Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday…One Potato , Two potato…..

My friend, Susan, at Savoring Time in the Kitchen, has done several posts  entitled Ode to a Tuber….

Susan is a wonderful photographer and excellent cook.   You can check out some wonderful tuber recipes there, among other things.  Her latest post is on Caramel Apples…they look delicious…

Now what the heck does this have to do with Outdoor Wednesday???  Well, potatoes grow OUTDOORS!

I join Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for her weekly event….I hope Susan is ok, she has been very quiet lately!

So when I bought 50 lbs of potatoes the other day at the Farm, I thought I would include in some of my posts to answer  the question everyone asks,


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Now mine won’t be fancy recipes like Susan’s, cause I am just

A Common ‘Tater… ba da boom  :)


I don’t know how long it will take, but I’ll let you know when they are gone!!


These are fresh, I saw them bring them in from the farm, infants if you will,…and local..

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Tuesday’s post showed Ghost Pie, using these taters to form the ghosts..


Number 1           Blog Labor 204


I also used them to make Pea Soup with Ham.


I always put potatoes in my Pea Soup..do you??


       Number  2   Blog Labor 082




Number 3       …Blog Labor 166


Parmesan Potatoes…

Slice thin, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and bake..sprinkle shredded Parmesan on the last 10 min or so…



Number 4

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Mashed with gravy…When I was growing up, I think we had Mashed Potatoes every night!   I could peel by the time I was 6…My sister couldn’t eat them for years due to this cruel and unusual treatment.  Hey, we’re Irish, a meal wasn’t a meal without the  mashed potatoes back then!

Number 5         table 345


It speaks for itself….:) An indiv along with 2 minis…

Got to have potatoes in a pot pie..

I don’t know why the song “50 Ways to Leave a Lover” is on my mind…surely I won’t find 50 ways to use potatoes, but tune in again for a few more…

Thanks for visiting, sorry I don’t have any changing leaves to show you…I do have some pretty mums blooming along side the impatiens…


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And some Montauk Daisies….


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Still very green here, and I’ll take it !!


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I am testing out the Live Writer, so bear with me,please!


  1. "One potato, two potato, three potato, four"....remember this from childhood? And do you remember when our Vice President Quale went to the spelling bee and was asked to spell POTATO ?and he put an E on the end.... haaahhhaaa...
    I love em' any way they are fixed. We went out to eat at lunch today and hubby had a stuffed baked potato with chili, cheese, the kitchen sink.....was so great.

    I need to know more about Merc. Monday....I am sure I need to link up with you on it.....

  2. You say PO-TAY-TO and I say PO-TAHT-O...

    How do you describe an angry potato?
    Boiling Mad.

    That's a lot of potato's. By the time you get to the bottom of the bag, it'll be time for latkes, so send some over :)

  3. Kathleen, good to see some of the ways you're using those potatoes! I never met a potato I didn't like! Nice, you still have pretty flowers.

  4. HI Kathleen! Yummy! I love potatoes! I think I like them any way they're fixed! Now hurry up and use them all cuz if you wait too long they'll begin to grow those little eyes! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Potatoes are a comfort food at our house. The kids always ask for them. I don't think families eat mashed potatoes like we did. Have a great weekend, it will be here soon, and if you get time, check out my giveaway!

  6. Love those Montauk Daisies!
    Ummm...potatoes. I made a seafood chowder tonight, and of course it contained some potatoes!
    I used to travel to the East End every October when we lived in NYC and buy a huge bag of taters, and one of the winter onions, which keep really well.
    Hmmm... time for a trip.

  7. Thanks for the good ideas on how to prepare potatoes. Love your pretty flowers!...Christine

  8. I love this post about potatos!! One of my favorite things!

  9. Last week it was 'Martha Stewart'
    This week.. 'Henny Youngman' Ta da !! You are too funny Kathleen.

    Loving all the potato ideas. I enjoy them any way, and never tire of them.


  10. I love all the dishes you made out of those potatoes! Your garden blooms are so beautiful!

    Ebie's Outdoor Wednesday.

  11. Yum...now I am really hungry. Your suggestions sound anad look fabulously delicious...can't wait to try them out. Will buy potatoes tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.

  12. what a lovely porch that wraps around the house. I love that so much! thanks for sharing the photos and food! looks so yummy!

  13. Though it won't take 5 lbs of potatoes, I'm thinking in this kind of weather a good pot of New England Clam Chowder sounds good! What about you? Cathy :)

  14. One of our favorite "family" dinner dishes was stuffed baked potatoes - right after we dug them up. Haven't had them in years, yummy memories.

  15. Fifty pounds - now that's a lot of spuds. I don't think I've met a potato I haven't liked and I'm looking forward to reading about your potato creativity. Adding them to split pea soup is a must.

  16. Love your potato post! Looks like you are making a dent in the bag.


  17. Love the ghost pie! Beautiful flowers. Love your wraparound porch.

    Thank you for sharing all the ideas and pictures with us!

    ~ Tracy

  18. And what about your potato soup?

    You're inspiring me to get cook'in!

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Fun post, Kathleen, I'm looking forward to seeing more uses of your potatoes. Everything is still so green and beautiful where you live.

  20. "Fifty ways to leave your lover; and fifty ways to eat your taters," that's my motto and I'm sticking to it! I bet you could come up with more ways to eat potatoes than leave lovers. At least I think I could!

  21. Big smile here! I made chicken soup with potato dumplings last night :)

    I think we need a potato peeling contest to see who's fastest - LOL.

    I love the ghost potatoes!

  22. That's a lot of potatoes and this is one lovely post. Try to keep the potatoes in a cool, dry and dark area. They'll last for a longer period of time. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  23. Hi Kathleen,
    It sure is green there still, I keep thinking you would be turning colors by now. LOL. I mean the trees not you! You sure are a great cook too! I love seeing all your recipes and I am going to try some of them too! I have had enough apple crisp for now~ have a nice day too. Cindy

  24. Hi Kathleen!

    We bought a 50# bag of potatoes last month when we were visiting Minnesota. I had visions of lots of potato soup. So far, we've made about everything but potato soup, lol. I need to get on that soon :)

    Enjoy your taters!


  25. Hi Kathleen!

    I'm Irish too, so potatoes are part of my life and always will be, only now I know how to make Italian recipes with them..lol

    Yes --I always use potatoes in my soups as a thickener...yum!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday my Long Island friend!

  26. I love potatoes, too, but I'm not Irish. I always put potatoes in my pea soup, I have never made the Parmesan potatoes, but I shall. Have you ever made South African Potatoe Bake? It is so scrumptous!!! I am going to make it after I buy the Whipping Cream for it. It is not a low calorie recipe! Hugs, Cindy S.

  27. My fav is the ghost pie!!! I will have to try that..
    'All the photos looked scrumptious..I remember potatoes at all our meals also growing up also!
    Love the look of your blog..

  28. I'm a starch person myself. Give me a potato at every meal and I'm happy as a lark. Your recipes look yummy. I will have to try them out sometime soon.
    Joyce M

  29. 50 lb sacks of potatoes around here are still in old fashioned gunny sacks but your's looks like it came from Five Guys :) Loved all your potato dishes...I could never give up carbs...I love a good potato.

  30. Great post.... and I am Irish too and I LOVE potatoes. I think we had them almost every day growing up. The Parmesan Potatoes sound good..I'll be making those!

  31. What a deliciously delightful post, Kathleen! I think it is really wonderful, how your soup looks in that fluted edge bowl. COOL!!

    I'm Irish too & when we visited Ireland several years ago, my husband ordered potato soup. They brought him a side of potatoes! Everything came with a side of potatoes over there!
    Thanks for jogging that fun memory. :D

    ♥ Rettabug


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