Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Ground Hog Day!!!

I found this guy outside crawling out of a hole.. He looked so cold I had to bring him in...

I thought he would be great for Marty's upcoming cloche party on Feb. one will have Groundhog under glass.....

But he didn't fit...Maybe I can find a recipe for him and use him for Foodie Friday??? Nah...but Debbie at Mountains Breaths just posted Ground Hog Cookies...
Go look....if you dare..:)

I am joining Barb at Grits and Glamour for Tabletop Tuesday..
I bought this sugared Dellarobbia Wreath for 75% off, ($5) and decided to use it as a centerpiece for a tablescape..

I used these toile napkins from WSonoma outlet..

Lenox eternal plates, deep red velvet quilted placemats, PBarn, fleur de lis napkin rings, Target
Etched glass stemware I have had a long trimmed flatware..


I had a terrible time with Live Writer tonight, so I had to resort to Blogger. I hope it is not my computer...Live Writer is so much easier!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Ahhhh...add the napkins to my hope chest please :-) Love the ground hog.

  2. Oh Kathleen Sweetie...
    Lovin the groundhog,and just adore his little sleep cover. Precious. I have a feeling he won't be seeing anything tomorrow.

    I love you wreath, and with the candle it is so beautiful. Love the toile napkins, so pretty. A beautiful table setting. Just beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing. Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  3. LOL! That groundhog is just too cute! Nope, I doubt anyone will have "groundhog under glass!!"

    Beautiful tablescape!

    Love the red polka dot banner too!


  4. Kathleen, I am laughing - I am still laughing, and I can't stop! That groundhog under the cloche is just hysterical. (Doesn't take much to make me laugh) You are sooo funny! Your candle wreath is so pretty, and of course, I love those toile napkins! I keep reading that Live Writer is so much better, but I haven't felt like I had time to sit down and figure it out. Maybe I should. Apparently, your computer didn't get a flu shot this year! All of those viruses have found a good home. You need to capture them and put them under a cloche! laurie

  5. Oh Kathleen, love your...."Groundhog under glass"!! LOL

    Your table looks so pretty!

  6. Kathleen, love the groundhog under glass! I'd forgotten tomorrow is G.H. Day! Very pretty tablescape you've set with that gorgeous centerpiece! The napkins are wonderful too especially with those napkin rings.


  7. You are celebrating Groundhog Day in style! That furry little fella is darn cute, and has found a happy home under that cloche. Beautiful tablescape! Thanks for linking the cookies. Joe just came and asked me if he could take a few cookies to work :-)

  8. Kathleen, that is one hairy thing! He needs a pedi! At least it doesn't shed! Maybe you can send him to the North Fork for the beagles to play with?

    Table looks very pretty! I love the wreath!

  9. Your table looks lovely.. I especially like your napkins and of course Groundhog Under Glass brought a big grin to my face..
    Brighest Blessings

  10. Beautiful table, Kathleen!

    Love the Ground Hog. For some reason our eldest daughter called them Grass Eaters....ground hog/grass eater. What a kid! I heard Phil saw his shadow, this morning.

  11. What a hoot! That stuffed animal is hilarious under the cloche!
    I just watched as Phil saw his shadow, so 6 more weeks of yuck! I am soooo ready for Spring!

    ♥ ♥ ♥ that Dellarobbia wreath....*drool*
    You must have your black belt in shopping, Lady. You find the bestest bargains!
    Your little cloche/butter covers are darling, too.
    Very pretty tablesetting!

  12. O, so glad to have you back! I missed your cuteness!!
    That ground hog is a hoot. "Ground Hog under Glass"!!
    Love your pretty table....the wreath for 75% off? A steal!
    Happy belated birthday to grandson..I like whipped cream and sprinkles, too!
    Did the groundhog see his shadow this morning?
    xo bj

  13. Lovely as always...that little groundhog is adorable all scrunched up under glass! Love the napkins, they have roosters...need I say more? Happy Groundhog Day to you!

  14. Love the groundhog! I gotta say I didn't see the cloche episode coming....
    Too funny. Those napkins are great. So will we have an early Spring??? Ask Mr. Groundhog would ya...

  15. Hi Kathleen, just always. Your groundhog is too cute.

    I had problems with Live Writer also. Had to redo my entire post!!!!

    Barb ♥

  16. Well, now my kids want a groundhog! Lovely as always and a delightful giggle for the day!
    xoxo Pattie

  17. Love the groundhog under definetly need to make that an entry in Marty's next party. LOL.

  18. The Muse invites you to visit her new posts at~ (prose) (just for fun) (design) (word games)

    I have a horrible cold...and your Cuisine under glass...had me laughing so hard I think I collapsed a lung!

  19. Kathleen, you make me laugh out loud! That's the funniest photo of a groundhog I've ever seen.

    Seriously though, love the toile napkins and everything in your lovely tablescape.

    Thanks for the comment about Live Writer. I've never heard of it but it looks promising. Anything that makes blogging easier I'm all for!

  20. That was so happy to see!!~ What a beautiful table setting!!~

  21. Hi Kathleen,
    Absolutely love your groundhog, especially under glass. Toooo funny. Does he have a name? All respectable groundhogs have a name. Love the tablescape and those napkins...I need them.
    Have a great day!

  22. I love your Groundhog Under Glass - definitely the only one I've seen! So cute! Hope all's well!

  23. That is the funniest looking groundhog I've ever seen, Kathleen! He certainly doesn't look happy under the cloche - LOL! You could call him Southampton Sam :)

    Your toile napkins and table are beautiful.

  24. Kathleen..when you brought him in from the cold,..and before you put him 'Under Glass'.. did you at least feed him some hot soup?
    He's Too funny!
    That wreath with the candle, is just beautiful, and what a great buy....lovely the toile napkins.
    Your table, as another 'Show Stopper'!!
    Love it all.

  25. I can't stop looking at your beautiful Valentine's tablescape. Your groundhog under glass is a hoot!

  26. Do you use the same recipe for groundhog under glass as for pheasant under glass?

  27. Kathleen, poor, poor groundhog ... He came out to look for his shadow and you stuff him under a cloche. In the second picture with his nose smashed against the cloche, he looks absolutely terrified.

    On a happier note, the della robia wreath is lovely and makes a wonderful centerpiece for your beautiful tablescape.

  28. Kathleen, I love your wreath and what a fantastic buy it was! When you get tired of the velvet placemats, just send them on over to me.

  29. Is that really a ground hog???? He's quite the critter.

    I love your new header and the one in your post is lovely. You have been busy!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  30. Your header is wonderful! I want to sit at that table! The groundhog made me laugh! I love the centerpiece, what is it about fruit on the table that makes it so welcoming?


  31. How cute is that groundhog?! I love the toile napkins and the napkin rings!

  32. Gorgeous Kathleen!
    I love the toile napkins, I think I may have to make some of those. I had a hedgehog under a cloche for one of her parties, he looked pretty cute! You find the best deals and your kitchen looks really awesome, more pics please? Hugs, Cindy

  33. Thank you, Kathleen, for the best laugh of the day! When visiting you, we should all remember to expect the unexpected! Your table is warm and inviting, but the memory of the groundhog under glass will live in my memory ... for a very long time! ;)


  34. Your grounchog is too funny! Where on earth did you find him?

  35. LOL!This was a good read.Very entertaining.


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