Thursday, March 25, 2010

Foodie , Flashback and Foto Friday

Designs by Gollum is hosting Foodie Friday and having a Foto contest. 

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On a recent post she talked about her photography skills ,which are excellent.  She said they weren’t good until she became a Darling Baker, which made me laugh.  First , I was a Darling Baker, and my skills have  a long way to go. Secondly, I knew her before then, and her pics were just fine!

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I think it is an art, and she is an artist.  She has wonderful lighting, and that is a big part of it.

Anyway, she got many good comments and suggestions.

I am not one to use the light box..dragging foam board around and clamping lights up  takes the fun out of it for me.  It would be like telling  our friend Bill of Affordable Accoutrements to use paper plates and plastic forks..:)

Of course if you are doing it to earn a living, you have to do all those things..

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As one of the comments to ML said , we get better with practice…White balance, etc..all Greek to me!

All of the above pictures were from previous posts, so they are my Flashback Friday with Suzy at Kitchen Bouquet.

Tonight I have something very simple…

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Milk and oatmeal cookies, anyone? 

table 3524As for the pictures, I like being surprised when I get one that comes out well! And as Yvonne at Stone Gables said, just make sure the laundry basket is out of the picture!  :)

I don’t have that feature that blurs the background..but look, I covered my switch plate with the same fabric I used to make the window treatments, formerly called curtains..:)

Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie is having a  Saturday weekly meme..My Favorite Things..Stop by and get the details at her blog…

Thanks for visiting, and I will keep working on improving!  I have a 4 yo Canon Power Shot A610.   Monique helped me learn to turn off the flash and use the macro mode.  The book made me feel like I was reading directions on brain surgery!  :)

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  1. Kathleen, Your culinary creations are lovely! Nothing at all wrong with your photography skills! I really love your blog - enjoyed this post and also enjoyed your Easter tablescape yesterday.
    Blessings, Beth

  2. Kathleen, your pictures are GORGEOUS!! S-i-g-h... a good camera is not in the budget right now and I'm lucky to get the toys, skateboards, fabric bolts, paint fandecks and Ipods out of the way! I'll just drool over yours. And there's nothing better than a good oatmeal cookie late at night while blog-hopping :)
    xoxo Pattie

  3. So beautiful...looks so yummy and amazing pictures...

  4. Hi Kathleen, Your food pictures are fabulous! And thanks for the mention. If you ever go to my one and only cloche post, you can see the basket in the background! Love the pear salad!

  5. Goodness! All of those wonderful dishes...where does one start. Lovely creations!

  6. Kathleen-You DO take gorgeous pictures! As for me, I am just happy if I don't cut something major out of the photo (like the food :) Those books that come with the camera make my head hurt and it doesn't matter what language I read it in! Love the bunny plate and old fashioned milk decanter!

  7. I never took the booklet out of my husbands desk but just last week he handed me two DVDs that came with the camera. Duh! So now when I have some free time (oh sure) I will first have to figure out how to put it into the DVD machine to watch them to help improve my photos. Now where is that DVD box???? Oh and photo classes were like Catholic school latin classes to me:) I think your photos are super. If I worried about how my photos look I would never blog. Ann Geddes I'm not or ever will be and that is OK with me. Girls just wanna have fun!

  8. Kathleen, not to worry...your pictures are great, don't let any of those camera snobs tell you any different! Now, will you cook me a starry breakfast?

  9. Love your pear picture...I don't photograph food very well...the husband and his fancy Nikon has a wacky lens on it that blurs what's in the foreground of the picture and I hate that....My favorite photographer of food is Mari at Once Upon a Plate....she is a true food stylist....I would rather look at her blog then read Bon Apetit magazine.....would love to know her secrets....she has an amazing talent....And your joking about the ban on chocolate I hope...the salt ban is ridiculous....when we ate at the school the other day Joyce would not let me ask for salt for my was good but it would have been alot better with a little salt on it....I gotta have my kosher salt....

  10. Your photos are beautiful, Kathleen. I'm totally ready for spring to get here. My flash was going off today after I'd banished it. I'm thinking my camera might be like HAL in 2001. It's subversive.

  11. Ohhh those cookies look delish! I'd sure love one right about now!

    All of the pictures are gorgeous, especially the pear photo. I have a great camera but am only a fair picture taker myself. I've thought about taking a class to improve my skills. My pictures could be sooo much better!

    Thanks for stopping by my site earlier. I always love making new blogging friends!

  12. Thanks for the mention, Kathleen! How 'bout this? I'll serve guests on paper plates and use plastic forks ... if you'll serve frozen dinners at your next dinner party(salisbury steak with mixed peas and carrots)! Deal? ;)

    Your photos are just fine, with or without a blurry background! They definitely made me hungry for cookies!!!

  13. Your photos are first rate, Kathleen, but I know what you mean about all the photography do's and don't out there. It's enough to make my head spin. I took what I thought was one of my best pictures and didn't notice the penny on the counter next to the plate until it was too late.

  14. The cherries are gorgeous~ Don't sell yourself short..and I love the little milk bottle w/ simple..but so sweet.

  15. "Bill of Affordable Accoutrements to use paper plates and plastic forks" That'll be the day! LOL

    I think you do a fabulous job on all your photos & its the creativity & love that goes into them that makes them so special.
    I ♥ coming to your blog to see each new post & what is going on in your kitchen.


  16. Love your photos and your blog. That pear salad is top-notch...I still need to make that and WOW my family and guests!


  17. I so agree on camera manuals! I've read and re-read mine and I do believe they are written for rocket scientists!

    I don't think you have anything to worry about with your photography! You aren't in this to make a living and your fun posts and sense of humor are way more important :) Have said that, I love your cherry photo and I think I could reach in and feel the flakes on that quiche pastry.

  18. Your pictures look super, Kathleen, they are perfect! The cherries look delicious and definitely eye-catching! You need no help these days in taking beautiful pictures!

    Ah, Darling Bakers, now there's a memory from way back, LOL!

  19. Kathleen, I love your blog and everything you post comes from the heart. I don't think you need to change a thing with your photography. You will always be darling to me :-)

  20. I am probably the worst photographer on the planet -- I can't even hold the thing still -- but i DO know that in order to take photos of beautiful food, you have to make beautiful food. Great job. It makes me hungry.

  21. I don't see how your pictures could get any better! They always look great to me.


  22. I love your photographs Kathleen!Everything you make looks so appetizing so your photos have to be good.

    I have not mastered Macro on my camera and there is no way I'm going to use light boxes, etc. All the "rules" are a big turn off ...I say just have fun with it all!

    Love the bunny plates!

  23. Girl, are you kiddin' me? Your food photos are so dang magazine worthy, it's not even funny. You sure better enter a photo in her contest. Not only can I not enter, I can't even figure out how to get my photo loaded on that Flicker thingy!!
    I have a glass of milk, as we speak, but I haven't found those good cookies yet...!

  24. My kitchen is like a natural light at all. Once in a while I'll schlep my food up the stairs into my "photo studio" aka craft room aka junk room :-) But mostly I just have dark indoor pics. Oh well! :-) Your tables always look extravagant and so does your food! So you must be doing something right. Love the food flashbacks :-)

  25. I've always loved all your photos - you don't need anything fancy!! The cherry photo is fantastic...

    Remembering what I learned when I was in Darling Bakers unfortunately can't be put into print!!

  26. Kathleen I always enjoy visiting your blog! Your food looks great and so do the photos!

  27. Kathleen, everyone takes good and bad pictures ... The trick is just to take LOTS then pick and choose. I like pictures taken with a light box. It definitely is a clean, bright look. However, I think that I prefer the more natural look that you get without the light box, and yours always look good to me. There definitely is a place for both.

    I had to chuckle at the thought of you arranging an entire tablescape in a light box ... a BIG light box.


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