Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Witches' Flyby Part 3~ And a Tablescape or 2

Blog Labor 319

Part I  and II are here and here


Halloween is drawing nearer

These witches just can’t wait

To spray a can of shaving cream,

On Martha, Bill and Kate!!


They huddle close to stir their brew

And mix up a double whammy..

They hide the dishes from Christine…

And steal spray paint from Kammy!


Fiberdoodle, Rhoda and Jewel,

Don’t escape this naughty caper..

They awake to find their cars

Wrapped up in toilet paper!


Spider Soup for Florida Sue,

Toadstool stew for Chandy

Jewel, Martha, Pat and Leigh

Get warty LIVER candy..


Their tummy’s badly need some food..

They tie on their witchy bibs..

Have a Perfect Bite at Mary’s

And at Gollum’s have Prime Ribs.


Still more mischief up their sleeves

They burp and screech with glee,

Throw smoke bombs at Karen

Brenda  and Ellen B!


They think they are hilarious

Fly off and  hoot and giggle

Tammy and Ceekay get hit next,

With slimy worms that wiggle!


Their manners are atrocious

Miss Janice would just faint,

Michelle, Cathy and Mary Rose,

Get covered with green paint!


Water balloons are dropping

On Bill and Dining Delight

Butter Yum, Jen and Katherine

Got very wet tonight..


A quick flyby at HOLIDAYS,

To see Luvs, Jay and Jane,

Karen whacks  them with a broom

Betty hits them with a cane!


This crazy jaunt’s now over

They stop and have a beer,

And craft a list of Bloggers,

They plan to trick next year!





A little candy corn table in yellow and orange for the kids..The goodie bag?  Candy corn of course. The eyes and nose on the plate are candy corn…see??
Little yellow ramekins are from Target

Click for a larger pic..

table 1216

Aren’t these floating candy corn candles cute??

table 1217

When the witches finished their trip, they had dinner here.. :)


table 1203



table 1225

Black tablecloth , white cut out cloth on top, black round mats they have little beads for sparkle. (West Elm, PB)

Black and white chargers..Pier One

Black plates

Lidded white pumpkins from CTS for soup

Witch cauldron, filled with white mums and little witch hats and a black bow.

Used the same witch hats for napkin rings

4 Larger witch hats around raised centerpiece

Witch hat candles in little white scallop shells, WSonoma outlet

Black bat scatters..Villeroy and Boch

Black goblets, Pier One

I made the polka dot napkins.


table 1223


table 1226


table 1224

table 1224


Please drop by Susan’s beautiful blog, Between Naps on the Porch for more tablescapes.  Thank you for hosting, Susan!

I hope to join Designs by Gollum for Foodie  Friday and Suzy at Kitchen Bouquets for Flashback Friday ..this week. I bet there will lots of Halloween goodies!

Thanks for coming..I love your visits!


  1. Your poem is just the cutest thing I have ever read. Just too cute. I love the childrens table and the adults table. Both are just fabulous. I especially love those wonderful pumpkin individual tureens, I have hunted everywhere for some. Such a lovely job, it is all so pretty. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh my goodness. I had to scrounge to get one measly barscape for Halloween and look at the amazing tables you have for us. Love it!. Go ahead little witches and throw that smoke bomb. I'm ready for you!!
    Great job Kathleen. You made me smile. I love those little candy corn floating candles!

  3. Kathleen, if you weren't already the Queen of Tablescapes, this is just over the top with the poem. I love the childrens table and the adults table! Witches hats off to you Kathleen for a spooktacular tablesetting. Happy Halloween!

  4. Wow, you wrote that poem about us bloggers. I think that is great! I love that black and white tablescape and the candy corn candles. The little witch dolls are too cute. I am redoing a doll over to be a witch. I'll post that make over.

  5. Just adorable Kathleen...and such a fun poem!
    Love that black & white table... very elegant for witches!
    Leave it to you to find Candy Corn Candles!!

  6. Good Golly !
    I was wondering who stole my spray paint , LOL ! Too cute, too funny - I have got to read it again - you are so whitty !!! No wonder you have been warning me about the witches...I haven't been able to go out of the home for days....
    I am still have the giggles....
    O.K. down to business....
    Cute and festive tables , as always ! Love that you did two different - totally different settings .....
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  7. I just love your tablescapes! They are absolutely fabulous. And the witches are adorable. :)

  8. Clever, clever girl! Love all the poetry and love all those tables!! The black/white table is gorgeous- classic and yet whimsical, and the candy corn decor is so cute and fun!

    heck with "take me home"- take me to your house!
    hugs, Sue

  9. There is some serious Halloween goodness going on here! I especially love the black and white.

  10. I love this Kathleen! The black and white is wonderful!

  11. Both tables are great! I especially like the black and white table.

  12. Well I have to admit your comment isn't the first time I was asked if I am related to a witch. Or was it a B....? Yes I am as naughty as your girls are.
    You did such a great job on this poem. A really special tribute to your blog friends.
    Take a bow.
    Applause, applause.

  13. The poems make me smile and both tablescapes are wonderful. That black and white one wants to live at my house!


  14. Stunning, simply stunning, do the best black and white!

  15. These are both really cool tablescapes! I love the candy corn candles!
    You have lots of interesting items to work with & you did a great job!

    ♥ Rettabug

  16. What a fabulous and clever poem and terrifically wonderful table!

    Christ @ A Southern Life

  17. What cute little tables you've prepared! I love the orange and yellow candy corn themed one, but the black and white one is so pretty too. I just can't choose which is my favorite. You've done such an excellent job. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  18. I love those white pumpkins and my favorite candy is candy corn, so of course my fav is the floating candles, they are the cutest, where did you find them...

  19. Loook out world! Kathleen is feeling better and this week we get not one, but TWO tablescapes!

    They are both amazing. The only problem is, I think I would want to eat the candy corn candles. And I love all of the little witches hats - so fun!

    Have a Happy Halloween!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. Kathleen, it is so much fun to come over here and read your clever poetry and see your great tablescapes. I love the black and white scape with all of the witch's hats. That is pretty and cute all at the same time. Those individual soup tureens are so wonderful! You just have so much talent. laurie

  21. and white, my fave! I love it. And, yes, those candy corn candles are too cute!

  22. I love the black. I have a cutout tablecloth. I bet I try that next halloween. The other is lovely but I just love that black!

  23. You are so talented with the poems :) The candy corn dishes and table setting are really cute and I bet the kiddies enjoyed using them but I am really in love with the black & white themed setting. So elegant looking but still whimsical with the witch hats and bats. Great job on this one!

  24. What cute poems you have come up with to make Halloween so special! I love the candy corn theme of the children's table and your grown up table is so elegant!!!! I am drooling over the little white pumpkin tureens!!!! :D Jewel

  25. I have so enjoyed your Halloween poetry "installments"! You are a poet and master tablescaper! I love the witch hats!!! All festive and gorgeous!

  26. Your poem is so cute, Kathleen! Thanks for making me an extra. I love, love your tablescapes. My goodness, how did you ever find time to create more than one and both so pretty and detailed? I love your accessories, especially the little black witches hat. Very nice! Happy Halloween!...Christine

  27. Kathleen, I love your Halloween poem! So cute! I just knew you would have some great Halloween tablescapes for us this week.

  28. What cute tables! I love the white pumpkin soup tureens! Thanks for sharing.

  29. What a wonderful table...Love it all...Your poem is so cute... and I love the black and white with all of the witch's hats.

  30. What a precious that poem. So cute. You have talent, dear one.
    Precious table, too. I love every single bit of it. You do have a lot of halloween decor. Wow!!

    I am almost bald from pulling my hair out over computer problems. My desktop is so sick...probably won't get well this time. My laptop is working right now...I am trying to visit a few favorites before it stops...Oh, woe is me...but, you always tell me, there will be a brighter day...will there?????
    hugs, bj

  31. Oh fun! I enjoyed my fly by visit from thouse naughty witches! Thanks for the visit!

  32. Luv your tablescapes and the witches are so cute!! Stop by when you can. Hugs, Connie

  33. Really great tables. Especially like the black and white with a little punch of orange. Great job!

  34. Cte, cute kids table with all the candy corn - I bet the gkids love it!
    The b/w is very striking..but then all your tablescapes are! The white pumpkin tureens with lids are such a perfect touch.
    Super post...

  35. Kathleen, YOU are a multi-talented woman! Not only do you create fabulous 'scapes and delicious food, you also write poetry! And such a personal rhyme about us bloggers and our friends on Holidays...that is really special...a wonderful Halloween "treat".

    P.S. I got your email about changing the Header and hope to give it a try one of these days. Thanks!


  36. Hi Kathleen your Tablescape is so pretty! I love the black and white together. You have it set up so darling. Hugs to you and have a great Wed!

  37. Your tablescapes are always so beautiful and you find the best accessories.

    Happy Halloween Kathleen!

  38. Cute tables! Love those polka dot napkins & that big see through witch hat! The cauldron centerpiece is nice too!

  39. Love both tables and the poem was fabulous.

  40. What a wonderful series of posts, Kathleen. I love them all. Your black and white table is a knockout, especially your littlel white covered pumpkin soup bowls. You are so very talented.

  41. Love your black and white Halloween table. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  42. Kathleen, your witches do get around ... Love your trilogy, very fun.

    How cute is all that candy corn! ... I love anything candy corn. I have those same candles and also have some several hand-blown glass candy corns that are really cute. (I need to get them out.) Candy corn is so festive and just says Halloween to me.

    The black and white is fun yet elegant, IMO. The cutouts in the tablecloth really add to the entire theme.

  43. Another beautiful and creative table setting, Kathleen! I love the little witches hats, the decorated light fixture and, most of all, those cute white pumpkins.

  44. You are very creative and I love the poem, almost as much as your tablescape - it's wonderful.

  45. Kathleen, you are definitely Miss Creative...poems and tablesettings. Always pretty tablescapes!

  46. That poem is just too precious for words! You should get some of those published. The cadence is perfect: how many poets can actually achieve that? And so, so creative. As is your lovely table. I don't know which to gush about where. LOVED the polka dot napkins you made. The table is just Halloween decadent and fun! Beyond fun!

  47. Oh my but it all looks spooky and cute and the poem is so clever. Can you believe that I am at the hair salon with color on my head sitting in the window typing this along with two other gals who have foil on their heads. We are all wearing the black capes so we look like 3 witches. Very upscale witches hair salon I am visiting today. Care to join me? Just get on your electric broom and zoom on down to Hotlanta. Happy Halloween to you and yours and hope you get lets of treats! Gotta go as they are calling me for having the hair waxed off my wart on my nose right now:)

  48. Oh I just love the poem and will be sure to put snapping turtles by my car (ha).

    You are so creative! I just love your table as well - pretty, pretty!!

  49. what I love the best is the little cuties hanging from the light!!

    nannykim at spindle cottage

  50. Hi again Kathleen

    I enjoyed looking at all your yummy pictures on your sidebar! You should make them link back to the post they were in so we can grab the recipe ;-) You are such a good chef!

    "Schmear" is good! :-) Yes, pumpkin bread is a favorite and now my family can go to my blog and get the recipe instead of my copying it out for them every

    Are you all better now? I hope so! XX00 Pat

  51. So clever Kathleen, down to the last detail ~ including your poetry!

    I spy our pumpkin mini-tureens! They look so darn cute in the black/white color theme. Brava! Nice job!!

  52. Kathleen, fun post! Table looks great!

    Can't wait to see what you do to Tom Turkey :)

  53. I so love the white pumpkins! And the candy corn candles are too cute!

  54. Your poems about all the bloggers has been just too cute....I couldn't rhyme one sentence if I had a gun put to my head....I loved the Candy Corn table....but I could eat candy corn all day long....and the B&W cute are those polka dot napkins...unexpected for a Halloween table and such fun....

  55. Kathleen''What a super table setting! I really like how you kept it mostly black and white--what an impact! And thanks for the run down on where you got it all...makes me feel like, Heck,I can do that, too! :0) Tara

  56. the eyeballs are priceless! lol.... also like the black and white theme. spookay.

  57. Thanks for the call out in the poem....LOL! So cute!

    Love the black and white tablescape, especially the polka dot napkins but you know me and polka dots.!

  58. Hi Kathleen,

    What fun! It seems your creative energy and talents are boundless! Loved the poem! Who is that Bill guy mentioned in it? He's a lucky fellow to be hanging out with all those witchy blog ladies!

    Your black and white table is a real stunner! Brava!!!

    Happy Halloween!

  59. Wonderful poem and your table was just tooo cute. Looking at it made me smile. So many wonderful little details.
    You are one clever tablescaper.

  60. These are fabulous! I love b&w and that TT is wonderful! The candy corn TT is adorable!

    Thanks for adding my name to the darling poem! Hit by a water balloon I was wondering who did that! LOL!

    I always enjoy your TTs!! You are so creative!


  61. Love that black and white tablescape. Your little poem is so cute and clever....thank you for adding me! Have a wonderful Halloween and weekend.

  62. So clever you are! Love the whole post, but especially love the beautiful black and white tablesetting. One of my all time favorites of yours.

  63. Fun, fun, fun table and the poem is oh so clever! I had such a great visit! Thanks for sharing your creative spirit. ~ Sarah

  64. Hi Kathleen,
    You are the best...that was the cutest poem and your table is to die for. I love the black and white and all your special little details. I always enjoy your tables and todays (I am late, I know) is no exception. I feel so special to be included in your poem.
    Funny witch story. I think those witches flying around your house must be mine. Mine went missing this year (so sad for me)... so they must have flown over to your house...I just hope they show back up at my house next year. At
    least I know they had a great time.
    Enjoy your day, and your food looks amazing.
    :) Maryrose


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