Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cloche Encounters~Foodie Friday Anniversary

Happy First Anniversary to ML at Designs by Gollum!  She cooked something special to celebrate!  Please go see her lovely blog and all the other entries….

table 3202

I saw this cute trivet at CTS , and made my own version of the cupcake for the celebration…

I am not good at cloches, I really must work on it, but I wanted to go to Marty’s party at A Stroll thru Life, so I tried…

table 3226I thought it was a little better than this..

table 3224

I know I said I would work on it the last time, but I keep forgetting to practice! But the cupcake was good..:)

I roasted a small chicken to make this Bow Tie Pasta,  Chicken, and Snow Pea Salad..

table 3175Remove all the meat from the bones and cut up into bite size pieces.  Add chopped onions,chopped celery ,parsley, mustard powder, splash of OJ, salt, pepper, packet of Herb Ox broth, and whole Mayo to taste . Chill a few hours, then add the snow peas in last…keeps them crunchy.

Try it, you’ll like it!

Happy Blogaversary to my friend Barb at Foley’s Follies.  She is having a sweet give away..go visit! Hurry, the drawing is soon!

Thanks for coming..I’ll be posting the details of the 2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Blog Crawl in my next post…


  1. My mouth just waters every time that I visit you, Kathleen! I am off the goodies and am eating food w/no salt & no fat these days, since Mr. is on his diabetic diet. I seem to be getting skinnier, yea!!
    I am sick of all the snow we've gotten, what about you? Son Dan got bonked by an icicle tonight at work. His nose is cut and swollen. Thank goodness he didn't get hit in the eyes!
    Stay warm and I'll try to visit again soon. xo Sue

  2. Ah, Kathleen, I knew you'd be the first person ready for St.Patrick's Day! Wouldn't mind one of those cupcakes about now...

  3. Your cloches are great and what a cute cup cake! Lezlee

  4. You are way ahead of me...I don't even own a cloche but I so want one! Waiting for a good deal though. Love the cupcake and the nest/eggs you've displayed. Food looks delish as always!


  5. How you've elevated a simple cupcake to something so special. Lovely!
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Hi Kathleen,
    You certainly do get around. How do you find the time? The only reason I am able to visit all of these lovely sites tonight is I can't sleep ...horomones and all that....
    Love your cupcake, cloche and food. Yummy and now I will never sleep because I am hungry. Enjoy and thanks for sharing.

  7. Ah what a cute idea to make the cupcake to match. I can't wait to see your pub crawl since I am part Irish and you know I am full of Blarney most of the time:)

  8. Kathleen...super job on the cupcake...I love it under cloche!! Your chicken and pasta also looks right up my alley ;)


  9. I think your cupcake is even cuter than the cute one on the trivet! That chicken salad looks incredible! I am going to try it soon. Never thought to use snow peas, which we love, like that!!!!

  10. I think your cupcake is even cuter than the cute one on the trivet! That chicken salad looks incredible! I am going to try it soon. Never thought to use snow peas, which we love, like that!!!!

  11. The cupcake in the cloche is wonderful. I am just getting started with "cloching" - another project that keeps me away from the vacuum!

    Pasta looks great, too.


  12. Good morning Kathleen. First of all....YUM! That cupcake is my all time favorite and would not stay under my cloche long! Big smile. Love how it matches that trivet! Very cute idea.
    That recipe looks yummy too. I love chicken salad! Thanks.

  13. I must tell you, dear heart...after viewing all the cloches (oh and there's some real beauties out there), my favorites ALWAYS have a pretty food beneath the glass....I give your adorable cupcake the blue ribbon!! :O)

    And, just yesterday, I bought a whole chicken at the market..I will give your recipe a try sometime this weekend. Thanks so much for the recipe...

    Hope your day is blessed...
    love, bj

  14. How fun to recreate the cupcake from the trivet. I always love seeing desserts under makes them seem more decadent or something!

    The chicken salad sounds wonderful our favorite pasta salad is chicken, bow ties, sugar snaps and feta. I have never heard of the Herb Ox and will have to check the local stores to see if it is even available around here.

  15. Now that cupcake is just so yummy looking. I probably would have eaten it before I could take a pic. So cute under the cloche. Your birdnest on the silver tray with the cloche is so classic. I just love this look. Thank you so much for joining the party. This is so much fun. Hugs, Marty

  16. Your cupcake is so pretty and looks beautiful under the cloche. Kathy.

  17. I always wondered if Kathleen was still in business and now I know. Her book was published at the time my SIL worked at St. Martin's. Her recipes are simple things that my family made for years. She was smart enough then to cash in on a cookbook before it was all the rage to do. I figured she makes her money on the tourist trade. Wow think of all the money I have saved all these years baking myself but the flip side is think of all the money I have spent at Weight Watchers taking off the same 10 pounds each year that I put on from baking myself:) I am off to buy caraway seeds to start baking my bread for St. Pat's month and for your crawl. I prefer to actually do the pub crawl with a spout of Guiness in a mug:)

  18. Yum Yum! Can I have another one please.

  19. Yum Yum! Can I have another one please.

  20. Oh Kathleen, what you do to our diets!!! Gorgeous!

    Barb ♥

  21. Hey girl, if ya have any of those luscious cupcakes left would ya throw one to this Ozarks farm chick? I thought I smelled chocolate over here! Everything looks so good I'm startin' to drool!
    I'm so glad I popped in.

    From the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed weekend!!!

  22. Your lovely cupcake is perfect in your cloche, Kathleen. I'm still laughing over you putting your groundhog in there. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your St. Paddy's day party.

  23. Kathleen, your cupcake is better looking than the one on the trivet, and I'm positive it tastes better.

    Love the new header; I cannot believe that St. Patrick's Day will be here in less than a month. Hopefully everyone's snow will be long gone by then.

  24. Love your cloche with the cupcake! The pasta and chicken looks delish...thanks for the instructions.

  25. I love the cupcake in the cloche! That pasta salad looks wonderful. We love salads like that...I'll be making this one.


  26. Great recreation down to the cherry on top! It looks grat under the it a "look but don't's MINE" message to Mike!!

    The chicken dish looks good..I've been having snow peas alot them with anything!

    Looking forward to the St. Patty's event!!

  27. It's a good think that we can't reach through the monitor & grab that cupcake...oh, yum!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  28. O, sweet always say just the right thing to make me feel good. You are talented like that!! :O)

    I have looked for a wire cloche..never have seen one in real life tho...They are more my decorating style, I think..altho I saw a glass one in Pottery Barn catalog that wasn't listed for sale that I'd love...a really large, big around one...
    I keep thinking they will be going out pretty soon and something else will come along.

  29. That looks like a big cupcake...I love cupcakes...even better than cake. Thanks for stopping in and saying hi...I hope you are having a great week!

  30. Hi Kathleen answer your question, No, I have not eaten eat haggis, because I am not Scottish and neither is my yes to occtopus and even tripe! I am an adventuresome eater, so if I visited Scotland i probably would give haggis a try! :-)

    I love your St. Pat's tablescape header, cupcake under cloche and the chicken salad looks de-lish!

    Looking forward to your blog crawl!

    ♥ Pat

  31. Hi There if your still speaking to me after my last comment about the tablecloth.....Oh sure you are!!
    Your cupcake is adorable and I love that you put it under glass...much better then the eggs...and a Blog Crawl...very clever...Can I participate or am I banned....I promise to love your napkins!

  32. Hi Kathleen...Thanks for stopping by today and entering the giveaway!
    Your cupcake in Cloche is yummy looking!
    I just picked up a cloche yesterday...a tiny one at Pottery Barn, Hopefully I can Play next time at Marty's .
    Took some time this evening to scroll through your blog...I love you foodie blogs, and your tablescapes are lovely.
    Hope your weekend is a memory maker,
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  33. Your cupcake is way nicer. I don't do well with cloches either. They must use glue or something to get everything to stay in place. Not a good plan with cupcakes.

  34. Yes, my cupcake tree was from The Dollar General, but I got it a couple of years ago. I have two, but you can take them apart and put them together, to make them different ways. They hold 24 each or 47 put together. I love them and they were only 10 dollars each! Thanks for stopping by. Lezlee

  35. Loved the giant cupcake the other day and I really like your cupcake today!

    Pretty cloche, and I love the silver stand! Where'd you get that one?

  36. You did good with your cloche. I like your St. Patrick's tablescape in your header.

  37. Kathleen, that cupcake is beautiful, and so worthy of a cloche. Of course, if it had been at my house, it would not have lasted long enough to go under a cloche. The pasta dish looks so great. Do you just cook all of the time? I'm telling ya, you are an artist in the kitchen. laurie

  38. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Just wonderful!! Lia

  39. Oh my goodness, that cupcake looks so delectable! And by putting it in a cloche, it gets to take center stage.

    Love your new header - your favorite month is just around the corner!

    - The Tablescaper

  40. I think I like your cloches better cause they have real food. Yum!...Chrtistine

  41. Kathleen, my daughter Mary would love you! JUST beautiful! Christine said it...REAL FOOD! :)

  42. I was just tickled GREEN to see your new header, Kathleen! I have been getting ready for the St. Pat's should see the guest room bed...its covered in green stuff! LOL

    I think your cloche attempts are lovely & your chicken dish sounds yummo. I will have to buy some of the Herb OX broth packets, as that's the only ingredient I don't have. Oh yea, and some snow peas, too. Back to the grocery store I go! Seems like I'm there every other day lately. :/

    I can't wait for your St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl to begin. :D

  43. The cupcake and chicken look like a marriage made in food heaven. I am SO looking forward to your pub crawl. I'm getting out the green today. XX00

  44. Kathleen, I have never put mustard powder in my chicken salad but I bet it is wonderful. Thanks for the great tip!

  45. Don't hate me but I like both cloches with cupcake and nest and egg! You know me with nest and eggs:))
    I have a recipe I want to send you. George made it and it's easy and oh soooooo good!

  46. Hello again! I came back to see if I could find info on your St. Patrick's party. When is it? Probably the 17th, huh? I'll try to join in, we'll be out-of-town that week, but I'll take more pics and hopefully find some time to post them. We're visiting family and I'll have our laptop with us.

    I like your cupcake cloche! The recipe sounds really good, I love bowtie pasta, and I love chicken salad!


  47. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a great blog. Love your big cupcake. I have thought about buying one of those pans. Love & blessings from NC!


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