Thursday, October 8, 2009

Foodie Friday..let the bananas roll….

It’s Friday, time to join Gollum for Foodie Friday..

Check out her lovely blog and see all the other entries..Don’t  look if you are hungry…very dangerous!


I make banana bread all the soon as bananas get speckled with brown, I don’t like them.  I wait till they get all brown then peel them and put them in a plastic bag and stow them in the freezer.

When I have a slew of them, I bake..sometimes I add choc chips or nuts, or both..This one had chips…

So I tried baking it in a jelly roll pan…

The cake was a little too dense to roll well..I filled it with a cream  cheese /whipped cream filling.




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Then iced it with chocolate and piped on some more of the filling..


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It tasted wonderful, and the finished product looked good, it was just the roll, it was more oval!

I don’t know, maybe Banana Oval will catch on!  :)


This is Butternut Squash  and Apple Soup..…a swirl of creme fraiche and a few grates of nutmeg..perfect for a Fall lunch!

There are tons of Butternut Squash recipes out there, and they are all good, so just add some chopped apples to the recipe that sounds good to you! ..

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Thanks for visiting..

See you for Merchandise and Mosaic Monday…

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Kathleen, that banana oval looks good to me! I can imagine it was delicious. Yes, soup weather for sure.

  2. I don't care if it's a trapezoid, Kathleen... that looks WONDERFUL! And the soup sounds like a special treat as well. YUM!

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  3. I don't like bananas when they get a little brown either. This looks so good. I have never baked a cake of any kind in a jelly roll pan.

  4. Your photos should be framed as fall decor, they are beautiful. I can't wait to try this recipe, it looks delicious!

  5. The banana oval looks so good! I love choc chips in my banana bread but adding the icing is a choco-banana lovers dream. Speaking of choco-banana, my favorite way to eat a banana is to spread some nutella on top...mmmm :) I love the butternut squash with swirl as well.

  6. That banana bread looks delicious! I never knew you could freeze them until you have enough! The blog is great by the way! I will definitely be back!

  7. Kathleen, the banana bread looks good but you know me and bananas, raisins, ribs and a few other things! I would devour the squash/apple soup, looks so delish.

  8. I make banana bread often, but you take yours to another level. Mmm...chocolate and cream cheese, sounds great to me.


  9. I like 'Banana Oval' - LOL After all, aren't bananas kind of oval-shaped anyway? This sounds wonderful! Now I wish I had some ripe bananas...

  10. Our daughter is the family banana bread baker. I noticed, J has started a stockpile of bananas in the freezer. When I mentioned this at Gabi's party, it caused everyone to chuckle. The entire family saves ripened bananas and delivers them to T. We love her banana bread. Saving those bananas and T baking the bread is a family tradition!:-)

    This looks yummy, Kathleen!

  11. Now, of course, you know how sinful that cake is. Just the thought of bananas, chocolate and cream sends shivers down my spine. I guess I have to have soup before dessert. That being the case I'll go with yours, which looks wonderful. Have a great day.

  12. I'm thinking a banana oval will catch on just fine. That looks fabulous!! So does your soup. I just love a well placed grate of nutmeg :)


  13. Kathleen, the picture of your decadent banana oval bread is fantastic ... It looks decadent .. the chocolate icing and the whipped cream/cream cheese topping. Oh my!

  14. Your banana roll looks wonderful and so delicious. I make a chocolate roll that usually cracks and I just glue it back together with whipped cream. I never get any complaints. Chocolate frosting on banana cake sounds perfect.

  15. Banana Oval...LOLLOLLOL!

    You always make me laugh!

    Sounds wonderful with the chocolate and cream cheese!

  16. Your oval looks good, Kathleen! It looks great with filling and chocolate!

  17. Any shape would be great - the idea of the chocolate and whipped cream takes it over the top!
    Have a butternut squash on my counter just waiting to be made into a soup..never thought of the apple added..Thanks for the idea!!

  18. Mmmm...your banana oval sounds amazing! The soup sounds good too, I have never had anything like that before. Hugs, Cindy S.

  19. So we're to look out for Merchandise Monday... sounds like it's beginning to catch on:)
    - The Tablescaper

  20. Soup and a wonderful dessert. That just sounds too good. Makes me really hungry. Thanks for stopping by and your gracious comments on my TT post. I really appreciate it. Most people wanted to have a Christmas Cloche Party, so I thought we would have one shortly after Thanksgiving. I am just thrilled that you found a new one. I can hardly wait to see all of the wonderful creations. Hugs, Marty

  21. I need to put banana bread on my schedule for vacation week :-) Looking forward to MM!

  22. Reminder:
    My Writer's Challenge link is up. Why not add your story to the rest. Just tell us about something really nice someone has done for you.

  23. Kathleen, I had forgotten how you can make me drool. Both of those look delicious, and made me soooo hungry. (I just ate dinner!) Thanks a lot. I may have to eat a bowl of ice cream or something. laurie


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