Thursday, March 18, 2010

Foodie Friday and Thank You!

I want to say thank you to  everyone who left comments on the St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl…I truly appreciate each one.  Thank you to all  83 who  participated.  It was so much fun, and how great was it that  some gals from Ireland joined in? 

We did a lot of crawling, and I hope none of you are feeling like these folks look..:)

table 3456If you missed the crawl, you can see the fun here….

I think I visited all who left comments and linked up, if I missed you, please let me know!

I am joining ML at Designs by Gollum for her weekly Foodie Friday…ML is such a good hostess and visits all her guests, so stop over at her place…She is having another give away too!

I bought some wire pencil holders 2/$1.  I thought they would be a good way to serve soft tacos and wraps. They would be good for breadsticks too, a little large for French Fries unless you are supersizing them!

I stir fried some chicken pieces, you can use any sauce you like, but I used Teriyaki , carmelized onions, shredded lettuce and cheese.  You can add what other veggies you like..

Line the cup with parchment paper and place the wrap inside.  I served it with thinly sliced Parmesan Potatoes.


table 3435

table 3436

Follow it up with a slice of Banana Cream Cake from last night’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner…

table 3480

Speaking of cakes, Butter Yum is having a sweet little blogaversary give away at her place..A Bouchon Pan.

If Suzy is doing her Flashback Friday at Kitchen Bouquet, I’ll link this  soup from a post from last year…table 2133Avgolemono a Greek Lemon Chicken Soup…

I know a lot of people love it, but we didn’t give it a thumbs up..  Mike said it was interesting, but don’t make it again! :)

Have a wonderful weekend.  I’ll be packing up the Irish and bringing out the Spring…

Thanks for coming by…


  1. Thanks Kathleen for hosting the SPD blog crawl! It was so fun! And thanks for visiting all your guests. I know it took you a lot of time, but I think it's terribly important if you are the hostess. I am still kinda new to this blogging world and have discovered that some hosts do not visit their guests, and I am puzzled by that. Anyway, I appreciated that you did!
    All your food looks scrumptious! I seriously want to come and live at your house!

  2. Hi Kathleen, Thank you for all of your work. I enjoyed participating! Parmesan potatoes...haven't made those in awhile. Think I had better dig that recipe out!

  3. G'morning, K.
    Just wanted to say that I believe i enjoyed the blog crawl more than any other once a year meme. I loved it and had so much fun reading all the others. You are a very good hostess...I look forward to more play time with you.
    NOW...these wraps look amazing.
    and the potatoes...ummmm...

  4. Hi Kathleen,
    Your party was great fun and that cake looks extra yummy. You always have such appetizing ways of displaying your delicious looking food....or am I just hungry? Hmmmm

  5. Wire pencil holders, hmm...we do go to great lengths to set a table, don't we?!
    The soft tacos look yummy, but right at the moment I'd like a bowl of soup.
    I agree, it is nice when a host(ess) does let you know when you have taken the time to post on their event. You are the hostess with the mostest!

  6. I totally lost track and didn't keep up with everyone, but what I did see was gorgeous!

  7. Hi Kathleen,
    The wire pencil/wrap holder is brilliant! Everything looks wonderful ... any cake left for me? ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh this looks yummy! Love your presentation. Thanks for your sweet visit this week to my table. Love the little bunny pitcher in your header -- Happy Spring -- it's tomorrow! Very welcome after this winter!

  9. Cute idea with the cups...makes a nice presentation. The parm potatoes look awesome!

    Love your Easter table header!!

  10. This all looks delicious! Thanks again for the great blog crawl, still haven't finished making my rounds! Love the new header by the way. Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  11. Those cups are perfect and leave it to you to think of that! I can just see some French Fries in them too ;) Your wraps with the caramelized onions and Parmesan potatoes look wonderful!

    I see you are ready for Easter too ;) Hard to believe it's only two weeks away.

  12. Kathleen, adorable pastel-y Easter header, but I am not ready for it. This year is moving along too fast for me!

    Your wrap in the wire pencil holder sounds delicious, and the parmesan chips look very tasty.

    You certainly were a great hostess for the blog crawl and had a wonderful turn out. Congratulations on such a successful event.

  13. Kathleen-The party was a giant success! Thank you for hosting! Did you notice how BIG everyone's hands look when they are green ?:) The wire pencil holders are genius! Happy spring and have a great weekend! ps--Love the new header. You are so on the ball!

  14. Are these inventive or what? And so delicious-looking. Must have one now! The soup looked very good...a similar thing happened with my three layer brownies. I went hog wild with icing and the guys went, "Trying to kill us with icing, are you?!" This proves more isn't more on a brownie! Tonight's fare is BBQ Pork salad, with pasta for those who fear my Mrs. Frankenstein-ish experiments.

    Your banana cream cake makes me think of my grandmother. I'm already looking forward to next year's blog crawl.


  15. The cake looks wonderful and I am so in the mood to bake with all this March Madness on the TV that hubby is glued to. Aren't you creative with those pencil holders to hold your food. I bet you already thought to put bread sticks in them and fries and a whole other bunch of ideas. I wonder if my husband will notice that all the pencil holders will now be gone from his office:) Hum? Probably not! Enjoy the weekend.

  16. Sorry, I missed the fun, the past few days I think I looked like the people in your picture, what a crazy time! I am green with envy though, I missed out on a fantastic party with you, Kathleen! Looks like a blast! and I was making the Corned Beef when the power went out :)

    Love the cake and the taco's, great idea for the pencil holder! The flashback looks so good! Love Avgolemono!

  17. Kathleen...what a great idea for holding the tacos! You are sooo clever to think of that! The cake looks beyond yummy! :-)

  18. Thanks Kathleen for hosting the St. Pat's Blog Crawl! It was fun to check out all the different "green" decor!

    Great idea for holding the soft tacos! They look super delicious too!


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  20. What a sweet hostess you are. lol the picture makes me laugh :-) Love that Avgolemono stuff! And your cakes are always so tall and pretty. Thanks for joining me with the flashback :-)

  21. i'm swooning over this all looks fabu-licious!

  22. The St. Paddy's Day crawl was fun but boy am I tired from crawling all over! :)

    Thank you for being a great host!

    I love the way you served those wraps in that cup. Great idea and cute for a tablescape shoot too!


  23. Kathleen, the blog crawl was great! And yes, how fun that you had Irish bloggers at the crawl. Thanks for being such a fab hostess. Now, those pencil holders are brilliant! I would never have thought of that. Of course, what's in them looks delicious, as all of your food does. laurie

  24. Using the pencil holders as a serving container for soft tacos is such a cute idea!

  25. I just love this wrap! Adore the holder!

  26. What a great idea for that! I also love the new header...very pretty:)


  27. This is so funny!..,The recipes look yummy!..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  28. Hi Kathleen,
    If I lived with you I am afraid I would weigh 400 lbs! Your a fabulous cook and the blog crawl was fun, I loved seeing all the many Irish posts!
    Have a great week,

  29. I loved the crawl Kathleen -- I am still visiting some as I was very behind due to travel that week.

    I love your new Easter tablescape header!

    Banana cake sounds so good!
    ♥ Pat

  30. The Saint Patrick's Day crawl was so much fun! Thanks again for hosting. I love all of the wonderful things you show us on your blog. Your Easter header is beautiful and the chicken dish is one I will make this week.

  31. Kathleen, congrats on the great turnout for your crawl. It was a fun party. Clever idea with the pencil holders.


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