Thursday, February 11, 2010

Party HEARTy~ Happy Valentine’s Day ! ♥♥♥

Good Golly Miss Molly

I hope I’m not tardy..

The day has arrived

For LAURIE’S big party!

I’ve polished the silver..

table 3154

And baked a heart cake..

table 3159

table 546

Sure hope Stinky Linky

Didn’t make a mistake!

I made potatoes and muffins..

table 3073 

table 3152

In the shape of a heart…

But if you don’t like them..

Here’s a sweet apple tart..

table 597

I bought placemats and dishes..

table 3110

And these came in handy…

Some heart shaped delicious,

table 3156Junior Mints Candy!!

Maybe you’re tired?

A bit of the droop?

I made you a heart…

In a bowl of Spud Soup..

table 3165 

Come sit at the table..

table 1740You won’t be alone.

Have some blueberry preserves..

On a sweet heart shaped scone?

table 3101The time is just flying!

It’s getting quite late

A big thanks to Laurie,

Your party was great!

table 3160 I am also joining ML at Designs by Gollum too, so please stop by to see some great food..  She’s having a great give away for the anniversary of Foodie Friday..

Thanks for coming, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

table 543

table 556


  1. I HEART this post. You are so inventive and fun. I love the kissy lips cake!

  2. Kathleen this is too cute, but so many hearts! Hope your weather is improving...

  3. I LOVED all your hearts! Too Cute!!

  4. Oh Kathleen, this is just the cutest post! All of this heart shaped food - however do you come up with such amazing ideas? Your poetry is just great. You always amaze me! And heart-shaped Junior Mints! I used to eat jr. mints all of the time. I may have to go out and find some of those heart-shaped ones. Even a heart in the soup! Is there anything you can't do? Thank you for this fabulous post for the party. I "heart" your heart food! laurie

  5. How wonderful! I love all of the hearts! You are sooo do you come up with it all?

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Kathleen, this is really just the cutest! The lips on that cake are adorable as are all of the hearts. And the poem! This wins as my favorite post of the night, next to Oliver's of course (he's four!)! ;-)

    Happy Foodie Valentine's!


    Sheila :-)

  7. What a beautiful table and I am really hungry now after seeing all of those delicious hearts! Kristen

  8. This was too fun for words!! Can you come and do Allie's Sweet 16 for me?? LOL I must use some of these ideas! Love it
    xoxo Pattie

  9. WOW! What more could I say?! You're definately a woman after my, uh dare I say, HEART!!! Ha, ha! Love your site. From one foodie to another, I'll be back for more!!

  10. Such a grand FEAST!!! I do so LOVE the title of the post!!!! Wishing you well! Cathy

  11. LOL, Kathleen, you've been stuck in the house for too long!

    Love your post, it's so very hearty!

  12. The little poem and the lips on the cake stole my heart not to mention heart potatoes and heart scones and spud soup and a heart cake and heart muffins and even the cute little heart choco covered mints:) You are always the hostess with the mostest! Happy Valentine's day and stay warm up there.

  13. What an adorable post, the poem, the food, all the hearts - fabulous!

  14. Another great poem to include in your
    'Book Of Poems' by Kathleen!
    I can see you put your 'Whole Heart' into it!!

    Tables looks so pretty and I just
    love ALL your yummy and cute heart baked goodies.
    You've definitely inspired me, as my GKids are coming this Wkend!
    Thanks...and -
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. OK, Kathleen, just how much did you bake for this post???? Hope Mr. Cusine is hungry.

    Your tables are great - your header, your post. Love that tablecloth in the post. And all of the little touches of baby's breath. A work of art!

    - The Tablescaper

  16. You have my heartfelt admiration for the wonderful creations you have here.
    I would love one of those scones right now.

  17. A wonderful Valentine post, Kathleen. You are so creative and clever and have the gift of putting together beautiful tablescapes. Love all the pretty hearts.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  18. Kathleen, you are original and adorable! And so creative. I love stopping by here, and then I feel bad for not producing these showstoppers for my family... oh, well. I will have to get over it soon, as I fully intend to keep coming back!
    Have a wonderful weekend and Valentines Day!

  19. Kathleen-busy busy girl! I love your poetry--it always makes me smile. Love the lips on he heart cake--that's the best. Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Mercy have been busy! Darling heart food...want the pie! Happy Valentine's day!

  21. Hey, is there an award out there for the cutest Valentine's Day post in all of blogland? If so, you win!


  22. I love every bit of this post, Kathleen! Wow! Beautiful, yummy and cute!

  23. What a fun festive party you have planned. I love the Potatoes and muffins. Yum! I could gooble up everything. Happy Valentine's Day!

  24. Kathleen, this one has made my day! Not only are you a clever poet, but a BUSY cook in the kitchen. I'm still smiling at the thought of the lips on the cake and all the heart shaped food. I'm going to bookmark this post in my "favorites" folder and come back for repeated visits. Everything about this is just darling. What a perfect Valentine Party!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you! ~ Sarah

  25. I swear Kathleen, you must be cooking and tablescaping 24/7!
    You are so creative and talented, I adore every valentine table! Cindy

  26. What a wonderful post, Kathleen! My goodness, you have the biggest and best collection of hearts anywhere!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  27. Kathleen, oh, how creative you are!!!! I am loving all of this.

    Happy Valentines Day to you!
    Barb ♥

  28. Kathleen, you are so amazingly talented...a poetess, chef and wonderful tablescaper all rolled into one! Oh, and most of all a dear friend...
    I ♥ all of your ♥ foods...what time should I be there?
    Happy Valentine Day, to you!

  29. I love all your heart shaped goodies, Kathleen! You really are an inspiration :0) Have a great weekend...

  30. I heartily agree! It is a wonderful setting. I love all your heart-shaped foods.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  31. I heartily agree! It is a wonderful setting. I love all your heart-shaped foods.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  32. You are definitely the life of the party with all your wonderful tablesettings, heart shaped goodies and heartfelt prose!

    I need to find those jr mints they are too cute :)

  33. Laughed when I saw the big lips on that cake. The red and white table cloth is gorgeous.
    Maybe I'll treat hubby and make him heart shaped scones.....yummy maybe one for me too!

  34. Kathleen..I am just loveing these clever posts of yours! This one is wonderful..all the heart-shaped foods are just gorgeous!!

    Yes, my tablecloth from yesterday's post (the one from K-mart) is from the Country Living collection. I love it :)


  35. This is the cutest post ever. Did you make all that heart shaped food? I would kill for a scone right now! I loved it!!


  36. What a wonderful post, Kathleen ... I read through it twice just to make sure that I didn't miss any of your entertaining poem while looking at your tasty and pretty pictures. THAT's a lot of hearts. You didn't leave out a single course, AND there are multiple tablesettings. You are the BEST!

  37. O, outdid yourself with this amazing post. All the food looks fabulous..that table is to die for! My favorite...the kissy kissy cake..LOVE IT!! :)

  38. Kathleen you are amazingly talented at tablescaping! I just adore your table and all the heart shaped food. Yum!

    Happy Valentines Day! ~Melissa :)

  39. Wow, what a fun, creative and yummy post! You are so clever! I hope you and your loved ones enjoy all of those delicious treats.

    Best Valentine's wishes,

  40. So cute Kathleen and so you! Loved the poem..LOL!

    Also the cake with the lips made me laugh!

  41. Oh, my! This is ALL just wonderful! All the creative heart designed food, the beautiful decor, and the cute poem! You're the bestest!!

    I'm a little late for Laurie's Valentine party, but I just posted!

    Happy Valentine's Day!!


  42. Good job! I love all the hearts and the poem was the topper. :) I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


  43. There is no mistaking what holiday is being celebrated in your house. The table is gorgeous. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Blessings...Mary

  44. How awesome. This should have been set to music!!

    Happy Valentine's Day, Kathleen!!


  45. I love all of your heart-shaped cool! Your tablescapes are beautiful too.

    I've been a little MIA due to work, and a sick kitty that unfortunately didn't make it.

  46. a lovely whimsical and adorable post!!! I lOVED it!! ^^ Happy valentines!

  47. Your Valentine entry is such a fun post, Kathleen. I love it all!...Christine

  48. Oh my word Kathleen, I love the tablescapes and then all the food. This is just unreal, and it all looks so yummy and pretty. Now I really should have been there to taste some of all of it, so pretty. Best Valentine's post ever. Hugs, Marty

  49. Loved the poem Kathleen!

    The lips are great! Leave it to you :-) I have a little black sequin purse with red lips, just for the occasion. Happy Valentine's weekend.

  50. I've never seen heart shaped potatoes! Too cute. The tablescapes are just gorgeous as are all the food you made!


  51. Oh yum! What a sweet treat! Love truly lives in the details.

    Happy hearts day!

  52. Hi Kathleen. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been enjoying yours. Your poem and all the food and tablescapes that went along with it were great. I'll be back to visit you. Loved the heart shaped Junior Mints.

  53. I wasn't disappointed..all your pieces are so gorgeous! I would sit at your table any day!!!

    Love those "lips" on the cake..did Carol pose for you!! LOL

    From the potatoes to the Junior mints..perfecto!!

  54. You are the Queen of Hearts! All of your food looks simply scrumptious and if I wasn't on a low fat diet, I'd be into it in a heartbeat. But I have lost a few pounds these last few weeks and that is a good thing. Hope all is well with you, things are getting better here and I actually have some time to visit my pals! take care, my friend. I appreciate all the sweet sentiments you've sent my way. hugs, Sue

  55. Fantastic Valentine's Day post, Kathleen! I just ♥ everything about it. I'm bookmarking this one for next year & hope I can remember to make even 1/2 the cute items that you created.
    Simply wonderful!!!


  56. Super sweet post ! Lovin thoe lips, LOL !

  57. Great poem, Kathleen...and a most delightful tablescape! Those little white heart dishes are soooo cute! Did you bake all those wonderful things? I am soooooo impressed! I love the tart! It looks scrumptious!
    Hope your Valentine's Day was perfect!

  58. Oh my my!! Fabulous food, fabulous tables. I am impressed.

  59. Now how wonderful! Heart food for your heart tablescape on heart day! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day

  60. Kathleen - a wonderful post here! You always impress!
    I have 3 posts today. In one, I send you a little blog love. I know you don't do awards, but I thought you deserved a mention for all your impressive and creative posting.
    In another, I think you'd be proud: ...
    hope all's well,

  61. I LOVE your Mardi Gras tablescape kathleen! I made a pretty King Cake last year but after going to the Dr. Oz show last week and seeing people go up on his "truth tube" I decided to give up cake for Lent. I have to lose some pounds around my middle.

    Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!

    ♥ Pat

  62. Hi K:

    WHat great fun here! The table is adorable and all your "hearts" are super--lovely tablescape!

  63. Thanks for stopping by and for your prayers....This is a wonderful post and I love every picture......Fantastic job....Adding you to my sidebar...

  64. Kathleen you are one clever lady I love it all , I did a meatloaf and mashed potatoes in a heart shape once many years ago. You reall went all out. Love it!!!

  65. ...I never knew you were a poet. What can't you do?

    Btw, I love red (it's my lucky color) and so I covet everything on your festive table.

    I hope you had a wonderful V-Day, my dear!

  66. You are amazing Ms. Poetess!!!!
    and of course I enjoyed EVERY red and white decoration!
    Hugs to you,

  67. I adore this tablescape and those heart shape food items are so great! I'm going to make the potatoes for sure next year. You just don't expect your potatoes to be in shapes so I love that!


  68. I love your festive new header and this tablescape is adorable!

  69. I just had to come back and look at this food again - I'm still so amazed that you were able to turn all of these foods into hearts. Right now, I am salivating over that tart, and I love the way the shrimp are arranged into a heart. You are just so darn smart! laurie

  70. Hello, I'm new to your blog. Just wanted to say that your foods look delicious and very pretty! The table setting is super duper cute. I really enjoyed reading your blogs! Have a nice weekend Kathleen...

    Cyndi =)


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