Sunday, February 28, 2010

Metamorphosis Monday~MARCH is here!

I am so happy February is over!

March means hope, ie I HOPE this winter weather is almost behind us!

So here’s something to do on a snowy day to keep your sanity…

You can randomly call people and ask them if they have Chef Boy ar dee in a can…then tell them to let him out..

(Remember doing that when we were kids, or were my friends all juvenile delinquents..??  :)  )

Or you can make these..

Start with this.. wood dowels,  wood clothespins, thin ribbon..

table 3317

Wrap the ribbon tightly on the dowels and clip with clothespins…

Place on a baking rack, and bake at 250 for 20 min.


table 3257


Allow to cool, and carefully remove from dowels..

table 3258

Cut into 3 or 4 in pieces.  You can use that no fray product or clear nail polish on the ends..

Pile them up mixing the colors…I used thread and sewed them, but you can just tie them with a piece of ribbon or thick thread…pull it tight.

I made mine into napkin rings..Just tacked them on to dollar store napkin rings..

 table 3262


table 3320

I am using those colors for my St. Patrick’s Day’s a surprise..:)

Stop by Susan’s Between Naps on the Porch to see some amazing morphs…Thanks, Susan!

And I made a few to put on barrettes  for Lily…

table 3323

You can google how to make Korkers and you will find detailed directions… lots of them!

Hope you plan on attending the party here on the 16th!  Just a little bit of green??

No Mosaic Monday, Mary is taking a break…

Thanks for stopping by!

Tabletop Tuesday is next…

2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl at Cuisine Kathleen's

2nd Annual St. Patrick\
Mar.16th..Please join in! Anything Irish..a table, a recipe, a poem, , whatever you'd like!


  1. Love your curly corks...I can't believe that you want the snow done and spring to come....LOL! We are getting snow right now - should be a moist spring !

  2. Hi Kathleen! How cute! And what a great idea! I know you snow-bound folks are ready for spring...but I'm not quite through with winter! I just can't face mowing my yard just yet! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. love them!... my favorite color too! GREEN!

  4. What a wonderful idea, those are really clever and so pretty! I'm ready for March too, it's time spring started showing up around here!

    Kat :)

  5. I did not know baking them would do that! :) They look great.

  6. Kathleen-Aren't you the clever one? I would never have dreamed you make this!!! They look great and have endless possibilities. BTW--We asked for Prince Albert in a can :)

  7. Now that is so clever and so cute. Love it. I will be here on the 16th. Can't wait. Hugs, Marty

  8. Kathleen - I always wondered how people got the ribbon to stay in that shape, cool!!!
    I love the napkin rings you've made and like you I can not wait until this Winter weather is history.

  9. I didn't know baking ribbon would do that - too cute!

  10. Kathleen - you never cease to amaze me. These are just too cute! So many uses for them also.

    Love your header!! Seems like it is changing with every new post...

  11. Kathleen, thank you for your inspirational comment. It brought tears to my eyes. What a sweet project for your student and so memorable. His family will always remember you and your thoughtfulness.

  12. That's a great post. I've never seen that before. I only wish I'd seen it when my girls would wear them in their hair.

    But alas, they easily could be nakin rings. Considering all of the ribbon out there, the possibilities are endless.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. That is adorable!!~ YOu always have such great posts I love to stop over!

  14. ... Chef BOYARDEE in a can? Let him out? LOL

    I didn't know ribbons in this style were "Korkers." Thanks for sharing the directions.

    Love the green plate/dish under your Battenburg Lace napkin with the napkin ring.

  15. Fun post, Kathleen ... I bet Lily will love her barrettes made by Nana. I had no idea that the ribbon was baked. I learned something new today. :) Looking forward to seeing how you use the napkins and korker rings.

  16. Well aren't you smart? I never knew you had to bake them to keep them in the curly shape. I can't wait to make some of these for my granddaughters. Looking forward to the Blog Crawl! laurie

  17. Well that is a new one for me! How cute and clever these are. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  18. Cool idea, Kathleen!..Christine

  19. Hi Kathleen

    Do you remember when you were a child the prank call when someone would call and say they were the electric company and wanted to know if the refrigerator was running? When you'd say "Yes, it is" they would tell you
    "Well you better hurry up and go catch it!" and hang up! Of course I never made phone calls like

    I like your coker colors! They make a pretty barette.

    With all this snow I'm not sure if I can do the St. Pat's post I originally planned, but I'll join in with something :-)

    ♥ Pat

  20. These are so so cute. You are pretty smart to come up with all these cute things.

    Yep, Splenda and I aren't getting along too well, either. Dry and if you get a grain too much, after taste! I'm still trying, tho.

    I found some absolutely DELICIOUS dark chocolate..sugar free. I can't remember just what they were but will let you know..I am going to buy some more soon. As for walnuts...this South Beach Diet thingy says they are wonderful for you. In fact, Bill and I were talking about them tonight and I put them on my grocery list. We eat a few almonds ea day but I dearly love walnuts. No one ever mentions pecans other than they are fattening! Besides, I am on my LAST bag of pecans.

    Looking forward to your party on the 16th...should be fun.

  21. Hi Kathleen! I LOVE your Irish tablescape ideas. I have to apologize to you, you came by my blog and commented on my "Look of the Irish" decor. I absolutely did NOT intend to imply that "not being Irish" and "not drinking" were connected. I meant them as 2 separate statements! I only meant that I'm not Irish. I'm not a partier. So, I don't do any big St. P Day events, just like to decorate for the spirit of the day! I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. Anyway, thanks for the info on the 3 leaf clover representing the trinity, I didn't know that. Thanks again for coming by my blog and I hope you'll visit again soon!

  22. Oh honey if it stands still you will bake it:) I have to say that I have never baked ribbon before. Ironed it yes but baked no. Looks a whole lot prettier then the BEEF stew on my blog this week:) The entire culinary school experience was a disaster from parking my car to being escorted out of the building. Too bad you were not there as you would have laughed with us. I plan to send the photos to the dean of this school and also to the person who runs these schools all over the USA. What a total waste of money for the students. Sad.

  23. HI Kathleen! I think hubby watches NSI (not too sure about title) but it stars Mark Harmon and he leads a military investigatie unit....Christine

  24. I love your Korkers napkin rings! I assume fabric ribbon works best? What a great idea and I can't wait to see your St. Patrick's Day table.

    I remember making those calls :)

    Happy March 1st and Let There Be Spring!

  25. That looks easy enough! Thanks for sharing how to do that!

  26. I have to say that when I got to the "bake them" part I was a bit taken back! So this is how they make all those fancy hair ties...clever!


  27. I'm sending this right on to my daughter-in-law! How cute!
    xoxo Pattie

  28. Aren't you the clever girl? They look swell -- I am still trying to finish some I started for Valentine's, but then, I am the Queen of Procrastinators!


  29. That is a cute project though I don't know if I'd have the patience for all the wrapping:))

    I wished I had taken pictures of the food and my plate....then everyone could have seen what a piggy I was!
    ps....can't wait to hear about your blog meeting!!!!

  30. are so clever, girl! I've never seen this done before! It would be awesome for decorating presents, too. :-) Things for showing us how!

  31. This is new to me, great idea! I want to try it! Thanks for sharing!


  32. Such a cute idea with the ribbons - I look forward to seeing all your green tables this month!

  33. Kathleen,
    This is taken from an article in the NYTimes yesterday. It concerned ways to extricate oneself from a awkward situation. Maybe you saw it. One example made me think of your Chef Boy ar dee in a Can telephone call (and yes, I did that too when I was young, only it was, "Lady, is your washing machine running?").
    Here's the phone call:
    “... I remember back to my days in the USAF to one particular phone call.

    We were in our duty section just goofing around when the phone rang. I picked it up and said,

    ‘Joe’s Pizza Parlor – what kinda pie for you?’

    ‘Do you know who this!?’


    ‘This is Colonel Johnson speaking!’

    ‘Do you know who this is, Colonel?’

    ‘No! I do not!’


    and I hung up.”

  34. Those are great! Do you have to put anything on them before you bake them?


  35. Thanks for the instructions! What a great Nana you are :-) I haven't seen any of those napkins at my dollar store.

  36. LOVE all the Irish festivities and decor going on HERE!!! I would love to join in on the 16th too! I'll see what I can do for the occasion! ~tina


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