I love pink!

  4. Your table is so darling! I love your pinkness and that platter! I want one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I've been searching for some pretty pink dishes. Looks like you found some wonderful ones! This tablescape is so pretty for spring!


  6. Beautiful! I can't believe the pink cabbages. They are so unusual. Earthday is next, but I have my sites set on Mother's day!

  7. So Pretty in Pink... your table is lovely ..


  8. You are doing just fine with your colors and decorations. Nice job.

  9. What a cheerful table, Kathleen! I'll bet Miss L would love that one.

    I love the bunny platter! What a great buy too.

  10. Gorgeous tulips! I really like the pink tablescape, very "Springy"

    Does Mike know about this obsession you have with BILL!!!!

  11. Very pretty, Kathleen...even if it is pink! I am going to try to pull a pink table together for next week! Can you believe that?

  12. Oh, I love, love, love this!! LOVE pink and this is just perfect. Such a soothing, feel-good color palette. Great job!
    xoxo pattie

  13. I like your pink table. I'm still enjoying my Easter tulips, too. That cake looks delicious!!

  14. Pink is sooo yummy! Love all the pattern mixes, the dots, checks, plaids, etc! Love it all!

    I've been looking for a pink tablecloth to do a TT, haven't seen one anywhere :-(


  15. I love your pinks - so very, very pretty together! The tulips are lovely too. Great china, Katherine and the cake looks fabulous!
    Hugs, Beth

  16. I love it! I've bee yearning for pink dishes lately...I think you just helped me take the leap!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  17. Really pretty table. I love your dishes and I love pink. It all came together nicely.

  18. A perfect pink table. There is something that I absolutely adore about pink! And your table is the sweetest pink thing! Your dishes look beautiful together. I love your bargin fabric for the tablecloth! I think it really ties everything together.
    The little white dishes that hold the butter knives look lovely on the table. I see you got those from the WS outlet, along with those pretty, pretty napkins! I would love to have a WS outlet near me.
    The Easter bunny did very well leaving you that lovely plate. I would keep that out all year!
    So pretty. I would love to be a guest at your table.

  19. So pretty in pink. I love the cabbage bowls, Always like checked fabric. So cozy and cute and the cake is magnificent.

    dotsie (podso)

  20. Kathleen...LOVE your scrumptious table! Those napkins go sooo well...what a find to match your tablecloth! I saw those platters/plates at WS before they went on sale...drooled on them a bit. LOL I will have to remember the late Easter shopping trip!
    :-) Bet your grandkids loved that wonderful cake...I so wish I had your flair for baking! Beautiful tablescape! :-)

  21. Such a pretty table...I'm enjoying your polka dot plates until I get reunited with mine in June...I can't wait to do a tablescape with them....

  22. So pretty and pink!!! It's amazing how well that material goes with the Dollar Tree stuff.

    Man, the Easter bunny wasn't so generous with the adults in my house.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Wow! your Easter bunny did well! Love the plate -- and I love all your pinks as well.

  24. Kathleen, you know I love pink and this table is right up my alley! I love it all...the tablecloth and napkins really set the stage for a lovely table. Hope your Easter was a great one.

  25. I absolutely love pink, so I like everything about this table. The pink tablecloth and napkins, the pink polkadot dishes and pink solid
    salad plates and the pink candies.
    So feminine and springy!
    You did an awesome job, Thanks for

  26. Kathleen-You must have been a very good girl for the bunny to visit Bill for you :) Love the pink cabbage china--I so wish we had a Homegoods! That cake is exquisite and I would never think to do red velvet for Easter!! It is all beautiful, as usual :)

  27. Kathleen, I love all that pink! The plaids, the polka dots, the cabbage plates, the tulips.... And I'd sure love to taste that yummy cake, too.
    Things are going much better on this end. Lots of exercise and PT and my haranguing are making big strides for him! LOL xo Sue

  28. I just love this tablescape..the pink polka dots, cabbage bowls and napkins are just so pretty! Gorgeous..beautiful job!

    Miss Bloomers

  29. That pink plaid is so striking! Love the tulips and all the wonderful touches you put into this tablescape. I appreciate your visit to my blog. :)

  30. Your table is so adorable, Kathleen. Love all the pinks in it. The dishes are very pretty....Chritsine


    My I love this oh so pretty, pink tablescape! Those polka dots,also those dear little cabbage plates, as well as every exquisite detail such as the flowers are wonderful!~ So cheerful!

    Please pop by for a visit..,

    Cheers from Wanda Lee

  32. Cute, cute, cute. And pink M & Ms. You really stick with a theme don't you.

  33. Beautiufl tablescape, Kathleen! Love the pink! And the cake looks so yummy! I am sure the grandies enjoyed it! (I'd get into it myself if I were there! lol) Loved the visitor in your previous post! My sister and BIL had a flock of wild turkies visit them when we were there on Thanksgiving about brave! lol They must have known that all of us are poor shots! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  34. Hi Kathleen,
    I love your pretty in pink table. That cake almost made me hop over for a slice...but I bet those grandies of yours didn't leave much behind. Your pink and white fabric is so perfect for that lovely table. As always, I so enjoy my visit.

  35. A table so pretty in pink!

    Jan @ BellaCasa

  36. Hi Kathleen,

    I was going to ask if you'd mail me a piece of that delightful looking cake ... but I hopped in too slowly, didn't I? Whipped cream probably doesn't travel well anyhow I suppose.

    I'm glad those pretty pink tulips inspired you to create this wonderful table. Everything about it is just right -- clean, fresh, and simple. Nicely done!

    I enjoyed your descriptions as well. Just enough information. Thank you, Teacher. I think I'll try to "talk" less next time. No promises though! ;)

    Bye for now,

  37. I just love your pink table! Everything looks so pretty.

  38. Absolutely beautiful! I'm amazed! Just amazed at how perfect it all looks!

  39. OOO, I am really loving this beautiful pink table. You have so many pretty cloths and napkins....o, and those pink polka dot plates are out of this world.

    Love your precious cake, too!

  40. I love all the's so pretty and cheerful looking.
    That new bunny platter is adorable.
    Yummy cake!

  41. This is so pretty! You could show this on Pink Saturday! :)


  42. This is just gorgeous and pink! What pretty shades of pink too. Love those plates! There is not a Homegoods here but I sure wish there was!

  43. I love the pink tabletop - so spring looking with those gorgeous tulips as it's centerpiece! The bunny platter is beautiful and lucky you having such a close relationship with "william/bill" to find such a great buy :)

  44. Hi Kathleen,
    I came back to have a look around and loved all your creative tablescapes. They were so nice!
    Couldn't believe how much your china looks like mine, was it your Wedding china too? We have been married 39 yrs too, we will have our 40th Anniversary Nov. 4th of this year.
    So nice to meet you
    Blessings from your newest follower,

  45. So, so pretty! LOVE the pink, and you've put everything together so beautifully! Even pink M&Ms -- love the attention to detail!

  46. Kathleen, your pink table is so pretty! I love that tablecloth, it is the perfect backdrop to your lovely dishes. I really want some of those pink cabbage bowls! The egg cake looks delicious and must have been a hit with your grand-bunnies! You must have been good for the Easter bunny to bring you that lovely platter!


  47. So Pretty in Pink! Darling bunny platter, and your cake looks fabulous!

    I would love it if you would take us on a tour of your basement storage ~ what a treasure trove. :D

    Happy Tablescape Thursday (and Foodie Friday!)

  48. The tulips are beautiful! I love the fabric you got for your tablecloth and those napkins are great, too! I love that they don't compete with the other things on the table, yet lay a nice groundwork for it.

  49. I have to say that your plate is adorable. Your cake is beautiful and I would like seconds:) Now the song will be going around and around in my head all day today along with visions of tiny Tim and I think her name was Miss Vickie? I remember he married about 1971 on TV and I stayed up and watched. What was I thinking? I have not been posting due to computer issues which are finally cleared up by my daughter closed on her new house on Monday and I am babysitting Mr. Vundervants so little time to myself. Catch ya around next week.

  50. Kathleen, this table is perfect in pinkness! You should link this up to Pink Saturday! Lovely!

  51. Great tablescape, how lovely that you have so many!

  52. That's a beautifully coordinated table. Just lovely and I like that color so much. Also adore the decoration on your cake. Hope you'll stop by and get in on our giveaway (if you haven't already). -- Jane F.

  53. Very Pretty in Pink, Kathleen! I love the platter!

  54. Kathleen, the Easter bunny was going to get me that platter, but the bunny was at the WS Outlet too early, and Bill hadn't marked it down THAT much! Love it. Your table is so pretty. Love those pink cabbage bowls and that pink plaid tablecloth. Thanks so much for being such a good promoter for Favorite Things. laurie

  55. I love that you used pink but made it sophisticated! Very pretty table.

  56. Hi Kathleen, What a beautiful table,Love the pink table cloth...Love love Love the pink dishes...Everthing is just perfect...

  57. Gorgeous table scape.!
    Happy Pink Saturday Kathleen.

    xo Regina

  58. What a beautiful table. The cake looks ALMOST to good to eat. You need to come and help me with my table settings!

  59. Lovely table, very happy! And, a tablecloth for $1, can't get much better than that!

  60. That is truly an amazing tablescape! I love that you got
    such great bargains! Oh, the
    bunny platter is the best!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Flora Doora

  61. Oh my, your tablescape is gorgeous; love the pink! Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for sharing.


  62. Kathleen, Love this pink table! Especially the fabric for the tablecloth!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  63. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Greetings from Munich,

  64. What a pretty table setting, you did a great job incorporating all your dishes and linens! I have the same cabbage dishes in green and I just love them! Happy Pink and welcome!

  65. Beautiful tablescape - love those pinks! Welcome and Happy Pink Saturday!

  66. that's beautiful, I love all that pink, Happy Pink Saturday!

  67. Love those spotty plates - they work perfectly with the plaid cloth. A lovely display altogether! Happy Pink Saturday, and welcome to your first week.

  68. Hi Kathleen and welcome to Pink Saturday. I love your pink was just spring time itself, so sweet and pretty and your cake looked wonderful. Happy Pinks..

  69. Love, love, love your pink tablescape! Aren't thrift finds great? I am envious, a Williams Sonoma outlet.

    Happy Pink Saturday...Welcome!

  70. Happy 1st Pink Saturday, Kathleen! Welcome to the pink madness! ha!

    Your Easter table is so charming! A Williams Sonoma outlet near you, you lucky ducky!

    The cake looks so scrumptious!

    Have a lovely Pink weekend!


  71. Your tablescape is so charming! ...and those tulips are beautiful! Wait. Did you say that you got that last bunny platter for me?! Happy 1st Pink Saturday! Hope to see you back at my place... I have become a follower and hope you'll do the same! until later...

  72. What a beautiful tablescape...luv all your thrifty items! Come by my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS PARTY and show them off...hope to see you there:)


    I'm having a GIVEAWAY too!

  73. How lovely! Welcome to Pink Saturday.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  74. Hi, Kathleen,
    I love your table setting. Very springlike, and I love tulips!! Your bunny platter is darling and a great bargain, too. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and welcome to Pink Saturday! Vicki

  75. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Kathleen. I am glad you decided to participate.

    Your table is stunning. I adore the polka-dot plates. And, your Easter platter is fantastic.

    I wish I had a WS Outlet near me.

    Beverly @How Sweet The Sound

  76. Ooohhhh yum!! That cake looks scrumptious! I love the table setting too, but the one at the top (the header??) is beautiful! Guess I had better scroll around and see if you describe it anywhere!
    Hugs to you...I hope spring is getting near you's beautiful here. Don't you need to come to visit your sister???

  77. Kathleen I got the bunny dessert plates at the WS outlet in Cedarhurst --4 for $10! Cute pattern! I wish they had the platter too.

  78. Love the china, tablecloth, and tulips! Gorgeous:)

  79. Só pretty... I love it!
    Thanks for sharing greats ideas with US!
    Love Dani


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