Thursday, November 5, 2009

Black Forest Cake~My Way

After trying to make Julia’s ruffle cake the other day, I used some of the chocolate cake batter to make my version of Black Forest. Julia has to lighten up..way too many instructions!

You can use any chocolate cake recipe, or even Duncan Hines.

I sub some brewed coffee for the water but you don’t have’s a free country! :)

This is the pan I is OLD.. A freebee from Duncan Hines when you bought their Tiara Mix…

Some say it is similar to a MaryAnn pan..whatever..

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Bake the cake..

Put a thin layer of chocolate icing, then Cherry Pie Filling..

Pipe with fresh whipped cream..


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I think it was Cathy at Wives with Knives who made Pea Soup with yellow peas…I had always used green.  I had a ham bone and ham left so I tried the yellow..She posted her recipe…I just do some of this , some of that!

I think it is prettier…a milder taste…so dh says..I don’t eat pea soup..:)


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I forgot to show my cute turkey name holders I got at CTS..

$2.29 for 4..

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Please stop over at Gollums for more Foodie Friday entries..

Have a great weekend!    And thanks for stopping in..


  1. I've never used the yellow peas. I'm making a note to myself to pick some up at the store. I love getting all these new recipe ideas. I was getting a bit bored with my same old things. The cake looks delish!


  2. I'd say the cake was too pretty to eat but it's chocolate and there you have it!!! The first bite is gone! Cathy

  3. I have to stop reading your blog before breakfast - now I want chocolate cake!

  4. Yellow peas? Hum, I need to keep an eye out for them just to see them but I don't make or eat pea soup either. Not sure why? Now the cake I could definitely have seconds. I do remember they had those tart pans free way back when but I have no idea where mine is. I probably tossed it out during one of our 11 moves and possibly it is still on LI in another persons kitchen:)

  5. I love the 'it's a free country' line...I guess that's why we get to take liberties with recipes. I always make the recipe according to directions first time out, then any thing can happen! Your way looks delicious on both recipes. Have a good weekend... Nancy

  6. After living in Minnesota for 10 years, I learned tht using yellow peas is a very Swedish way of making pea soup. Very yummy too.

    I have that pan, and you're right, it's old, lol. Your Black Forest cake looks wonderful. I substitute the cold coffee for water in cake a lot. Good addition :)


  7. I remember having one of those pans!! Does that mean I'm vintage???
    Pretty cake... your piping looks so nice and neat!
    Cute turkey holders..but no fish for Thanksgiving here....

  8. "Eat Fish!"

    You gave me the first chuckle of the day!

    If it weren't for DH and Thumper, turkeys would, once again, breath a sigh of relief, as I never cared for the taste of the bird.

    And Kathleen, that Black Forest Cake looks downright wicked.

    My dear mom, the non-baker, received one of those pans long ago, and quickly passed it down to me. Now I wish I knew where I put it.

  9. Looks delish! I haven't used my tiara pan in awhile...guess it is time to pull it out. Yellow pea soup is something I grew up with, very French Canadian, which my parents were. In fact when I was in Vermont a few months ago for my nephews wedding I found a couple cans of Habitant soup so I snatched them'd NEVER find them in Kansas, most likely only in New England! Those turkey name card holders are cute!

  10. I always make my pea soup with half green and half yellow peas - does it make a difference? Who knows but I love pea soup! Your cake looks wonderful and without a dozen steps either - LOL.

  11. Oh that cake is just toooooooo yummy. I think I really need some. Hugs, Marty

  12. That pan looks very sweet and the cake gorgeous. We love yellow peas in our house. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Your way is the EASY!!! way and the BEST!!! way to make a GREAT!!! dessert. I like your turkey place card holders. So cute for Thanksgiving.

  14. The cake looks luscious !!
    The pea soup...I don't do pea soup but it is about the ONLY soup I don't care for. Mr. Sweet like this, tho, so I may make him a little bit...nawh...I'll go get him some Campbells and he will be happy...bless his heart.
    Your table header is wonderful!!

  15. One of my favorite cakes. Yum. I'll have your share of the pea soup please. Green or yellow, no matter. I will gobble up them both.

  16. That cake looks delicious, pretty and I want to make one now. Sounds easy peasy just like I like 'em.

  17. Yellow AND Pea? Hmmmm :P

    It looks great!

    and tell me about it! All the instructions for a Julia recipe, good thing she had a great personality, she's fun, I'd rather watch her, her recipes are wqay too involved for me, they had less commercials back then, she'd need at least an hour show to do her recipes these days! but your cake looks delicious and the pan is cool!

  18. Barb, you AND Kathleen vintage :) I am not!

  19. We love pea soup and I have never made it with yellow peas...I have to try it because it does look like it would have a lighter milder taste....Have you made anything yet with the pumpkin puddng?.....

  20. I love Black Forest Tort...simply love it. And your version is gorgeous!

    And you are right most French recipes have way too many directions and they cook the heck out of vegetables too. Double cooking vegetables..geesh why bother.

  21. Oh Kathleen, I sure do like YOUR way! That cake looks beautiful, and I bet it tastes as good as it looks. Those turkey place card holders are just so cute! laurie

  22. That is a delicous looking cake, Kathleen but I am IN LOVE with those turkey placecard holders!! They are perfect for Thanksgiving and have wonderful detail. Your sense of humour is terrific..."Eat Fish"! LOL!


  23. Love the yellow peas, I'll be sure to try that soon. But the cake - yummy! I have one of those pans too - I never throw anything away, I just know I'll use it again some day :-)

  24. K

    This looks excellent! Love the turkey place holders! Tara

  25. Your way is perfect, Kathleen. I love the chocolate, cherries and whipped cream combo.

    You've got me hooked on Home Goods. I drove all the way back there again yesterday. Didn't want too...just had to do it.

    And thanks for the link to my blog. I'm happy you liked the soup. I think I'll make it again today because a storm is passing through and one needs soup.

  26. I most certainly prefer the cake YOUR way! Those turkey place card holders are so cute.

  27. You cake looks absolutely awesome and I really like your blog header photo...what a great setting!

  28. Hi Kathleen! Oh your cake is just so beautiful! Hope you have some left over I like just one tiny slice, please! :) That little turkey placecard holder is so cute.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. An Irish song, ye say? Tell me..would ye hair be red, do ye dance little jigs and would have your name been Kathleen O'Malley ?

  30. Cute turkeys, Kathleen ... Your cake looks fantastic; your piped whipped cream toppings always look delicious AND tasty. ... No pea soup for me either ...but the yellow is interesting.

  31. Kathleen I have the same pan! It's pretty versitile isn't it? I use it to make a giant strawberry shortcake that we then slice.

    I love pea soup! You should try it.

    Love the turkey place card holder! If only that store was in Brooklyn!

  32. Beautiful cake! I haven't made yellow pea soup...something to explore...but I do like green!

  33. I think the yellow peas are prettier too..although I've only used the green. I'll have to try. Cute little turkeys. Love the Eat Fish sign lol.


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