Wednesday, March 3, 2010

G is for Green~Plaid Tablescape

I am joining Jenny Matlock for Alphabet Thursday and Susan for Tablescape Thursday.  and at Holiday Haven...Thank you Gals for hosting….This week we must feature the letter G..

My friend, Ellen, is a Great Gal.  She is a Genius at sewing and saves her husband George,  Gobs of $$$$ by making all her drapes and slipcovers. 

She Generously gave me some rolls of Gorgeous fabric.

She could have sold it at a Garage sale. but she Gifted it to me instead. Thank you Ellie, for your Generosity!

I started with this black plaid wool with a  thin stripe of Green, yellow and red.

table 3294

I layered an off white Irish placemat , a black plate and a off white lacey salad plate.

table 3288

I Gathered a Green napkin with an off white ribbon, a fresh shamrock..from this plant my friend Audrey gave me last St. Patrick’s Day….

table 3329And some Gypsophilia (Baby’s Breath)

table 3299A candle Globe from  Galway Glass..table 3293

Individual Glass butter domes from WSonoma outlet.

Glasses with black stems from PfaltzGraff..

table 3298My centerpiece is a  Gigantic Belleek mug filled with Greenery and fresh white mums .

table 3285

Our 7 Grain bread will go in another Gift with an Irish Greeting…

table 1947

For dinner we will Graze on Chicken Kerry Gold.. Garnished with Green parsley…

table 1951

G is for GRATEFUL..what I am to you for visiting!

Hope you are Gearing up for the Grand and Glorious St. Patrick’s Day Party here on the 16th~ ♣♣♣Everyone is invited!


  1. I will be right over!!!
    I am literally drooling here over your table scape... not just the yummy food but the INCREDIBLE placemats!!!
    I must find these somehow someway someday!!
    Many Blessings

  2. What a nice "Kathleen" post~

    I love that poem..I gave it to a client in a card once..

    I could wear that placemat:) kept the shamrock alive the whole yr! Good for you!

    So where's the Chicken recipe:) ? Did I miss something?

  3. Oh so pretty and I love the menu. I wish I was coming to dinner. So lovely and so yummy. Hugs, Marty

  4. Wonderful post - I love the tablesetting and the chicken does look GOOD! Please share the recipe sometime.

    I'm GREEN with envy at all your beautiful tablesettings :)

  5. O my goodness that look scrumptious! You do great table settings! I love the touch of baby breaths so pretty!

  6. That cut chicken breast looks delicious, with the melted cheese oozing out...that picture should be in a food magazine.

    Love the tablecloth, very pretty plaid , especially with the Irish knit placemats.

    Is that shamrocks on the Belleek or just little flowers?

  7. GGGRRREAT!!! Pulled everything together perfectly... chicken really looks it stuffed with the cheese and then breaded?

    Love the darker colors...

  8. Hi Kathleen. Oh, your table is so pretty and you're making me hungry!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  9. Such a pretty table Kathleen! I hope to be back form my blog break by St. Patty's day, hopefully I can join your party:>)

  10. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a real shamrock. I love those white lace plates, too. Lovely "Irish" table. Your food looks delicious.


  11. As I told you yesterday (during our shop-a-thon), this tablescape has to be one of my most favorites. It feels so authentically Irish with the depth of the wool cloth and the exquisite white wool place mats.

    Just gorgeous.

    And by the way, happy birthday.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. OH! The YUM of it all! I need to go fix dinner. Let's see, I think we bought some of those frozen bowl dinners put out by Costco! (sigh..)
    This post was great! :)
    and...I'm sure you noticed that I had my chicken cutting scissors in know the ones...Kitchen Aid?

  13. p.s. Seems I am ALWAYS I just wanted to that SNOW out there? I know everyone is tired of it, but we didn't get a drop, I mean a flake..and barely any water...'er.. rain..

  14. Very, very nice! Lovely tablescape, mouthwatering food and perfect G placement throughout your post.

  15. You did a Grand job of Glamorizing this Glorious table!! LOL What a neat centerpiece & I have to tell you, I've looked high & low for a shamrock plant around here. none to be had :( My Mom kept one alive for YEARS!!

    Great job!!

  16. Hi Kathleen! Your tablescape is Irish...and your food looks so yummy! I love those lacy plates, too. Yes, it is nice not to have to get up at 5:00 am and keep my fingers crossed that my school is closed! lol I don't think the kids know that teachers like snow days, too!! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  17. This is the neatest tablescape -- so far away from the cliché -- wonderful table covering and placemats. I like the black mixed in -- I like it a lot. Don't be surprised to see yourself copied!



  19. Kathleen, This is a very very pretty table! I love the lacy white salad plates and the beautiful irish woven placemats! And who could resist clover? Your breakfast table is cheery and I love the tablecloth!
    erin go bragh!

  20. Beautiful! I love the Irish placemats with the plaid homey! Your meal looks delicious, too!


  21. Gorgeous green table setting and gorgeous food for the letter G!

  22. This turned out great! You really have this St. Patty's Day thing going on!

  23. The plaid fabric looks wonderful, as does your whole table...and that's making my mouth water. It looks fabuloso!!!

  24. Hi,
    nice G table setting!! I like a black clover napkin:)
    Chicken dinner looks so delicious.
    cheese is good!!

  25. I love plaids! This table is quite pretty -- what great food presentation with the chicken!

  26. You have created a table my Irish husband would love to visit! The tablecloth pattern is unexpected--and I am now going to look for the same fabric. It's not so--so GREEN! :-) GREAT JOB!

  27. Kathleen, The food and the tablescape are both outstanding. I am colleting plates like your lacy ones, they are beautiful.


  28. Hi Kathleen
    I loved this post and I must try that alphabet game. Very fun. I have been getting in touch with my inner "Green" for your party.
    Love your table, love your fresh green on the napkins, love all the plaid and the food looks amazing as always. Yummy.

  29. Girl--It's Great--true Genius, but I don't want want to Gush. :)

  30. Your table is gorgeous! And that chicken recipe looks incredible. Great post for G! Kathy

  31. I just ate dinner and am why do I want to eat up some of that chicken? It looks so darned delicious. Yummo.

  32. What a great looking St. Patrick's Day table. I love how you've incorporated plaid into it. Very nice. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  33. Kathleen,
    Would you mind sharing your chicken recipe? Please.

  34. What a G lorious and G lamorous table and tale you share with us here!

    A+ for this G orgeous post!

  35. Your table looks beautiful. What time are you expecting me?

  36. I love your table settings and the chicken? yummy

  37. Kathleen - Its' G-R-E-A-T!!! Your tablescape is wonderfully striking with the dark tablecloth with the green accents. The floral centerpiece in the mug is perfect and that chicken looks super-delish! Your photography has captured the tenderness of the chicken and the mouthwatering goodness of the melted cheese!


  38. Oh, I love this plaid and you did such a pretty table scape with it..using all the important 'G' letters! Ummm, now I'm hungry!

  39. Kathleen, you did a glorious green table. Looks like you are ready for St. Pat's Day. That chicken looks so yummy!

  40. What a welcoming table you've created - that chicken looks delicious!

  41. Kathleen the green plais is gorgeous! It looks like a bagpipers skirt color! I love how your fringed the ends,

    I think the domed glass butter pat holders from WS are so cute! You have the best of everything!

    Love the Kerry gold chicken too! Yumm. I visited the Kerry dairy whn I was in Ireland!

    Happy "G" day!

  42. Hi Kathleen!

    The wool fabric is beautiful! Your table is so pretty. And the food, DELISH!!

  43. omgosh it must be so much fun to be on your Guest list! everything is just Gorgeous!

  44. Your tablescape is delightful and the chicken looks tantalizing. Great job!

  45. I am loving this postingwant to join the table setting but really not as into it as you would not really have the need for the weekly variety but yours is amazing

  46. Good Morning!

    What a "G"enerous friend indeed! Your tablescape is very pretty and so orginal! Looks like you are ready for St. Patrick's Day! I can't concentrate on the tablescape for drooling over that chicken..."good" "golly" "girly" that looks "great"!

    Thanks for sharing!

  47. GOOD morning....GEE you have been busy!! Everything looks GREAT, and I hope to pull out my GREEN and join you for your party.

  48. Hi Kathleen...

    I was just coming over from Laurie's (Bargain Hunter)...she posted about your St.Pat's Blog Crawl party. I wanted to find out about the peticualars so that I could join in! The party sounds like great fun, my friend! I will have to put my "thinkin' cap" on and figure out what to do! Hehe! Thank you for hosting the party for us!!!

    Well my friend, your St.Pat's tablescape is absolutely gorgeous! I love it!!! Love that beautiful plaid sweet of your friend to gift you with that gorgeous fabric! It truly makes the perfect background for your table!!! Ohh...and I love, love, LOVE those beautiful placemats! What a great idea to turn them vertically...on the table! I have never thought of doing that's different! Kathleen, I just adore your white cutwork plates...soooo pretty! This is just a gorgeous table...from the beautiful floral centerpiece...right down to those gorgeous place settings! Thank you for sharing your pretty St.Pat's Day table with us!!! What a treat!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  49. What an absolutely beautiful table!!! Hopefully you will share the recipe for the chicken.


  50. Very lovely. I can't wait until your St. Pats Day party.

    That is very exciting!

  51. Absolutely fantastic!
    Can I come over for dinner now?

    Happy TT!
    Happy WW!
    Happy AT!
    Happy March!






  52. Another beautiful tablescape, Kathleen. You have the gift for combining just the right things in just the right way. The plaid wool is a wonderful backdrop for everything you've put together.

    Love the looks of that chicken!

  53. Hooray! You are the first one on the list to have chosen the word "green" for this week's G-word! I have also chosen the word and colour green, but for jewellery-making, "green beads".
    Lovely post. The food is mouth-watering! Yummy. Beautiful photos!
    Happy Saint Pat's Day!

  54. Your table looks beautiful! I love the deep green plaid tablecloth! And the placemats that look like irish sweaters!

  55. Gorgeous!! And the food looks so yummy!

  56. your opening picture took my breath away - FABULOUS...I covet those white small plates - GORGEOUS..

    Your table is absolutely wonderful and I'm glad to you did do St Patrick's Day first :-)
    thanks for stopping by and reminding me about the gummy bears..I had heard that before but forgot - ohh getting old - not good..

    I'm afraid I don't set a table for St. Patty's Day - I wonder why?? I'll have to give that a try!!!

    thanks for yours!!!

  57. Hi Kathleen, You must actually be Irish (I'm only Irish on March 17)! Love your tablescape and also your tabletop from your prior post. The lacey salad plates are so pretty, really like the napkins and the napkin rings with gypsophilia. You know how to set a pretty table...appears you know how to cook too! The chicken looks scrumptious!
    You invited me to your St Paddy's Day Crawl and I thank you for doing that and also for stopping by my a matter of fact I do have some more Irish to show...I will be posting an Irish themed post for Tea Time Tuesday at Sandi's and at Wanda's Tuesday Tea for Two at I was planning to post those on the 9th, and then a St. Paddy's tablescape for Tablescape Thursday on the 18th...I think I could join in your party too and I'd be honored to do so...I also have some more photos from my trip to Ireland...and I DO know how to make corned beef and cabbage with the best of ''ve set my brain in motion, thinking Irish. By the way, I have 2 blogs so I could decide to post on either one. and
    Thanks again,
    Blessings - Beth

  58. Such a lovely table. The plaid and crystal really show off the Ireland factor without being cutesy--just my kind of table. Thanks for sharing

  59. Kathleen, I love this entry, not only for the tablescape, which I admire, since I do not excel in the fine art of table setting. It takes patience, and finesse, two traits I lack.

    But I also like the wonderfully-spring-y colors chosen. The same colors I chose for my kitchen, many years ago, and still love to this day.

    I'll be checking out the 'Saint Patrick's Party Day Parade.'
    Try saying all of that after an ale or two.

  60. love it!! I love all the glass with all the masculine fabric and dishes. Gotta love the delicate clovers.

  61. I love your G post! Great looking table! Can I come to dinner?

  62. Lovely table and the food looks scrumptious!

  63. The chicken looks so good and the table beautiful!

    Nice to meet you!

  64. i adore your post! I collect Belleek and have the sweetest cups, saucers, vases, teapots and it is so delicate. I guess it's the double whammy because not only do I love green, I'm Irish!

  65. Oh, that looks fantastic!! Just found your St. Pat's Party, will attend! Your chicken is awesome. Just love everything green on your table!~

  66. Hi, sorry I've been away for awhile. I've been super busy and have not had time to come visit.

    I love this tablescape. I'm wanting to come steal your plaid tablecloth. LOL

    Love the real shamrocks too.

    I'm off to see what else I've been missing.


  67. Everything is lovely Kathleen. That chicken looks fabulous! Love it presented on all that green!

  68. the chicken looks delicious...

    but that table...oh my goodness!
    beautifully done...

    mine never look just right..yours definitely does!

  69. Lovely tablescape! Have a great evening!

  70. Your table is beauiful and the food looks wonderful! Yummy!

    Have a great weekend and thanks for the visit!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  71. Great post Kathleen. You have very Generous friends, and they have Gifted you with some Glorious treasures! OOOO, those place mats are sooo pretty! Love that dish for your bread. The leaf with babies breath is just such a clever idea and it is perfect for a St. Pat's tablescape. laurie

  72. What a beautiful table.....your blog and pictures blow me away

  73. Your tables settings are always so beautiful. The food looks excellent too.

  74. This is great! I'm lovin' those lacey white plates! I also want those little butter domes!

    Lucky you to have a real live shamrock! I haven't been to Home Depot or Lowe's to see if they have any in yet.

    Love this tablescape!


  75. what a great gift and a great friend! the table and the food are Gorgeous, with a G"! melinda

  76. Your table is beautiful and I'm hungry looking at all the food!

    I scrolled down through some of your other posts - I never thought to use Panetone for french toast! I live in Italy...I'm going to the store now! LOL

  77. Wish I was eating at your home. Lovely in form and taste.

  78. I love the look of the fisherman-knit placemats on the black plaid tablecloth. How nice that your friend gifted you that fabric!

    Kerry Gold cheese is a favorite here and your chicken looks delicious with it oozing out.

    Go Green!

  79. Your table looks so cute! That's such a nice friend to gift you that wonderful fabric. The food looks yummy!


  80. Lovely table. I just found your blog today. I am from Long Island also. Not to many New Yorker blogging. I am following you now. I would love to join your St. Patrick's Day party. I am having a book blog party on the 15th. I would love for you to come. When you have a moment come visit my blog.

  81. Love this table and the chicken looks delish ! That dark green is stunning and what a nice friend to gift to "The Green Goddess"

  82. Gorgeous table and the food looks sooo good! Great G post :) .

  83. What a gorgeous table. You are such a master at it Kathleen. I like it all but especially love the placemats!

  84. This is so amazing. My, what a beautiful table.
    You must be one of the world's best cooks, K.


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