Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday~Fall Potatoes~ Windy Weather


I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer , please visit the other entries.

Thanks for hosting, Susan!



Blog Labor 234

Six weeks ago..same spot…So windy I had a hard time keeping the camera steady!

table 2813


Blog Labor 238

Montauk Daisies overflowing the embankment… Peconic Bay, Southampton, NY


Blog Labor 236

Blog Labor 254

This rose still thinks it’s summer!


Potatoes continued..



Blog Labor 246

Cut and ready to go in the oven…tossed with olive oil , salt and pepper..


Blog Labor 253




Blog Labor 249

Acorns, oak and maple leaves…and…

Blog Labor 255


I used potatoes from this bag…

Blog Labor 172


you need nice big ones to get good size slices…

I used cookie cutters…


7.In New England Clam Chowder…

  table 1864

8.  Potato Leek Soup with Bacon


  table 1867

9.Oven Fries

. table 278

10. Tattooed.cut in half, toss in oil and S&P.  Place face down on parsley, etc and roast..


table 484

Now I have to go back to last week’s 5 to make sure I didn’t repeat any…

Only 40 more to go..will I make it??


Thanks for visiting..see you Thurs for the Black Hydrangea table..



  1. Potatoes??? Oh my. I have never had a potato I didn't like. Delicious and fun ideas.

  2. Oh yum, this made me hungry. I don't think I would care if there were whitecaps on the water...I just want to live near the water!


  3. Oh Kathleen, my favorite things...

    Beautiful country and POTATOES!

    Thank you for sharing a bit of your world, and some wonderful ways to serve potatoes. I especially love the cut-out version. So clever! xo

  4. That water looks cold! Love your cookie cutter taters, but mashed is still my favorite. Ahhhh, two of my favorite soups, especially the NE chowder...none of that red Manhattan chowder for this NE born and bred! Talk to you soon. :)

  5. Hi Kathleen, It all looks so yummy...

  6. You are making me hungry! They look delicious!

    Ebie's Outdoor Wednesday.

  7. Lots of great pictures ~ love the cut out potato idea. Lots of work but so fun! Nice to visit your Outdoor Wednesday!

  8. Those potatoes look so yummy..a real comfort food, not to mention those delicious soups!

    Oh it must be so hard to give up Summer near the beach...
    brrr - I don't do cold!!

  9. That water was CHOPPY!!!!! WOW!

    And those potatos cut like fall are adorable. I bet they tasted amazing. What a cute idea. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yummy potatoes look delicious. Kids are having fun at the beach and a beautiful bloom! Perfect! Have a wonderful evening.

  11. Yum...Potato Leek with Bacon? I am ready for a bowl of soup! Thank you!

  12. Hi Kathleen,
    This is just so cool! I love your beach pics, the water when it was windy is just an awesome site! Oh, and those daisies and a rose? I can't believe you still have roses in bloom! I need to visit Nantucket! Hubby wants to go out East next summer. Maybe I'll have to talk him into a little trip up your way~ The potatoes are so neat too, what patience you have to cut all those with a cookie cutter! Thanks for sharing this awesome post, Cindy

  13. ACK! White chowder! What kind of a New Yorker are you! :-)

    I like both versions, but at the beach house for us, it was always Manhattan style. My Mom thought the NE version was a heart attack in a bowl.

    Gorgeous photos!!! Great potatoes, too ... love the cutout ones. I would never have thought of doing that. So cute!

    40 potato versions, eh? Wow ... my Dad would love you; he always says potatoes are his favorite veggie. I think we can all agree with that.
    Best wishes... Cass

  14. I love where you live. I would be driving to the beaches everyday!!

    I don't have little kids, but I am going to make the cookie cutter potatoes for me!!. Oooh, a dab of sour cream...heaven!!


  15. Love the beach pictures and I guess I am missing something with the potatoes, they look cute and delicious. I will have to come back and read about them.


  16. Mmmmmmmm I love potatoes !! I can't believe yours have shapes - so clever ! Love the beach pictures - so different from where I am - so fun to cyber visit you :o)

  17. It all looks so good! Someone had a happy well fed family this week!

  18. oh! i am just salivating right now! wonderful potato ideas!

  19. Oh, Kathleen, those potatoes cut into leaf shapes are over the top. Cute! I would never have thought to do that. Love seeing more of your beach, even in the wind.

  20. The cut out potatoes are so cute. Even the most picky kid would eat those. I love NE clam chowder.

  21. Kathleen, the bay is gorgeous regardless of the weather, but I love the summer scenes.

    Your cut-out potatoes are so cute. What a fun thing to do. Were those for the grandkids or you and Mike?

    I should never have questioned how you would use up 50 lbs. of potatoes. I think you have unlimited ideas how to cook them all up.

  22. Great photos of the beach. All of those potatoes looks so good. Would love to have a bowl of the soup right now.

  23. You are so creative to think about using cookies cutters for Fall potatoes!

  24. I don't know what I like better...those great outdoor shots or those great looking potato dishes. Criminy! I love the autumn cut potatos!!

  25. What a difference six weeks makes! I'm so enjoying seeing how you use up that bag of potatoes, Kathleen ;)
    The cut outs are such a great idea!

  26. What wonderful comparison photos. It's as though the life had been sucked off the beach. Your picture of the rose is exquisite and I'm curious about your potatoes. Have a great day.

  27. Look at the dock, big difference finally! It really was cold today. Finally!

    The potatoes look really good! You come up with so many good ideas, Kathleen!

  28. I love the potato cutout! I beleive I shall try that. Wow! What a difference between the dock pictures!

    Thank you for sharing!

    ~ Tracy

  29. That rose is stunning! I love your potato chips. A great idea.

  30. Love those beach pictures and those potatoes! How cute to have them in shapes - Fallness potatoes! I've just eaten and now you've made me hungry again.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Great beach photos - big difference in six weeks..but where's Mattie Boy!
    Love the cut out potatoes..I knew you would find some genius ways of using them!

  32. Thanks for coming up with my "one new thing" for this year's Thanksgiving dinner. I usually use my leave cutters for pie crust but spuds are a vastly superior concept.

  33. Those potato cutouts are such a cute idea! Love them and seeing how you use the whole bag too. The scenes from the beach still look good to me...didn't see Matt walking did you?

  34. What an absolutely adorable idea!!!


  35. Love roasted potatoes. Cute idea to cut them w/ cookie cutters. The bits leftover would be good for hashbrowns around here.

  36. Potato cutouts...what a novel idea! I can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing your great recipes and ideas.

    Your water photos are lovely. Isn't it interesting how fast the water changes?
    Jane (Artfully Graced)


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