Thursday, April 1, 2010

Finished Easter Table Foodie and Flashback Easter Treats and Marty’s Party

TGIF!  What a rainy week!  It is wonderful to see the sun and everything is drying out…

As promised the finished table…

table 3592 The little baskets at each place were 2/1 at CTS.. There are really cute!

table 3610

table 3606

table 3582

table 3607

Live violas and nests the middle a large nest with viola planted in eggshells.

table 3613

You can see more pictures and descriptions here..

I am also linking up with Jenny Matlock for the letter K..

K is for Kathleen. who loves Ketchup, even on her steak..K is for Kielbassa we will have with Easter dinner, and k is for Killer messy which that spagnum was…

K is for kin, who will be coming for favorite grand Kids…K is for Kindness, and I appreciate all yours!

On to the food… Showing Dessert first!

Cake eggs..

table 2140

table 2154

table 2160

The ‘Yolk” is cream cheese mixed with sugar and yellow food coloring.

Cheese Babka..

table 2182

table 2184

table 2193


table 2186


table 1580  Apple Pie and Ice Cream

Fresh fruit…

We’ll have appetizers, soup, ham, kielbassa and kraut, sweet potato and apple casserole, roasted asparagus, glazed carrots, cole slaw, potatoes au gratin, cauliflower with brown butter crumb, or in a sauce with bacon on top.   Asst. breads and rolls..

And then we will all sign up for Jenny Craig, LOL..

I am joining ML at Designs by Gollum and Suzy at Kitchen Bouquet for Flashback Friday. 

Joanne at My Little Cottage in the Making  is having a great give away for all you bakers..

My least favorite thing is doing cloches..but I wanted to join Marty at A Stroll Thru Life who is so good at them..

table 3625 table 3626

table 3624

table 3621

I tried….:) That’s one of the violas I planted in an egg shell in a silver egg cup in case you can’t tell..

I used to do that with my class when I was teaching..we always had extra for the breakage..:(

Laurie’s Favorite Things Party is Sat…Hope you can stop over and join in…

I am slow getting around to visit you all, so much to do before Sunday!  But I will get there..

If not, a joyous Easter to you!


  1. Oh my goodness, you've been busy, Kathleen! And what a marvelous table, so enchanting! And I want all that food. Yummy!...Christine

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Yvonne :)

  3. Beautiful centerpiece, Kathleen. What a great idea to use pansies - love it! I remember most of your Easter goodies :) I would love a slice of that Babka right now.

    I'm joining Marty too.

  4. Kathleen,
    Your table is gorgeous (should I say as usual because it is true) It is the "perfect" Easter table and your food....yummy. My mom is a huge fan of babka. Who knew?

  5. Darling, what time should I get there? lol! Your table is lovely - I think the violas planted in eggshells are spot on for Easter, and a beautiful idea. And those cake eggs ... you're too much, my friend! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  6. Very nicely done!! Food looks so good! YUM! Cathy

  7. Oh my, everything looks so wonderful and yummy!!! I wish I was coming to your house. :-)

  8. S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G.!
    And all that baking...thud!

  9. You have been one busy lady. I don't know how you even had time to take the pictures.
    I am so hungry right now but we won't be having dinner for a while. Your menu just about put me over the edge.

  10. I'm not sure what I love more. Seeing your beautiful tablescapes or the wonderful food you make. Boy you sure do make me hungry when I come to your blog :)

    Love the planted flowers in the egg shells. That is a great idea. I'm going to steal it and use it next year on my table. I have to search for cute egg cups now. I have a whole year.


  11. Stunning! And I also loved the tiny plant in an eggshell! Your lovely. And, unlike mine, you can see the other side of the table. :)
    A joyous Easter to you too! Not to worry about visiting...I don't think any of us can do it all. I know I can't.

  12. Oh I do love your centerpiece and all the little extras you thought of. Lovely.
    Ummm I think I'm coming to your house for the Easter meal. That food looks amazing!!!

  13. Kathleen, everything is just beautiful! Your table is gorgeous, your food...Oh my goodness it all looks so yummy! And way to go with the cloches!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

  14. OMGosh, K....
    This is just beautiful..EVERYthing looks just perfect. What an awesome cook you are. I am in awe at all these beautiful and time consuming foods. So so pretty and I know they will be delicious.
    What a bountiful menu.
    Don't ever tell me you aren't good at doing cloches...these are fabulous.
    Have a blessed and happy Easter.

  15. Hi Kathleen - I love your Easter table. It is so inviting. The centerpiece is gorgeous and having pansies on the table is a wonderful idea. Hope you don't mind that I will be adding them to mine. You must be an amazing baker. Everything looks perfect. Have a wonderful Easter with your family. Deb.

  16. Your beautiful table is a masterpiece! And the food you've shown us is so tempting! Your cloches are so sweet -- what a woman of many talents you are! Happy Easter!

  17. Oh my word, your table is exquisite. Everything is just wonderful. Love your china and the centerpiece is to die for. Your menu sounds fabulous, but I think I will just have desert. I am just drooling all over the place. Everything looks and sounds wonderful. Now as for the cloches, I think they are wonderful. I love the eggs and your cloches are gorgeous. That precious little egg cup planted with violets is just stunning and under the cloche it is precious. You are definitely the best. Thanks so much for joining the party. I loved seeing your table and your cloches. Hugs, Marty

  18. Hi Kathleen....I think I will come to your house on Sunday for that fabulous sounding meal....I have no one to cook a big dinner for on holidays....we are like Jeffrey and Ina....I miss that living so far from family.....Have a wonderful day with the grandkids...Sue.

  19. Holy Moly, HAVE been busy! I'm LOVING that long table centerpiece, even if it was messy to create. It looks AWESOME!!

    So does all your yummy food, too.
    The violas in the eggs are a darling touch. ~~Rettabug furiously makes notes for next year~~

    BRAVO my friend....WELL DONE! Now go rest. LOL

    Have a Blessed Easter, Kathleen,

  20. Kathleen, that is gorgeous!! I had planned to do something similar in the center, but I was too swamped to deal with getting the extra table leaf out- this has been one of THOSE weeks! Those egg shells were a chore! Note to self- next time buy jumbo eggs!
    have a wonderful, blessed holiday
    xoxo Pattie

  21. Kaathleen...all the food looks devine and your menu sounds over-the-top...did my invite get lost, lol!!

    I love your cloche and your silver egg cup w/viola :)

    Easter Blessings!

  22. Your table is stunning! You know how to put one lovely table setting together! Everything you are having looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing!


  23. Fabulous!! You outdid yourself here! Everything looks great! The food looks delicious!

    Those cloches designs are really neat! I like that yellow plate the one is on!

    Great job!


  24. Wow, what a beautiful table, and the centerpiece, and the food, my goodness! What time should I show up for dinner?

  25. Now that is a show-stopping table! I absolutely love it and your cloche displays are beautiful! I have never seen such gorgeous Easter food either...How divine are those egg cakes! I am so impressed Kathleen-this is definitely one of my favourite Easter tables!

    Thanks also Kathleen for your visit and for your kind comments. I am lucky to have such a wonderful family, even if hubby is a big baby!

    Blessings and best wishes for a very happy Easter.


  26. Your desserts looks simply scrumptious and the table is amazing. I love how you even incorporated the light fixture above the table. Well done!

  27. OH...simply amazing, I love it! Now I must get to the garden center and buy some flowers and moss and ... oh, its only 7 am, maybe I'll go to the bakery first ;) !
    Lovely K post, thanks for the inspiration to make something lovely for Easter :) .

  28. Kathleen,

    Your table is beautiful!!!! But the food is unbelievable. Love the cake eggs. You must be exhausted.

    I hope you have a wonderful Easter.


  29. Your table is so beautiful, Kathleen. I wish I could pull up a chair and join you and your family. You are serving a much fancier menu than I'm preparing. Love your centerpiece even though it is messy.

    Easter blessings to you all. I'm happy to read that things are drying out.

  30. Sweet Kathleen, Your table is magnificently resplendent with that beautiful china, the moss, and those violas! I love how you used the same idea with the egg shells that I did last year and this year for the cloche party. I'm seeing them used more and more this year. Maybe I actually started a trend?! LOL
    I love, love, love the baked goods! If I plan a trip visit, will you feed me food like this? *sheepish grin*
    Hope you are drying out. Have a beautiful Easter with family...
    xoxo Sue

  31. Oh I just love everything! What a beautiful table! So many great ideas. I love the cloches too! Have a Blessed Easter.

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  32. Your table is gorgeous Kathleen and your menu looks delicious.

    We are having our family tomorrow, for lunch and egg hunt. Chicken salad on dollar rolls, pimento cheese sandwiches, ham sandwiches, a veggie platter and fruit. Real simple. Easter they will be at their dad's and inlaws. We are so happy they will get to stay with us, for most of the day, tomorrow.

    Happy Easter!

  33. I am hysterical laughing at your Jenny Craig diet comment. What army are you expecting with all that food on the menu? Funny but if you leave one single item out of the menu that is the one your family would be looking for. The menu at our house seems to get bigger each year too along with our pant size:) Enjoy your Easter at your pretty table with your family and friends.

  34. Hi Kathleen! You are amazing ~ you outdo yourself every time!

    I hope you and your family have a most joyous Easter. ((hugs)) ~m

  35. Hi Kathleen, it's me again. I have to ask you what is on top of the apple pie? It looks shredded.

  36. Gosh I don't even know where to start! Everything is so wonderful!

    I think my favorite are the cake eggs! I love that they have "yolks" inside. That's just so clever =)

  37. The table is just plain beautiful. I wish I could set something as nice. And the food, wowza!I want to come to Easter dinner at your house.

  38. Kathleen. Wow. Double wow. Triple wow.

    The cakes, the moss, the desserts, the table setting, the cloches...


    I have no idea what to say ...

    other than WOW!

    An amazing post filled with eye-kandy and fun...

    And a totally fun stop on this K journey through Alphabe-Thursday!


  39. What an amazing table and exquisite things prepared. Those Easter egg cakes look incredible. I love all things pretty and sweet and icing-y. Great K words... ketchup, hmmm.

  40. OMGOSH!!! What a gorgeous table and the food looks amazing ... i hope you have a wonderful easter! great K post!

  41. You have been busy like the Energizer bunny! What a delightful tablescape for your Easter dinner. The egg cakes are sweet :-) Yes, the moss is messy! You can use your little butter things as mini cloches. Happy Easter Kathleen!

  42. What time do we eat? Looks like a princess feed to me!

  43. Hi Kathleen:

    Noone sets a table like you do! What a festive setting!

    Thanks goodness the rain is gone! To celebrate sun, we took a ride to SH and The Driver's Seat--but they did some not so wonderful redecorating! :0( Have you seen?

    Happy Easter! May you enjoy a day of peace and comfort with your family! :0)

  44. your table looks good enough to eat! Have a happy Easter!

  45. Your table is wonderful! I just love Violas! I adore the little baskets! How I have tried to find some! What is the store name you found them out?? Maybe their could be on online? I love all the wonderful food! Your busy as Bee! Oh, I was suppose to write something with a K. lol How about busy with Kake, oh it spelled cake. lol

  46. Kathleen, I'm so happy you are getting some better weather to help dry things out. I absolutely adore this table! Love the idea of the spagnum moss down the center of the table. I'm saving off a photo copy for my files so I can remember this one. I especially like it on that long table. Love the idea of the violas in the egg shells. You are so clever!
    And then there is all the delicious food you've baked. When do you find the time? I wish I could be sitting at this Easter table tomorrow. LOL
    And how appropriate that you join in the Alphabe-Thursday fun. K is for Kreative Kathleen!
    Happy DRY Easter!

  47. Kathleen it sounds like you will have a wonderful feast at that very beautiful table tomorrow with your family! Enjoy it all and have a very blessed and Happy Easter!

    x0x0 Pat

    PS I'd love your little egg cake recipe as I have the same pan but I never made them with a a cream cheese yoke cute!

  48. Beautiful, Kathleen! It all looks wonderful. Happy Easter!

  49. Your table is breathtakingly beautiful! Every detail is exquisite! Those cake eggs are so cute and sound yummy as well!

  50. I love your cloches..and all that food looks so yummy...
    Happy Easter

  51. That table setting is wonderful! And now I'm hungry seeing all the yummy food. Catching up on my K words today!

  52. What an amazing table!

    I love the cake eggs. What a clever idea. I can't wait to make them (although I don't think mine will look quite as elegant!

  53. It all looks great, Kathleen, but man those ruggies, get me every time!

    Hope you had a very Happy Easter! So now I suppose it's back to the basement, and you'll be schlepping what decor up next?

  54. Oh Kathleen, I love what you did on your table! It looks so pretty and festive, but then, your food does too! How cute those cake eggs are! I think you are great at the cloches. They look so pretty, and I love the egg shell with flowers in the silver egg cup. Thanks for advertising Favorite Things. You are such a sweetheart. laurie

  55. Incredible table setting, Kathleen! Wow! I hope everyone else appreciated all the work that went into it.

    The food looks delish too. You are quite the cook!


  56. Your easter table is a breath of spring with the viola centerpiece - fantastic idea! I need to copy those egg yolk cakes next year :)

  57. Kathleen - I have been away and so am catching up! I'm speechless. What a beautiful Easter you made. Everything is just stunning.


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